Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2344: Force

In order to save the good friend Shuzhu Suzaku, the cost of Lulu Xiu is relatively large, although from the beginning Lulu Xiu knew that his sister Nana Li must be sent to Xiaoran. Come, but by this opportunity to send his sister to Xiaoran here, Lu Luxu also made his own request to Xiao Ran, and in such a time it is more like Lelouch to be his sister. Send it the same.

Although Lelouch also knows that this feeling is just an illusion, he will feel a little uncomfortable in his very affectionate sister. Of course, Xiao Ran will not regard Lelouch’s request for help in the rescue of Shuzhu Suzaku as a single. The exchange, and this is originally a cooperation between the two sides, one of the negligible parts of the transaction, in fact, there is not much room for big deal.

But in any case, Lelouch heard that Xiao Ran did not hesitate to choose to promise to help this matter, and at least he felt a little relieved about his inexplicable collaborators.

As for why Xiao Ran should agree to Lulu Xiu’s rescue of Shuzhu Suzaku, it is actually a very casual decision. After all, he and Lu Luxu are still in the stage of cooperation. Since both parties are partners, it is difficult to provide support. Very normal things, not to mention that even if there is no Xiaoran, Lelouch will try to save the Shumu Suzaku, so refusing to add Lulu Xiu’s dissatisfaction and bad feelings out of thin air, if not directly agree, down at least Later, the partner Lulu Xiu will be more cooperative.

Just next to the arrangement, Xiao Ran will need to use the place of the tree wood Suzaku, and just take advantage of this opportunity to get in touch with the pivotal woods, and try to apply some influence and control to the pivotal woods. There is no other way to successfully join the empire. It is a very appropriate and appropriate choice to replace the pivotal Suzaku as the Knight of Princess Yufi. It is also necessary to contact the Suzaku in advance, and this contact is also necessary. It will not be just a general contact, it will be a more interesting contact for the pivotal woods, and in addition to Xiaoran, it must be guarded against whether there will be other participants. To ensure the safety of Lelouch, it is not too much for Lelouch. Asking for help from Xiaoran, Xiao Ran has already made up his mind to appear at the rescue site to ensure the safety of Lelouch.

The reason why Xiao Ran will pay so much attention to Lu Lu Xiu, is really not to say how much Lu Lu Xiu’s ability is worthy of Xiaoran’s fancy, although Lulu Xiu’s IQ is indeed extraordinary, and it has a good ability in tactics and planning. But this does not mean that these skills of Lelouch must be indispensable, even if you join the legion, you may not be able to be outstanding.

The reason for actually looking at Lulu Xiu is that it is because his name is called Lelouch. It is the absolute protagonist under this world story story. It is an important part of being able to cooperate with him in this mission. Helper, in this world has a very special identity, and his purpose, these are the places that Xiao Ran really compares.

In addition, Xiao Ran has never had the habit of cleaning up others casually. If he is more willing to work in a cooperative and coordinated way, it is estimated that the risk factors such as Lulu Xiu will be thoroughly cleaned up. The reason why Xiaoran did not clean up in addition to the above-mentioned habits, another point Xiaoran himself felt that it was also important to control Lulu Xiu.

However, if Lulu Xiu is really about to get out of control, and he will choose to be an enemy of him, as long as he will become a threat, Xiao Ran will never be willing to deal with Lulu Xiu directly, even if he loses his current temporary ability. Wang Zhili is also the same. Of course, this step is not willing to do this if it is not necessary. Therefore, it is a good thing for both parties to be honest with each other and to achieve the true cooperation.

"Your plan."

Lulu Xiu glanced at Xiao Ran and said: "The front directly rescues the pivotal woods from the enemy's hands. As long as you can use the power of the geass to control some people, you can use their power to escape and complete this. Things that cannot be done, of course, this also requires the cooperation of some people, and the steps of the action and the route of withdrawal must be arranged in advance."

"Alright." Xiao Ran snorted and said: "Your geass ability is very suitable for doing such a thing, I will help you to ensure that you can save the pivotal woods and then escape safely, and I think you can borrow The rescue of the Shushu Suzaku will completely conquer the former resistance organization. After all, to truly achieve our plan, some companions with the same goals, or subordinates and strengths who can fully comply with their own orders do exist. Necessary."

Lulu Xiu Dun a moment, looked at Xiaoran slowly and slowly bowed his head, and after a flash of thought in his eyes, he said to Xiao Ran: "The former resistance organization I have had contact with them today, you let me send The person who went back happened to be the head of the organization. It was simply a matter of trying to use their power. Since you said this, I will pay attention to this."

Xiao Ran looked at Lelouch and nodded lightly: "Well, no matter whether it is the rebel army or any other force, if it can be completely conquered and become the power that both of us can use, it will change for what we have to do." It's very convenient, so you should pay attention not only to this rebellious organization."

"In addition, your identity is not suitable for appearance on the face, you need to pay more attention to the confidentiality of your identity, because once your identity leaks out, it will only bring more trouble."

"I know that in order to be able to overthrow the current tyranny of the empire, it is necessary to have his own power. When Nana Li becomes an imperial emperor, she needs to be able to protect her and empower her to rely on and believe." Lu Xiu’s attitude towards Xiao Ran is now much better, at least in the current exchange with Xiao Ran. As for this, why is it that Lulu Xiu is not too clear, but at least at this time, Lu Luxi only feels Xiao Ran A lot of pleasing eyes, I am willing to believe and listen to what Xiao Ran said.

