Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2452: experiment

From the mouths of these three participants, I learned a little about the mission of the Legion. This mission is not a simple attack on the Legion that entered the world, but a Lulu attack. To repair a strategic mission in such a low-level world, it is necessary to develop a strategy that requires more, and a legion that can get more sakura will also gain more advantages in the mission.

The use of sakura as a measure of material development for this mission is due to the fact that the world level of this mission is too low, and it is also the real difficulty of this mission. Without the sakura, it is impossible to unblock the body, even if there is no sakura, it will be unsealed. The body can not be used, sakura is everything, the fastest to unblock the body and get enough support for the battle with the slate stone, the speed of development will become faster and faster, step by step.

However, this mission has ten legions, so even if a legion really leads, it will not necessarily be the ultimate winner, because the latter leg can completely form an alliance, as long as the appropriate alliance contract, two or even three The four legions joined together and used their common resources to launch several high-ranking pilots. The same legion can win the battle together. Because of this, it also allowed the development of the ten legions. And relationships will become more complicated.

At the beginning of the mission, and now, because the legions do not have enough resources, there is no way to come up with a high-level body, and the forces that are now truly dominant in this world will be the current aboriginal forces. Even if the strength of these aborigines is too poor, they can't hold them up in a large number. All kinds of weapons are complete, and it is really difficult to fight them up.

This also explains the confusion that Xiaoran was aware of the presence of participants, but only driving low-level body battles, because now the various legions simply do not have enough resources to unblock high-level bodies, only to unblock these low-level consumption. The body, as soon as possible, gain more rights and support among the forces that they have joined, in order to reach the high-level body as soon as possible and then settle down in a hammer, and finally use the power and then control the situation of power, then A whole world will also be completely plunged into the most terrible war.

The first phase of the mission requires each legion to obtain a territory. From this point of view, there are also various possibilities. The tasks in the follow-up phase will not require the task of developing territories, or establish a base in the territory and lose the base. In the case of failed missions, these are entirely possible, but if a legion wants to win the final victory, how the current forces will grow will be the most important scoring conditions, and the various situations are comparable to melee missions. It takes a lot of trouble, but what is known is that the current legions need time and resources to develop, so they don’t dare to blindly open a full-scale war by others.

It is for this reason that the ten legions have also fallen into a strange balance. No army has dared to blindly break this balance, forcing other military solidarity alliances to cope with themselves, and also leading to the world’s most cherry blossoms in the 11th district. Where the amount of stone is mined, there is no military corps dare to put in the hand with great fanfare, but Xiao Ran is sure that nowadays the participants who are in the 11th district are definitely more than just the three, no matter which army will send a certain number of people. Into the eleventh district, to monitor the movements of other legions, so that in the first time in the eleven districts, there is the possibility of coping.

Not only the 11th district, maybe even him, Yufelia, zero, the Black Knights should have entered the eyes of the various regiments at this time, and the role of the knight that he is now playing by Xiao Ran will be The Legion is considered to be the most oss in the 11th District, a boss that must be pushed down, and the Black Knights may become the main assisting force in the eyes of these corps to push the boss away.

Or in other words, it is believed that Xiaoran can cooperate to become another powerful force in their army. As long as you draw Xiaoran and Yuferia, it will indirectly control the 11th district. The Black Knights will become a threat, but whether it is In either case, there will be more participants in the 11th district, either choose the Black Knights Union or choose to stand on the side of Xiao Ran.

Just according to the forces, after all, the 11th district belongs to the empire side. There should be very few legions to choose Xiaoran. If you want to choose Xiaoran’s non-imperial forces, it must be a leader with long-term vision and ability. The legion led by this army, because this army will certainly try to get the 11th district out of the empire, not only can strengthen itself, but also weaken the empire and join the empire's participant army, but the normal situation will choose the black knights that have nothing to do with the empire. There will be more, but the blood knights who joined the empire will choose the third way, and they will be prepared to use force to control Xiaoran and Euphelia. It can only be said that this self-confidence is too blind. Guaranteed, the pit is not dead, the Scarlet Knights count him to lose.

After asking some questions, Xiao Ran took one of them out of the truck. For these three participants, even if they use geass to control them to do things or answer them, after all, they have no ability to resist geass, just want to They know all the circumstances of their own legions, and there is no way to secret them. These are things that can't be done even if the geass ability is applied.

If you change to Lulu Xius to ask who they are, there will be more problems. These three participants will only answer the questions that Prometheus has given them, and will never say that they are participants. Prometheus between the two is also limiting the fact that the three losers have not revealed any information about Prometheus.

When Lu Luxi saw that Xiao Ran came out with one person, he also asked: "Is the question to be asked already finished?"

"Almost, other questions can't be asked." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "Your geass ability can only be used once for the target, but as long as the power of geass is eliminated, it can be used again for the same target. Clear the geass ability in this guy's head, you are showing him the ability to order him to kill a person in the car."

Lulu Xiu frowned slightly: "What's the point of doing this? Just now you didn't say that you sent a bullet to let them die when they died. Why do you still have to do this extra thing now?"

