Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2430: What the hell?

The ability to give everyone the geass, this is to prepare to thoroughly give Lloyd to the boat from the water, the Serhir in the three is only attached, and the hinged woods here naturally have nothing to say, in a certain In the circle, there has been a circumstance that His Royal Highness Yufelia has promoted the development of the eleventh district, and represented Eleven as a disciple, and that he was suspected of killing Clovis.

It’s also a bit funny. The two disciples of Xiao Ran are just two key figures in the incident of Clovis. One is to seize the suspect and force the crime to be planted to the Jeremiah of the tree, and the other It was the pivotal Suzaku that was used as a suspect. In short, until now, after Jeremy and Shumu Suzaku were rescued from the zero, the two men never met again, and they also hang up the brothers and The label of the younger brother.

One of the geass-capable ability is the Shumu Suzaku, who took the initiative to hold the hand of the Suzuki Suzaku and wanted to see what kind of stuff Xiaoran said.

At the moment of the hand, suddenly his face began to look red, but suddenly the whole person’s expression became sluggish and fell into a spiritual world. In the eyes of Lloyd and Sehir, it’s even more incredible. The girl in her eyes flashed green light unscientificly, and a long green hair with anti-gravity floated up.

Unbelievable looking at the picture that really appeared in front of him, Lloyd and Seychel used the same movement and looked at Xiaoran next to him with a look of confusion and shock.

"Hey." Xiao Ran put his hand in front of his lips and blew it a little. The puzzles of Lloyd and Sehir suddenly succumbed, and the faces of the two men were somewhat unnaturally red. Under what kind of state is the Shumu Suzaku, the thoughts do not know where to drift.

In less than a minute, the green light disappeared, and it was a strange look. Turning his eyes and turning to look at Xiao Ran, this expression also made Xiao Ran look awkward and asked: "What ability is he getting?"

I glanced at the pivotal Suzaku, still in a daze, and it was obvious that the eyes of the Suzaku saw the same bird rune as Lelouch: "very strange ability, at least for so many years I never thought of it. This kind of geass ability will appear."

Xiao Ran frowned slightly: "What is it, and what contract you signed with him."

"The contract is a powerful force that assists the Black Knights to achieve the transformation of the world, the desire to protect and change the heart." The chest rises and falls twice, saying: "Your ability is to let others unconsciously loyal to long-term contact." In the power of your king, the ability of zero is the power of the king to force others to execute the current command. I also know the ability to read and understand, but all the same place is that your abilities are all acting on others...but ......"

"But this guy's ability is to act on himself." A strange face said: "His ability is to make himself strong by guarding and changing his mood. Simply put, he is hypnotized to gain more powerful power and reaction speed. , to enter the most suitable state of combat to enhance their own strength, can not be used by anyone other than myself."

The words also reveal a weird expression, which means that the ability of the tree Suzaku is applied to oneself, just like putting a buff on himself to make himself stronger, more suitable for fighting, and then use this power. To guard the person to be guarded, to change the things to be changed, is a geass ability that is completely solely for your own use. Should it be said that it is the ability of the second fool to develop?

Of course, it is not that this ability is not good, just like Xiaoran’s own skills explosion, it is the ability to greatly enhance the strength, but the vast majority of the geass ability is used by others. In terms of games, it is Top attack skills, but now it’s such a wonderful thing? Even all the experience values ​​are used to upgrade the level and then there is no skill empty hand flat a?

"I know." Xiao Ran glanced at the pivotal Suzaku, who was gradually returning to the gods. He said: "In fact, this is also good, at least to enhance personal reaction speed, strength, flexibility, and also have great advantages in the body driving. The ability is very suitable for him."

“zero has the ability to force others to execute commands. Your ability is to let others loyal to you in your long-term contact with you?” Lloyd pushed the glasses and suddenly said: “There is still such a special power in the world. When the zero rescued the Suzaku, the abnormal behavior of Jeremia was for this reason? But why didn't I feel that I had treated you as my Lord?"

Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "Because I have not used that ability for you, and even if you use it, you can't detect it under subtle changes, because it is not changing your mind, but burying it in your heart. The next seed that is loyal to me, taking my ability as a nutrient naturally takes root in your heart, and will not bring any changes to you, and naturally it is impossible to find it."

"The collective name of these abilities is called geass. In the empire, there are many people who are geass abilities. The first knight mais, the eyes of the seal can predict the future for a short time, and your emperor has the ability to change. The memory of others' pasts can also change the degree of others and control others in this way."

"Of course, there are other geass capable people, similar to reading, affecting others' perception of time, etc., basically the geass ability that he uses."

"Interesting." Lloyd nodded with a smile, pointing his finger at himself: "It’s my turn now, I’m curious what kind of ability I will get, my inner pursuit? I am pursuing to create more A powerful body that masters more advanced technology."

I just gave the ability to pivot the woods and geass, and at this time I took Lloyd's hand and did the same thing again.

When Lloyd wakes up, the pivotal Suzaku grabs his hair and walks to the side. He keeps watching his fists open and then clenched his fists. It seems to be feeling the new power he has acquired.

This time, what Lloyd got the ability, Lloyd himself took the initiative to open his mouth: "Following the innermost things and pursuits, following the inner strength and the special strength geass, interesting, It’s really interesting.”

Xiao Ran didn't speak, just looking at Lloyd's excited self-talk: "I am pursuing the development of technology. The essence is also the acquisition of knowledge. I want to learn more things, master those things faster, and then Using the new technologies, so the ultimate ability is to accelerate learning, no, not real acceleration, but a two-way accelerated exchange from the spiritual level."

