Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2501: Yangmou

Xiao Ran frowned and asked: "The actions you mentioned in your mouth are the joint action of eu and the resistance organization, or the unilateral independent actions of the two parties. Can this be determined?"

On the chest of Xiaoran, Cornelia looked up at Xiaoran and shook his head. "There is no way to confirm, and there is no way for us who attack us to know which side they belong to."

Xiao Ran nodded gently and patted Cornelia's naked back: "Get up, clean up and go to the command center."

"Yeah." Cornelia sat up without any disguise. The unparalleled and generous walk into the bathroom began to clean up until the two men came out of the bathroom. After finishing the arrangement, they went to the base together. Command center.

Nowadays, it may be the relationship that has been attacked one after another. The command center is more busy than before when Xiaoran came, and all kinds of voices are constantly ringing in Xiaoran’s ear.

Without the guidance of Cornelia, Xiao Ran went to the bottom of the electronic sand table at the bottom, did not care about the surrounding hustle and quietly looked at the various information displayed on the electronic sand table, and Cornelia also stood like this. On the right side of Xiaoran’s right side, his face was calm and serious. He couldn’t see how long it had just been with Xiao Ran from the bed, and he returned to the courage that he showed in front of the outsiders.

Cornelia appeared in the command center, and the person in charge here needed to be assisted behind Cornelia. When I saw Xiao Ran appear here, the person in charge suddenly rose up. Courage, after the last time Xiaoran appeared here, it didn’t take long to resolve an important supply base of the Rebel’s organization, and today it’s here again, and let the person who may already be 36-year-old I began to look forward to Xiaoran’s next move, and also kept quiet and watching Xiaoran’s back from the rear.

After watching it for a while, Xiao Ran turned and looked at the head of Cornelia and the command center. The face under the mask could not tell what the expression was, but the words spoken were quite calm: "From the beginning The emergence of irresistible attacks, whether there is any commonality and law in intelligence analysis, and whether there is any information that deserves attention."

Cornelia did not answer Xiaoran’s question. Even though she is all aware of the contents of the current electronic sandbox, in the face of Xiaoran’s problem, Cornelia still looks at the person in charge, and she is also her. One of the most trustworthy subordinates, responsible for coordinating the military command of the entire 19th district.

The assistant commander first glanced at Cornelia. After seeing Cornelia nod, he walked to the electronic sand table and picked up a red dot light to compare the sand table and explain the analysis of the analysis. .

"The counterattack initiated by eu and the resistance organization has been going on for some time, but the counterattacks that really made us unable to resist have only started in recent days. The counterattack in the front is like just completing the task of the chief, although it will give us It brought some trouble, but the offensive was not fierce, and it was not really able to break any of our defense lines."

"But from two days ago, the situation began to change. The front lines of the eu and the rebel army and our borders have sent more troops to launch a storm before us. It is like a sudden serious Up, we will be able to repel their several offensives with the help of two other Knights of the Round Table and the Scarlet Knights, but there are several elite forces with strong fighting power on the next two sides. Using a new type of body, they attacked several of our strongholds and chose to evacuate after completely breaking the stronghold. They did not continue to tear us away. After the eu and the rebel forces were destroyed, they also Did not go deeper but kept a strict attitude."

"As for the common denominator, the enemies who really took down and destroyed our strongholds all took the new machine as the leader, and then they broke through the stronghold and chose to evacuate. From the results of the analysis, we lost a total of more than 36. A defense base, eu and the Rebels have invested more than 100 new machines, with a certain number of kf, attacking our strongholds under the condition that we have to withstand the pressure of the entire frontline and the power is dispersed. The situation can be described as almost one side."

"In terms of law, we have not analyzed any useful results. The enemy's offensive is very sudden, there is no specific interval, and there is no linear target choice. All attacks and current are completely random to us, and Very confidential, it is not clear at what time they will attack which target."

"Up to now, the enemy has clearly been able to continue to penetrate deep after breaking our stronghold, but after taking our stronghold, we chose to retreat and return the damaged base to our hands, no matter how it looks. It is a very targeted conspiracy, and for us, even those that have been destroyed are still strategic, but we are not really able to send more military forces to enter those strongholds to rebuild and defend. It is possible that we will suffer another blow when we are rebuilding, so we can only choose to retreat to give up a large area. Now these positions can only be abandoned, and it is very strange to become both the enemy and the enemy. A special buffer zone between the two."

Xiao Ran nodded and asked: "What do you think of you personally?"

The assistant commander hesitated. After taking a look at Cornelia and looking at Xiaoran, who couldn’t understand it at all, Shen Sheng said: "This is a revenge of eu and the rebel army. It is undoubtedly a planned one. The purpose of the conspiracy is to show you the power of the last time Lulu Xiu Knight, and to show us their strength, but also to the Llukhon knight."

"In the absence of a higher level of combat power, all frontline defense positions will become the target and target of the opponent, but as long as you are on the front line, you will not be able to take care of all the positions and the whole article. The line of defense will even expose the base to the enemy’s gaze. It can be said that it is a conspiracy, and those strongholds and the entire front line are bait."

