Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2368: reduction

Euphelia sent an invitation to become an exclusive knight to Xiao Ran, and Xiao Ran finally chose to agree. This thing seems to have been arranged. Xiaoran became a Yuphia knight. Basically, there is not much. Suspense.

However, it seems that the invitation of two people to a promise is a simple decision, but in fact, from the beginning to the final confirmation of the results, there are still many things and troubles to be solved in the middle, although Euphelia has the right to specify His own guardian knight, but the same as the third emperor of the world's most powerful country, it is not a trivial matter for the Butalia royal family to have a guardian knight.

Of course, most of these troubles will not eventually fall on the shoulders of Euphelia, but Xiao Ran wants to truly become the guardian of the Euphelia, but also needs to go through a process, such as various checks, check Xiaoran Physical condition, whether it has any problems, check the background of Xiaoran to ensure that it will not pose a threat to Yuferia and Butalia, but also to assess all aspects of Xiaoran's ability to determine whether Xiaoran really has the ability to become a guardian knight, etc. .

And often for the Butalia royal family, the guardian knight has a special meaning for each royal family member. There may be only a simple subordinate relationship between the same sex, but if the main and the slave are respectively the opposite sex, most of them will also appear in the upper and lower levels. Special feelings outside, and this is considered a hidden rule in the royal family.

For example, if the emperor chooses a woman to become a guardian knight, the woman can almost certainly become a member of the prince's harem, and on the other hand, Xiao Ran becomes the knight of Euphelia, and Yuferia will contact in the future. The most males must also be Xiaoran undoubtedly, so to some extent, in some people's eyes, you can also default on Xiaoran's future identity. After all, the fairy tale of the princess and the knight also exist in this world.

Of course, it does not rule out the existence of the relationship between the opposite **** and the superior and the subordinate. However, at least it is said that Xiao Ran has at least the qualification to become a Euphelia pillow, and the identity of the royal family is only this. Of course, it is necessary to conduct a rigorous investigation and review of each exclusive knight.

On the same day, after Xiao Ran sent Euphelia back as a reserve knight, it was not because of the invitation of Euphelia that he could live in the embassy where Euphelia lived. After all, now Xiaoran It can only be regarded as a civilian. Even the Butariya army has not joined before. Before the official canonization, there is basically no possibility of being able to get along with Euphelia alone.

The temporary residence that is currently inhabited, but directly in a hotel near the embassy, ​​did not even go back to the house that had just been rented for less than a day, everything seems to be as calm as nothing.

Xiaoran can be sure that Euphelia, who returned to the embassy, ​​must have informed the royal family or Butalia about the exclusive knight, and maybe one day, maybe a few days, there will be a lot of people who are right to him. Conducting an investigation, around him and Euphelia, there will definitely be many people who can’t sleep at night.

Xiao Ran also wants to get it. Even if someone investigates the most, he can only investigate his current identity. The identity of Lulu Xiu Xiao, not to say that this identity is very perfect, people can't find a little flaw, but this identity is ten. In the same district, it is also a big amnesty. It governs the identity of the governor of the local military affairs and personally gave Xiao Ran the relationship. The relationship on the bright side is still the son of the governor who has been affected by Xiao Ran.

Not only that, the guy who was given the identity of the governor by Xiao Ran used his own rights to put a layer of protection on Xiao Ran’s superficial identity, and packaged Xiao Ran into an intelligence officer. Most of the information was arranged. Top secret or delete, not to mention that Xiao Ran began to improve his information after he entered the hotel, so even if someone investigates the information of Lulu Xiu Xiao, it will stop because of this level of confidentiality, at most, personally. If you find the instructor to ask for it, the process is not so important.

In the end, I will still believe in Xiaoran’s identity. The secret intelligence of the empire is still a son of a high-ranking aristocrat. If such an identity cannot be trusted, then I really don’t know who I can trust.

Just when Xiao Ran stayed in the hotel, he drove Lanslot before Xiaoran and chopped off several kf abandoned stadiums. At this time, it was brightly lit, and there was a car after Euphelia and Xiaoran left. The trucks carried a lot of equipment, and the lights were surrounded by the stadium.

The special department led by Lloyd is so scattered around Lancelot, whether to inspect Lancelot, or to conduct the most careful investigation and research on the bodies and ground traces that fall on the ground. The kf pilots who were smashed by Xiao Ran also led a group of subordinates to sit here.

Even Jeremiah, who was besieged at that time, was also among them, and his own female pilot named Viretta was also surveying the scene of the battle, and the other people were completely out of the evening when you died. Look, seriously and other people to restore the situation at the time.

After a few hours of busy work, Lloyd and Jeremy and others also gathered all the information, and traced the traces of the scene, the data on the Lancelot backstage truck, and finally made a simple Analysis video.

In the video, Lancelot rushed from the distance to the stadium at a very fast speed. All the ruins on the way not only did not slow down Lancelot's speed, but also used some springboards. The place allowed Lancelot to speed up again, and with three consecutive jumps, Lancelot crossed the auditorium of the stadium, pulled the knife from the sky and landed back, and two high-vibration swords were drawn. The good-looking and coherent arc is just two turns and then the sword.

