Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2444: I know that I don't say

Time has passed for several days. In the past few days, there has not been any situation in the entire 11th district. Calm and peaceful, the Knight of the Round Table, who was defeated by Xiao Ran, has no face in Xiaoran and Yufelia. In front of him, but the whereabouts of the two round table knights can't help Xiao Yan who has been staring at them. Fiction.

For several days in a row, two young boys and girls not only did not appear in Xiaoran’s eyes, but even appeared in every formal occasion. They were almost completely immersed in the eyes of others, but Xiaoran knew that these two small Every day, the guy will go outside the ring road of the city and personally enter the ruins of the outer world to watch the broken world outside, to experience the hardships of eleven, go out early and return late every day, use his own eyes to see the world more clearly.

Everyone who stares at the two people will report to Xiao Ran every day what they have done today. Xiao Ran only knows who they are in contact with, and they feel enough when they go there. As for others, Xiao Ran really does not have this time. Just stare at the two young ones.

Xiao Ran’s time is spent every day in the old research institute, and with the controlled technicians working overtime to complete the supplementary work of the deformation fighters at the fastest speed. Many equipment manufacturing work is personal. Joining it, it is barely enough that Xiao Ran is really involved in the technical work for the first time. At the same time, the special new research institute has gradually started the preparatory work for the research and development of new technologies with a large number of personnel.

In the middle, Xiao Ran also took time and Lulu Xiu met and saw the ten pilots selected by Lelouch. Among them, the girl named Karen who Xiaoran had seen, and the one who almost died, but was rescued by Xiao Ran. The truck driver who came down.

These people did not hold back the shock when they saw Xiaoran. Xiaoran’s appearance with a mask had already been transmitted to every corner of the 11th district with several consecutive incidents, as opposed to Butari. The resistance organizations of Asia, even now they have joined the Black Knights with higher pursuits and great meanings, but they do not hinder their familiarity with Xiaoran. They are also the only knights who saw the highest rights in the 11th district of Xiaoran. After the Knights of the Round Table, the mood of the ten people can no longer be described by the simple words of shocking, but rather rather complicated, with incredible, fearful, awkward and so on.

However, these ten people selected by Lulu Xiu to become pilots also applied geass commands to all of them, a special order that would not be triggered under normal conditions, like the original plot of Lu Lu Xiu gave the order of the livewood Suzaku to live. Once the life and death are controlled by the geass command, when they decide and are making betrayal and leaking the Black Knights’ information, this command will be triggered to control them. Choose death.

It is also because of this reason that Xiao Ran did not worry about the big party appearing in front of the ten selected people. The geass ability of Lelouch is a real attack against ordinary people, and there is absolutely no ability to be The possibility of exemption, so there is no need to worry that Xiaoran is the secret of one of the founders of the Black Knights.

These ten people Xiaoran have come up with a blood of the adjuster for them to use. After all, they will become the first force of the Black Knights in the future. This kind of investment is of course necessary, and one of the ten people has one. In the future, I can grow to the level of the round table knight, as long as the blood vessels can get the most out of her, then the other nine blood serum can play a role that is not so big, it is enough to return all the votes. price.

And just like the absoluteness of the Lulu Xius geass command, the effect that the blood serum can produce is also absolute. It is a kind of medicine that can greatly increase the overall quality of the pilot. As long as it is human, it will be able to use the corresponding The effect, the result of the reinforcement, has a lower limit. Even the worst person in the body will not fall below this lower limit. How can there be physical fitness and responsiveness beyond ordinary people? If there is such an awakening in these ten people, the spirit is developed. Similar to the special ability of the adjuster, then the ten blood vessels are more worthwhile, but the probability is basically no for ordinary people.

Ten people used the pharmacy under the urging of Lulu Xiu's zero, and then let the ten people leave the meeting place, leaving only Xiao Ran and Lu Luxiu.

With only the two of them left, Lelouch also took off his helmet to make himself a little easier. He put down his helmet and said to Xiao Ran: "Congratulations, you are about to become a round table knight."

Xiao Ran glanced at Lelouch and shook his head gently: "What do you want to say?"

"Oh." Lulu Xiu laughed and said: "Your development is getting faster and faster, and suddenly you have to become one of the most powerful round table knights in the empire, but what are you going to do with the Black Knights? The things the Black Knights have to do are completely opposite to what you have to do as a Round Table Knight."

"In this way, when you lead the army to bully the weak, the Black Knights appear, should you be the winner, or the Black Knights?"

"This is your worry? Even if I become a round table knight, I will only appear on the real battlefield." Xiao Ran waved his hand and said: "No one can force me to do things that I don't want to do, and become a round table knight. I have to take the initiative to take it, but the Knights of Metz seems to be very optimistic about me. I just need the information that I can only get after I become a Knight of the Round Table, so I promised him."

"And after I became a Knight of the Round Table and used this identity to gain more rights and supporters, isn’t it better for Nana Li, at least after we overthrew the current emperor to let her sit on the throne? Can guarantee that her throne is more stable."

"And, I have already cured her eyes and legs of Nana Li, but I have just cured it. I can’t be like a normal person. I need to be nursed back for a while and I should be able to return to normal. When I am She will exchange it for you, or will continue to be taken care of by me."

Lelouch’s body stiffened and looked at Xiao Ran with a dull look: “Is it cured? Can you see it?”

"Can." Xiao Ran nodded gently and said: "Nana Li De is not sick at all, is affected by the power of geass, entangled in her brain, modified her memory, let her instinctively think I am a blind man, a waste person who can't use a leg. As long as the effect of the applied geass is removed, it will naturally return to normal."

