Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2492: Resentful C.C

The soft comfort of Liu Muye gave Nanaly nodded, and her heart relaxed a little. When she pushed Nana Li’s wheelchair to the restaurant, Xiao Ran whispered behind her: “Do not worry, just one The princess of the royal family of Butalia does not have much longer than others, and Euphelia is also a very kind person who will not have any opinions or ideas for you."

"I know Mr. Xiao Ran." Nana Li whispered her head low, but did not know how to explain her identity to Xiao Ran, but also worried that her identity would be seen.

Xiao Ran said calmly: "I don't want to say anything. You are just an ordinary person here. Your identity is just my sister. Nothing else is important. Lu Luxi has already handed you over to me. How can you tell me about your true identity?

"Don't worry, if your identity doesn't want to be exposed, we won't be the same. We will stay with you here. How did we live before? How can we live now? Ann's heart stays here, no matter what happens, we will protect it. Ok, you can take it for a long time, and if you want to leave at that time, then I will send you back to Lelouch."

Nana Li couldn't see her eyes, but her ears didn't have any problems. When she heard Xiao Ran's words, she first showed a panic expression, but soon she had a look of expectation on her face. She said with a grin, "I know, thank you. Mr. Xiao Ran."

"You're welcome." Xiao Ran smiled and reached out and touched Nana Li's head. He whispered: "Just when you have never had anything to do with the Butalia royal family, the identity is your true identity."


Pushing Nana Li’s wheelchair and walking into the restaurant, Xiao Ran saw Yuferia, who was already sitting in front of the table with his hands on his chin, and the table was full of richness. Meal, but after seeing Xiaoran, I was full of energy and stood up from the chair. I also let the chair sitting underneath rubbed the ground and made some piercing sounds.

But soon, Euphelia saw Xiaoran’s wheelchair and the girl in the wheelchair. She also saw two girls standing on the left and right sides of the wheelchair, and saw the beautiful appearance of the three girls in the wheelchair. The face that was originally happy was suddenly stagnation, and it was slightly biased.

Xiao Ran took the initiative to push the wheelchair and walked over, but stayed in the same place. After walking about a meter away from Euphelia, Xiao Ran stopped and yelled at Euphelia. : "His Royal Highness."

The embarrassed Euphelia, who looked at the three girls, returned from the whisper of Xiao Ran. Inexplicably, she felt that her mood seemed strangely changed, and after seeing the girl in the wheelchair, Yufelia There is a strange feeling in my heart, and the inner strangeness makes Euphelia somewhat unclear because this feeling is due to the girl in the wheelchair, or because of other reasons.

Yufelia replied to God and said, "Oh, Mr. Knight, are these three ladies your family? Can you tell me about it?"

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded and began to introduce Yufelia to the three people he brought: "Nanaly Lampeluji, my friend's sister, for the sake of some special reasons, I am temporarily taken care of. It is also a person like my sister."

Lampeluji is the surname used by Lelouch now. Naturally, Nana Li’s surname has also become this because of this reason. This is also a disguise of her identity.

"Nana Li...Luluchu..." Euphelia squinted again, looked at Xiaoran and looked at Nana Li, one called Lulu Xiu, one called Nana Li, which made Yu Feili The general sense of Asia is very strange. There is a sense of sight from the past. Two children, one male and one female, suddenly appear in front of themselves.

"His Highness?" Euphelia didn't know when she was lowering her head again. After hearing this voice, she looked up again and looked at Xiaoran, but the mask covered Xiaoran's appearance and let Yufelia I felt a false illusion. I shook my head and shook my head and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, Mr. Knight, I just lost my mind, hello, Nana Li, then you will live here with peace of mind, I will Let people take good care of you when Mr. Knight is away."

"Yeah." Nana Li held her hands together. The whole person was slightly nervous and caught her body. She lowered her head and snorted like a kitten: "Well, thank you... Xie... Your Highness."

"You're welcome." Euphelia smiled at Nana Li. She had already seen that this girl in a wheelchair was not only inconvenient, but her eyes were just as problematic, but Euphelia did not. Therefore, any disgusting emotions appeared, but Nana Li was full of inexplicable pity.

After recruiting them, they also introduced to Euphelia after they came over: "This is a sap, and it is also a knight that I wanted to introduce to my Highness. Although it is only a young woman, but the ability is absolutely Having the qualification to be the strongest knight, whether as a knight or as a bureaucrat, is quite outstanding in terms of ability. If his Highness does not object, then he will then serve as the officer of the High Court and the captain of the Guard."

Regarding the affairs officer and the captain of the Guards, Xiao Ran had already told the Suzuki Nozomi before returning to the Governor's Office. The latter would naturally have no objection to Xiaoran's arrangement. When Xiao Ran introduced himself to Yuferia. After that, Yukio Nozomi also nodded slightly toward Euphelia, and said slightly, "His Royal Highness."

"Of course, Mr. Knight introduced me to me. I certainly didn't have any opinions." Euphelia quickly shook her head and reached out and helped Liu Miye to raise her face. She smiled slightly at the flow of wood, "Mr. Liu Muye, my safety and things will be in the future." please."

