Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2476: Active attack

It’s impossible for loyalty to do something. Xiao Ran knows that he can’t influence the thinking of those participants too much, so the true meaning of these words is that these participants will become the best tools. Guide them to act in full accordance with their own ideas.

Xiao Ran can't get the true loyalty of the participants. This is a very inevitable thing. Even with the ability of geass, the players who face these super department or fantasy department can have absolutely limited effect, even The two idiots of the pivotal woods can compete against each other with their own strength, which makes the estimation of the participants more weak.

But he can't do it, it doesn't mean that Lulu Xiu can't do it. Lulu Xiu's geass can be added directly. The implantable command makes those participants almost impossible to resist, unless the spirit exceeds the number of Lelouch itself. To reach the level of Xiao Ran, the geass effect of Lulu Xiu can be ignored for safety. As for the flow of wood, it does not reach the level of Xiao Ran, but the characteristics of its own race, the body is just a tool, the real core is actually It is the shackles of the soul that can also ignore the effects of geass.

However, there is not necessarily a person in the entire Scarlet Knights who is comparable to the spirit of Xiaoran. There is no need to have a participant similar to the magical race, and most of the ranks are not high at all, so the entire Scarlet Knights There are hardly enough people to resist the geass of Lelouch.

Moreover, Lelouch does not need to do too much, and does not talk about loyalty or not, directly issuing an order that does not allow betrayal, even if all the participants who have been given orders can remain awake, but Xiao Ran To be sure, at least in the personal status bar and the mission camp, there will always be a hint that the camp is completely nailed and not betrayed, and as long as this can be achieved, it is actually the complete control of the Scarlet Knights.

After all, once joined the camp, the participants' corps will be insulted and humiliated by this faction. As long as they are a party to the camp and a party as a legion, the two sides do not cross each other and fight each other, and they are both incompetent. If you get rid of it, the participant's legion will almost no longer betray after joining the camp, and the chance to get a change camp is not so simple. Plus the geass given by Lelouch can also reach double The effect of insurance completely allowed the Scarlet Knights to lose all possibilities of leaving the camp.

Although Lu Luxi said so much about Xiao Ran, there are still some doubts about whether he can actually reach a deal with the Scarlet Knights. But seriously, Lulu Xiu, who has the geass ability, feels that if he can really accept the other party, It is also a good thing, and it will not be a situation where the tail can't get rid of it. It can also make him really have a powerful force independent of the Black Knights.

After all, today's Black Knights are still just beginning to develop. It takes a lot of time to really make the Black Knights grow. Now, with the Black Knights growing up, there is such a force that can make it through black. When the Knights are currently the weakest, the Scarlet Knights want more resources, then take more resources for the party to do their own work, and the two sides are using each other. As for whoever uses it, Lu Lu Xiu will not have any concerns at all.

After discussing how to contact the Scarlet Knights to discuss the transaction, what should I say, how to do Xiaoran also pointed out Lulu Xiu.

Then, Lulu Xiu took off his own zero costume and put on another dress, and Xiao Ran came to the station of the Scarlet Knights with the night.

On the side of the Scarlet Knights, they have absolute confidence in their own strength. They are not worried about who will go to the vicinity of the country of Butaria to attack their bases, so there is basically no real guard in the entire base. And patrolling, before the gate, but also meaning that the person sitting in the duty room to guard the door.

When Xiao Ran and Lulu Xiu approached the base, the brightly lit base that they saw did not return to the quietness of the base. Instead, they could hear some noisy sounds from time to time, even in the duty room. Quite lively, several people are surrounded by drinking and gambling.

However, when playing and playing, the vigilance of these people is not bad. When Xiao Ran and Lu Luxi approached the duty room, the voice inside was quiet. Three people were wearing red uniforms, each with different hairstyles. The man rushed to the door, and his eyes were very sharp and he looked at Xiao Ran and Lelouch.

But after seeing Xiao Ran with a mask, there was a mistake in the eyes of these three people, but then one of them’ eyes flashed a cruelty and joy. It seems that the guy who sent the door to Xiao Ran was kind of saying no. The surprise that comes out is that there is a way to heaven, you don’t go, **** has no way, you feel like you are coming in.

Standing next to Xiao Ran is also tall, but compared to Xiao Ran, but not worth mentioning, Lu Lu Xiu, is directly ignored by these three people.

The three men swayed to Xiao Ran and Lu Luxi, and glanced at Lelouch, who had no sense of existence at all, and then sneered at Xiaoran: "Oh, this is not a distinguished round table knight Lulu Xiu, I don’t know if it’s so expensive to come to visit Lulu Xiu’s adults. Isn’t it true that there is no problem, but no one can help you, hahaha.”

Seeing that the three people did not pay attention to their own meaning, Lu Luxi took the initiative to step back and walked behind Xiaoran with a chuckle. This is not only to let Xiaoran deal with these three people, but Lulu Xiu also knows if these three people Suddenly, even if his physical fitness is completely different from the past, the motor nerves and savvy are not completely improved by the physical quality, and he knows that the people of the Scarlet Knights are different. Now, he is not likely to be the opponent of the other side. Whatever it is going to happen will become the burden of Xiao Ran. Retreating to make the more powerful Xiao Ran top is not selfish in the front, but for the overall situation.

