Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2594: Combat plan

In the end, Thousand Birds invited a few friends to join with themselves, but did not tell them all the truth, but changed the way to tell these people that she participated in a research project for some reason, but Some people can also be invited to travel together, and those who have participated in the project will receive a letter from any university plus a full scholarship.

In fact, Thousands of Birds said this. The people she invited did not have much objection. The people invited by the Thousand Birds included Toki Kyoko, Kudo Shiori, Inaba Ryushu, Mikihara, and Onoji and Izumi. In addition to Meishu Yuanlian and Inaba Ruishu, other people are basically willing to promise the thousand birds in the trembling.

After the decision of the Thousand Birds, Xiao Ran asked Taisha to arrange it in the relationship of Mithril. He used regular procedures to send invitations to the high school through a well-known school, although it was only a small matter but at least Provide a valid reason.

However, the next morning after the end of the trip, except for the thousand birds and other people, the other people were temporarily unable to leave together. For family and personal reasons, they needed to go back and deal with their own affairs before they could accompany them. It doesn't matter. Xiao Ran arranged for the silver club to get everyone in the universe at the appointed time.

Xiao Ran, who has just come down to the earth, did not intend to return to the universe now. Xiao Ran only sent people back to the universe with the thousand birds and Xiang Liang Zongjie. The rest only need to inform Malang and let Malang arrange it.

Thousands of birds are the first step in processing, and the rest is to see how much the teacher and Ingram's teaching can play, and Shirley and the Valkyrie will need to return to the universe to continue to be a thousand birds. It is hard to say that the interval between the polluted spirit and the soul is to be solved, but if the birds are to sing every day, it will help the situation of the thousand birds.

The masters will not return to the universe in a short time. It is estimated that this time is interested in the world’s fighters. At this time, they should be looking around and seeing what is unusual about the world’s martial arts. Therefore, the thousand birds must only be thrown to Ingram to arrange, and if they are free, they can freely teach the Thousand Birds something.

As for Xiao Ran, since he is not ready to return to the universe, the Thousand Birds’ event has come to an end. He is ready to play on the earth first. He said that although he is in control of many worlds, he has not really been able to go through any bubbles. Take a leisurely day at the hot springs on the beach, and take advantage of this opportunity to relax and experience the life as an ordinary person.

Xiao Ran did not forget Malang, let Malang arrange the work on hand and then join them. In the following time, Xiao Ran lived in the villa, drinking tea every day to watch swimsuit fishing, Tessa also Bravely stayed, I met Shirley and met Malang. I silently observed the wives who were in the mouth of Leonard. They compared themselves to their differences, but I don’t know why. Tessa only felt that there was Then the more you feel the more uncomfortable.

Compared with the figure, the gentleness is better than the ability. But what better next? Stay cute?

I played at the beach for a few days, because the secret silver thing Tessa had to regret to leave, and in the course of this beach trip, the biggest achievement for Tessa is that I really know the people around Xiaoran, others. Not much to say, at least the impression left to everyone is not Leonard’s sister, but Tessa, a cute girl who likes to stay with Xiaoran.

After Tessa left, Xiao Ran and others also left the beach to go to the mountains, and once again made a satisfying hot spring tour. At least Xiao Ran was very satisfied. He stayed on the earth for almost half a month. After the time and feeling relaxed, Xiao Ran and others returned to the universe.

Although it is also a good thing to do and choose to relax, but the time to play is always more comfortable than to consume, but when Xiao Ran comes back, there are already quite a few things waiting for him.

First of all, on the side of Dylandal, the few ** times beasts that were caught before have made a lot of new information under the research of Dylandal. The living meta-beast is of course more than the dead sub-beast. The research value, such as the energy operation in the meta-beast, the dead meta-beast has no trajectory of energy movement, but ** has, can study the energy operation and absorption of the sub-beast, these are the dead beasts Unable to give information.

A part of the research gene department can be carried out separately, but some work needs to be carried out by the department of Luo. It is indeed some interesting information. Through the research, it is found that these meta-beasts do have fluctuations in the power of the dimension, but this The forces are not able to trigger actively, which means that the sub-beasts have no ability to open the dimension channels on their own, but more or less the power of these dimensions is also integrated into their bodies, so that they can have the ability to shuttle the dimension without any protection. .

This power enhances the physical strength of the sub-beast, and also enhances the attack power of the sub-beast, and more or less allows the sub-beast to bring a little such power in the attack.

In Dylandal's continued research, it is found that the gene activity of the sub-beast is very high. If the dead meta-beast is said to be decaying, then the living sub-beast is equivalent to the combination of energy and matter. Body, and this active gene is very active, and is in a stable but unstable state. Stability means structural integrity, and instability means that the genes of the sub-beast have the possibility of evolution, that is to say even if It is a low-level meta-beast. It can also be forced to evolve and grow in some way. Dilandal tried to force the evolution of the sub-beast to obtain information about the evolution of the sub-beast, but in the end, all the trials ended in failure. The result is that all the ** meta-beasts are dead.

Why is this happening? It cannot be said that it is a genetic conflict. Dylandal has experimented with the requirements and theories to meet the required requirements, but the end result is a failure. It is precisely because of the genetic stability of the sub-beast, it is limited to a certain special way, and it is still unclear to force the sub-beast to evolve. This way may be one, perhaps multiple, But now Dilandal has no way to dig it out.

