Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2590: a little trouble

Thousands of birds with unstained eyes removed from Leonard and looked at Xiaoran, Kane and Youzes: "You are like a sub-beast, you are an intruder for a world, but for A sophisticated computer, you are a virus. Your influence has destroyed the trajectory of the world. Everyone is infected with these viruses. The thousand birds are like this. The same is true of Leonard. Only the computer is completely formatted. By resetting the world, you can completely eliminate these viruses and change them together with this already-biased world."

"At that time, the world will return to normal, and my world will always refuse you to join."

"I won't let you do this." Reinard calmly looked at the thousand birds controlled by Sophia and said lightly: "You don't have such an opportunity."

Sophia didn't care: "The decision is not for you. The only person who can make a decision is the Thousand Birds. Once I have completely controlled this body, I can restart the world without your help."

Youzes brows a little pick: "You want to control this body, then you are not afraid that we will kill the thousand birds, then you will not have such an opportunity."

Sophia, who has always been quite indifferent, suddenly raised his mouth: "This world is based on the existence of a thousand birds. It is the origin from her beginning, the first whisperer, my avatar, my The person who is most eager to become is also the core of the existence of this world. You can try to kill the Thousand Birds and see what changes will happen to the world because of the death of the Thousand Birds."

Xiao Ran raised his hand until he wanted to talk to Youzes and Leonard. He smiled and said: "Don't try anything, we are not prepared to kill the thousand birds, and there is not so much curiosity. Deal with the thousand birds and then go and have a look."

"Just, maybe we can't kill a thousand birds, but it's not difficult to do a thousand birds and then hold you down."

"From what you said, I learned that you can't lead the resetting of this world. You must have the support of a thousand birds, so all you can do is guide and change the thousand birds. Gradually controlling her purpose ultimately depends on the power of the thousand birds to achieve a reset."

"Then, can I think that the Thousand Birds may be Miss Sophia's avatar, but in fact it is just like this. The Thousand Birds are only a thousand birds after all. Isn't it a projection and a substitute for anyone, not Sophia? It can only be regarded as a close relationship with you. If the thousand birds themselves do not agree with the world reset, they will never open. It is true that this world may be created by you, but because the core of the world is the relationship of the thousand birds. You also have no way to control the world. Then I can influence the Thousand Birds in the same way as you. As long as her will is firm enough, you will never be able to open the world."

"Finally, Miss Sophia, I am very curious about how you created a world, how to make a world different restart, so that the world is just a fantasy, a dream, or a saying for you. Really, I am really curious, or in fact, you are just a series of the same parallel worlds of China Unicom. Your so-called reset is just to break the connection with the world and then contact another world."

"In this way, the world, even the world you know before, is reset or not reset. This is not a good thing to say, right? Of course we don't dare to gamble this, but I think we can still reach some consensus."

"You give up resetting the world and continue to influence the Thousand Birds, and I have the ability to jump across time and space. As long as I have a positioning transmitter, then my men can enter the world you exist to solve your present. The trouble, the escape of everything, gives you a world that is the most real for you, and achieves all the goals you want to achieve, such as revenge, you say, can we reach such a consensus?"

Xiao Ran said a lot of things in a breath, especially pointed out that Sophia now has no other use in addition to the thousands of birds in mind, but also points out the willingness to cooperate with Sophia to help She walked out of the infinite 'fantasy' to get the life that truly belongs to her, instead of putting infinite mind and energy on the thousand birds and resetting the world.

Speaking these words, Xiao Ran is also based on his own memory and understanding. For the all-metal frenzy world, Xiao Ran really knows a lot of things. Before the first time I came to this world, Xiao Ran made a lot of things. The analysis of the previous ax world theory can explain the situation of the all-metal frenzy world.

All the black technology in the world comes from the future and history. The world of a1 develops from scratch, and is reset to a2 world to a certain extent. Through the whisperer, the technology developed by the original a1 world is projected to all whispers. The same research continues. ”

When the world of a2 is destroyed and collapsed, the remaining level 2 technology will be put into the a3 world to continue, creating the origins of countless identical parallel worlds, and transmitting them to the brains of whispers through the existence of the sender. Stopping continues the same reincarnation, inheriting all the technologies of the ax world before slowly.

And Sophia, the origin of all this, Xiao Ran seems to remember that Sophia is actually a living dead, a guinea pig, does have some special abilities, is trapped in the experimental world in the origin of the world. In the laboratory, because everything that I really face is too tragic, I created a new world. How did I create it? Xiao Ran really didn’t know that Sophia could do it. There is a very special place.

In the world created by Sophia, the Thousand Birds are what she wants to live the most. It is an expectation that Sophia’s heart has risen through countless darkness and misery. A light, as for the Xiangliang Zongsuke, is actually in Sophie. The heart of Asia is also very special. Xiang Liangzong Jie should also have a body with the same body in the origin world. It is only for some reason that he has died. So in the present world, Xiang Liangzong is also another person that Sophia deliberately imagined. , like the role of the protector and the boyfriend, and the awkwardness of the thousand birds will be very deep.

This is probably the case. This is the reason for everything. Why is it necessary to reset the world because in the real heart of Sophia, I still hope to change my tragic fate in this way, but until now it has only been in vain. The matter, the countless resets of the world can affect the origin, at least not at present, otherwise the world reset will not continue.