This is naturally because Xiao Ran has been temporarily upgraded in this world, and has a special title lie leader who is comparable to the magical effect. The power of the geass is the power of the king. The power of the two is in contact with Lulu Xiu. All of the special influences on Lulu Xiu that will not let Lulu Xiu feel and feel at all times, let him trust more of what Xiao Ran said, but the true and false Lulu Xiu can stay awake. Naturally, as long as you don't find that Xiao Ran is malicious to him, it will naturally improve Xiao Ran's goodwill. When the good feeling is higher, he will become more and more convinced of Xiao Ran.

At that time, I will be willing and thorough and stand on a battleline. At least until now, although Xiao Ran really threatened Lulu Xiu, after all, it really did not really hurt him. Instead, it will force twice. He was handed over to him, and Lelouch would think that nature would have noticed that Xiao Ran had not really hurt him from the beginning, but he has been helping him all the time.

"If this is the case, then it is not just the resistance force outside the empire." Xiao Ran smiled and patted Lulu Xiu's shoulder, in this way to infect Lulu Xiula's distance between the two, but the eyes are flashing After a color that Lulu Xiu could not notice at all, he was also testing his ability to test and influence Lulu Xiu in a less conspicuous and awkward way. Seeing if you can really accept the service of Lelouch, it seems that at least Lerouch's attitude is better enough to illustrate the effect of title and ability.

When Xiao Ran patted the shoulders of Lulu Xiu, Lulu Xiu once again turned his head and looked at Xiao Ran. He heard Xiao Ran say: "In addition to the power outside the empire, those who are opposed to the empire are also Need another force that can balance these forces. I am ready to join the empire and dig out a group of people who have the same goals as us to change the status, rights or It is the ability of people to join us."

"At the time, the two sides oppose each other on the bright side, but in the dark, they are the same forces of the same root. Everyone is a comrade with the same goal, and even allows the outside forces to deliberately create some movements to make the position not high. The people who got the credit got a quick promotion. When it was almost the same time, we could control the entire 11th district inside and outside, completely affecting the entire Butalia empire. After all, even inside the empire, we need There are so many loyal and determined people who support Nana Li as the emperor of the empire and **** it."

Lulu Xiu’s eyes were a bit surprised, but he soon began to think about the feasibility of Xiao Ran’s saying. The more he thought, the more he felt that he was reliable, and he felt that he should do so. He could penetrate into the empire and reach them. This incident also has a lot of help, including the rescue of the pivotal woods, it seems that you can also use it a little.

Lelouch said: "But, if you want to join the empire, it is not easy. What do you do?"

Xiao Ran did not conceal his thoughts on Lelouch: "There are two new governors who will soon arrive in the 11th district. This time the governors are a very strong woman, and a very gentle woman, my The goal is on these two women, I will try to be the exclusive knight of one of the two. As for how to gain their trust and at the beginning to use their rights to achieve what they want to do, I naturally have my own Ways and abilities."

When Lu Luxi heard Xiao Ran’s words, he also murmured two names: “Cornelia... Euphelia... Can it be done, exclusive knight?”

"As long as I can show enough power." Xiao Ran touched his chin and looked at the distance and thought, "This should not be too difficult. I feel like it is quite easy."

"I know, the goal in front of me is to save the pivotal Suzaku and conquer the rebellious organization." Lulu Xiu's mouth curled up and said: "The next step is to send you into the empire to become the knight of the two."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran suddenly blinked and said, "Now that our alliance is really established, you are going to the outside world and try to gather as much power as you can, but in the future we must also have external A proper name can be considered to belong to a common camp, so we must also establish an organization that will make Nanaly the ultimate emperor of the Putali Empire in order to achieve our goal, the Black Knights, although there is nothing special. The meaning, but it is no problem to give some other meaning to the name."

"The meaning of that kind of thing is not necessary at all times." Lu Lu Xiu turned to face Xiao Ran, tilted his left hand and raised his left eye, from the channel: "The name of this black knight from today Beginning to resound in this world, welcome us to be a member of the Black Knights."

Xiao Ran smiled at Lulu Xiu: "You are also welcome to join."

"Hey, No. 678, you have chosen to join the Black Knights of the camp. Are you sure?"


"No. 678, your chosen camp is: Black Knights, co-founder, you have joined the camp, the main line mission is open, this mission is a special mission, the mission mode is modified, you can return to Pro after completing the three phases of the mission Misus, this mission is a multi-military melee mission, you do not need to complete any personal goals."

"Task Phase One: Join the forces and strengthen the forces. You have become a co-founder of the forces. Expanding and strengthening the forces is your top priority now. As far as the second phase begins, you will increase the strength, scale and prestige of the legion. The completion of the second phase of the task will affect the final evaluation."

The sound that sounded directly in my mind made Xiao Ran’s heart relax a little. After designing and guiding for so long, the problem of the power is now finally achieved simply, and it officially opened its own task, and finally let Xiao Ran no longer like nothing. The head flies have a more specific goal to do things, and the staged task of the Black Knights is actually quite willing.

And because it is a special task relationship, even the person who is alone in the mission world will also act according to the mission mode of the special mission. There is no routine personal mission and squad mission, which also means that Xiao Ran will be here. There are more freedoms in the subtasks, and things like the growth of the forces are just the basic operations after joining the forces.

For the black knights who only have two people, there are many ways to grow, but Xiao Ran also thinks of the tasks of other legions from such tasks. Will they be the same task, and if they join, the bigger the The forces, then it is even more difficult to grow the power. Even if it is not good, it is very likely that there will be a direct conflict between the legions in the first stage. This makes Xiao Ran feel a bit interesting.

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Chapter 2343-2344 Forces, Tasks (Page 1/1)

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