Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2526: Comprehensive conflict

Xiao Ran, who received and arranged the lion corps, handed it over to Lulu Xiu. In the case of the lion corps’ refusal to participate and the war on the eu, the original Xiaoran wanted to use the lion lion regiment as Butalia, other than eu. The plan of forcing the third party to intervene and suspending the war in the short term can no longer be continued. For Xiao Ran, the lion lion regiment has no effect in the vicinity of the 19th district. It is better to throw it directly to the Lulu Xiu side to arrange it. What other plans for Lelouch have been, Xiao Ran will not have more questions, but now with the addition of the lion corps, although it can not be used in the 19th district, there are still many places for them to play.

Without the lion corps, the task of continuing to exert pressure on eu has to continue. Under the premise of not being able to directly act on the eu homeland, the war in the 19th district is also the only place to transfer the energy of the eu participants. The consumption of this side of the force, or even the solution to the other party's participants, is also gradually accumulating advantages.

工具 eu is a gradual reduction of the battleline between the gueo, but it is not a surprise. Made preparations, this is not a good thing to praise for Butari. It is more or less unnecessary for Xiao Ran.

If the person who defeated Seymours was not Xiaoran, but replaced by the Charles Emperor who could assemble the entire power of Butalia, then what Seymours would do would definitely suffer from Charles’ hatred, but accept this. Everything turned into Xiao Ran, although Xiao Ran will have some small whispers about it, but he can completely accept the choice of C PA in his heart, and will not blame Seljus for such problems.

After leaving the base of Cerros, Lelouch did not return to the 11th district, but instead lived in the base controlled by the Scarlet Knights at this time, and facilitated communication and arrangement with Seymours. To assist the lion corps to gradually disappear into this continent, and the specific arrangements have all been reported back to Xiao Ran, and it is also possible for Xiao Ran to clearly know the arrangement and whereabouts of the next lion corps, but to completely withdraw the lion corps. It is not a few days to complete this battle.

As for the goal, it was placed in the Southeast Asia region by Lelouch. A situation where the current situation is equally chaotic, even more chaotic than the African continent where the 19th district is located, almost spanned from the southernmost part of the African continent. The mainland has already, but since the target has been decided, in the case that the lion corps can not be moved as a whole, some people will be sent to inquire about the information and find a suitable place as a base.

On the Butalia side, without the worries of the rebel army, it is possible to put all the main energy into the eu aspect. At the beginning, it did send a lot of troops to receive and rectify the territory left by the rebel army, resulting in changes in the strength. There were some shortcomings, but in a few days, a new batch of reinforcements arrived in the 19th district, completely solved the problem of insufficient strength due to the expansion of the site, and then erupted a larger military with the eu side. conflict.

The large-scale military conflict between the two sides directly led to the sound of artillery on the front line from day to night. From night to day, it has not stopped. You have come to me without any party to give in, from the wilderness to the desert, from the desert to the desert. The city, from the city to the ruins, is full of fighting everywhere. On the one hand, there is no retreat. Once it continues to retreat, it is very likely that the right to speak of the mainland will be completely lost. The other side will pursue the victory and try to win the whole battle. Block continent.

As the main force of the war between the two sides, at this time, instead of a small number of participants, but ordinary soldiers belonging to two countries, the same soldiers who died in the war are also the most common army. Talents can take the outbreak of battle to every place with a large scale.

And those participants, whether they are eu participants or participants of the Scarlet Knights, although they have the strength, but there are still a few who have the real ability to change the strength of the battle, ordinary participants even have more powerful than ordinary people. The power, but also there is a great possibility that the ship will be piled up in a huge number of fronts and entangled.

So under such circumstances, the participants who actually appeared in the frontal wars became fewer. The participants on both sides chose the harassment and special operations in such a war. I destroyed your supply line and you destroyed. My material library, coming and going, has also erupted many times in this same choice.

Participants who really have the courage to appear on the frontal battlefield are also people who have great confidence in their own strength, such as Keji, but none of them will appear on the frontal battlefield, not only in the first At one time, it was treated unconventionally, and the other party's participants also appeared in the battlefield.

After repeated conflicts, the ordinary soldiers have suffered even greater losses. After all, the ordinary soldiers can only be regarded as targets for the level of the pilots of Keji, but if they are to attack the enemy ordinary soldiers. The enemy will also do the same thing. This is why the participants first appeared on the frontal battlefield and caused more casualties.

In the back, the two sides may have absorbed the lesson, instead of using ordinary soldiers to entangle the participants, and evolved into a direct collision between the participants and the participants. As long as one participant wins, it often represents the battle. Victory, but the victory will not stay in one side forever. Both sides have lost each other in such a war, but the participants who actually sacrificed in the loss are indeed very few, because once they fall into the disadvantage, they will not hesitate to choose. retreat.

In such a conflict, Xiao Ran did not join in, although the devil Caesar that he handed over to the Scarlet Knights only returned to Xiao Ran’s hands in only two or three days, but Xiao Ran did not deal with the rebel army. So personally went into battle, but steady in the command to personally direct this massive war.

In terms of the ability and character of Cornelia, although there is enough power to command a war, the scale of the war now far exceeds the scope of Cornelia's ability. This time the conflict with eu almost broke out. It is a continent that has swept more than half of the African continent. Although the truth is a bit hurtful, Cornelia, who is used to being a warrior, does not have the ability to command wars of this size.

