Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2560: captive

The European Union has just announced its establishment. Even if the parliament has not been formally established, it will be unimpeded and hit the parliamentary venue. Even the most powerful force of the European Union is completely destroyed in a minute or so. Ron, who has already been appointed as the first president of the European Union, has disappeared. This has stunned the European Union’s senior officials who are not far from the city until they see the fleet with the mighty power. When they appeared on their heads and landed in the city, everyone didn't know what to do.

However, it is not that there are no clever people. After seeing the incompetence of the troops brought by Xiao Ran, some people who are moving fast have begun to arrange evacuation work. It is impossible for the plane to fly, and the flight does not fly. Say, but it will only become a target when flying, so only by car, car is the best choice, and what was previously about Ron was quickly thrown behind.

But smart people think much more, and Xiao Ran thinks a lot. After entering the city, he will arrange the manpower to surround the parliament building at the first time. People can solve it without more than a dozen people, except the parliament building. In addition, through the intelligence information obtained by the local intelligence personnel, there are several hotels, buildings and other important places have also been arranged accordingly, while the sky is also patrolling the organism, and several important places are optimistic. It doesn't matter if you run off some small fish and shrimp.

After all, the shortage of manpower is a fact. It is impossible for the members of the two legions to leave the body to arrest the high-level leaders of the European Union. So many people have insufficient intelligence, and it can be handled by the two legions. The two legions suppressed the city, held several important locations, and looked for Ron to escape through the escape device.

On the side of Lelouch, when I heard that Xiao Ran had taken the European Federal Parliament building so quickly, it was a bit too aggressive. Although it was already some time away from the departure, Lulu Xiu did not expect it. I will be able to end the battle soon, and I am still sitting in some arrangements, ready to hold a press conference to announce the connection between the Black Knights and Butaria.

But now, the battle is so fast, and so decisive, Lulu Xiu thinks that the Black Knights have not been so anxious to announce, the first thing to do is to immediately send troops to the European Union, kneeling The current momentum will completely take over the European Union. As for the European Union’s opposition forces, what is the most powerful force there, has been annihilated, and what can stop the footsteps of Butaria.

The first batch of troops directly departed from the nearest Africa. The accident between the moment and the establishment of the European Union, the European Union, which was still in chaos, did not send troops to intercept it. It was only after an hour and a half. The plane landed successfully under the protection of more than two hundred fighters. Various tanks, kf came out of the carrier, began to block the city with a large group of soldiers, and blocked the streets to completely take over the city.

With the appearance of this group of personnel, the Lions and the Knights of the Scarlet can also extract most of their strength to do other things, increase the search for Ron, and some participants leave the city and start to travel far away. To attract more armed forces from Butaria, regardless of whether the rest of the European Union is ready to resist or surrender, the city will become a member of the European Union within a short period of time. The biggest fortress.

Xiao Ran only told the people of the two legions to carry out the mission. Pandragong has been floating in the sky and has not been down. It is like a demon **** pressing on the heads of all people to bring them fear.

The search for Ron didn’t last long. The result was that Ron’s army stayed in the city for a day or two. It’s been a long time ago to use this city as its home base. Ron, who works in a certain class, is not lacking in frequent visits. As long as he grabs some high-level, he can naturally know Ron’s residence from the other side.

Under the premise that Ron’s escape device was used as a binding version, the searchers of the two legions did not spend too much time finding a luxury villa on a beautiful mountain near the city. After searching for it, after searching for it, Ron, who found the coma in the security room at the bottom of the villa, Ron, who suffered a double blow from Xiaoran’s spiritual shock and dynamism, was still twitching when he found it. The expression on his face was from time to time. It will also be distorted. It can be imagined how serious the mental damage caused by Xiao Ran is. If this guy is a super-powerful participant with a strong body, it is not as simple as coma.

As for the legion of another legion, it was also escaped through the escape device, but it did not find any traces of the existence of the guy in the city. Since then, this task can be said to be the end.

Ron became a prisoner in a coma, even if the two legions in the coma gave the guy a very strict imprisonment, physical imprisonment, environmental imprisonment, to ensure that this guy did not escape even after waking up. And the possibility of resistance.

The place where he originally lived, that is, the villa on the mountain, was also taken over by two legions until the Pandora of Xiaoran landed in front of the building.

Not long after Xiaoran entered the house, Keji and Serkis appeared in front of Xiaoran. Of course, there is no shortage of Xiaomu’s beggars who are following him.

Xiao Ran sat on the sofa, and Keji and Serkis reported on their work.

Kojiki, the dog's leg, stood respectfully in front of Xiaoran, and his waist was slightly bent: "The head of the army, the military facilities, the headquarters, the parliament building, the new presidential palace that has not been put into formal use, the hotel where the European Union members live, the dedicated building. We have all controlled these places and successfully captured most of the members and senior officials of the European Union. However, many people have already fled when they are in trouble. Now we are comparing the personnel information and confirming the escaped personnel and directions. Butalia will help us send people to arrest."

Xiao Ran nodded slightly: "To be optimistic about these people, too much harshness is required. Let Putari send some professional people to come and communicate with them. Let them support Butaria to occupy the European Union. If they are disobedient, It can be used to kill chickens and monkeys. If you don’t need to fight, you can swallow the European Union, of course, but you must also guard against the European Union’s military dogs.

