Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2549: Crazy Legion

The strength of Serkis is not bad. The entire legion is also quite united and tacit. In the group combat situation, it is absolutely possible to press a lot of the missions. The insertion point of the selection is small, and because The excellent character is also trusted and supported by eu when it is in alliance with eu. It is basically the type that has invested the least amount of energy but brought the greatest return, and it is based on the strength of the rebel army and the occupied area. In fact, with the addition of the lion corps, the degree of resistance of the rebel army is also very terrible. m

If there is no Xiaoran, then the African continent should eventually evolve into a situation in which eu and rebel forces are divided. In this mission, even if the lion corps cannot be the final winner, it will at least be the top few. Certainly, I will get a lot of benefits and benefits, but I was given a home by Xiao Ran. I was integrated into the Black Knights and became a younger brother. It belongs to the kind that is completely convinced.

After joining the Black Knights, what will happen is how to say it now, but it is also slightly predictable. For such a strong person, Chalkes does not have the courage to dare to resist, not for his personal, but for personal For the entire lion corps, after all, the series of actions that Xiaoran drove in Pandragong was terrible. They were only convinced but not Lulu, but they were directly related to the relationship of the Black Knights. And Lulu Xiu is bound together.

As for the Scarlet Knights, at first it was a coercion and forcing, forcing the other party to become a Lelouch's men to do things for Lelouch. From the mutual use of one to the later recognition of their identity, there is also a process of gradual evolution. In the end, it was considered to be completely submerged under the strength of Xiao Ran. It became a fish that could only deal with some ordinary forces and shouted 666 behind.

It is a bit of a slap in the world to say that the power of Xiaoran is so strong. There is such a strong person in a world with a low level of force, and there is a person who can completely crush the participants. There is a strong existence, and there is no other similar existence in the world that can restrict this kind of power. This clearly means that the participants who join the Lulu Xiu have the opportunity to hold the thighs, but not directly. It was not quite normal to be sentenced to death.

The difficulty of the participants who joined the team became the lowest. The difficulty of the participants who did not join directly became a hell. How to look at it would feel a little unscientific, even if no legion joined to assemble the ten legions. All the power, Cerence also felt that it was not safe enough to win Xiaoran, but this time the army is a melee mission, the total strength of the ten legions is also mixed with a p, is it a mismatch with the aborigines? This mission is simply a pit.

More or less, Serkis also doubted the identity of Xiao Ran, but there has been no positive confirmation and no confidence. On the contrary, the two idiots of Keji have never doubted this. They have always thought that Xiao Ran is an old monster that has lived for hundreds of years. He lived for hundreds of years without the support of the whole world. The old monster, a little powerful is not taken for granted?

After all, these participants are coming to this world, and the only thing that will bring to the world is endless destruction and sacrifice. As a world-conscious Gaia, how can the Ministry respond to this and make the Xiaoran’s super monster come out to protect the world. A kind of restraint on them, there will be such an idea is completely biased by Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran came over to find Keji and Serkis this time, just to talk with the two people openly and honestly, and to disclose their true identity to the two people. By the way, I also know the specific situation of other legions from the mouth of the two. Because the next real enemy is only the participants.

When I saw both Keji and Serkis, the two guys were drinking tea in the office of Keji to exchange tasks related matters. After learning that Xiaoran had arrived, the two stopped the topic decisively. Then I waited for the appearance of Xiao Ran, and I saw Xiao Ran, and also followed the etiquette of the world toward Xiao Ran. No matter how the two people respected the strength of Xiao Ran and the status of the thigh, they still respected themselves.

"No need to be extravagant." Xiao Ran smiled at the two people, gently waved his hand and walked straight into the office, took a look at the two cups of tea on the table in the room, and directly chose a seat that was previously unused. Sit down, and then said to the two people: "Sit first, this time is a bit of something I want to communicate with you to confirm."

Koki and Serkis looked at each other and did not know that Xiao Ran was prepared to communicate with them, but he still sat quietly in his original position.

"Keki, we have had many cooperations in recent times, and the two sides are relatively familiar with each other. Now Lulu Xiu can stabilize this position. Butalia has not had much confusion for a long time, the boundary line Not being attacked by the opponents, the Scarlet Knights played a big role here, but also had a lot of credit, although these are exchanged by relying on Sakura."

"But well, until now, between the Scarlet Knights and us, it is not only because of the relationship of the sakura, but it is not easy to use transactions and mutual use to illustrate our current relationship. It has become Really own, right?"

Keji nodded and said with a smile: "That is, of course, it is definitely his own, and the Scarlet Knights will always support Lulu Xiu. No matter what the Knights of the Scarlet can do, we will not deny it."

Xiao Ran smiled and smiled and shook his head, and looked at Celence: "As for your Cergy, we don't have much contact, even though you joined the Black Knights because of my relationship, but The last contact is more Lulu Xiu, at least for now, if the Black Knights are not as good as you were before the Rebels, but can jump out of that place and switch to another place with broader prospects. Development, to become a member of the Black Knights, should also be good for you, at least in the development prospects of the Black Knights should be far greater than the resistance of the Rebels."

Serkis nodded, and a straight smile of sunshine appeared on his face: "Yes, after joining the Black Knights, we discovered that there is such a greater cause in the world. The rebellion is indeed too Too small to make a fuss, now join the Black Knights, we are only happy and not a little dissatisfied."

