Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2539: Base operation

The morale in the entire commandline has been so low that it has never been seen before. Even in the world where Xiaoran left, the world is being approached by eu, and the command is also pressing a chance to wait for a counterattack, even if it is lost and uncomfortable. The strength of the stock was not suppressed, and the first victory after Xiaoran’s return broke out all the patience, and even today’s imposing battle launched a battle that will surely win in their eyes. .

But now the result is something that everyone has not thought of, completely afraid to imagine the result, just like dreaming, watching a body fall from the sky, regardless of the enemy, will both eu and the army on both sides of Butalia Off, this is just a body. When the powerful Butalia is facing a body in the district, there is no even resistance.

That kind of power is simply that people can't lift any strong resistance. The victory that was originally within reach is also out of reach because of the relationship between the organisms. It directly breaks the expectation that they originally hoped for. The power has broken their understanding of the world. It is an enemy that cannot resist. Anything has no meaning in front of such an enemy. It loses its strength and loses its goal.

Xiao Ran went to the forefront of the command, took the earphones who didn't know who was thrown at the table and tapped it twice, then put the microphone in front of the mouth, and the sound of the voice was in everyone's ear. As the sound rang, all the attention of everyone was concentrated on Xiao Ran's body.

"What happened to you, a sudden failure that made you lose all the brilliance? Know what I saw when I walked in here, not people, but a group of walking dead that lost their goals and hopes. It’s just a failure. Isn’t a failure to let you have the courage to win the future?”

"Yes, from an objective standpoint, we are indeed a loser in the face of the powerful body. So many people may not even be able to resist in the hands of the other party. They cannot resist and cannot fight back, but this is not the case. It’s not that we don’t have the courage. The fighters in the battlefield also launched a desperate attack on the body when they knew that they would fail. Didn’t the soldiers know that they were not opponents of each other? No, they know, but they are willing Use your courage and life to inspire other people to win any chance to win, even if you pay for everything you do."

"The enemy is very powerful, powerful to the gods, human beings have no **** power. This is well known, but at least all of our soldiers have shown the courage to dare to fight against the gods. The frontline fighters have not lost their courage, and you are behind. The person sitting in the command, because he has no courage to face the enemy at all, has become a walking dead, is this reasonable?"

"We are too weak. This is a fact. The other side is too strong. It can be said that the whole world is unique and powerful, but who can guarantee that such a strong person will not appear among us one day? But the most important thing is courage. If you don't have the courage, you don't dare to step into the battlefield. If you don't have the courage to face the enemy, you can only tremble, don't dare to fight, don't dare to struggle, but if today's blow makes you understand your weaknesses, use courage to customer service, then It will make you stronger and stronger, dare to struggle, dare to struggle, and dare to grow. Sooner or later, because of this courage, you can grow to the point of letting others look up."

"And today's failure has never been the first time, and it will never be the last time. The empire has faced fewer failures in countless years, but the courage of the soldiers has not slowly developed the empire. At present, the courage that was not lacking is lost because of a failure today. I believe that you will not be such a person. No one in Butaria is such a person."

"I believe that all the fighters who have faced the failures will not give up so easily. If they compromise, they will surrender to the strong points. They are warriors. If there is a force in the future, If it will become the most powerful force, then I think it must be the one who failed under the most powerful force today, because they have witnessed the real power and felt the power, so they will definitely pursue that kind of power. Strength, and in the face of relative weakness, will not raise any fear, provided that everyone can stand up bravely from the current loss, confusion and fear."

Xiao Ran’s words say that there are more things here and he does not want to continue to talk about it. The real fighters will be able to stand up again in the face of such a blow, instead of the real warriors saying that there is no use for them, the people in front of them, Even the entire force of the entire 19th district is not the kind of force that is important to Xiaoran to pay more attention, even if there is no Monica that has not recovered, and there is no Luziano on the battlefield. Reach the degree that makes Xiao Ran look at it.

It’s just a routine routine exercise, but I can’t stand the dead atmosphere in the command, and he needs the support of this army. He also needs this army to keep him in Africa. It will slightly inspire everyone's morale.

Xiao Ran said: "We must know that we have not really failed in this war. At least we have achieved all the strategic goals we have set at the beginning, regained the originally lost areas, and expanded it a lot. The continent has basically formed a situation of complete confrontation with eu, and in the past it has been able to reach the base of eu. Such merits can never be described by the words failure. This is a success, a huge success."

"Even if things have turned into a situation like this for some special reasons, but our goal is at least achieved, eu is still watching, not courage, not standing up again, how to hold it. Now, the territory we occupy, don't let me see that you are now like a corpse, take out your original momentum, come on."

Xiao Ran said that he put down the microphone and gently nodded to Cornelia, who was walking to his side when he spoke: "What is the arrangement now?"