Keji nodded again and again: "The head of the army, the city has been completely taken over, and it has also discovered the senior generals of the three armed forces in the European Union. These people have all been arrested. I will pay more attention to the surrounding situation. Try to get more contact with the military of the European Union. If they insist on going to war, it will be enough to leave the rest of the work to us. This power has not resisted our strength."

After the story of Colki, Cerk also said: "The battlefield has now begun to clean up. The blockade has wasted some of our strength, but it will end all the recycling work in a day or two. The recovered debris will need to be shipped back. Buttaria?"

Xiao Ran said: "Well, I will ship it back first. Also, you may not dare to act as a force to deter the other party, but you should also guard against such a possibility. If there is still fighting, you will be in the most direct and decisive way. End the battle, to shock those who have no idea, but also need to pay attention to those countries that have joined the European Union to re-segment, if this happens you must also directly press the button."

Serkis and Kirkey nodded: "Yes."

Xiao Ran asked again: "I heard that people have already caught it?"

Serkis replied: "I have seized it, but still in a coma, the head of the army is going to deal with him."

"How much value do you think he has? If you live well or die," Xiaoran looked at Celence, who is also the most familiar of them.

Selce is silent. It is not easy to deal with it. If you let go, it will definitely make the enemy become the enemy of the Burning Legion. The key is that there should be a senior or top legion behind Ron. Well, it may bring trouble to the Burning Legion, but even if this trouble has not been put on, the other party’s legion has been completely disabled. The support of the Ron’s general army to the present’s big army will certainly not be so easy. It’s not happening. It’s very likely that there will be a good time. It’s very likely that Ron will not change anything. Killing Ron is just another step of angering the other party. The other party is not likely to rely on it again. Legion.

So it seems that the difference between letting and not letting is not that big, but as Xiaoran asked, which one is more valuable, but Seljus can't tell.

After a moment of silence, Serkis said: "Ron has a very good reputation in a certain circle, and he has won the title of benevolent. Many people have a good relationship with him, even though he died in Prometheus. People don't make any sense, but if we kill him, it might make the Burning Legion carry some notoriety, and now the reputation of the Burning Legion is already like this."

"But let him go, but he can get something from him, as a loser to buy money for himself, but there is no way to avoid it."

Xiao Ran suddenly thought of the army battle that he had participated with before, and before and after, but earned a lot of money, Ron does not necessarily have such a rich army, but since there is support, there is such a big development. How much more or less the family should not be too thin.

Nodded, Xiao Ran said: "Well, then leave him, Keji, you go with him and talk about a satisfactory result."

Keji grinned: "You will give me the confidence of the head of the army. I must scrape the skin of the bastard."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded and said to the two people: "The battle was solved very easily, but after all, the body I was driving was not my special machine. The consumption was not too small. I will take care of it for a while. Everything in the European Union will be handed over to you for two treatments. Try to cooperate with Butalia to completely defeat the European Union. As for the last two legions, try to contact them to see what they are planning. In short, leave the world. It is important to stabilize the situation in Butaria before."

Xiao Ran quickly left the European Union, and with the driftwood wild donkey driving only Pandragong away, the invisible effect of using gn particles disappeared into the sky, after which no one could grasp the whereabouts of Xiao Ran and Liu Muye. .

The lion lion regiment can't, the Scarlet Knights can't, even Lulu Xiu also doesn't know where Xiao Ran went.

This time, there are some differences between the situation and the previous one. The consumption is almost a lot more than the previous one. Although it is a solar furnace, the quantum assimilation keeps the high frequency burst and has been short on so many particle cans. Time recharges, and at the same time forcibly erupts a wave to completely solve the battle. It can't be confused before consumption. This explosion is completely Xiaoran's thorough suppression of itself. Xiao Ran is also very clear about the consequences of the quantum assimilation. Therefore, I am not willing to leave with the flow of wood wild as soon as I delay.

Next, it will definitely be weak for a period of time. The longest one week, the shortest two or three days will definitely be there, but I don’t know how long it will be comatose, just in case it’s better to find a place in the same place. After training, I will return to Butaria until I have completely responded.

And why not recover under the protection of the Lions and the Knights of the Scarlet, because the next will be the most weak period of Xiaoran, even if the two have chosen to join the Burning Legion, but this does not mean that Xiaoran will trust them, they are To join the Burning Legion, it is not the case that Xiaoran’s death will not affect this. Who can guarantee that when Xiaoran is weak, they will not have two hearts, and leaving is the best plan.

Keji and Serkis don't know how much Xiaoran consumes, but when they look at Xiaoran, they can guess a little more and know that they don't really get the trust of Xiaoran, so Xiaoran is not in their eyes. Under the nursed back to health, just do not know that Xiaoran will be self-protected once he is weak, and it is normal to leave without worrying.

Keji didn't think there was anything. He just thought that he had to do something for Xiao Ran to gain trust in the future, and he quickly left the matter of Xiao Ran away. Selce wanted to get more. I also know that Xiao Ran is not trusting enough to them. For this, Selce can only sigh with a slight sigh and start thinking about how to integrate into the Burning Legion. What kind of future will it be after joining the Burning Legion? .


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