Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2077: meet

The purple wind warship that Xiao Ran was riding floated on the sea, and next to the purple wind, the son of Danu, who had hardly changed much, appeared in the sea from the sea, and until Xiaoran took it, After the sword was in the night, Ayr Elf and a dozen of people who landed in the combat team left the Zifeng to enter the son of Dannu, the purple wind slowly rose into space and once again rushed into the fold channel and disappeared. There is no trace.

The lifting platform of Dannuo's son began to descend slowly, and the deck above Xiaoran began to slowly close. As the lifting platform fell, more than a dozen people in the landing force holding the weapon were tightening their weapons. However, there was no trace of the spread, and Yu Jian’s night was pinching the long knife in the left hand and blocking it in front of Xiao Ran.

When the lifting platform gradually returned to its place, a silver-haired Tessa slowly appeared in Xiao Ran’s eyes. Taisha, wearing the captain’s suit, looked mature. After all, Xiao Ran was already two years away from the world. In the appearance of Leonard, there is no change in appearance, and Tessa's body continues to grow with the passage of time.

Beside Taisha’s side and behind him, there are also many members of the Danu’s son who hold their weapons. After Xiao Ran’s eyes appear in them, they are not too nervous to make any dangerous moves. The members of the landing force of Xiao Ran were relieved in their hearts.

None of the people who have appeared in the conflict landing force will feel fear and worry. The crushing effect brought by technology is absolutely unsolvable. It is obvious that the other party has a deep relationship with Xiao Ran and does not want the situation to become more complicated.

And the people on the side of Danu’s son are the same. What Xiao Ran did two years ago is still like yesterday, helping the Mithril how much it is, protecting them, leading them, and getting them. The respect, more crucial is their captain... cough, but Xiaoran suddenly disappeared and then appeared again two years later, with an inexplicable battleship, which brought a layer to Xiaoran. mysterious.

The atmosphere on both sides of the meeting seemed to be somewhat stiff. Xiao Ran did not have any conscious feelings. He smiled at the front of the member of the Danu’s son, and said with a hand: "Long time no see, Tessa."

"Mr. Xiao Ran... I haven't seen you for a long time..." Tessa's eyes squinted at Xiao Ran, grinning, smiling, frowning, then calm, and said loudly: "Respect! Welcome Mr. Xiao Ran to board the son of Danu. ”


The people on the son of Dannu are basically obedient to the orders of Tessa, not to mention that the people in front of them are worthy of all the members to do so. All the people are holding their right hands together and moving in the direction of Xiaoran. salute.

This action also made the members of the landing forces next to Xiao Ran stunned, and then immediately stood up and experienced, and the somewhat stiff atmosphere on both sides became softer with this move.

Xiao Ran smiled and raised his hand and then let go, and slowly walked into Tessa: "I haven't seen you for a long time, Richard deputy captain, Andrew, there seems to be a lot of newcomers on board, everyone's changes are quite big. And you, Tessa, have not matured for two years."

For Xiaoran, what happened in this world is not just two years ago, but it has been a long time, but it is really entering this environment. All the memories that have happened in this environment have begun to slowly begin. It emerged so that he could accurately name the name of everyone he was familiar with.

Xiao Ran put his hand and looked at the oblique rear: "When you come to someone else's place, the weapon is handed over to the Mithril people. The safety is naturally handled by Mithril people."

The members of the rear combat squad nodded, took the gun from himself and walked into the Mithril, and handed over all the weapons carried by him. Of course, all, at least the name can be seen. All, what can be handed over can not be handed over, this group of people who are stupid people will really pin their own safety on people who are not familiar with.

Tessa’s eyes narrowed and she laughed. Although there is nothing funny about the present occasion, Xiaoran’s words really make Taisha’s heart happy, at least that Xiaoran still believes them as before. .

Tessa took a deep breath and looked at Xiaoran with a little nervousness: "I have prepared tea and snacks, and everyone behind will be led by other people to lead the reception, no problem?"

"Of course." Xiao Ran turned and nodded to the combat troops: "Don't ask for embarrassment and rudeness, don't make a misunderstanding."

"Yes, adults."

"Ayr Elf, hey, you are with me at night."

The three people who were named were nodded. Tessa noticed that Xiao Ran followed El Eyre and also quickly said to El Elf: "Sorry, Mr. El Elf, I am Notice you."

Al Elf was as indifferent as ever, and he shook his head and gave no reply.

The people at the Mithril also noticed the long sword held in the hands of Yu Jian, and some doubts that in the current era, there will still be people carrying such a long sword, and it is still a seemingly immature hoe, is preparing When the friendly sword took over the sword in the hands of Yu Jian, the sword held up the left hand with a sword crossbar, and smiled at the stranger: "Sorry, as the swordsman sword does not leave, this sword I will keep it myself, but this pistol can be handed over to you."

"It doesn't matter, let her take it." Tessa shook her head and confirmed that Yu Jian’s night had the right to carry weapons on the son of Danu, and then went to Xiaolan and the group to go to the ready. Reception room.

Xiaoran here, there are El Elf, hey, Yu Jian, four nights, Taisha, there are Andrew, Richard, and Melissa Mao, also four people, sitting together can Put two tables of mahjong, but the actual situation is that Xiao Ran and Tessa are sitting face to face, while others are standing behind their own big sister.

After sitting down, Taisha looked at Xiao Ran and looked at the three people standing behind Xiao Ran, especially the two men, Yu Jian and Yu Jian. They were a little lost and didn’t know what they were thinking. What they wanted to say. At this time, I have forgotten everything.

