Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2572: Will become a holy place

Xiao Ran wants to make Miyuki become the new college's Tiejiaman battle instructor. Xiang Yu Xinye naturally has no opinions, and this is considered to be a good job for Mei Xue, who is usually nothing, at least in the eyes of Xiang Yu Xin Ye. a very nice job.

According to the scale of the college's establishment in the future, a Tijiaman battle instructor may not be enough. At that time, there will naturally be other women, Tijiaman, who will enter the college to become a new mentor, knowing the irons that are now owned by the Burning Legion. The number of men is quite horrible. A-level combat power can be said to be a lot, b-level is even more, even if it is s-class combat power, you can barely find a few, although this s-level is not really s Level, at most, the pseudo-s level of the former Nazi also has a very large weakness, but even this is not the average person can fight, and it is very simple to find a few b-level female Tiejiaman as a mentor. .

But now there is only one beautiful snow, that is enough, because now it is not for the students to teach the students who do not exist yet, but to enter the college preparatory group to jointly set up the shelves of the college, and teach the Valkyrie Individuals use Iron Gaman armor.

This matter has been settled, Miyuki will not refuse Xiaoran’s arrangement for her. Now, the three brothers and sisters of Xiang Yu’s family are all working under Xiaoran’s hands. It’s just that the real core personnel are only Xiang Yu Xinye, and now Mei Xue goes to the college. In fact, they have also improved the status of their three siblings, and it is true that this kind of thing is more suitable for Miyuki's temper.

After that, Xiao Ran let Mei Xue and Xin Ye bring a few people of Valkyrie to the technical department. Since they want to learn the operation of Tiejiaman armor, they must have iron armored armor for them to use, and they must also be familiar with this. In terms of information, Tiejiaman’s armor can only be obtained from the technical department, not to mention the Ironman’s armor used by several Valkyrie’s men. It’s more special, in order to fully conform to the characteristics of the singer itself. It is certainly not possible to apply combat-type Iron Gaman armor and re-customize the new Iron Gaman armor, especially with the addition of the fold capability and the singing weapon.

Shirley was staying at home and ignoring it, so she went to the technical department with the Valkyrie, and Shirley Luna’s interest should also be tailored to a Tiejiaman armor.

After Shirley’s departure, Xiao Ran also stood up and walked out of the empty garden. He returned to his study and called Catherine. Catherine has always played the role of Xiaoran’s deputy, chief assistant. In fact, the people who really manage the things of the ship group, Xiaoran can be so leisurely in the boat group, that is because Catherine is dealing with all the work, and behind Catherine, there is the president of the ship’s group, Grasse. The two are not only responsible for the things of the fleet, but also the most important coordinator role among the various territories. At least in some respects, Catherine, Grasse and the real tops in the various territories have been stabilizing the whole. With the huge field of the Burning Legion, for the Burning Legion on the right track, there are many things, but they are not too tired, at least not buried in the work and coordinating every day.

Before Catherine arrived, Xiao Ran sat at his desk and wrote and painted until Catherine came in the office. Xiao Ran put down his pen and smiled at Catherine: "Come."

Catherine nodded and sat on the opposite side of Xiao Ran. She glanced at the paper that Xiao Ran had just written and said: "Is there anything I want to do?"

"There are a few things, and it is estimated that there is still some trouble." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "I am going to set up a singer school to teach people who have the potential of singers, not only to let them learn to use the power of singing, singing, In addition to the ability to arrange and dance, you must also be able to master the skills of electronic technology, combat command, intelligence analysis, etc., and assign them to each fleet or special force after they have passed the qualification."

"You should also be clear about how much the singer like Shirley can play in a large-scale battle. It is a terrible role in improving the overall strength of one's own strength and weakening the opponent's combat power. I want to use this power. stand up."

“It’s very simple to set up a college, but it’s a little troublesome. I want you to arrange this. The Earth’s integration government and the autonomous governments all coordinate, including all the companies we have now, can join in, once a year. Ways to recruit students with the potential to have potential, Kaius companies have experience in this area can be handed over to them, the most important thing is not to mess, when you open the enrollment together, the military can cooperate with you, as to how to carry out this You can talk to people on the side of Caius."

When Catherine heard Xiaoran's words, she first stunned, but then she nodded and wrote these words on her own book. She wrote a word and asked: "When did it start, the number of students?"

"As soon as possible, the number does not need to be deliberately restricted." Xiao Ran thought about it and continued: "But the college only accepts women, it must be remembered, and semi-military management is carried out. After all, it is ultimately serving the legion. You can also recommend some suitable people to the college to become a mentor. All the elites can join in. They can only be women. When the Valkyrie team joins, Shirley will also work in the college. ”

"I know." Catherine nodded and said, "I will communicate with the people of Caius first, to confirm how to do this, what other things, and the location of the college?"

"There is one more thing that you look at and arrange for a concert for the martial arts martial arts. You don't have to arrange it in the boat. As long as you can ensure their safety, we can also provide protection. I feel that I can also use this concert with the enrollment to play the effect. Anyway, you go down and discuss with Kais."

"If you choose a site, although this planet is very suitable, I think it is better to put it in other worlds. I will give it to others to do it."

Catherine nodded and wrote down. After reporting to the recent situation, Xiao Ran got up and said goodbye. Then Xiao Ran gave Kane over.