In the face of three people, Xiao Ran has no worries at all. If he threatens the other side, he is completely unconcerned. He simply said calmly: "There is no sky-high road in this Butalia. What is the problem? The first person who stands up to protect me will definitely be you. The reason is very simple. Because I have something to do, you will be the first suspected object, so that you want to It is impossible to get more sakura from Butari."

"Tell your head, Lulu Xiu came to visit, have a big business and want him to cooperate. May ask him if he wants to see me. Of course, if you refuse, you will regret it."

Xiao Ran did not intend to expose his own strength now. Even if he was motivated, he could directly suppress these three people in a flash. He did not need to talk nonsense with the other party. Before he reached a real cooperation with the other party, he was impulsive and blind. It won't bring any good results, everything can wait until after the other party has reached a cooperation, and at the very least, at least not in this kind of honesty.

Moreover, if the strength is directly exposed now, it is very likely that the other party will be aware that he is the identity of the participant. However, if the power of the geass is properly displayed, then the use of the motivation can be simply said.

Those who can become participants are not stupid and idiots, but impulsive people are everywhere, but many participants can make appropriate ulcers at the right time, and the installations will not be too much. For example, now the participant who spoke deeply looked at Xiaoran and sneered: "That would have troubled the Lulu Xiu Knight and so on."

After that, the participant gestured to the two companions around him. It seemed that they were optimistic about Xiaoran. They turned and walked into the duty room and began to communicate with the head of the Scarlet Knights.

In a few minutes, the participant came out and said to Xiao Ran and Lu Luxu: "Let's go, our head will see you."

Xiao Ran didn't talk, just nodded lightly, and was brought into the base by three participants. He walked slowly toward the tallest building in the base, and as he went deeper into the base, he appeared in Xiao Ran and Lulu Xiu. There are more and more people in the eyes of the two, wearing red uniforms, wearing casual clothes, and also shirtless. Where is a military base, one by one looks at Xiaoran and Lulu Xiu’s eyes are not quite right, It is like watching prey.

Until the door of the room where the Scarlet Knights were located, the participants who led the way, when they were about to knock on the door, suddenly said that Xiao Ran suddenly said: "What is your name?"

The participant’s hand paused and smirked and turned his head and looked at Xiaoran: “What’s the matter, is the Lulu Xiu Knight still wanting to avenge me? Oh, remember, my name is Phillips, I want to avenge my words眷Come."

"Luluchiu." Xiaoran didn't care about him after he knew the name of this guy. Instead, he whispered to Lulu Xiu, "Do you think his mouth is stinking?"

"I think so too." Lulu Xiu chuckled and slowly looked up and looked at each other with his own eyes. The eyes turned red at the same time, and the man named Phillips suddenly became stunned. Gradually, there was some sluggishness. I only listened to Lulu Xiu’s opening and said: "From now on, you will not be able to speak without my permission."

The red bird "flyed" into the other's eyes with the order of Lulu Xiu, and the impression was like the spirit of the other party. In the blink of an eye, the person seemed to be awake, but there was a little red flash in his eyes, but It also makes people feel that this guy doesn't seem to wake up at all, but slowly, the red light is completely dissipated from the eyes of this participant called Phillips, and then he looks at it with a very incomprehensible and stunned look. Raised up with a smiling Lelouch.

The other two people who have been accompanying Xiao Ran and Lelouch have not become the implementation targets of Lulu Xiu geass, and even their eyes have not seen each other, but they still see a vague red light. Blinking, I heard that Lulu Xiusu seems to be talking to himself. The strange situation makes the two people stand up and stand up, and they are ready to take Xiao Ran and Lelouch directly.

But in the next second, the two participants who were ready to start found that they had completely lost control of their bodies. Instead of having no way to control their bodies, they had a huge force to completely bind their bodies. It is impossible for them to make any movements, even the mouth can't open, the only eye that can be controlled, at this time, has been unable to control at all, revealing the fear and the stunned look.

Phillips, after the reaction, slammed out into Xiaoran’s head with a fist, and his mouth suddenly shouted, but the whole person suddenly stopped suddenly, and the whole person turned into a stone statue. The bomb is not allowed, but the key is that Xiao Ran did not do anything to this guy at all, and the guy stopped himself.

Xiao Ran glanced at Phillips, who had a red glow in his eyes. Then he looked at Lulu Xiu and changed his head and turned to face the door. There was no knocking action because the people inside had taken the initiative. Come out and open the door.

The door opened, and two figures appeared in the eyes of Xiao Ran and Lelouch. These two men were also wearing red uniforms, but they were quite neat on them, and they were three more than they stood outside. The participants were a lot of expensive, and the two were tall, the first one was tall, the eyes showed a dignified weight, and the second person’s forehead was covered with gauze, and the expression of Xiaoran was angry and angry, but After paying attention to the performance of his three subordinates outside the door, he suddenly stared at Xiao Ran.

The person who walked in front looked at Xiaoran with a smile on his face, and looked at Lulu Xiu, who was standing behind Xiaoran. He also screamed at the same time: "The Lelouch Knight does not know what you mean. What happened to your subordinates?"

"Nothing, just think that they are not polite to give them some lesson, at least let them know that in this Butaria, the majesty of the Knights of the Round Table and the royal family is absolutely not offended." Xiao Ran said in an understatement, Then I looked at the two people who came out to open the door: "Don't you have to introduce yourself? For the Scarlet Knights, I don't know and are very curious. I don't know which of the two is the Scarlet Knights. Head?"

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