The war broke out very suddenly. The original eu aspect has shrunk. Xiao Ran just hopes to rely on the power of some 19 districts and the Scarlet Knights to weaken the opponent's strength as much as possible, and kill it by harassment or destruction. It's like a way to warm boiled frogs slowly, but it can weaken the other's strength, and it can let the other party send more participants when the ordinary power is not enough to resist, so that the other party's energy is involved here, the most critical In such a slow way, Xiao Ran can still get enough time.

However, Charles did not have any requirements at all, and actively assembled a force that was three times more than all the forces in the 19th district. A new order directly broke Xiaoran. The original arrangement, and the presence of so many troops, also showed the attitude of dying and living to the eu side, and even angered eu, and suddenly a full-scale conflict broke out.

Charles’s order is to defeat the rebel army’s current victory and chase the eu’s power out of the continent. The most unsatisfactory must also squeeze the living environment of eu on this continent to a minimum, which is clearly given The order, Xiao Ran, even if he didn't want to do it, but now that he hasn't done anything to Charles, he is forcibly tied to the current situation by those sudden reinforcements, and Xiaoran can only temporarily act according to Charles's wishes.

Fortunately, Charles sent so many troops, and indeed gave eu a huge threat and urgency, put a lot of energy on this side, those who have many more in the war This problem is clearly explained, at least the purpose of this has been achieved.

It just made Xiao Ran have a lot of worries. The first is that he really can’t get out of time in the current situation in the 19th district. The command of the entire war is completely dependent on him to be able to do so. Steps to advance, but will not let the eu dog jump to the wall and can only accept the rhythm of daily loss, if you change the individual to command is easy to break the current balance, maybe the advantage will be directly reversed to become a disadvantage.

Secondly, Xiao Ran is also worried that when there will be a full-scale conflict between the two sides of the participants, he lacks the right force and he has no way to intervene in such a conflict well, and he cannot intervene in the name of the Black Knights. Going in, and once such a conflict breaks out, although the eu aspect is not good, the Scarlet Knights are estimated to have a large loss. This is also why Xiao Ran does not want to see it, so he will always try his best to maintain the whole. The balance of the battle, and sometimes even deliberately throwing some bait to eu to eat so that the other party can always touch the local victory.

But the focus of both is time. Xiaoran needs time to go to the 11th district. As long as he goes to the 11th district to solve the problem of the organism, all the problems are not a problem. Who knows that Charles will suddenly be so completely disrupted? His arrangement made him unable to leave the 19th district.

A few days passed, and a week passed. Every day, Xiao Ran was dragged into the headquarters and there was not much time to rest. It was simply to arrange the place to live in his own office. Sometimes he suddenly took action. Xiao Ran also had to get up immediately and send a suitable team to deal with the problem without affecting the whole situation. The situation of the situation with Xiaoran’s overall command is also pretty good, but if you only look at the numbers, you can only use Two words to describe, tragic.

No matter the loss of personnel, the number of war-torn soldiers is numerous, and the consumption of materials is extremely terrifying. The soldiers on the front line are bathed in danger every day, but even the soldiers who supply the transportation are equally unclear. At that time, there will be several missiles on the head, even if the maintenance personnel are slightly behind, they are always at risk.

Cornelia did not go to the front line. Every day, like Xiao Ran, he was in the command post, but he did the job of assisting Xiao Ran. Every day, he looked at the number of changes in the injury report, and the face of Cornelia. The expression was getting worse and worse. There were some smiles at the beginning, but only a few days left, the rest was heavy, tired and heartbroken.

Finally, Cornelia broke into the office of Xiao Ran one night, and closed the door with a heavy look. Xiao Ran, who was naked on the upper body, directly threw the report in his hand to Xiao Ran’s body, gnashing his teeth and said: “The loss of these days It has already surpassed all the losses of the previous integration of the 19th district. It can't continue in this way. We must find a way to change the current situation. The casualties of frontline personnel are too big, whether it is Butalia or eu. The fighting power is also increasing, so it is very likely that there will be problems in Butalia."

"You...you...can't use the lives of these ordinary soldiers to consume each other's strength."

"I didn't." Xiao Ran slowly picked up the report scattered on the ground and stood up and walked over to Cornelia: "I didn't do it. I don't know what caused you to look at me like this, but I never I plan to use the life of ordinary soldiers to consume the power of the other side. The real force to weaken each other is always the Scarlet Knights. This situation is only because the scale of the war has become larger and larger. Now the situation is also I didn’t even think of it at the beginning. It’s too fast to come too fast.”

Cornelia said with a grin: "But now, this is the case. Even if you don't think so, you have been avoiding such a situation. But the facts have developed into a complete war of attrition. In any case, you must solve the problem now. Wanting to receive Butalia, and not wanting to receive a more confusing and riddled Butalia because of a war."

Xiao Ran exhaled a breath and sighed: "I understand that I have been looking for such an opportunity, but the defense of the other side has no weakness at all. Even if I can go in person, the other party can gather all the power regardless of the cost. Initiating the attack, now the top leaders of both sides are actually maintaining a tacit understanding, not putting the most powerful force into it. This kind of tacit understanding can be broken, but I need time and lack of things."


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