Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2521: Tired

Keji felt a little dizzy. The situation developed too fast for him to accept some incompetence. It was not long before he received his own information that he was suffering from an ambush and needed reinforcements. After he sent a helping hand, he sent it again after a while. The information said that it was not to reinforce because there was an ambush on the road, and then I learned that Xiao Ran had chosen to break after protecting his own hand and then lost contact. Fiction.

Then I got the news of Xiao Ran, and I knew that Xiao Ran had already won the entire rebel army. What happened in the middle? At this time, Keji’s heart was quite complicated. Legs, others not only let backing back safely but also took the enemy, feeling that they seem to have done nothing to become completely different, is this the feeling of holding the thighs hanging up? Although it is very inexplicable, why do you feel inexplicably cool?

Cornelia's mood is not as complicated as that of Keji. After hearing Xiaoran's explanation, she was surprised. I can see that Xiaoran is still communicating with himself and knows that Xiaoran should not have a fake. Otherwise, There is no chance that they will communicate with them.

However, Cornelia was not so reassured, and some worriedly asked: "Is that just the case? Just a gamble determines the success or failure of a power, so a large piece of ownership from the past areas of our hands? Do you Don't worry if they will repent? Even if they return to you, they can only retaliate against them, but if they can't find them, do they set a trap for you?"

Xiao Ran said in a light voice: "They can't afford my anger. I can win the strongest of them and all their strengths at once. Then I can take them for the second time, but the next time I will not be like It’s so friendly now. Before they repent, they must first consider whether they can withstand more than 60% of all combat power and the loss of all high-end combat power. If they are not prepared, they will not regret it. Possible."

Cornelia still wants to talk, but Xiaoran has made her words in her heart: "Yes, this is the decision. Lelouch will personally reach a cooperation agreement with the other party, but if it can be thoroughly Conquering the other party is of course the best result. The speed of the occupation in the area where the rebel army has withdrawn will surely occupy these places before the reaction of eu."

"The main force is transferred to the front line of eu. The strategic square against eu remains unchanged and continues to be harassed and destroyed by the Scarlet Knights. However, the extra strength is all invested in the defensive new land. Go."

"Call." Cornelia breathed several times and nodded. "I will send people to inquire about the situation. Just make sure that the resistance of the rebels will withdraw and I will immediately send people to capture those areas as soon as possible."


Keji’s mouth twitched. A legion lost more than 60% of its personnel. In addition to the loss of the high-end combat power of the team leader, this is a loss that all the participants’ corps would not dare to bear, so as long as they don’t If the opponent violates the task, he will not choose to resist. Even if he violates the task, he will try his best to ease it. As long as the other party is not deliberately looking for death or has absolute certainty, it will definitely not be against Xiaoran.

However, Xiao Ran went out and said that although Keji did not see what happened at the time, but with the results of the present, the Xiaoran must be very powerful, and it is stronger than his imagination, and Xiao Ran arranged He sent people to pick up Lulu Xiu, and then protected Lulu Xiu in the past and contacted the Rebels. Ke Ke felt that he could take advantage of this opportunity to communicate with the opposing army. After all, he would be doing things under the hands of a boss. Well, I can still have a good legion in the other army.

Xiao Ran nodded and Connelia, sitting in the cockpit and even the eye's visual angle did not change, said: "Keki, this body is damaged in some parts of the battle, wait for me After returning, send someone to the receiver body for repair as soon as possible."

"Well, I will send people to the past."

Hanging up and communicating with the two people, this communication can be regarded as a safe and stable military for the two people. It is not because of such a small situation that they will be chaotic, and then Xiaoran will delay driving in the middle. Caesar returned to the frontline base, and then handed over the body to the people who were waiting in the frontline base, but before that, Xiao Ran had already taken the small bits that were attached to the body, after all, those things could Can not be handed over to the Scarlet Knights, as for the small bits taken down is temporarily hidden in the place to take off.

After sending the body away, Xiao Ran returned to his office and asked his secretary to call Cornelia. Perhaps it was too much to deal with, and Xiaoran’s notice was also about to be in Conneria. After an hour, I entered Xiaoran’s office. When I came in, I saw Xiaoran sitting in a chair and didn’t even have a little movement. Not only that, but when she saw Xiaoran’s first time, she used her as a sixth sense of women. It was also vaguely aware that Xiaoran in front of him seemed to be somewhat different from before, revealing a kind of breath that she had never felt before him, some cold and indifferent.


Not only did it feel cold, but even if it was said, Cornelia felt the same feeling of indifference. After nodding, Cornelia walked into Xiaoran, and her face appeared with doubts and worried expressions. Xiao Ran asked: "I feel that you are not quite right, is it hurt in the battle with those people?"

"Those people don't hurt me." Xiao Ran said this calmly, but he said it is true. Although he is driving only the body of the devil, Caesar, if the devil is really damaged, or It is a heavy blow. He can directly enter the quantum field to avoid all attacks. It is really not easy to get the current state of Xiaoran injured.

"then you?"