Cornelia resisted the inexplicable excitement in her heart. She looked at the man with a mask in front of him and resisted another inexplicable itch. He suppressed the voice and said: "The armistice agreement has been signed with eu. The two sides retreat from each other for a distance, and use the middle area as a buffer point. As for the war without the winner, it is probably the time to stop here. What to compensate for... Don’t count on it, and finally decide according to the captives of both sides. ""

Xiao Ran nodded gently: "This is enough. Although it is a failure from the current situation, but in the big picture, it is actually our victory. It is enough to make a difference to the empire with such merits, and it can also take me. All the captives of the army were exchanged."

"Well, it is already the best to have such a result, otherwise... this war does not know how long it will last, how many people will be sacrificed." Cornelia looked at Xiaoran, and his eyes flashed an inexplicable luster: Ending the war in this way is also the best ending for the Emperor and the people on the eu side."

"This is of course."

In this way, the truce was planned by Xiao Ran. One could allow the 19th district to hold the area now occupied, so that eu would not dare to launch an attack, so that Charles and even the entire empire were satisfied, even if they were not satisfied, they could not find any problems. It can only bite the best ending of half a sweet and half bitter fruit.

In the next step, Xiao Ran’s eyes and strength will be completely removed from the area and placed in an imperial country far from another continent, where another new battle will soon begin. It's also simple, it's not simple or simple fighting.

Cornelia was silent and suddenly asked: "Then, are you going back?"

Xiao Ran did not take into account other people who were around, not to mention who, apart from Cornelia, knew what Xiao Ran was saying, and answered Connely simply and directly: "The fire and timing are almost the same."

Cornelia nodded lightly and then focused again: "I won't go back."

Xiao Ran stunned, and looked at the serious face of Cornelia, and slowly followed and nodded: "Good."

Only two people can understand what is contained in the five-word exchange between the two. For Conneria, the simple four words represent two fundamentally different meanings. She does not go back, is staying here to look at the current 19th district, not letting the 19th district appear in a mess, and then affecting Xiaoran, but also preparing to make it a place similar to the base camp, although Ke Nei Leah believes that Xiao Ran will definitely win in the end, but the final result is really not a little accident? Her Cornelia stayed here, and it allowed Xiaoran to have one more choice to retreat after defeat, just like in the eleventh district on the other side of the sea.

The second meaning is even simpler. She is not willing to see her father pulled down from the high position, seeing the turmoil in the country, and even seeing the relatives are disabled, so she is willing to stay here.

Xiaoran’s good word agreed with Cornelia’s request, but it also promised that Cornelia would not hurt Charles, and there was no need to communicate too much. It’s easy for people who have been mixed up many times to understand. The other party's thoughts.

Then Xiao Ran stayed in the command and began to lead all the work, rescue, evacuation, resettlement, etc. All the work was carried out in an orderly manner under the arrangement of Xiao Ran, slowly, as the rescue work began. The data obtained was gradually aggregated into the hands of Xiao Ran, and quickly spread throughout the headquarters. When this data spread, countless incredible exclamations followed in the command.

"How is this possible! In addition to the sacrifices that began at the beginning of the battle, the number of people who died from the appearance of the body to us was less than twenty? And all of them were accidentally sacrificed because of bad luck?"

"I listened to the frontline rescuers and said that none of the armed forces that were attacked were hit, and the tanks on the ground were only subjected to minimal attacks. Apart from the damage of materials and equipment, there was basically no loss of personnel. The rescuers couldn't believe their eyes when they went to the rescue."

"But there are also a lot of injured people. It’s just a minor injury. There are still a lot of serious injuries."

"Compared to the previous battles, even the number of seriously wounded people is only a tenth of a degree."

"How did the body do it, it was powerful enough to suppress all the troops of us and eu with the power of one person, and even deliberately avoided all the key points when attacking, and did not hurt as much as possible. Anyone, is this really something that people can do, and only God can do this?"

"Don't say anything, hurry up, the s21 area needs manpower, and now all the logistics units are transported, and all of our armies are shipped back, especially those of the Scarlet Knights."

Not long ago, the entire headquarters was still a dead-end look, but now someone has said a few words in the leisure time of work, the mental outlook has changed a lot, the atmosphere is relaxed and many happy. This, Xiaoran’s words did play a big role, but what really worked was the spread of the war damage report.

There is not much sacrifice in a battle that can be called the end of the day. Even if the sacrifice occurred, it was also the beginning of the war, and the sacrifices that appeared after Pandragong’s appearance were also because of those. People’s bad luck, just say that the entire loss of this battle in Butalia is only armed, and the personnel are basically safe to return, so good news is of course enough to break through all the dark and dull, after all, those are outside The people in the battle and the people in the command are also comrades-in-arms, friends, relatives, lovers, and the disasters that were envisioned at the beginning are actually not the same. Of course, they can make everyone happy.

For a few days, both eu and Butalia are dealing with the wreckage left by Xiao Ran, but the main military forces have retreated in accordance with the initial agreement, leaving a buffer zone in the middle for the logistics of both sides. Rescuers can work more easily and safely.

But at this time, the first **** Knights who had been cleaned up had already begun their return journey, and Xiao Ran also took Monica, who had not recovered from his injury, and Luziano, who had been in the past few days. Going back to the plane of the country.

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