Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2488: Charles's internal and external problems

Although Xiao Ran has always been in the capital of the country, it seems to be doing nothing and staying with the logistics department of the soul-stricken person every day, but he also keeps a constant attention to all the events in the 11th district, and will contact him almost every day. It’s a few minutes, a dozen minutes, and it’s used to understand all the conditions in the 11th district, but it’s rare to interfere with the things in the 11th district. It just reminds me to pay more attention and protect the Euphelia. This kindness is as important as the next plan. Fiction.

As for Lulu Xiu, perhaps he also wanted to train this kid. Xiao Ran did not intervene to interfere with all the things of the Black Knights. In the eleventh district, the action of the Black Knights was completely unquestioned. Just from time to time to contact to confirm the extent to which Lu Luxi controlled the Sakura Mine, and how many sapphire was collected.

In addition to the 11th district, the situation outside Butalia is also of concern. The focus is mainly on the changes in the situation between countries, and the changes in the border area of ​​Butalia, but the real focus is still those. Participants who have begun to gradually change the situation of the entire world battlefield, slowly guessing the current situation of the various regiments and the strategic forces they can come up with, without too much detailed information and some changes in clues.

Every day, it was such a seemingly leisurely situation, and finally one day, Xiao Ran received a notice to let him go to the palace to see the Emperor Charles.

After receiving the notice, Xiao Ran did not waste time. Under the reminder of the attendant, he replaced a new knight uniform and sat on the vehicle to pick him up. It took too long to enter the palace and then walk again. After passing through the long passage, once again in the same hall, I saw the Emperor Charles, who seemed to have not seen it for a long time.

Once again, I saw Charles, and the dignified and solemn appearance was sitting on the throne above the high platform. Xiaoran, who went to the stage, also did all the etiquette that he should do as a lower minister. He raised his right hand and pressed his left chest. Slightly bent: "I have seen the Emperor's Majesty, and you have a good day."

Charles gently waved his hand and said that there was no undulation in his emotions: "No need to be extra, please start my second knight."

"Xie Xia." Xiao Ran stood up.

Charles glanced at Xiao Ran and said: "Since this time, I have also fortunately cooperated with the Knights of Lulu Xiu on the cooperation of the Imperial technicians. I have already heard the report. The technical department has almost mastered the now-called sorcerer. The body situation, and the Lelouch Knight you are already fully familiar with the body."

Xiao Ran respectfully replied: "Yes, your familiarity after this time, not only the technical department has gradually mastered the logistics preparation technology of the sorcerer, I am also familiar with the body, I have enough confidence to The full performance of the Taiwanese body is fully realized."

Charles said: "Then you know that the technical department has submitted an application to me, and I hope to start the next study on the soul."

"Yes." Xiao Ran nodded gently and said: "In the current situation, if you need to understand and analyze the souls, you need to actually let the souls enter the battlefield. In order to collect the battlefield performance of the sorcerer and more combat parameters, I want to further understand the body. It is completely impossible to test the dead objects at present. Only on the battlefield can I get more information. ""

"Since you already know, you should be ready soon." Charles nodded and continued: "Calling you is to inform you that the investigation team is ready to complete, and the logistics technical department is also ready to complete, three days later. You have to leave the country, and you have never said that you have said it."

Xiao Ran bent again: "Yes, I am ready to play for the empire at any time, and I will never forget the task that was delivered to me. I will cooperate with the investigation team and re-erect the squat and round table in each side area. The prestige of the Cavaliers, to suppress the influence of the Scarlet Knights on each side."

"Very good." Charles was very satisfied with Xiao Ran's answer and respect for himself. This point can be seen from his unrecognizable satisfaction. He once again looked at Xiaoran and asked: "How much do you have to do? Go to the task I arranged for you."

"All." Xiaoran looked up and said in a confident tone: "There is no possibility of failure in this mission, and no failure is allowed."

Charles blinked: "You know that the current situation in the empire's border area is not too good. Even with the help of the Scarlet Knights, the powerful force of the empire is still retreating step by step, and if it is not the support of the Scarlet Knights. Perhaps the empire has already lost at least three numbers, and the Scarlet Knights have now become the most indispensable force in the border area. The tasks I have given you can not be completed."

"And among the enemies that are now against the empire, there are also a lot of armed forces comparable to the Scarlet Knights. They also have the same powerful body as the Scarlet Knights. The Scarlet Knights also ate a lot of losses. Do you think you have the confidence to deal with such enemies? Are you sure that the glory of the Knights of the Round Table will once again be above the Scarlet Knights? Even if your body is also provided by the Scarlet Knights, you can drive your body and you think you can Is it more effective than the Blood Knights?"

"Yes." Xiao Ran answered without hesitation and said: "Because I am stronger than them, I have already shown this in the previous battle. Even if I drive the same body, I can play better. Their more powerful power, even if the Scarlet Knights have other identical souls and more powerful bodies than the Souls, I can also step on the soles of the Scarlet Knights forever."

“Very good.” Charles once again showed a satisfied expression and said: “I am very curious, what kind of power does the sorcerer have, and what can you do with the sorcerer?”