Xiao Ran shook his head: "It doesn't matter, you don't need to worry, my current situation is really different from normal, but it is not because of the injury, I use a special secret technique, which will greatly improve the process of opening. My ability, and then there will be some weakness in the opening time, so the next work will be handed over to you alone, and I need at least one or two days to recover in my current situation. ""

"Weakness?" Cornelia jumped in her heart and looked at Xiao Ran's expression suddenly became a bit complicated. After a deep look at Xiao Ran, she slowly closed her eyes and sighed with a sigh: "I know I will handle the things here and hide your weak things. It’s really weird. It’s time to take advantage of your weakness and solve you, but I find that I can’t do this. Things."

Xiao Ran was silent and said: "What kind of answer do you want from my mouth? I want to tell you why this is because you are controlled by my geass, or tell you that your inner thoughts are completely yours. My own true thoughts, I can't answer you with this question, maybe it's just one of them, but maybe both."

"Oh." Cornelia laughed and hugged her arm to make her chest more straightforward. The tone was a bit disdainful: "I feel that I only have control. Do you think we just slept a few times and then I started to fall in love with you? Don't be passionate."

Xiao Ran did not answer Cornelia, but slowly stood up from the chair: "The next time I will hand it over to you."

When the voice fell, Cornelia’s eyes suddenly rose in disbelief. The hands that were held were not consciously loosened and then pinched, and the eyes in front of them turned into countless light spots and slowly dissipated. Just disappeared in front of myself like magic, as if the person I had just talked to was just a phantom of her own virtual fantasy, until the light spots in the room disappeared, and Cornelia was still standing for a long time. Come back to God.

Time passed for a long time, and Cornelia was waking up from that inexplicable state, muttering to himself: "This... is it human? Is this really human? What is this guy?" thing?"

Xiaoran, who disappeared into the office, condensed his body into his room in the next moment. He touched the quantum assimilation state at the moment he sat on the bed, and then the strong back was softened at once, weak. Stretched out his own mask, softly leaning against the bed and gently gasping.

The time to start quantum assimilation is not too long, and the battles that have been experienced are not very fierce. However, there is no help from the solar oven. Some of the successors are not able to produce enough power. The once Xiaoran used quantum assimilation to be weak for a long time, the more intense the battle. The more you consume, the weaker the time will increase, and the subsequent weak response is quite uncomfortable.

However, with Xiaoran's mastery of quantum assimilation, a series of sequelae caused by weakness are gradually slowed down. In a short period of time, the use of quantum assimilation will not be in a state of coma. Now, after being promoted to become a s-class pilot, The blood of the changer is advanced with the solar furnace, and the aftereffects are even weaker, and the recovery speed is much faster.

In the current state, it is actually not necessary for him to tell Cornelia for a day or two. It is estimated that one night of rest can actually recover. The most important reason for the uncomfortable after quantum assimilation is mental energy consumption. Too big, although Xiaoran now has a lot of mental energy consumption, but it has not reached the level that makes him slow.

The reason why he told Cornelia that he did not mean to deliberately test Cornelia, that Cornelia, controlled by geass, could not do anything to hurt and betray him, even now that Cornelia has been confused. What is the heart of my own after being controlled by geass, and there are some other things that make her less likely to hurt Xiao Ran, so Xiao Ran just hopes that Cornelia will be able to do well for a while. And the preparation of the command, because even if the sequelae disappear, the mental strength must be completely restored to become the strongest force in the full state, it is almost a day or two, and the demon **** Caesar is estimated to be spent. At least for such a long time.

No matter how light the sequelae are, it does make Xiao Ran feel tired and weak. It doesn't take long to lie in bed and sleep with his eyes closed.

I didn't know how long I slept, and Xiaoran's eyes, which slowly opened my eyes, quickly became clear, and I swayed my head and sat up from the bed, then I looked at a corner of the room, one At this time, the figure was sitting in front of a small round table that was not too big. He held his pen in one hand and operated the tablet in one hand. He also whispered from time to time while still holding headphones on his ear.

Xiao Ran’s action was also discovered by the sly figure. After looking at Xiaoran, he said that he had picked up the headset and closed it. He stood up and walked to Xiaoran’s face, and looked at Xiaoran with a slight frown: I woke up and felt how."

"It’s much better than expected." Xiao Ran licked his head, which didn’t hurt, and looked at the woman in front of him and asked, "When are you coming?"

Cornelia licked her hair and said with dissatisfaction: "It’s been a long time since you came. I didn’t even notice that I came here. I have been here to handle the official business and I haven’t woken you up. It seems that the aftereffects are better than I expected. It’s still serious. If you are in a normal state, you can’t escape your ears even if you have only a little bit of movement.”

"Oh, that is indeed more serious than expected. Even if you come over for a long time, I don't know." Xiao Ran smiled, but his heart was slightly sinking. Although the aftereffects were alleviated, there was no point to the outside world after falling asleep. It is indeed a big problem to perceive this.

Before the opening of quantum assimilation, the weak state is almost always accompanied by people. Those who are completely trustworthy, although Cornelia can be trusted, but it is still a little inappropriate, for all reasons, such as It is not a big problem for Cornelia to have his own ability to protect himself. This also reminds Xiao Ran that he will definitely pay attention to this situation again. This time it is really a bit of a big deal.

Xiao Ran’s thoughts don’t know, but when she saw Xiao Ran’s expression of a smile, Connelia’s dissatisfied expression on her face became more vigorous. She slightly increased her voice and said: “I know that there is a problem. Then don't do such a thing next time, the whole Butalia is not the only one you can fight."

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