And the three people standing behind Tessa are facing each other, determined to hold on to the captain who has fallen into some kind of fantasy. Richard coughed a little forward: "That ...... Mr. Xiao Ran, for a long time no see, or as arrogant as before, I want to know why Mr. Xiao Ran suddenly appeared after two years of disappearance. This time, the son of Danu came to the official purpose, or private affairs. ”

Xiao Ran smiled and glanced at Tessa, gently shook his head and said to Richard: "If you want to say this, then there is public and private. As for the two years that have disappeared, there is no way to answer this question, Richard. As long as the captain knows that the main goal of my coming this time is to help you, of course, it is also one of my purposes to see how Tessa is doing now, not just because of me, but also because of another person who cares about Tessa. Happening."

"In addition, I have prepared a gift for you. It takes about an hour or two to prepare. In order to avoid the gift being delivered on time, I hope that the son of Danu will continue to maintain his current position."

"Gift!?" Tessa looked back, and looked at Xiaoran with joy: "Is it for me?"

Xiao Ran nodded and smiled. "It’s true that it’s true, but it’s exactly the whole Mithril that Leonard and I have given you.”

Tessa raised her hands together and smiled. "I am looking forward to that... Mr. Xiao Ran, has Renard been with you for the past two years?"

"Well, this time he came back with me, but because there are other things to deal with, he should see you personally after a while."

"That's it." Xiao Ran looked at the four people of Tessa and said: "This time, there are public and private things. After the old things, I hope that Mithril can provide us with all the information in the past two years, including but not The information on a series of events triggered by the sub-beasts also requires all the information, powers, and state changes in the world for two years. In exchange, in addition to the gifts I just mentioned, I will All the operations of Mithril provide strong military support."

“At the same time, I also hope to get information about the status of the Thousand Birds.”

Although the past two years, Tessa's habits and some small movements have not changed at all. After hearing Xiaoran's words, the mouth swelled, but it quickly became serious. The right hand began to pick up his own hair and bite gently. The lower lip: "I can give you information about the next-born beast. I can also give you the information I need for a thousand birds. After all, it takes only a little time to investigate this information with Mr. El Elf's ability."

"Just Mr. Xiao Ran, why do you need intelligence and information on the world situation?"

"I just need to understand the situation in two years and find some interesting news from it. You don't have to worry about what threats I will bring to the world. The meta-beast is what you should worry about."

Tessa took a breath and looked at Xiaoran seriously. "Mr. Xiao Ran, because of your sudden appearance, and the relationship of that battleship, now all countries have a very vigilant attitude towards you. Now the world is very Tension, because the relationship between the second beasts has a lot of confusion, no one wants to see more chaos, Mr. Xiao Ran, what is the identity you used to appear here this time, what is behind you? The kind of power, Mr. Xiaoran has what kind of identity in this power."

Xiao Ran looked at Tessa: "Do you have to know these?"

Tessa nodded with certainty: "At least for me, this is a must. I want to give myself a reason to continue to believe Mr. Xiao Ran unconditionally."

"Okay." Xiaoran smiled casually and said: "I represent a huge force. From your point of view, this is a cosmic level force. For the earth, even the planet level can not reach, and My identity in this power is the biggest boss, the purpose is just to solve the sub-beasts that appear on the earth, and some of the more unexpected situations in you."

"Now tell you this, maybe you have a hard time understanding what I am talking about, but it doesn't matter. Then we will have more opportunities for contact between the two sides. By that time, you will naturally understand what I said. What does it mean?"

Tessa stunned, and the three people behind him all showed a surprised expression, but then Tessa asked: "That said Mr. Xiao Ran came from the universe, and before he came to Earth, he already knew that the earth was facing. Case?"

"You can be so surprised to accept what I said, but at least in the back communication, there should be no obstacles." Xiao Ran smiled and said: "After all, two years have passed. I have no way to let you trust me unconditionally as I did two years ago. Besides, the timing of my appearance is also somewhat suspicious. In fact, before I came to Earth, I didn’t know what happened to the Earth. I just knew that the Earth might encounter some In special circumstances, it is our task to deal with these things."

"In addition, there are thousands of birds. The thousand birds have a special identity as a whisper. For the time being, her existence is very important to me, so I need to confirm her current situation and include her in our strength protection. under."

"These are official. As for the private side, Leonard is one of the important reasons. Although he does not say it, he is more worried than anyone else about your current situation. I want to know how you are doing now, as for me, or more. Or less want to come back and see."

"We used to be collaborators. I also hope that in the days to come we will continue to be partners. Just like before, both sides can achieve unconditional trust, which is good for you and for the world at least. ""

Tessa didn't know if it was a bit difficult to accept Xiao Ran's current tone of voice and attitude. It was totally different from the reunion she had thought of, and she lowered her head and silenced her.

Richard saw the appearance of Tessa taking the initiative: "Intelligence can give you, Mr. El Elf's ability, we all know, the information we want to investigate will be able to get, even if we don't It’s just a matter of delaying you for some time, just Mr. Xiao Ran, what you just said is really a bit human... It’s a little unbelievable, I think we need time to digest what you just said, if all this All are serious words."

"Don't worry, you won't be able to use it for a long time." Xiao Ran shook his head and said, "It's not a good thing for you to let you know that so early. I could have been on the scene when the world met the worst." Your savior, but I don't want to do that, because Tessa and the Mithril everyone, we have said that we were allies, and we are close to saying that we are friends, I hope that each of you can have peace and stability. life.".

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