Xiao Ran was silent when he faced Charles's question. It may be intentional or thinking, but after a few seconds, Xiao Ran gave Charles his own reply: "If you have seen the logistical technical department submitted Reporting, that sire must know that the power possessed by the sorcerer is definitely the top of the pyramid in the combat armed forces that are now revealed in the world. It has a huge body shape, high flexibility, strong destructive power, and flying ability, except for There are certain shortcomings in long-range attacks. It is difficult to describe them with excellence in all aspects. It should not be overemphasized."

"I am driving the sorcerer, I can play the full performance of the sorcerer. If you want to compare it with an example... the sorcerer I am driving can completely eliminate all the Knights of the Round Table. Leading the entire fully configured kf regiment, and the time will not exceed sixty minutes."

"Driving this body, I even have the certainty to be able to single-handedly capture all the military forces of the next number. The time is not too long. Ten people who have the same technology are driving ten souls. Please forgive me. It is blunt that such forces can completely destroy all the military forces of Butalia."

Charles's eyes suddenly slammed, his face slightly a little heavy, and his voice said slightly: "Can you confirm what you said?"

"Yes, my majesty, I can confirm every word I said." Xiao Ran nodded and said quietly: "Because of this, the **** knight who can not hesitate to hand over the soul, should still master With more powerful power, it is possible to take out the body of the sorcerer. It cannot be said that they do not pay attention to the sorcerer. After all, this is a body with powerful power, but it can be said that they are not enough for the sorcerer. Pay attention."

"In other words, there may be other sorcerers in the hands of the Scarlet Knights, and it will not be one or two, or even more than five, and in the hands of the Scarlet Knights, there must be more than the sorcerer. The strength of the more terrible body exists, so the true strength of the Scarlet Knights can not be underestimated, but more because of this, it is now necessary to suppress the prestige and influence of the Scarlet Knights."

"But on the other hand, the armed groups that can compete with the Scarlet Knights and make the Scarlet Knights suffer may also have the same powerful body or even a stronger body. There will be certain limits to what I can do in the end, but it will not be met in this short period of time, but the power of the Scarlet Knights is indeed indispensable for the Empire."

"So to what extent the Blood Knights are to be suppressed, to make them feel fearful, to feel the power of the empire, and to allow them to concentrate on doing things for the empire, not to resent the empire, this measure in the middle I dare not Passover, I hope that my Majesty can give a hint."

"But if you decide to completely suppress the Scarlet Knights, I will do my best to complete all the tasks arranged by His Majesty, and you will not have to worry too much about the Scarlet Knights, because even the Scarlet Knights do have a stronger body. But I can also bring the performance of the sorcerer to the true limit, and achieve more than two hundred and fifty percent performance under normal conditions. I believe this should have the most powerful strength of a similar organization like the Scarlet Knights. The power of war."

Charles closed his eyes. It didn't seem to bring him too much volatility because of what Xiao Ran said, but in his heart, it was not as calm as his appearance. Xiaoran said many things like Charles. I have thought that the soul-stricken person will never be the most powerful body of the Scarlet Knights, because the most powerful body of the Blood Knights will certainly not be willing to take it out, so now even if there is a Xiaoran who gets such a powerful soul The body may not necessarily be the opponent of the Scarlet Knights, but only as a tool for flags and checks and balances.

Internal and external troubles are the best illustration of the current empire. Butatria now looks so powerful and calm. It has been doing the external strategy as if to occupy the whole earth, but in fact, even if Butari is strong to the present level It is still impossible to eliminate the occupation of the entire planet by all other countries, but it can also maintain all advantages because of this power.

Suddenly, the situation in the whole world suddenly changed. Countless powerful organizations suddenly emerged from different parts of the world, and then began to resist the empire. These organizations have powerful but inexplicable The empire began to be right, just like God deliberately let these organizations appear to prevent Butaria from attacking the whole earth and prevent him from fulfilling his dreams. Once, twice, three times, and again, the empire suffered losses and repelled. The empire's repeated counterattacks saw many traps, and for the first time almost let his good daughters die in their hands.

These sudden jumps of the organization have joined the forces that oppose the empire, oppressing the empire from all directions, and can only succumb to the current occupied area, and this keeper does not know how many outstanding emperors have been sacrificed. **people.

From the very beginning, facing these powerful organizational empire that suddenly jumped out was still a battle, but gradually the forces exposed by these organizations became more and more powerful, and the force of the empire was hard to fight, but it was At this time, the Scarlet Knights appeared, and actively joined the empire, it is because of the addition of the Scarlet Knights that the Empire has the power to counter the inexplicable organization, and gradually stabilized the situation that almost completely collapsed.

However, the time of the Scarlet Knights was too coincidental, which made Charles full of distrust of the Scarlet Knights, but it was inseparable from the help of the Scarlet Knights, and the Scarlet Knights with powerful power. It’s not like a wholeheartedly working for the empire. The **** Knights, who are completely untrustworthy, have become internal worries, worrying that they will do bad things for the empire and for Charles.

These all kinds of things actually made Charles feel a headache, but fortunately there was a lot of good news in the 11th district. The first is the emergence of a new generation of Lancelot. First, let Charles see some can get rid of the right. The Scarlet Knights relied on the possibility, and then began a new body plan to let Charles see the possibility of surpassing the **** Knights, but from the current point of view, Lancelot is even a special mass production, It is also difficult to truly counter the level of this level of power of the Scarlet Knights.

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