“The geass ability I have gained allows my thinking to operate at speeds that are several times faster than normal, so that I can quickly master and learn the technology, and in turn, let others enter similar situations while teaching others through what I have mastered. The state, let one second of the time stretched from the spiritual level to several times, but in this case, although the mind can keep up, the body can not keep up with the thinking action."

Xiao Ran's eyebrows pick and pick, Lloyd's ability is somewhat strange, and there is such a person in Xiao Ran's memory that can temporarily shield others from the world's perception, then Lloyd's ability is completely complete with that person. The opposite ability strengthens sensitivity to time and extends every second at the spiritual level.

This ability is really useful for fighting above the battle. Just like when Xiao Ran starts the spirit, there will also be a feeling of slowing down time. It has also brought a lot of help to Xiao Ran.

However, Lloyd's ability is so exaggerated, not only can affect himself but also affect others. Of course, in Xiao Ran's view, the so-called influence itself is only a special embodiment of the use of mental power, many powerful people. You can do this, but the words that affect others are not something that only people who have just come into contact with mental energy can get.

However, the ability of geass is always flawed, unless a person with strong mental strength and control ability like Xiao Ran does not have to worry about the violent walk of geass ability, and if Lloyd's ability to run away, it is estimated that spiritually Loy De also will be permanently trapped in that second, always watching the stagnant picture in front of me in the endless eternal.

Xiao Ran was silent and asked: "What are the conditions for use?"

"Usage conditions?" Lloyd looked strange, and asked: "Is that what you want to use?"

On the side, Xiao Ran said: "It should belong to the domain class ability, the scope of influence and the duration. The methods used need to be tried by himself. There should be some restrictions like most other capabilities."

Xiao Ran nodded and reminded Lloyd: "You better not use this ability often. Once the geass ability is used, it will continue to grow. The more you use it, the faster you will grow until you grow beyond what you can. The degree of control, at that time, maybe you may be permanently trapped in that second time and can no longer return to normal, you can't do it."

Xiao Ran’s eyes looked a little weird and looked at the pivotal Suzaku holding his head: “But the guy of the Shumu Suzaku... If the ability to run away does not mean that this guy will always be in a strengthened state?”

The excited expression on Lloyd’s face followed the sound of Xiao Ran’s voice and then screamed, and then Xiaoran’s voice rang again: “But there should be no problem in a short time, then I will give it to you. Strengthening the pharmacy can greatly enhance your physical fitness, and your ability to control will be improved. The spirit will also be enhanced. Just pay attention to the ability to use, but don't overdo it."

Lloyd first breathed a sigh of relief and then nodded seriously: "I will."

In the end, Sehir, when Xiaoran turned to look at Sehir, Sehir seemed to have noticed Xiaoran’s gaze, Lloyd’s gaze, and the pivotal Suzaku’s gaze gathered on his body. Suddenly he raised his hands and swayed, his head kept shaking: "I don't have to, I don't need this ability, there is no need to waste such an opportunity on me."

Shrugging his shoulders, Xiao Ran also said: "If you are not willing to accept this ability, then forget it, we are advanced house, I have a few words to say before the next strengthening."

After a few people followed Xiaoran into the room and sat down, Xiao Ran said to a few people: "About the Black Knights, this organization was built by me and Zero, but the things of the Black Knights are now basically zero. In the process of handling, he is responsible for the empire, I am responsible for the empire, the goal of the establishment of this organization, that is, as declared by the previous zero, is to be the messenger of justice on the side of the weak, no matter who dares to civilians Extending the butcher's knife, it will be the enemy of the Black Knights and will be sanctioned by us."

"Only for now, whether you are a member of the Black Knights or not, it has nothing to do with the Black Knights. It has already been related to me. Inevitably, you will also be regarded as black by common sense. There is no way for a member of the Knights to get rid of the relationship, so from now on, we are really a family."

"As a family, now I can tell you that the Black Knights are not really outsiders for the empire. You don't feel that you betrayed the empire because the true identity of zero is a prince, our present The position and behavior, but only standing on the side of the emperor, for him to exclude other competitors and finally sit in that position, only family affairs and not state affairs."

Xiao Ran’s words were very straightforward. Sehir’s silence was underground, and the corner of his eyes was on the same silent silent Suzaku, and Lloyd, who was holding his chin and his eyes, and jumped back and forth. Xiao Ran, suddenly gave her a lot of pressure, so that Sehir did not even have the courage to look directly at each other.

But when Xiao Ran said it, Sehir was shocked. Zero, who killed the Emperor of Kolovis, was also a prince. When did the eleven districts have an unknown emperor, and they made it. If you are such a brother, does this kind of person who doesn’t even care about his family really want to do something for him?

Lloyd can understand that for the number of years of horrible things for the throne, don't say that it is just killing a brother, that is, even more terrible things have not happened, and Lloyd consciously can understand Xiaoran, think Xiao Ran is not the kind of person who is willing to help the vicious people, so Lloyd feels that there should be some secrets in this estimate.

Lloyd thought for a moment and suddenly asked: "I just want to know what kind of relationship you have with the emperor."

Xiao Ran took a look at Lloyd and smiled: "Equality partnership, but if you want to say that the person who leads in this partnership is me, once you get the right opportunity, you will not be really sitting on the throne. This prince is another emperor, and everyone on both sides of this cooperation knows very well."

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What is the name of the 2429-2430? (page 1/1)

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