Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2523: All according to your request

Xiao Ran looked around at the base built by the Black Knights. It was actually a small stronghold, but in the time he left, he had already established such a dozen bases, although it was because The development of the Black Knights is not slow, but there has not been any big move in the 11th district, and it can still develop into this when Euphelia succeeded in shaping the 11th district into an SAR. It seems that Lulu Xiu’s personal ability is not necessary to say much, but the help provided by the deputy governor of the 11th district is also crucial.

Today's Black Knights mission is also very different from the mission in the original plot. It is developing towards an organization like the Heavenly Man, but it is still in the stage of growing and growing, still crouching at the right time waiting for the blockbuster. And it will not be long before this opportunity will automatically appear in front of the Black Knights.

When they came out from the stronghold of the parked warplanes, Xiao Ran and Liu Muye sat on a small car that was not so conspicuous and headed for the direction of the special institute.

On the road, Xiao Ran also has some curiosity about the development of the current Black Knights. Although he is still in contact with Lelouch, it is still unclear about some situations. Just like this base, Xiao Ran It is known that Lulu Xiu said that some bases will be established, but the specifics are not well understood.

"There are more than a dozen bases like this. Before Lulu Xiu, I told him that he had established several bases, but he didn't expect to get so much in such a short time. He didn't specialize in a technical department. ?"

He has been staying in the 11th district. Lulu Xiu often contacted the development of the Black Knights. It was not Xiao Ran, who was far away from other countries, but Xiao Ran stayed in the eleventh district, so he was against the Black Knights. The situation is much clearer than Xiao Ran.

When I heard Xiao Ran say this, he said directly: "The time for these bases to be established is very short. There were only a few strongholds at the beginning, but the Black Knights did not have much action, and they have been working hard to deal with them. Rebel groups and terrorist organizations in the first district have been developing in accordance with the goal of preventing conflict and destruction. Yuferia has also begun to implement many favorable policies for the Japanese in the 11th district. It seems that this is because of this. The idea is that many people agree that many people who have got a better life have been forced to break the life that they have not been able to get, and instead become supporters of maintaining this stability."

"And the people of the Black Knights are not just those rebel organizations. We sometimes give some of the opponents of the 11th district of Butalia and the oppressed people of the Japanese to Lelouch. These people carried out some actions and liberated several factories that used the Japanese as slaves. The similarities in the mines made the number of people who recognized the Black Knights more and more, not just Japanese. Even the Butarians are not lacking supporters of the Black Knights."

Xiao Ran nodded thoughtfully. It was a bit good for the Japanese. The pain was forgotten, and it was a bit of a Stockholm syndrome. In short, I didn’t want to go back to the original sad life, and I didn’t want to appear once. The war affected them, and only wanted to live better and gradually become better and better, so I began to support Euphelia and began to support the maintenance of this smooth black knight.

As for the Butarias, there has been no shortage of moderates since the beginning, and there is no shortage of people who have sympathy for those numbers. Now there is a black Knights group that is truly a righteous organization, interested or willing to support it. Not surprisingly, this is called an egg pain.

"Leruchiu found that this was a time to expand the power of the Black Knights faster, so a special investigation selected a group of people to join the Black Knights, but they also gave them geass, so those who joined later There should be no problem."

Xiao Ran nodded, and he continued: "As for the research department, Lelouch is also building, but excellent technicians are hard to find. So far, some people have been found, but a person with sufficient ability is needed to host. Now it should be I am in contact with you. I don’t know the specific situation. You need to ask Lulu Xiu."

Xiao Ran gave Lulu a technical information before, but at that time the Black Knights did not have the strength to realize the content of the information. Now the Black Knights have been rapidly developed and expanded, and in the meantime, Lelouch will definitely use geass. The process of obtaining development funds is also time to get the research department and the manufacturing plant.

All the way to talk, more than half an hour away in the two people in a word, the special research institute Lloyd is also in the eyes of Xiao Ran.

I was driving the car to the front of the tightly guarded gate. It was only a half-open window that showed a face and was able to walk with it. The same in the car, Xiao Ran even walked into the car and entered the core. In the area, after driving the car directly into the research building, Xiao Ran opened the door and walked out of the car. He took an elevator with him, and soon after he left the elevator, he saw that most of the time he looked squinting. Lloyd.

Lloyd saw Xiaoran’s appearance and was slightly surprised. He stopped the work in his hand and ran to Xiaoran’s face. After looking up and down, he squinted and raised his right hand with a smile. A greeting, he asked: "When did you come back, I didn't hear the wind saying that you are coming back."

Xiao Ran also smiled at Lloyd: "For a while, I will return to the 19th district. No one knows this time."

Lloyd squinted slightly, and some helplessly said: "I know that you came here to check our work."

Xiao Ran shook his head: "The speed on your side is really too slow. It has been so long that there is not even a single message. I have to come and see it myself."

Lloyd shrugged his shoulders and turned and waved at Xiao Ran: "Let's go, I haven't slacked off the body you want. I will take you to see me first."