Lelouch’s eyes are stunned: “Who is it, you know who is right??”

Xiao Ran quietly looked at Lelouch: "If you want to know the answer, then you should be prepared to know the answer, and you must know all the behind-the-scenes stories of this matter, because this answer is correct. You are too cruel."

"Cruel? More cruel things, I have done it myself and what is unacceptable." What Lulu Xiu seemed to understand, silenced his face with a complex expression, and slowly lifted his head after a few minutes: "The people in the royal family also have the same ode ability?"

Xiao Ran glanced at Lulu Xiu and said: "His name is vv, the undead ode ability, your father's elder brother, and your father, your mother is a geass capable person, a memory that can modify others. Another reason for the ability to trigger the geass ability until the death, is now attached to another person in the state of soul and consciousness."

"But I will only tell you so much. These people should say that each has its own purpose. The story inside is too complicated. I am not very clear about it. It turns out that Nana Li becomes so real that you only have to find it yourself. I can only say that you want to get the final answer. You don't think it's too boring and bloody, but not everything is so beautiful, not all things are so indifferent, the most important thing is that you have to be yourself. Judgment."

Lelouch is very skeptical that Xiao Ran definitely knows what is happening. It is definitely not as complicated as he said now, so it is not clear, although it is not clear for what reason, Xiao Ran is only waiting for these things. But Xiao Ran did not say that Lelouch knew that he could no longer ask anything from Xiao Ran’s mouth.

Moreover, there are some things, especially related to such family matters, but also need to find the answers they need. Lu Luxi suddenly understands why Xiao Ran is not willing to talk more. There is a lot of things between smart people and smart people. Can let the other side understand that the current situation is nothing more than that Xiao Ran needs Lu Luxi to confirm the truth and is not willing to be a wicked person.

Of course, Xiao Ran will not go to Lulu Xiu to say that his parents are conspirators. Telling Lulu Xiu that their two brothers and sisters are actually more like tools, everything that is indifferent and selfish is just to satisfy themselves, to know now Lulu Xiu only had a positive memory of his mother. For the mother who had already died, he still placed it in the same position as Nana Li. How could Xiao Ran explain this to Lulu Xiu without evidence? In plain, the good relationship between the two has become worse.

Lelouch calmed down for a while, then suddenly looked up and looked at Xiaoran: "You just said that my mother also has the ability of geass, triggered before dying and attached to other people!? This is true!"

"It's true." Xiao Ran nodded gently and said: "But I won't tell you who this person is. Now it's not good for you to get in touch with this person. It will only be blinded without knowing the truth, and now It’s too early for you to get in touch with these things. You don’t really have the power to be your own. Only when you grow up and truly understand that everything has the right to dialogue with them, you can respond more calmly. All the questions."

Lulu Xiu’s face was happy, but he quickly converges his smile and slightly frowned. If Xiao Lu did not say the words before, then Lulu Xiu knew that his mother did not really die but was still alive, of course Unbelievable ecstasy, but Xiao Ran’s words made Lulu Xiu a little happy.

"No." Lulu Xiu looked at Xiaoran with some incomprehensibility: "But, how do you know these things? If you can know these, it means that you should be an insider talent, but obviously no one knows at all." You, or you may not be a Knight of the Round Table?"

Xiao Ran smiled slightly: "The mysterious power that exists in this world is not just ode and geass. You have not already understood this point, and since there are people who are ready to destroy, change, and even set off a huge wave in this world, then naturally There will be people who guard the world in accordance with the established roads and maintain order and peace. In this world, everything can be secret, but it can also be nothing secret. The key is that some people think that others do not know, but they are actually He doesn't know it himself."

Lelouch looked at Xiao Ran deeply: "I don't understand why the task now is to grow the Black Knights, right?"

Xiao Ran nodded: "The growth of the Black Knights will be an indispensable force for stabilizing the world."

"Now the world has begun to move into chaos, and organizations and forces have emerged one after another. In the empire, in the big countries across the coast, in Europe, in Africa, these places have their own unique technology organizations, although the number of scales Not too big, but the fighting power that can be crushed by all parties is gradually setting off a terrible war in this world. These talents are my real targets and enemies, and will be the biggest future of the Black Knights. The opponents, no one but us can compete, so don't be changed by some things to change the original idea of ​​the Black Knights."

"But these organizations have not fully allowed themselves to go to the front, so we still have time to develop ourselves quickly, but you have to remember that these organizations should have sent people to the 11th district, so each future enters the black knight. You must give him the order of the geass, become a slave or never betray."

"For their purposes, they will definitely try to find the traces of the Black Knights, eliminate any existence that threatens them, and most likely want to control the Yufelia to reach the 11th district, you must Be careful, people who can't solve it will contact me the first time, I will come over and solve them."

Lu Luxi nodded with a frowning eyebrow. Xiao Ran said that these words made Lulu Xiu’s heart more puzzled, wondering what it was all about, what doubts Xiaoran’s organization was, and suddenly A square thing was handed to the face of Lelouch by Xiao Ran, disrupting his inner thoughts. After the reflexive took over the things that Xiao Ran had thrown at him, Lulu Xiu once again looked at Xiao Ran.

Lulu Xiu asked: "What is this?"

"A special data storage device that stores the technology I want to give you. It wasn't for you to prepare the factory before. This is the information of the new series of bodies, as and λ drive. After you go back, you will know it, especially. It is λ drive, but this thing has the powerful ability to change reality, and we must be cautious about what is inside."

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