Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2529: return

In the following week, Xiao Ran was in the hangar during the day and in the room at night. He was basically busy from start to finish. While dealing with the finishing work of the new machine, he also needed to pay attention to the 19th district. In the case, even if the communicator gives a reminder during the break, he will open his eyes to give Cornelia the quickest reply in the first time. When working at daytime, the personal terminal will float 100% in the blink of an eye. A place to see. m

The hangar and Xiao Ran together to complete the final work of the body is not surprising, this is a group of people who are controlled by Xiao Ran with geass ability and mind power. Xiao Ran shows that this extraordinary power will only let These people’s hearts are more loyal to Xiao Ran.

In a week's time, the total size of the body has found more than two hundred problems that need to be revised. The big problems are not. All of them are small problems that can be modified by taking some time to adjust. Even if it is a reference. The complete technical drawings can be said to be fool-like tutorials. The body that is finally manufactured still has so many small problems. Insufficient experience and insufficient knowledge of technology are the key factors for these problems. One or two small problems are not counted. What, but if more than two hundred problems occur at the same time, it is a huge problem in itself.

Such a small number of problems will not take too much time to deal with alone, but all of them have to be solved, and they have been moved all over the body. The original three-shift technicians have become two shifts, and the original can also become completely The busy state of work and rest restrictions, but Xiao Ran forced the two shifts to allow everyone to maintain adequate rest, otherwise the more busy the more dizzy, the more dizzy and wrong, in a matter of more than a week, all the problems found are all Processed.

The next thing to do is to make the final adjustments in the initial test, and the rest will only wait until you can see other problems in the actual test.

The preliminary test was carried out in a small test field of the size of the football field in the institute. The original test site was a football field. The site used by the special station was originally a college, and all the buildings were built after the special entrance. Divided into other roles, this test field was also built after the special entrance to the football field.

It took a week to solve all the problems I found. The initial test was also officially started in the test field under Xiaoran’s personal driving. The time and process of the test was not complicated. I started the test field for one hour at 8:00 in the morning. A number of tests to test the activity of the body itself, Xiao Yan himself or the technical team to find the problem, the next day will focus on adjusting and solving the problems encountered in the test, but these problems are dealing with the two hundred After processing a small number of small problems, basically no need to do too much action on the body can be completed, and the data adjustment aspect is not used by the technical group, Xiaoran alone can test the data on the data The problem is simply solved.

Just three days of testing, all the work that needs to be carried out in the special institute will be officially ended, which means that the newly-produced body already has the qualification to set foot on the battlefield, but the original one week is fully delayed to the tenth. The genius is really done.

If the work carried out in the 11th district is good news, then there is trouble and bad news in the 19th district.

As Xiaoran disappeared for a longer period of time, eu did not unexpectedly know that Xiaoran had left the command post, but because the devil Caesar disappeared at the same time, this empty city meter did affect the eu side at the beginning, let them The action has become more cautious.

But I have been cautious for so long, and I have been prepared for so long. The devils Caesar and Xiaoran have not disappeared in the battlefield and there is no trace. This situation will naturally give more ideas to the eu side. There are more worries, smart people are everywhere, speculating whether Xiaoran has left the 19th district may only be a problem with the brain, but it will also guess whether there will be any bigger conspiracy in the disappearance of Xiaoran. They have to carry more pressure, and if the two are linked together, is it possible that Xiaoran really left the 19th district, but the goal is to put it in the eu homeland, after all, Xiaoran attacked important strategic locations. It has not happened.

I didn’t know it at first. I knew that there was speculation. I couldn’t sit still at the end. I finally came up with a solution to the problem. It’s a temptation. I’m going to see if Xiao Ran is really not in the 19th district. Forced Xiaoran to appear, after all, the snakes hidden in the shadows are often more terrible than the danger of appearing.

So at this time when the new machine was actually completed, the threats and troubles encountered in the 19th district were gradually increased to a more dangerous level, and now the Scarlet Knights are in the 19th district. The members have all set foot on the front line of the battlefield. There have been many high-level participants in the eu team to launch a strong attack on the front line of the 19th district. The whole front is even more pressured by the whole army and a more intense war broke out.

And Xiao Ran, has been remotely controlling the war in the 19th district. Often, once the eu aspect launches a strong attack, there will inevitably be a force to launch retaliation in the eu field. This typical key strike is full of Xiaoran’s command style. However, at the same time, even if Keji brings people to the forefront with the attack of local participants, once there is a disadvantage, he will still choose to retreat under the command of Xiao Ran, and he will not dare to try his best to resist this self-exposure. The behavior of the bottom.

Because once this is done, it is obvious that there is no more powerful force behind the opponents, so they will fight for the chance to win, and for this reason, they have given up a lot of sites that have already been hit, but in Under the command of Xiao Ran, these lost sites will be regained in other places.

However, Xiao Ran has his own response, and there is also a good plan for eu. He directly chose the formation of the most powerful spear to pierce Butalia, and chose the direction of the headquarters in the 19th district. The attack was launched. Under special circumstances, there was no way to choose a stable and stable way. The attack was carried out in a very risky straight line. Many participants joined the war and were not so worried that the road would be cut off. After all, Advancing a distance eu will make a fairly sound arrangement. According to the current situation, if it takes only up to three days to maintain the current situation, the eu participants will be on the ground and attack the headquarters.