Xiao Ran nodded and followed up with Lloyd. He also smiled a little behind him. He followed the back without a snoring. He took the elevator again and then went underground. After passing through the long door, he stepped into a vast expanse. In the space, here, Xiao Ran saw countless people wearing technical uniforms and white coats busy work, heard the sound of various machines, and saw a semi-finished body with a height of about 20 meters. .

The so-called semi-finished body is that the cockpit is still exposed, only the skeleton and the line pipe, even the body of the armor are not installed, and in the vicinity of the body, a neat container is lined up, many containers have been opened, It reveals a wide variety of parts and parts.

Lloyd first glanced at the body that was still under completion, and then turned to face Xiao Ran's grand introduction: "This is the body you want, a body that does not exist on the bright surface."

Xiao Ran did not care about the grandeur of Lloyd, and the words were straight into the subject: "How much completion has been achieved."

Lloyd sighed weakly, swayed his head and looked at the body: "The current completion rate is more than 75%, and it takes at least one to two weeks to complete the speed. In order to build this body, no, we should say that for this series of bodies, we have put a lot of effort into it. There are a lot of equipment, materials, technology, and crafts that are restarted from scratch. Many parts cannot be artificially used. Finished, modeling tests are really wasting a lot of time."

Said, Lloyd turned back and looked at Xiao Ran, with a little bit of fanaticism: "Just with you to give me the things in the technology, this body will become a super generation beyond the world's countless generations The body is using nuclear energy that has never been seen in the world. With the technical support you provided, our joint efforts have completely overcome all the difficulties of the nuclear energy engine. It is incredible, we have one-time contact. Getting started, from entry to leap, can do such a thing in such a short time, this will be a change of the times. Next, I am going to link the slate stone with nuclear energy to create a more terrible new sakura stone. nuclear energy……"

"Cough." Xiao Ran gently coughed and interrupted Lloyd who was caught in the technical frenzy. After Lloyd stopped some reluctance, Xiao Ran asked: "I need to know the specific performance. To what extent... If you forget, you will tell me whether the requirements of this machine, or higher requirements, can be met after the body is manufactured."

Xiao Ran suddenly thought that some things were inconsistent with the person in front of him. I really want Lloyd to say a series of data in succession. I am afraid that this guy will fall into the enthusiasm for technology, and Xiao Ran used to be for Lloyd. People have made up a good deal of technical knowledge, but some data and output does not necessarily represent the level of the body. When Xiaoran and Luo communicate with each other, Luo will use more fuzzy but can make Xiaoran the most. A clear way to introduce.

For example, how fast is the speed, several times the previous body, what level a, b level, defense reached a level, b level, what system is used, what components are equipped, Xiaoran is very accustomed to this Ways to understand and evaluate the overall performance of the body.

Lloyd thought: "The body has not been tested yet, but it is ok to meet your requirements with the current calculation data. In order to satisfy you, the whole process of the body is based on the information you gave me. All the parameters of the manufactured materials and equipment are also at least equal to the parameters you gave me."

"If the parameters can be flat, it will be almost the same." Xiao Ran nodded, using the fool-like technical operation guide book, if you can't make a parameter-flat body if you can't make a lot of time, then Xiaoran really I think that Lloyd’s ability is too bad.

It is clear that they have been able to make Lancelot, which is already a relatively fine product, and it can also be used as an energy shield. It is also a high-end thing, but it takes so much time to complete a Xiao Ran's satisfied body, Xiao Ran can only say that the technology of this world is completely biased towards the other world's technology. The technical foundation of some aspects is indeed incomparable to the world of all-metal frenzy. It is not that Lloyd does not give force. It is the world that does not give strength.

Shaking his head, Xiao Ran looked at the body that was still under completion and asked, "What about the other?"

"Other?" Lloyd did not react to what Xiaoran wanted to say for a while, and said directly: "When this body is completed, we can directly start mass production of the lower g series body, even the test. You can go straight without having to adjust it."

"Is it possible to directly mass-produce?" Xiao Ran looked at Lloyd deeply and did not pursue the problem but said: "I mean, I have all the other devices and equipment I have requested. This body is on top."

"You said this, I didn't say it just now." Lloyd smiled with a small eye: "It's all done according to your requirements, so you have all the special, vacant energy pipes, can Even the dissipating device, the special energy-sealed cabin, the special-armed dragon cavalry that can be disengaged, at least, technically, I will not give you a hind leg."

Xiao Ran nodded. This Lloyd completely made the body according to the requirements of Xiao Ran and the technical materials. As he said, Xiaoran can only say that he is satisfied with the two words.

This machine is manufactured with the gravitational freedom of the g series body as a template. It is a modified version of the technology and is the version of the body that Kira uses in the og world. If it can be exactly the same as the parameters. After that, the body can have a level of level after completion, and it is enough for Xiaoran to use it in this mission.

And what other energy weapons are a small problem compared to what, as for higher-level energy materials, Xiao Ran estimates that Lloyd can not get the technology, the foundation is too bad to get this body It’s already super normal, and at the beginning, Xiao Ran also paid a lot of labor.

"one week."

Lloyd snorted: "Well?"

"This machine will be completely completed in a week, and there will be a problem in the 19th district, but no matter whether it will be a problem, my next plan will be opened in a month or so... I need this one at that time. The body helps me maintain a smooth transition in this country." m.

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