"Yes." Liu Muye, a gentle and gentle look, smiled and nodded to Euphelia: "Your Highness will call me in the future, thank you for your trust, and I will do my best to do my job."

Directly said: "This is my maid 茜茜 (here read xi), although it is a maid, but basically nothing can be done, the biggest role is to accompany."

When I heard Xiao Ran’s introduction, I couldn’t help but pull the two corners. I forced myself to smile and made a servant gift to Yuferia.

For a person who was introduced as a maid, the attitude was not so cold or disdainful. After saying a few words, there will be other waiters who have done it. Although the heart is very upset, it is still reluctant to express in the heart. Accepted, anyway, do not have to do anything that does not fit her mind?

Then, Xiao Ran, hey, Nana Li was left in the restaurant by Euphelia, and started the first meal today. Xiao Ran is the exclusive knight. As long as Euphelia doesn't mind, she is naturally qualified to sit at the table. For the same reason, the family that is Xiaoran is naturally able to stay. As for Nana Li, although she has no identity, it is enough that only Xiaoran’s sister is enough.

Now, she is forced to apply a name to her, but because she is only a maid, she can only take it to other places to enjoy her breakfast, and stay, but now it is not suitable. Some unwritten rules should still be followed.

After breakfast, the time has passed for half an hour. Compared to Xiaoran, they are eating and drinking in half an hour. The breakfast they can enjoy is only a standard configuration of the servant. After eating it, I was taken to the restaurant side, and then I looked at the sorrowful gaze and stared at Xiaoran, who was not in a hurry. I only thought that God was so unfair, I even let myself meet one, no, it’s two. An unreasonable bastard, and she actually had to stand and watch the two of them enjoy a delicious food that is higher than their own and do not know how many grades.

There is no time to manage the flow of wood, and after the meal is finished, the rafter will be taken down to change clothes. Although it is the Governor’s Office, it is not difficult to find a female uniform that can be used by the cricket. The size is right, the other is fine. Anyway, maybe there will be a new custom-made new clothes to be sent to you in the evening.

,, if it is convenient to eat delicious things, she will carefully put it in her handkerchief.

When I put on the clothes, the red short skirt and the black stockings were put on a white half-waist jacket, which would make the streamer wilderness even more magnificent, and let the work begin. feel.

When I was ready, I was ready to go out of the house. After seeing Yufelia and I entered a special car, Xiaoran turned to look around and see him off. The new governor of the Governor’s Office said in a fluttering manner: "The two girls are my family, so I don't want to see them both being wronged. I can't do anything. You should know what to do."

The housekeeper’s breathing stagnated, and the tall and full body followed, and then nodded silently: “They will be best taken care of in the Governor’s Office.”

Although Xiao Ran’s warning is soft, but the meaning contained in it is the opposite, know that the butler knows what happened at night, from the appearance of Xiao Ran and the beginning of the people, until the obedience of those officials She also fully understands the post, and knows that Xiao Ran will not take into account the identity of the governor's housekeeper. If she really makes Xiao Ran unhappy, she will certainly suffer forever.

Although Xiao Ran is the exclusive knight of Euphelia, he did not take the most luxurious car in the team with Euphelia, and he protected Uphelia personally, regardless of the danger and situation. I believe that I can solve it, and I boarded the first officer of the first car at the beginning of the team. I waved my hand and let the team start to head to the TV station in the 11th district.

On the way to the TV station, he showed extraordinary ability to deal with things in front of Euphelia. Even though he didn’t know about the current situation in the 11th district, after knowing the day of Euphelia’s day First, I quickly compiled a speech for Euphelia on the road. As for whether there will be other people who have prepared the speech of Euphelia, this is not the case. Not prepared.

And with Xiao Ran mixed for so long, Liu Muye has been serving as Secretary of Xiao Ran. It is also a simple matter to compile a speech. After writing the manuscript, Iwaki has also started to talk to Euphelia. What you must pay attention to when you bring back your speech, from the tone of speech to the expression, to how to stop somewhere on the speech, it is clear to Euphelia, but as for how much Euphelia can remember, That can only be resigned.

On this day, the real work is actually to let the entire 11th district start to know Euphelia, from the TV station's speech, to the noon meeting, and then to the afternoon garrison tour, which covers all classes and circles of the military and political people. It is for the purpose of determining and publishing, so that everyone knows and recognizes the unshakable governorship of Euphelia in the 11th district.

The reports submitted by various departments at the meeting quickly became two copies, one in the hands of Euphelia, which was taken care of by Liu Muye, and all the custodial books were also carried out first. Review and then organize, clear out important things and submit comments to Yuferia to decide.

The second one is in the hands of Xiao Ran. These reports and documents are the most important things that Xiao Ran needs to touch at the moment. It is also the best way for Xiao Ran to fully understand the 11th district. Xiao Ran will also follow his own. The idea is to approve and check all these reports, and the most direct instructions and arrangements for the various departments of the 11th district can be achieved without Yuferia's ability.

It can be said that there are two people in the vicinity of Euphelia, and they can serve as a kind of earthly emperor who can do things in the eleventh district without having to deal with government affairs. .

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