Let Kane arrange the college's problems in the revolutionary machine world, find a Dyson ball to get a module, and tell the guy about the idea and arrangement of the college. Although it is a college, according to Xiao Ran's request, it is a college. That is to create the urban model, to make the environment a little better, when the college is a little girl, all aspects of the supporting facilities must also pay more attention.

This is not a big deal. After Kane listened to it, he thought about how to arrange it. He nodded and said, "I understand, I will arrange for it to be arranged as soon as possible. Just now you said it will be A female school, from students to staff, is only female."

Xiao Ran nodded: "Yes."

Kane smiled faintly: "In order to prevent some troubles in the event of a problem, I think it is necessary to strengthen the defensive. After all, there will always be some boring people who will try their best to mix in, after all, according to the scale of such a college city. And the composition of this school and the significance of the future of the legion, the arrangements of the students after graduation, this school is expected to gradually become a holy place in many people's hearts over time, even if there is no other purpose, as long as it can be mixed in to estimate It’s already a lot of people’s excitement. In the future, there will be a lot of boring people who want to sneak into the college. It’s better to arrange them at that time than to arrange them all at the beginning.”

"The more mysterious things are, the easier it is to attract attention. A place that can't let men go is quite mysterious and tempting for men. Especially, this has already made it clear that this is a special cultivation and elegant posture. The singer's college, what do you say?"

Xiao Ran’s eyebrows twitched twice: “Bazak... Kruze?”

Kane smiled: "Kruze is not good, although he is fun but also very clear, but Bassack estimates that as long as someone says something in his ear, he may rush to rush. It’s not just a Basque, a person who has the status of a participant and who has no participant status. If there is no idea of ​​the group together, maybe they will go to the group because of fun.”

Xiao Ran smashed his eyebrows. The guys in the legion are not too serious. The participants don’t say it here. They are not the participants. But there are a large group of quite contemptuous characters. When they are up, they can’t stand it. At that time, it was quite naughty, including the undefeated in the East, sometimes it would be unreliable, and perhaps there would be a situation in which Kane called the group tour.

Kane saw Xiaoran’s appearance and smiled again: “But don’t worry about this in a short period of time. The arrangement of the big party is at most a woman’s school that is beneficial to the development of the legion. It’s really attractive. It may have been a long time since their attention."

After smashing his head, Xiao Ran said: "Oh, no matter how the college is to be established, it will be as far as I can say. You are responsible for arranging my peace of mind."

"Oh, I will actively prepare for the arrangement." Kane smiled and said: "When you wait, everyone who wants to sneak in will feel how beautiful the scenery is."

Xiao Ran: "Oh."

After arranging the affairs of the college to Catherine and Kane, Xiao Ran is not going to take care of this matter. There are two people to do it and the Burning Legion to support it. It is not too much trouble to set up a college to find some students. It only takes two people to have more fun in the details and arrangement.

One thing is proceeding in an orderly manner. The bodies of hundreds of people are almost finished. The bodies of the previous batches have already been distributed at this time. The last one or two batches of the body are also in the past few days. With so many territories and resources in the size of the Burning Legion, plus the huge volume of the technical department, the adaptive and customized body assembly that is step by step takes up only the workload, and the difficulty is completely non-existent. After all, it is only Some bodies that are not particularly advanced, do not need to specialize in a department for special research and development, and the use of the original technology is as simple as doing math problems.

In addition, after a few days after meeting with Xiao Ran, Keji and Serkis brought a new situation to Xiao Ran. The person who contacted them did have an urgent need for the recycling time device, but there was no Urgent to a very anxious degree, it is more like the kind of urgency when you don’t want your own weapons to leak. It’s good to be able to recycle it. If you can’t recycle it, it’s natural. The conditions are not very good. People are satisfied.

The so-called compensation, the other party is willing to provide a legendary and two epic-level bodies, plus some not very precious materials, military points, or some special props to choose, just choose Not all, just looking at the value that the other party is willing to pay does not reach the one-five million battle points that Xiao Ran said, and the legendary body is not worth mentioning at all, but it is just a cross-legged body. However, it is nothing for a first-class or top-ranking legion.

At that time, Keji was very faithful in carrying out Xiao Ran’s opinion, directly slamming the compensation list provided by the other party on the table with disdain, and then yelling at the other party to look down on them, taking this thing is to swear, so Also want us to rely on the past, relying on the past is you to give us the merits and support, or do we pay you a protection fee?

Then directly reported a price of 15 million battle points, do not need any of their resources and the body, accept the transaction, do not accept the end, according to the words of the name, the guy's face began to change color At the beginning of the moment, there was some worry, but then the face was dark, but it was still tolerated and there was no on-the-spot attack.

The result is that the other party really paid 15 million battle points. When the time bomb was taken away, it was quite indifferent. It was also a good look at Keji and Celebrity, and finally showed a very cold smile. Just turned and left.

When Xiao Ran heard this, he felt a little funny. Keji, this guy really has a high potential for dog legs. When he said that he was angry, he was irritated. If he found a little chance, he would turn his face directly without thinking. It seems that Xiaoran is too embarrassed. It’s too deliberate, but the effect is very good. Anyway, it’s best to irritate the other person in what way he can achieve the goal, and bring back 15 million combat points. It’s still not good enough. What?

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