It was under such circumstances that Xiao Ran once again quietly returned to the 19th district, driving the new body to keep quiet and open the gn particles to spread the hidden figure, and entered the 19th district in a super low-altitude flight. After hiding the body, he left the guard who was driving the deformation fighter with him. Xiao Ran returned to the headquarters alone.

When entering the command, Xiao Ran first saw the expression of panic and irritability on many of his faces. He also felt the anxious and tense atmosphere in the command, just passing the expressions on the faces of these people. I can know how serious the situation is now.

The appearance of Xiao Ran was seen by the soldiers who guarded the gate at the first time. After seeing Xiao Ran, the soldiers who also knew the situation at that time suddenly showed a pleasant expression. Perhaps they could not know that the eu aspect suddenly changed. The real reason for fierceness, but absolutely knows the huge change in the situation of war before and after leaving.

"Lerucho Knights!"

The soldiers saluted neatly and the shouting voice suddenly spread into the ears of everyone in the command. As soon as they heard the sounds of all the people in the entire command, they stopped. The command of the voice, communication and other voices was quiet.

Xiao Ran nodded to a few soldiers, and the right hand raised a casual tribute and strode into the command, until he walked halfway into the Xiaoran, stopped and looked around and saw Connelia. I also saw many of Conneria’s deputies. I saw many of the military in the 19th district just now, and finally said in a deep voice: “All are doing what they are doing and continuing their work.”


Xiao Ran’s appearance is like a dose of stimulant directly into the heart of someone at the place. Even Cornelia is no exception. The tension and irritability on each person’s face suddenly dissipated, and the excitement is replaced by And relax, and there is a little bit of triumph that is about to be revenged.

Going to the front of Cornelia, the officers blocking the road of Xiao Ran all retreated to both sides, and Cornelia took a deep breath and took a deep look at Xiao Ran and raised his right hand. Forcibly maintaining his own calmness: "You have finally appeared in the Lelouch Knight, and the body is fine."

"It's okay." Xiao Ran gently shook his head, then turned and looked at the sand table. What happened to Xiaoran's sudden disappearance during this time, Cornelia did not announce it, different people will have different guesses. However, the true confidant of Cornelia, who is also fully trusted by Cornelia, only knows that Xiao Ran has caused an acute illness due to the recurrence of the old wounds in the last battle because of the fatigue of the previous period. He was sent to a secret place for treatment.

As for this hidden place, in order to ensure the safety of the Lelouch Knight, no one knows. After all, eu can't wait to find an opportunity to kill Xiaoran regardless of the cost. Xiaoran will die on this continent. Blocking and threatening, and this news has not leaked out, it can be said that there is at least no traitor in the cronies of Cornelia.

No one doubts the authenticity of this matter. After all, the person who really dominates the war command is Xiao Ran. This Connelia is not carrying other people, so Xiao Ran must be in a convenient communication to be able to grasp the situation in the 19th district. The place, of course, can only be in the 19th district.

Looking at the illustrations on the sand table, these things are actually very clear, and one of the red lines and the red arrows are extending straight into the area that is now dominated by Butaria, and also pointing to the present Xiaoran. The stronghold that stood.

"I am very clear about all the situations. The current action of eu is to put all the forces together and try to directly take the command base where we are now. Once the other party succeeds, it will lead to the short-term of our army in the entire theater. Within the chaos of the command, the other party will be able to gain huge advantages, and for the time being, we still lack the strength to resist and suppress each other. If we really want to invest in the elite, it will make our losses too big."

"And the other party wants to achieve the goal is not the only one. I have already mastered the eu aspect of my illness. But the empty city plan I set up makes the other party dare not confirm where I am now. Threatening their plans, so their actions are also to force me to appear, or to confirm whether I am still in the 19th district."

"In order to hide this, our step back and retreat finally gave up some areas and it is my arrangement. The kings don't need to be too anxious, but I haven't appeared in the other step. The other side must have many. Make sure I have a problem, but that's exactly what I want to show to the other side."

Xiao Ran’s finger touched the virtual line of the eu aspect of the offensive line. Although it was a straight line, it was also a very thick line. A straight line was drawn directly from the middle to directly split the display of the 19th area into Two halves.

"The opponent's offensive ** is too strong, the army is strong and the power is pinched into a fist. It is difficult to break the opponent from the front, but the other party is not without weakness. This weakness believes that you can also see through this line. No matter how they make the arrangement, as long as we launch the attack, they will also show the situation of being attacked by the enemy, and there is no room for strategic detour. Once they break their back road, the power in front will be trapped without any assistance and support. Go in a dangerous state."

"And what we have to do next is to resist the fists that the other party keeps coming in, and to break their hands from the roots, completely eliminate the forces that dare to step into our territory, and then the counterattack is thus weakened. Eu, spurt them out of the continent."

"Everyone listens to my command... The seventh, eighth, and ninth regiments give up the existing defense line and gather all the members in the 21st area. The sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth regiments are assembled in the 25th area. Ten, the fifteenth army is reorganized..."

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