After Loyd watched the video drawn by the computer, his eyes followed him a little. The Jeremy, who also occupied a lot of weight in the Lulu Xiu plot, also looked awkward. It seems that I can't believe the picture I saw in my eyes that I didn't know how much I slowed down.

Other people who saw this scene also had similar expressions to Jeremy, but one person shook his head in an incredible opening and said, "How could it be so simple, just a few actions? All of our bodies are destroyed. I admit that the person was very strong just now, but how can we cut off the limbs of all of us? It is possible that two swords can be turned two turns. The body is definitely because of the relationship between the bodies. Lloyd's, isn't the Lancelot equipped with special weapons?"

"The most powerful weapon on that body is only the two high-vibration sabers. Although it is impossible to do such things theoretically, this is my information feedback from Lancelot. The results of the on-site investigation have been restored, and the facts are exactly the same. It took only a minute or two for the other party to destroy the body of all of you. Is this the fact that you are unacceptable to you?"

Lloyd glanced at the person who saw the speech, but his heart was full of disdain. In the eyes of Lloyd, although these guys have pure blood, the identity of the nobles is more or less powerful, but these strengths are fundamental. It’s not worth mentioning. Otherwise, how could Lancelot, which he developed, not look for these people as test pilots, only know that his blood is arrogant, but his ability is simply a mess, and he’s really looking for it besides fighting. There is nothing to praise.

Lloyd went to the computer and sat down. He tapped the keyboard and brought up a picture. It was just a few scrapped kf that surrounded Lancelot and said: "This is the final result, your body is destroyed. After the parts are scattered."

"We import the data just now, build a new model, and then backtrack back."

As Lloyd's voice fell, the picture on the screen began to change again. Based on a picture of Lancelot, many kf heads, footsteps, and arms were scattered. The imaginary way of the dots and lines begins to move slowly, and finally recombines several kfs like a time-lapse, one squatting, several surrounding, and after the appearance of this picture, several bright curves Lines with one or two lightning bolts also appear on the screen.

"The picture that appears now is pieced together with all the data. The key is Lancelot's operational data. In this process, although you are driving different positions, different angles and different actions, Lancelot After landing, only a total of three attacks were carried out. The last time was the backhand slashing when the knife was closed. Even though I couldn’t understand how to do it at this moment, the body with different angles of action was all cut into adult sticks. But in the face of the facts, I have no way to deny this, so I have drawn the most likely attack line."

"At the time of the first attack, all of your body's legs and heads were actually destroyed. The second attack was except for the body of Jeremia, the arm of everyone was disconnected. The third time was also closed. When the knife was cut, Jeremy’s body arm was cut."

Jeremiah stared at the picture on the screen and murmured: "Monster..."

"Yes, I agree with you." Lloyd looked at Jeremia with a rare look. He squinted and said: "The man is even more terrible than the monster. Although Lancelot has the ability to To fully crush the absolute performance of the current kf, but even such a body can not match the action of the monster, the performance of the body is squeezed to the limit of the limit, you can hear Lancelot's embarrassment The distortion is the picture you just saw, so the short time has already allowed the Lancelot to need a refurbishment from start to finish."

"In addition to the outer armor, all the places inside the body have been forced to squeeze out the damage, and if you keep the intensity to fight, in a matter of minutes, only a few minutes, Lancelot will become a The pile of scrap iron, like the surrounding ones, can't squeeze out all the performances of the kf that are considered garbage in my eyes. Compared to the monster, hehe..."

Jeremia took a deep breath: "Even if our people are ten times more than a hundred times, that person can completely defeat us before Lancelot collapses, because we are in his eyes. It is simply the existence of a harvest that can be arbitrarily harvested like weeds. There is no difference in his ability to destroy a few bodies and smash a dozen machines.

After that, Jeremiah decisively turned and walked away. Veretta, who had been standing behind Jeremia, watched Jeremiah leave, and quickly yelled: "Jeremia, where are you going! ?"

Jeremiah kept on foot and said: "I am going to find that person. I have to personally ask him how he did the battle before. Now I just don’t know what I want to restore. I want to Let him teach me the driving of kf, the humiliation that zero brought me before, I want to go back all."

When he heard Jeremiah’s words, Lloyd’s eyes flashed and he quickly stood up from the chair: “Sehir, I’m handing it over to you, I’m going to bring everything back and forth and follow the present. The location is re-placed, these things are very valuable, don't make a mistake, Jeremy, I am going with you, I also have a lot of questions to communicate with that guy."

Lloyd hurried to catch up with Jeremia. Veretta looked at the pilots with complex faces around him. He shook his head and quickly chased him up: "Wait for me."

Xiao Ran does not know that Lloyd and others are now re-establishing the previous battle process in the stadium, but even if they know it, they will not care. They can rely on Lancelot and the traces of the scene to restore the moment. The process can be done. The picture that everyone can see is just an external performance. Even if 10,000 people have come to see it, there is no possibility that one person will copy the action of Xiaoran. The difference between the level of the pilot and the special ability will be You can learn and make up without looking at it.

Lloyd, Jeremiah is a proper action faction. After finding the location of Xiao Ran, he rushed to the hotel all the way. No matter what time it is, Xiaoran has already rested, standing in Xiaoran. The door outside the room was decisively ringing the door -

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