Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2544: Lelouch played

In the long period of time before, because there is no suitable body in the hand, Xiao Ran can't develop slowly with the most convergent method, and the development of the head is not waved. Basically, there is no active intervention in too many incidents. All the choices are basically the most secure way to carry out, the development of the homeopathic and the strength of the available, the main thing is mainly to delay, dragged to the special faction to finally create the body he needs.

Now Pandoragong has proved the strength of the body on the battlefield. Under the operation of Xiaoran, with the gn particles, the absolute rolling effect of the gn dragon cavalry on the participants has made Xiaoran finally have a positive confrontation. And to overcome the strength of the participants, and this participant refers not to the individual participants, but to the entire group of participants, all the legions.

Before the advent of Pandragong, Xiao Ran did not have this ability. Even if it was a s-class pilot, it was impossible to fight with the flesh under the deliberate encirclement of the participants' corps, and use the flesh to deal with Caesar, which is similar to the devil. The body of the Soul, it is really only possible to run on the road, and a continuous bombing may be impossible to kill, and in turn Xiaoran can not kill the enemy.

If Xiao Ran is a participant, and a pilot who has no body but has a mythical strength, it will be leaked out. 100% will be the focus of all the participating legions. Those in the opposing camp will definitely put all the power into it. Regardless of the price, all the possible development opportunities under the pressure of Xiao Ran will be sacrificed. If you wait for Xiao Ran to get the corresponding body, then they will not have the chance to win in this army. may.

Deliberately flickering, guiding, and using the extraterritorial qualities brought by the cross-regional task card to disguise their identity, this is not only for consideration of tasks, but also for some bad tastes, but more is still a measure of security. Do, and later joined the 19th District according to the situation to fight, borrowed the body of the Scarlet Knights and gave the lion lions a bag, can only be said to be homeopathic.

The risk is not too small, the process is not so interesting and easy, and there is no way to use and integrate more resources of Butaria. If you want to use Butarean resources to do something, you must first First planned and arranged for a long time, for example, the special faction is also Xiaoran and Lloyd for a long time, quietly and silently created Pandragong.

On the other side of the 19th district, although the body provided by the Scarlet Knights used quantum assimilation when dealing with the lion corps, it was difficult to play against the eu participants, and because of the limited Restraint can only stay in the command post to arrange and direct behind the scenes. Every day, it is riddled with countless chores. It is not too tired to say that the physical quality of the s-class pilot is not tired, but it is also a bit tired, long-term In that environment, there is indeed a feeling of repression, and the world is really no place for Xiaoran. It is not as entertaining as it was when it entered the all-metal frenzy. Really involved in the task of the whole world, and Butalia can not talk about any cooperation and development, Xiao Ran actually wants to end this boring day as soon as possible.

Then the opportunity finally came, Pandoragong was completed, and Xiao Ran drove Pandragong into the battlefield, venting it on the battlefield, and directly suppressing eu and Butalia by one person and one body. Most of the forces on both sides of the African continent, most of the participants on both sides are under his gunfire. The pain of cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables can be described as the word cool, and such venting Also reached his intended goal.

Until this time, Xiao Ran was considered to have the power to confront all the legions of the participants. Finally, he did not have to suppress himself in the Tibetan Mastiff. Finally, he could take the initiative to get things done, and intervene in the middle of other participants’ corps to take the initiative to understand. They took the initiative to go to war, let Butalia, let the Black Knights, let the whole world begin to operate under his will.

Charles, a small ball, has a truce in the biggest battlefield in Butalia. The world has been dying because of Pandragon’s debut. Xiao Ran has no intention of continuing to waste time. Don’t continue to pretend in front of this self-righteous guy. Finally, you can kick the ball off with a kick, and the boring Junchen game can end here.

Xiao Ran took control of Charles, took control of Jumeis, and controlled Luzziano. The entire council was under the control of Xiao Ran, who was all under the control of Naizel. It’s like using all the people whose physical fitness is only ordinary people, just like the boulder pressing on them makes it difficult for them to have any movements. Even if Charles has the ability of geass, the ability of maiss to have geass can’t be done. Any resistance.

The emperor was under control, but the situation in the council was abnormal. It was not known outside the council. The entire country was also co-operated by the lion lions and the Knights of the Scarlet under the direct command and arrangement of Lulu Xiu. The country has been chaotic, and it has cracked down on one important facility, and it has controlled a lot of people with guns and rain.

The main garrison of the capital of the country, under the small part of the force invested by the Scarlet Knights, was completely suppressed by the destruction of the ruin. The whole country has fallen into the hands of Lelouch from the big situation, but this does not mean the country. The rebellion ended, and after the beginning of the chaos, more of the forces belonging to the empire began to gather under the command of some people.

Suddenly, such a big thing happened. Of course, some people will report and ask Charles. However, even the reporters have not seen anything in the hall of the government hall. They are directly caught by Xiao Ran’s thought drive. On the ground, and what happened later was much simpler. Schneizel took the initiative to leave the council, and it was not too long to come back to the palace again. It was even more strange and quiet. Schneizel was used by Charles in his own power. After the control, the palace was easily taken over, until Lelouch entered the council hall under the protection of several participants, and the voice reappeared in the hall.

Under the gaze of countless eyes in the hall of the government, Xiao Ran did not care to give Lulu Xiu more respect on the face, and asked for a good manner, completely placed Lulu Xiu in the main position, and then stood in Lu Lu Xiu used his actions to show his position, although these actions were just pretending to be in the eyes of others.