"Oh." Xiao Ran laughed and said to the two people: "You are not so honest, but what you think in your heart is only clear to you, but don't be too hearty, you can stand in a camp with me. It’s a good thing for you, at least not worrying about when Pandragong will appear on your head."

After Xiaoran finished, the body leaned forward and placed his hand on the table, and the index finger gently tapped the table: "I will not say more about nonsense. It is normal for you to have thoughts now, but good. In your thoughts for Butalia, for the Black Knights, for me, for Lelouch, there is nothing malicious, at least let me see that you are really willing to rely on me, attached to this big Under the power, as for the small points in your mind, I understand it but it doesn't matter."

"I know your true identity, what is the rebel army, what the head of the knight is nothing but a cover-up." Xiao Ran smiled and swept his eyes from his own eyes, and said clearly: "In fact, Like you, I am also a participant from Prometheus."

Serkis suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Xiaoran incredulously. The smile of the sun was sluggish on his face, and his mouth was greatly enlarged because of what Xiao Ran said.

Ke Ke’s eyes were dull, so he looked at Xiao Ran with such a dull look. His face was stunned, his eyebrows were round and his eyes were stiff, and he seemed to be asking what happened. What I heard just now, who am I, where am I, I am doing what.

The appearance of the two people is obviously completely caught in the shock, but also caught in the circular world of self-question, and has not returned to God for a long time.

"It's very unexpected."

Xiao Ran leaned back to the back and said with a smile: "Compared to Serkis, you are the most unexpected."

Keji’s throat moved a little, his eyes turned and his mouth twitched and said: “Xiao Ran Knight? What did you say? Participants?”

"Yes." Xiaoran spread his hand and smiled: "Participants, Prometheus, Lulu Xiu, but only the false pretense made at the beginning, if you think about it carefully, you should want to get Before I really let you trust me, before I dispel my doubts about my identity, I have never been alone with anyone in your army."

"For the first time, I came to contact you with Lelouch, and there was no single time to get along with each other, completely avoiding the information leakage caused by your temptation."

Koki took a deep breath and Sergeus opened his mouth and asked, "You are a participant? How did your army join the mission? This is not Maybe?"

Up to now, neither of them has received any hints. There is no doubt about Xiaoran’s identity as a participant. However, how Xiaoran entered the mission world is really a bit puzzling.

"Listen to what you said, that is to say, the task is actually limited when entering." Xiao Ran nodded thoughtfully and said: "I did not enter the mission in the usual way. But in another way, I am not a member of any of the ten legions in this mission. However, if there is a legion, I have a Burning Legion that I don’t know if you know."

"The Burning Legion?" Koki's face changed a bit, and the same was true of Crows. The two looked at each other with a seemingly incomprehensible expression, and they saw each other's arrogance.

Seljus took a deep breath and looked back at Xiao Ran: "The Burning Legion, the mad corps that has developed very fast in recent times, I have had contact, the strength is very strong and very united, never recruiting any members, The only way to join is to be seen by a member of the legion and then invited to join. No outsider knows the truth about the legion."

"But it is said that it is very powerful and emboldened. There is a strong backstage but the bottom is not clear. Everyone in the legion has a highly customized original body, often with a small team size. Each team also has its own battleship. The completion of each mission is extremely high. It is a powerful army that is ranked first among the emerging legions. It seems that it has not been heard that this legion has participated in any military corps mission, and it is very closed and does not like to communicate with the outside world."

Selce said in his breath that he knew about the Burning Legion. It is easy to find a certain situation from other participants in Prometheus, but it is Ke. Keina is just a look of numbness.

Xiao Ran listened to what Seymours said, but also some interest: "The mad corps? Why do you say that, and what about the original body?"

Somers couldn't believe that Xiao Ran was the leader of the Burning Legion. He looked at Xiaoran dryly and said: "The mad squad is talking about their style of action. When fighting with the enemy, the battle is strong and endless. After chasing the target until the end of the earth, there will always be some strange ability to fight. If you like the sword to go slant, you can often get the most benefit. You can do this by stopping the nuclear bomb to save countless civilians. It seems that there has been a direct bombing of hostile forces in the base camp. I like to seize the local weaknesses and make a fatal blow."

"Not only that, even if it is a legion, the two teams happen to be in the same task, the style of doing things is obviously different, not that they are not united, the two teams that are clearly united are doing their own completely. There are no related things, although most people only evaluate the positive strength of the Burning Legion, but it seems that a few people say that the leggings of the Burning Legion have been broken."

"The original body is a body that can fully exert its strength without being adapted from the beginning of manufacture. It is a body that has been tailored from the beginning of manufacturing. It is like the body we use is not a native body. However, after getting a body, it is transformed into the most suitable shape for use now."

"In our eyes, the legions with strong native bodies are very powerful corps. At least they have mastered a number of technically capable corps. The body of the Burning Legion has a similar shape and core style, but the ability All kinds are completely different, and it is not something that our general army can build."

Xiao Ran nodded, closed his eyes and took off his mask. He felt a headache and picked up his own temple. It was not because the style of the original body was too obvious, but from the mouth of the Jurassic, it was known that the Super Division’s style of work was so After all, who is this tm with whom, and which guys often give classes to members? Why don't you have a low-key style of doing things yourself?

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