Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2537: Waffle

The Scarlet Knights and the lion lions did not know that Xiao Ran had treated them as a dish, and did different tasks under the leadership of different people. Fiction.

The **** Knights chose to be loyal to Lulu Xiu, but now they are left in the 19th district, and are preparing to do a sinister move to put both eu and Butalia on both sides.

The lion lion regiment chose Xiao Ran, but under the command of Lulu Xiu, all the members moved to Southeast Asia. There is still no clear development direction in the foothold, and the first thing they did in Southeast Asia is Under the instructions of Lelouch, all the bodies were painted in black as the main color, and in the most conspicuous places of the different bodies, the chest, shoulders, shields and similar places were all painted with black knights. Chapter, there are no more actions at the moment.

Above the African continent, the military power of the 19th district of Butalia and the eu have been confronted for several days, and there will be sporadic battles every day. Under the deliberate suppression of Xiao Ran, the Scarlet Knights did not join these. In the sporadic battles, with the attack of the common army and returning with the ordinary army, joining the war but far from the battle, just the equivalent of the accompanying personnel accompanying the ordinary army on a seemingly unimportant eu Raiders are carried out according to the point.

Although the Scarlet Knights have appeared, but the attitude of not really participating in the battle also makes the eu side somewhat unclear why, but in the situation that this eu must be vigilant, their participants did not blindly take the initiative to pick up The battle between the participants will open the final battle in advance.

However, as those strongholds that are not important to eu are gradually taken down one by one, the buffer zone between the two forces has begun to become smaller and smaller, leaving eu's small strongholds that are difficult to defend. The rest is the strategically important base of eu. There is no buffer. It is almost that Butalia hit the gate of eu. Only the last shot can open a comprehensive decisive battle, which also makes the atmosphere of tension change. It is getting more and more heavy.

This is also the purpose that Xiao Ran has to achieve at the beginning, step by step to create a fighting atmosphere, and also step by step to force eu to concentrate all the important forces to the place he has designated, through a single battle. Solving all the eu forces, forcing the battle between eu and Butalia to stop, narrowing the scope of the battle, creating a most eye-catching battlefield to give the Black Knights the best performance opportunities.

Finally, after Xiao Ran felt that everything had been arranged, both sides had already begun to arrange and arrange within the scope of the plan. Xiaoran drove the demon **** Caesar to leave the command post, and soon after, the devil Caesar appeared on the battlefield. The front line, facing the eu front that is estimated to be less than 30 kilometers ahead.

Thirty kilometers away, countless bodies flew into the sky, and there were numerous bodies on the ground ready for battle. The rows of kf were systematically spread according to the order and stood in front of various weapons. There are many, many of which are special battlefield equipment that requires several kf operations at the same time.

Knowing that the devil Caesar has appeared on the front line of the eu side, I also realized that the next step is the beginning of the decisive battle. The continent’s battlefield in Africa, which was going smoothly after the emergence of Xiaoran, has appeared innumerable for the eu participants. The incident, while the lack of attention and care at the time led to the situation that led them to not think of it, but also got the current situation of all the continents of Africa as long as it failed.

The strength of Xiaoran finally brought the participants of the eu side to the heart. In the face of the 19th district, the pressure on the upcoming decisive battle, the eu side also invested more and more powerful participants to resist Xiaoran. Resisting the current demon **** Caesar, through the last death machine and the event of the seven gods, the eu participants have become more explicit about the devil Caesar.

There is a chance to completely solve the devil Caesar even if you pay some and the price, because the threat that Caesar brings to them is much greater than that of Butalia itself, that is, the Scarlet Knights are difficult to compare.

Of course, the eu side also thought that if it was too much for the devil of Caesar, it would also be seized by the **** Knights of the Tigers, how to balance the Scarlet Knights and seize the opportunity of the Devil Caesar. Let's take a step and see if you really have no way to go back, even if you pay a higher price, you must break the devil's Caesar and hurt the Scarlet Knights.

Now the devil Caesar has come to the front line, and all the members of the Scarlet Knights have gathered behind him. According to the ranks and the internal duties of the Legion, the squad branch is behind Xiaoran, and with the arm of the devil Caesar lifted up, he holds the cockroach. The giant swordsman slammed into the next wave.

Behind Devil Caesar, countless missiles roared from the ground or the sky with long smoke trails. The dense missiles flew up with a feeling of overwhelming, with the sound of emptying, whistling, blasting like It was the horn of the war. After the missile flew out, a large number of special-purpose vehicles towed huge gun barrels and ran over the devil, Caesar, and all the bodies of the Scarlet Knights followed alongside these vehicles. Rush out toward the front.

Only those ordinary kfs, chariots, and tanks attacked from the two wings in accordance with the original plan. Even the special land warships owned by the world began to advance at full speed.

All the people moved, and the devil, Caesar, also rushed a weapon to the sky.

The missiles that first flew out quickly encountered the eu confrontation. As a defensive side, they have a little more advantage than the Butalia side, that is, they can stay at their own ready. The defensive zone is waiting for Butalia's offense.

These missiles that flew to them were the first wave of attack on Butalia. They were also an offensive that could not have any effect at all. There were countless beams and fire snakes in front of countless missiles, and the overwhelming missiles faced the same overwhelming The intensive barrage was almost ineffective in the sky, and some ordinary missiles could not break through the barrage created by the participants, accompanied by the destruction of this missile, eu The same party also applied the same method to fight back.