Lelouch strode toward Charles, who was completely inoperable. He did not wear a mask belonging to Zero, but he wore a luxurious dress. The white gold rim was inlaid with gemstone dresses. This is the clothing that Wang will use for boarding. Charles's dress is even more noble today.

Going straight to Charles, Lulu Xiu glanced at the calm Xiennazel, then stopped and looked at Charles with a complicated look. His chest was slightly ups and downs, and he could open his mouth with indifference. "My father... Your Majesty, I haven't seen you for many years. We ended up meeting in this way. I don't know if you thought that this day will happen."

Charles wants to talk, but because of Xiao Ran's relationship, he can't say a word. He can only make a cold cry from the nose, and his eyes have not fluctuated.

Lulu Xiu looked at Charles's eyes with hatred, indifference, and a little sadness. But there was no child who had all the feelings that the father should have. He did not care about Charles's coldness. He said coldly: "My mother's business, I will let you tell me personally, what happened in the beginning, I will let you feel the pain of Nana Li for many years, but now the most important thing is... I want you to see me with my own eyes. Take the place that was originally yours and let the country start running as I wish today."

Lulu Xiu turned around and glanced at the slight smile of Schneizel without feelings: "Is this not my respected brother, Schneider, the prime minister of the empire, the best candidate for the next emperor, but look Come on, you made the right choice."

Schneizel didn't care about the cynicism in Lulu Xiu's discourse. He did a lot of volatility against Lulu. He respectfully said: "The repair of Niezel Lili Brittalia is under the control of the palace. His Majesty is suitable for starting the ceremony immediately. I have arranged for the next person to prepare for the next step."

"Oh." Lulu Xiu laughed, and did not know how much complicated emotions were brought in the laughter. After a deep look at Xi Nai Zeer, he turned to look at Xiao Ran, after seeing Xiao Ran nod. Putting down other ideas, the right hand waved and said: "All the nobility in the country, all the heads of the departments, all the royal members immediately glimpsed, informed the news media agencies to enter the palace, I will be here."

No one in the presence is more suitable to do this than Schneizel, but now many important institutions and personnel within the country have been controlled by the lion lions and the **** knights, so the same is true. It is also necessary to inform the two legions of the escorts who followed Lulu Xiu and let them bring all those who control them.

Schneiderl turned and left, and a guardian also used the communicator to inform the other members of the two legions. Lu Luxiu came to Xiaoran and nodded slightly to Xiaoran. Suffering, we have finally reached this step, but Euphelia just didn’t know that you should and explained, personally invited and paid full trust, but eventually became the ruin of the current imperial rule and coup Euphelia will be saddened by the person who will be under house arrest by her father."

Xiao Ran glanced at Lulu Xiu: "When is this boring gossip in your concern?"

Lulu Xiu slightly raised his head and completely ignored all the people around him, as if these people did not exist at all: "I just look forward to seeing you in a hurry. From knowing you to the present, you will always be the master." Everything looks like you have never seen your panic, compared to the person who is about to become an emperor, but he has shown a lot of panic in front of you."

After that, Lu Luxiu lowered his voice, so low that only Xiao Ran and the two of them could hear: "And I am better, even if I know that her favorite sister is taking the lead, you said she will Wouldn't it be more difficult?"

Xiao Ran no longer wants to answer the question of Lelouch. He took a look at Charles and others and said, "What are you going to do?"

"The customs of the customs, the use of the use." Lelouch did not look back, Shen Sheng said: "Under the power we have, these people will be the best servants."

The red light was revealed from Lulu Xiu’s eyes. Xiao Ran smiled and used the power to lift all the people together and gathered them together, forcing them to open their eyes and wait until Lulu Xiu slowly turned around. The red light flashed into the minds of everyone from the eyes, giving all these people the power of geass, brainwashing all the people to make these people his most loyal servants, even Mai Mais also failed to escape.

Today, Lelouch is not the Lulu Xiu in the original plot. The ability is uncontrollable and will go away. Until now, Lulu Xiu’s control of his own strength is quite complete. The one-eyed geass has developed into a double-eye geass. Therefore, there is a problem with the problem. In general, the ability to run away is still insufficient in control. However, Lulu Xiu is not an ordinary human being, but an intensive adjuster. The physical quality is stronger, the mental strength is stronger, and the control power is also more. Strong.

After seeing that Lulu Xiu had controlled all the guards originally belonging to Charles, including Max and Ruziiano, Xiao Ran naturally released the shackles of these people and restored those who still have some dull eyes. In the first time of the recovery operation, these people directly squatted on the ground and expressed their loyalty to Lelouch. Whether there is a person who pretends to be controlled by himself, Lu Luxiu may not feel it. Get, but Xiaoran can clearly feel the enthusiasm of these people.

As for Charles, he also became a member of the Lulu Xiu geass ability, and his eyes were stunned and stunned, but as time passed, these people's eyes gradually began to recover.

Xiaoran saw this situation and did not keep his eyes on these people. Instead, he said to Lulu Xiu: "You are going to control him with geass, then, what do you do."

"I know my mother's business from his mouth." Lulu Xiu saw Charles's appearance and sighed softly and said: "The rest will be said later."

Xiao Ran patted Lulu Xiu’s shoulder and reminded him: “Charles has other collaborators who seem to have something to lift the geass in the power they have in their hands.”

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