"Either Lulu Xiu, you continue to stay in this base, and the other side will launch unscrupulous attacks one after another, or the adults will go to the front line, and the other party is likely to launch a raid on the base."

"Fishing." Xiaoran turned his head and looked at the electronic sandbox. "You analyzed it right. The other party is indeed fishing. It is also showing your muscles, but it is also preparing for a big move. Look at me. Everything that the enemy is doing now is the same as what you analyzed, but if we are used to the other party’s practices, then the other party will create more troubles on our heads, and the enemy’s desire is to make us bother and second. The habit of choosing, and then suddenly launching a bigger offensive."

"Okay, I know about the situation. Finally, I asked, is there an average time for our defense base to be used at the end of the attack?"

"I know something about this." Cornelia walked to Xiaoran's side and said with a calm voice: "Ten to fifteen minutes, whether or not they will win the attack target they selected, but will be at this time. There is absolutely no waste of a minute to evacuate, and what we leave behind must be a useless land that has been destroyed or destroyed, can no longer undertake the full defense line mission, and they will all us in the first place. The defenses are all destroyed."

Xiao Ran chuckled: "In fifteen minutes? That is to say, this is also to avoid starting from this base and then giving reinforcements."

Cornelia’s head did not return: “This is the case, but because of this, it will make us more certain that this is a conspiracy against you and us.”

Xiao Ran said: "The most crucial thing is that the corresponding top-level combat power is not comparable to the other side, and the general amount of ordinary combat power is not up to the degree of qualitative change, but even if there are more quantities in front of those organisms, it is meaningless. of."

"Come for help." Xiao Ran waved his hand and held his hand on the edge of the electronic sandbox. "The situation can only be called for help. Now even the Knights of the Round Table have been injured and broken. I can imagine each other. The quality of the input power has far exceeded us. The situation in the 19th district can only apply to Charles’s members of the Scarlet Knights even if they don’t want to, so that they can balance with each other in high-level combat. ""

"Now only this situation occurs in the 19th district. However, other places may have similar situations. If this is the case, only a few people in the Knights of the Round Table will not be able to resist even more troops. With organizations that have a new type of machine, this situation may have to be maintained until our new machine starts mass production and is configured.

"If you want me to say, simply evacuate the 19th district, temporarily abandon this area, take all the things that can be taken away, and destroy things that cannot be taken away, leaving a mess to eu and the resistance, regardless of Whether these two sides will conflict because of our withdrawal, or simply merge into one, but we can recapture the site after our high-level combat power is replenished."

Cornelia looked at Xiaoran with indifferent eyes: "Exit is not absolutely impossible. Once the 19th district is abandoned, the stability of the entire empire will be affected, and the other numbers will think that the empire will begin to decline. Then There have been turmoil in various places."

Xiao Ran said lightly: "Sometimes the fist is recovered in order to better pinch and then fight out. Now this situation does not take back, and sooner or later, it will be cut off. The loss will be greater at that time. It is easier for other districts to start rebellious turmoil according to the current situation."

"How many districts does the empire have now? How important is the importance of the empire? Why should it be said that these will now become a useless land that drags down the development of the empire, not to mention that even if some regions are divided, they are only temporary, I am afraid Wait until the new machine configuration is completed and the area lost from the hands of the Empire will not exceed three, which is to fight for time."

Cornelia's expression changed two times and once again resolutely said: "I will not consider doing this."

Xiao Ran smiled and said nothing: "Then keep it, people who apply for more Scarlet Knights come to the 19th District. Although they will not be able to completely change the current situation for security, they will completely suppress the two enemies, but at least In time, I can still maintain the current situation. I can also let the other party not dare to be so arrogant. I can’t do much to deal with this situation alone. I just leave, this base is very good. It may be attacked by the enemy, and it is completely dead in this base."

"Now the enemy must have set a fifteen-minute danger zone with this base as the center of the circle. What is left for us is to choose one, but no matter how we choose the enemy, we can have corresponding countermeasures. From the moment of starting the operation, the 19th district has completely fallen into the other's plan."

Xiao Ran said that he did not pay attention to Cornelia, but said to the assistant commander: "Send all the forces that can be used in this base, and check me thoroughly with the base as the center of the diameter of 300 kilometers. Once again, I estimate that at this time the other party may already have a force to come close, let the trustworthy person spread the detector to all the places."

"The detector I am talking about is a type of detector that can give direct feedback under normal conditions, and can also give disconnection feedback under abnormal conditions, arranged in an array, as long as the other party enters To our detection range, we will definitely open various interference or anti-detection equipment. When the detection equipment is disconnected, it means that there are enemies. The use of the equipment is of course simpler, not too much. Function, just need to be able to connect."

"This method is not necessarily useful, but it is better than nothing."

The assistant commander heard Xiaoran’s words, and suddenly his face suddenly appeared. He looked at Cornelia, who had no expression at all. After hesitating, he nodded and turned and left to quickly tell the work arranged by Xiao Ran.

Xiaoran, after assisting the commander, turned to Cornelia and said gently: "It’s no longer a struggle to use this opportunity to trap me here. It’s not your character, and I’m also Will not give you other choices besides obeying me."

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Chapter 2501 Yangmou (page 1/1)

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