The battle between the two sides started, and both sides released a lot of gorgeous fireworks without hurting one person. In several different places, there are also countless people who are paying attention to what happened between this eu and Butalia. In the big decisive battle on the African continent, a decisive battle to decide who will be the leader in Africa in the future.

These people have participants, observers sent by various forces, journalists and civilians, who do not intend to focus all of their attention on this already started battle, even one in the higher sky above the battlefield. The body of black gilt is no exception.

The black gold-rimmed body exudes a green light spot to completely cover itself, and it is stuck at the best angle under the sun, so that the body maintains an 'invisible' posture on various levels, the people below Unable to see, there is no way to be aware of any radar equipment, solitary, watching the battle on the ground as if it were an observer, but not through the eyes, nor through the monitor of the body itself, but through the ground two The images transmitted by the Taiwanese body and a land warship, the strategic illustration of all the battles.

The human hair in the cockpit is like a green light belt, and a pair of eyes are shining with golden light. The entire human body surface is surrounded by a green light curtain. The countless scattered green light particles pass through the cockpit. Some special facilities are connected to the body.

This person is Xiao Ran. After leaving the command post, Xiao Ran entered the cockpit of the aircraft and flew up to the sky. He came to the battlefield ahead of time to wait for the start of the battle, and the one should have been driven by him. In the middle of the devil, Caesar is actually another person who is following the flow of Xiaoran to the 19th district.

Mizuno replaced Xiao Ran as a pilot of the devil Caesar without being known by anyone. Although he was the first secretary who was irreplaceable as Xiao Ran, he was worried about anything about Xiao Ran, but Liu Muye himself An extremely powerful pilot, after joining the Burning Legion, followed Xiaoran for so long, and he was already a special pilot who had the strength of a class a pilot.

Although the devil Caesar is not the fantasy-style machine that can make all the powers of the Mizuno, but the little guy who has become a companion in the chest necklace, can also let the drifting wild driving the demon. Caesar used a weak magic to enhance his battle, and he didn't have to worry about it. The devil allowed the partner to cast magic to assist in attack and defense. In this battlefield, it was completely replaced by Xiaoran. enough.

What's more, what Miyuki has to do is not to really replace Xiao Ran in the battlefield, but to make a blind man, and even don't even need her to actually rush to the front of the battlefield to kill the enemy personally, because once the Scarlet Knights and eu participants come into contact At the beginning, Xiao Ran will drive this body with no name to descend from the sky, and destroy all the targets as the gods come.

Xiao Ran did not put the main focus on the factual picture, but looked at the strategic map to calculate the time left for the two sides to contact. According to the current speed of the entry of Butalia, it only takes a few minutes. It can break through to the eu side of the eu defensive front, and then it is the red warning zone of eu. The red represents the threat, so the eu aspect will not simply let the Scarlet Knights break through, so it will definitely send troops to carry out Intercept.

This time, the **** Knights allied assaults, eu wants to win in this battle, it is absolutely impossible to send only a smaller or equal number of bodies to meet, will definitely send out most of the body, Only a small part is left to deal with other situations, once eu attack is the best time to start.

Although the ground battles have shown a very intense situation from the beginning, the real first wave of contact and the beginning of close combat can only be participants. Finally, as the Scarlet Knights get closer, the eu side Also unable to withstand, the sky and the ground have countless bodies began to sprint to meet the Scarlet Knights.

When the two sides of the battle touched each other, there were a lot of explosions. The countless beams of the sky and the sky were coming and going. The fighting system was interspersed with countless beams, and Xiaoran saw the points on both sides of the strategic map. I also gently pulled my neckline, calmly grasped the operating lever and then slammed it. This station didn’t even have a name in the previous minute. The next minute, it began to be called Pandragong’s body. The long green trajectory, like the blast of thunder, descended from the sky, and the sudden burst of energy directly blew a loud bang in the sky, and opened a circle of green halo in a circular shape, creating a huge momentum dive. The ground.

The momentum in the sky is not inevitable, but the deliberate intention of Xiao Ran is to let everyone on the ground notice the body that is suddenly called Pandragong, and the loud noise created by you, as well as the spread of you. The green halo and the clouds that have been blown away and spread out in a circular shape have indeed attracted the innumerable light in the battlefield below.

But in the next second, dozens of green beams descended from the sky one step at a time. The air was cut to the different targets with the angle of the boring. Whether it was the eu side or the **** knight, dozens of beams were not worn. Through the weapons, it is through the heads and shoulders of these bodies, which successively brought up a series of explosions in the battlefield that just started chaos, but then there was silence.

In this silence, the body surrounded by green light stopped in the middle of all the bodies. The huge wings of light seemed to be moving in the wind, spreading a circle of dense and rich gn particles, bringing up The light band quickly spread to every corner of the battlefield, and the light that descended from the sky was like the arrival of God, which made it impossible to look directly.

"I am Pandragong, the king of the Knights of the Black Knights. The idea of ​​justice, peace, and changing the world is coming to end your war. Your war has caused too many innocent people to lose their homes." Let too many innocent heats lose their lives. Again, I will impose sanctions on you in the name of Pandragong."

The sound of indifference sounded in everyone's ear, not through the air, but through a special channel, the next second of the sound, called Pendragong's body arms, shields and The rifle was on display, and the flying wing behind it exploded and ejected a large number of floating weapons. In an instant, the battlefield with the participants as the core was covered with layers, and numerous layers were constructed by light beams. The network of beams, precisely covering every target in the grid.

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