Of course, not every reset is due to the same objective reasons. In the countless resets, the death of the Thousands of Birds due to the death of Xiang Liangzong, and the resetting of the world should not happen once, so it is not so much. The bird is the core to control all of this, and Xiang Liangzong is definitely the insurance and switch that can affect the core.

As long as the relatives of the sects are okay, and the Thousands of Birds can be determined to suppress Sofia, then the world will certainly not be reset, and the things that Xiao Ran will let Yan Liangzong do, such as kisses, get started, etc. These moves are the ones that can make the thousand birds sober, excited, excited and angry. As long as Xiang Liangzong really does this, whether it is because of happiness or because of shame, or the real atmosphere, as long as it is because of the relationship between Xiang Liangzong, Thousands of birds will reply to themselves in the first time and then give counterattacks by Xiang Liangzong.

However, if Xiang Liangzong Jie hangs and the thousand birds collapse and completely abandon their own minds, then Sophia can control the body of the thousand birds, thus using the thousand birds as the core authority to reset the whole world. For Xiaoran, if you want to accomplish this task, you really don’t just want to be optimistic about the thousand birds, but you also have to be optimistic about the relationship between the good and the good, and those who can influence the mood of the thousand birds will also be the focus of the Burning Legion. And protection, to ensure that there will be no problems around the thousand birds, at least in a short time, until the thousand birds want to completely drive the influence of Sophia out of their own mind, just like in the original plot In this case, the task of protecting the earth from resetting is also stable.

Finally, Xiao Ran also said that in fact, Sophia does not know that the countless worlds that have been reset before are countless identical parallel worlds, or are they really reset, and Xiao Ran suddenly asked such a Sophia. Some of them stunned. Xiao Ran actually said this in a casual way. The purpose is to discuss with Sofia whether there is a possibility of reaching a consensus.

Although the words are spoken, Xiao Ran did not think so. He even recognized the setting of the world itself. Therefore, Xiao Ran’s heart still believes that the world is indeed created because of the relationship of Sophia. Not what parallel world.

After a while, Sophia slowly recovered her original expression. She deeply looked at Xiao Ran’s strange doctor who was not in the room. She re-laid on the bed and looked at the ceiling. She said deeply: “You will all You know, when the world continues to be infected by viruses, the virus will bring more changes to the world. At that time, thousands of birds will make their own decisions to change the world. You can't stop it."

Xiao Ran said: "You think that we are the same virus as the sub-beast, but I think we are more like anti-virus software and firewalls, only for the world's anti-virus software and firewalls, to protect the world from the harm of other enemy. If you have to stand on the enemy's side, then this hazard will also include you."

Sophia slowly closed her eyes and left Xiao Ran with a deep smile and no longer reacted: "Oh."

Kane suddenly said: "Respond, I feel that the original owner has re-started taking over the body, saying that our current dialogue, the thousand birds, has all been heard."

"But she may feel that she is dreaming." Juss said with a smile, and said: "We should leave at about the same time, otherwise the little girl will wake up and find that there are so many rooms in the room. Uncle uncle, it is estimated that you have to scare the past."


Xiao Ran nodded, and disappeared into the room of the Thousand Birds with three ghosts. It appeared on the road outside the villa in a short time.

"You just heard the words of Sophia. Now this Sophia is definitely a big trouble, and the Thousand Birds themselves are also."

Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "The situation of the thousand birds is very bad now. Sophia is affecting the thousand birds in a way that we don't know at all. If you want to know what effect the thousand birds have suffered, maybe we Can only be known from the mouth of the thousand birds."

"In the current situation, if you don't change the idea of ​​the Thousand Birds, then Sophia will have more and more control over the Thousand Birds, so we can't care, but we can't take any harm to the Thousand Birds. With positive, positive, and happy ways, the Thousand Birds gradually strengthen themselves. Killing the Thousand Birds is not the direct outcome, so there must be no violent means for the Thousand Birds."

The current thousand birds are regardless of her, she will be controlled by Sophia, and it is very likely that the world will be solved directly by force. The management may not necessarily have much effect, and it will not bring more negative negatives to her. The key to the emotions and thoughts is that the root cause has not yet been found. It is still a little troublesome for Xiao Ran.

Leonard nodded and said: "I will arrange for it. From now on, I will send people to protect thousands of birds and Xiangliang Zongsuke, as well as those of the thousand birds, and try their best to avoid any danger from appearing on them."

"It's just that it can't be done. After all, the world will have a sub-beast at any time. Even if it is a minute of distraction, it might be an extraordinary disaster if it comes across it." Juzes said with a deep sigh: "I definitely can't take coercive measures. This thousand birds have a negative mentality, but we can think of a way for her to go to our fortress with willingness, and only when we are under our eyes can we really ensure her safety."

"There is a big fortress, and the living area is not one or two. Let's free up a living area to give her life, give life to the people around her, try to give her some novelty, or directly move all the high schools all over the place. Let her touch something new, and slowly influence and change her more or less can bring some positive and positive effects."

"There is still singing." Kane said: "The songs of Miss Shirley and the Valkyrie have special effects on the spirit and soul."

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