Xiao Ran blinked and said: "These people are special. Many of the questions I asked just now can't be answered. It's not because of knowing but because of some unclear restrictions, just like being rooted in a core command that cannot be betrayed. The priority is greater than your command of the king. You should also be very clear. Your geass ability can't let others do things that can't be done. The result is that they don't tell the secret information of the legion behind them, so I want to see. Look, under your command, this kind of betrayal that kills your own companions, can they do it?"

"If you can, it means that your orders can at least control their bodies, or the betrayal of killing their companions is not subjectively counted on them. It is not a betrayal for themselves. It just becomes a tool that you control. You will be safer to these people in the future, and you will be able to do more for these people, and if you can’t..."

Lelouch nodded thoughtfully: "Under the premise of not fighting back, you can only use the only chance of geass to give other orders, and then solve them by hand."

Said here, Lulu Xiu took a look at Xiaoran: "Try."

Xiao Ran’s hand was pressed on the head of the guy who was raised, and the body of the guy who had Lulu’s green light wrapped in the wrong light was shining. Only a few seconds, all the light disappeared, and Xiao Ran also turned to Lu. Lu Xiu nodded.

The ability of geass was eliminated. This participant just saw her eyes again with a red bird rune, and then he didn't know anything in the next second.

"Go to kill anyone in the car."

The participant, who was controlled by Wang’s command, fell to the ground with a few struggling expressions on his face, but the red light in his eyes did not retreat. His eyes were still controlled by the woods and crazy. Standing up and shaking twice, he dragged his foot and climbed toward the car. The trembling hand directly caught one of the two participants in the car. The claws were pinched and pulled. The one caught by him. The participants’ necks were no longer breathing when they were directly at the neck.

"Interesting, only limited on the spiritual level? Behavior can not be controlled? Only stop what should not be said, but it does not stop what should not be done? That does not mean that it is blocked under the control of geass. Prometheus and the secret information of the Legion? In essence, still have to obey the command of the king?" Xiaoran turned to look at Lelouch, and said: "It is also said that this is because of his reasons. In this world, as the only force to resist the participants? Or is the power of geass the only vitality against the participants?"

Lulu Xiu glanced at Xiaoran: "It seems that I have no way to completely resist, but this order has also caused him to struggle. As you said, there may be some restrictions, if the mental strength is higher. I should ignore my orders and wake up soon. The only thing that is safe to kill after issuing other orders is the best way to be safe."

"You pay attention to yourself." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "The goal of these people is undoubtedly in the 11th district. They need a lot of sakura to develop themselves. Then there should be more people looking at me. And Euphelia, maybe it will affect Nana Li."

Lulu Xiu’s action was a stagnation, but he did not open his mouth but waited for Xiao Ran to continue.

"But in the same way, as the zero of the 11th district against the imperial power, 100% will be within their concern, and will definitely look for your trace. In the end, it is nothing more than two results. The first one is willing to join the Black Knights. Use the Black Knights to win the rule of the 11th District to get more Sakura, and some people have joined me to deal with the Black Knights for the same reason."

"The second possibility is that they don't choose to join, but they choose to control, but the goal will still be the same. In order to get more sakura, control me can't do it, but it won't be easy to control you. The geass ability is enough to counter, and it is more likely that we and the tiger will eat together and see who is worthy. Our advantage is that they don't know that we are actually a group."

"So we really have to have such people join us. We can sing one and the other to consume their strength. It is not that they use us, but that we use them to let them steal chickens without eclipsing, but there is sincerity and kindness. Those who join the Black Knights can really absorb them."

Lelouch slowly nodded: "If this is the case, the connection between us may be a way, and we must ensure that my true identity will not be leaked out."

Xiao Ran reached out and handed Lulu to a personal communicator: "I will use this link in the future. It is yours. I don't think I need to teach you how to use it. In addition, I must build the factory as soon as possible and pinch the power in my hands. That is the real power."

“Reassured.” Lulu Xiu took over the communicator and said, “The factory has already been implemented. I have already arranged in Osaka. I can start as soon as the materials are in place, but the personnel are still In collecting, it is estimated that some time will be delayed."

"I will help you find it here." Xiao Ran snorted and said: "The matter of materials, I will try to provide a batch to you as soon as possible."

Lulu Xiu looked at the two fools and a four people in the car. He turned his hand and turned away with Xiao Ran: "I will go first. Nana Li is safer to be with you. Please come to you." Continue to take care of it."

Xiao Ran nodded and looked at Lelouch’s departure. The two people behind him looked at the two people who were still alive and fainted again. They went in and checked and found that the guy who was killed was just the surveillance. The guy in the Governor’s Office thought about it for a while, then Xiao Ran sat in the cab again and sent the two guys back to the special.

Both of these guys were greeted with geass, forcibly ordering to forget all the things that happened today. If you send them back, you don’t have to worry too much about what is happening today, but even if you expose Xiaoran, you don’t feel Any relationship, just knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, shocked the **** knight of this empire.

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