In addition, through the research conducted with Luo, it is found that there are certain beacons in these sub-beasts. The role of the beacons needless to say, as long as the sub-beast exists in this world, the other person can be forever Being able to position the world, let Luo speculate whether there is still a hidden beast that is not found in this world. It has always served as the main beacon to attract more sub-beasts. Of course, this is only speculation. It is also possible that the coordinates of this world have long been determined, and it does not matter whether or not there is a hidden beast.

Di Randall asked for more ** meta-beasts to carry out experiments and research. Xiao Ran can only say that he did his best. After all, there is no way to stably capture the sub-beasts. They can only passively wait for the sub-beasts to appear and then capture them. For the information of the sub-beast, Xiao Ran also let Dylan Dahl prepare a copy, delete some things and prepare to hand over to the Mithril, specifically delete something, such as determining that these sub-beasts do not have the ability to open the secondary channel. For example, the genes of the Dimensional Beast have evolved, and these more accurate data have all been deleted.

The reason why these things are deleted is also to avoid the current coalition forces of the earth to find trouble for themselves. Some things do not need to let them know in Xiaoran. If they know that they can’t play any role, they will also come up with something whimsical. It’s really interesting to have a wonderful study.

The study of the Diyuan Beast has been here for the time being, and Luo Nabian has already prepared for Xiaoran’s requirements, and has produced a number of high-level reconnaissance bodies and intelligent robots, mainly based on b-level and manufactured some a-class bodies. Using the equivalent Gedim technology, the og world's epoch jumping technology can be used to achieve normal epoch jumps and sub-reconnaissance, but the report of the investigation results is not stable enough, so these are not clear. The body is equipped with a single-machine crossover performance. If the communication is disturbed, it can jump directly back to collect intelligence.

Then all that remains is to wait for the dimension channel to open again, arrive in the shortest time, capture the sub-beast and let the intelligent robot detect the squad into the dimension channel.

Based on the fact that it is still not fully grasped the intelligence of the other party, it is still difficult to make advance detection or even facts for the detection of the secondary channel. Therefore, in order to achieve the goal in the next time when the next time the beast appears, the Burning Legion finally enters this. The world moved for the first time.

A total of hundreds of warships, leaving only the Burning Legion to lead a hundred warships to continue to guard the Dyson Ball Fortress on the back of the Moon. The rest of the warships have opened the mirage system branch in the universe around the Earth, according to certain The layout method has covered the entire earth in the scope of surveillance, and the warship has built a comprehensive monitoring network for the Earth to ensure that the emergence of the dimension channel can be discovered in the first time.

After discovering the secondary channel, the investigative team ready at any time will jump directly to the target location and enter the channel in reverse. These teams are all composed of intelligent robots, so they don’t care about losses. Those b-class bodies are more important. The main use is actually to cover that part of the a-level body can successfully pass, and even if it can only succeed in passing a fire army, it will achieve the goal, because even if only one body is enough to become another letter in the dimension. Mark, so that more scouting robots, even Xiaoran they personally travel.

At the same time, the nearest team will also jump to the vicinity of the Dimensional Channel, but the role of these teams is only to cover the entrance of the investigation team, while at the same time as much as possible to capture more sub-beasts sent to the fortress again for genetic research. Supplementary research materials.

The rest, you can only see the results of the investigation team's final return, but no matter how you can achieve the operational goals, there will inevitably be more detection robots to jump directly to another dimension.

After the battle plan was finalized, the Burning Legion, which had been relaxed for so long, finally entered the combat state. A group of flustered participants left all the squads except for the squad at the request of Leonard. Each of them has been on the ship.

Even even Xiaoran, after entering the completion of the combat plan, he also entered the state. He did not go to the Earth to mix and stay on the Burning Legion. Although in the current situation, there is no need for Xiaoran to attack. Possibly, but Xiao Ran must also guard against the appearance of high-level enemies in the secondary channel, while avoiding the loss of his own hands.

Therefore, when there is such an unplanned but also an emergency situation, Xiao Ran will also drive his own body to attack.

As for the Thousand Birds, Xiao Ran did not deal with it personally, but he also always paid attention to the situation there. When Xiao Ran came back to the universe, the students who were invited by the Thousand Birds were equally astonished and shocked. First arrived in the living area of ​​the War Fortress, and it was almost the same as the Thousand Birds. The expression of Xiang Liangzong’s come to the universe was exactly the same. He did not know where he was, and he was trembled by the suspicion that he was kidnapped by aliens. The group is very afraid of heating. Even after seeing the thousand birds that have gradually become accustomed to, a group of people directly put the thousand birds to the tears of guilty conscience.

For the sake of these children's emotions, Shirley also used a few of the Valkyrie to appease them, and took a group of people around to explore the situation of the fortress, gradually bringing these children Their emotions are calmed down. After that, after all, the ability of young people to accept is still quite good. Moreover, there are thousands of birds, and these two friends, Xiang Liangzong, have someone to take care of them. It is easy to accept the current situation. Actively start to understand more things.

The Burning Legion has already taken action, and there is no idleness on the earth. It is very busy with the high-levels of the United Army. However, they are not busy with the defense of the Yuanyuan beast, but they are negotiating other things. Some ideas that should not be there at all.

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