Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2609: Strengthen people

When Leonard’s words were finished, there was silence in the room, not because of the lack of words but because of the operability of Leonard’s words, what could be obtained from such an arrangement, and what kind of need to pay. The price, and always ask for protection only by force, or has been deterring only to buy a few people with the benefit, this approach will not be the right option and will not last long, it is beneficial for the purpose of burning the Legion, The Burning Legion wants the true obedience and support of most people, not the superficial false recognition.

Xiao Ran said: "It is not impossible to do what you said, and it can indeed bring us some positive changes and help, but it must be prepared in advance and it will take some time to see the specific effects, at least From a logistical point of view, we will share a lot of energy."

"It is worthwhile to do this." Leonard said: "The emergence of integration will further establish our ownership of the world, which can exist as a supplement. Of course, the core and the roots will be Luxembourg and have already been merged. France, the difficulties after the establishment of integration will only be temporary. Once the formation of combat power, the pressure to share with us will definitely be more than the pressure now."

"I don't object, if it can be done, it is definitely a good thing." Xiao Ran said: "Well, then this thing will be done according to what you said. If you need any support, you will try your best to help."

Leonard said: "In the beginning, it was the guidance of the technicians, the support of some equipment and the provision of technology, directly transforming the hidden forces of the existing forces and the flying fighter factory. The as factory will be the fastest way. I will discuss with Luo that the list of parts will be listed. According to my assumption, at most, they are provided with some body data that we have completely eliminated, but can use, the highest level but b level, and some core data is of course It is impossible to open it out."

"There is also a special set of portable iron-man armor, which is divided into different models, but in addition to these, I also need some help from Dilandal."

Dilandal looks to Leonard: "What do you want."

There is a corresponding plan in Leonard’s mind, and there is no pause: “Some drugs need to be given a certain level of potent drugs and special effects drugs for the vast majority of the diseases in the world. In addition, physical and technical, and also to strengthen the human equipment, information, personnel, I remember that there are many human strengthening techniques in the Legion, have been so long, do not say that the side effects are still so large, including Tiejiaman I need three sets of equipment to be remodeled."

Strengthening the human technology has always been the Legion. After all, how many worlds have experienced there may be no technical reserves in this area, that is, Juss is also an expert in this field, the fortified person of the 0079 world, the strengthening of the seed world. People, og world intensive children, complete Tigaman transformation technology, and more advanced blood serum developed by themselves, these are essentially things that increase the degree of human strengthening, just in their eyes, blood serum Higher growth, others will have considerable limitations and great side effects, even if the Tiejiaman transformation has certain side effects, the lowest limit is of course the ordinary reinforcement of people to transform and strengthen children, both of which need to be very good Luck will have a finished product that can have a very high ceiling.

Therefore, the emphasis on strengthening children and strengthening people is very small, and only the Department of Genetics of Delandal has maintained the relevant research department.

Dilandal heard that what Leonard wanted was a slight eyebrow, and then looked at Xiaoran who could really be the master.

Xiaoran silently nodded after a while. "Yes, Delandal, give a part of the blood serum to Leonard, pick the right person to strengthen, and the potential is higher and more More likely people can use blood serum. Since Leonard has already proposed it, you should have a plan for how to use it, but the person who uses these things must be only the person who burns the Legion."

"This is of course." Reinard's mouth curled up and said: "I have a complete plan for how to operate."

Dilandal shrugged his shoulders and said: "I don't have much to say about Xiao Ran, but the side effects of strengthening the technology have been optimized to a minimum, but the transformation process will still bring some pain, and also It is necessary to have the appropriate qualifications to accept the transformation. This transformation is based on the spiritual aspect and the physical strength is very small."

"These techniques are most familiar to Youzes, so let him talk about it."

Yuzes nodded lightly and said: "In essence, strengthening children and strengthening people's technology are the techniques that the Legion has already abandoned. Because the effect is not good, the side effects are large, the quality of the finished products is not uniform, and the upper limit is not high, but you suddenly One said, I also think that these technologies still have great potential for mining. We will not use them but we will definitely use them."

“Strengthening children from my world is a more cruel way to strengthen, but that’s already a thing of the past. This model is almost identical to the strengthenr model of the seed world, all through the modification of drugs and spiritual memory. To achieve the purpose of strengthening the human body, and in fact it is similar to the intensified people of the 0079 world, but the direction of specialization is somewhat different."

"So far, these three technologies have basically been classified as one kind, that is, pure human strengthening technology. After so long optimization and research and modification, we have prepared a newer version of the drug. Intensive drugs with less side effects, side effects still exist to some extent, need to be used at intervals, but there is no such thing as drug dependence after the completion of the enhancement, but there is no side effect compared with blood serum. In terms of safer and higher-enhanced new reinforcement methods, this kind of reinforcement technology is not stable. Maybe it can directly break through to level b and have the potential of level a or even s level, but it may not be unexpected. In the case of self-improvement, the upper limit is only a case of +."

“And it takes at least a year to strengthen it completely safely, but this is a continuous process. Every time every reinforcement will see a certain growth effect, it’s not good to get it below. problem."

"There are a lot of things to be aware of. I think it is still a matter of letting a department follow you. By the way, you can also collect the individual data of the strengthening process. I suddenly feel that we should develop a kind of reinforcement for ordinary people and normal people. Pharmacy."

“There is no need to have more requirements for this kind of strengthening agent, and there is no need for any additional additional ability, as long as it can speed up the nerve reaction ability, physical fitness, dynamic power, and even strengthen the minimum increase of this drug. The degree does not need to be graded. As long as it can be used for the first time, the real gene-enhancing agent, not the blood-enhanced serum, can be very cheap and can be manufactured in large quantities in a very simple way. In large quantities, it can be used as a pre-medication agent for blood serum, or it can be used by ordinary soldiers."

Xiao Ran heard that Juesus said that he suddenly thought of the genetically-enhanced drugs mentioned in countless novels and the super soldier sera used by the captain of the United States. These things are very similar to what Yuzes said.

Xiao Ran asked: "The idea is good, the question is whether it can be achieved. It took us a lot of time and energy when we made blood serum."

"There should be certain possibilities, and we also have a certain foundation. After all, the more difficult blood serum is made." Juzes said: "There was a lot of waste direction and information when I studied blood serum, and I picked it up again. Study it, and those of us who are present are not life, genetic experts."

Of course, Xiao Ran is willing to see the ordinary strengthening agent used by ordinary people, and it can be used on a large scale at a low price. This kind of thing is definitely an artifact to enhance the overall combat strength of the legion. He nodded and said: "Then study in the sub-beast project. Start after the end."

After Xiaoran finished speaking, he thought: "Now you can only shuttle in the world of machine warfare, but if one day we can really control Prometheus, we can enter other worlds, and those who have more strange What kind of sparks will the world of technology collide with each other?"

After finishing the matter, Leonard was ready to follow Delandal and Luo to arrange the equipment selection technique. However, Ingram had stopped Xiaoran before he left. "There are thousands of birds that I have not paid attention to for a while." Although I have been sent to monitor them, I think it is best for you to go and see for yourself. I will continue the next study here. It is better for the thousand birds to be handed over to you."

Of course, there is nothing to be opposed to Ingram’s opinion. After all, Ingram has been completely stunned by the Department of Genetics. It is only natural that there is no time to take care of the Thousand Birds. After everyone leaves, Xiao Ran After thinking about it, I was idle, and I left the office on my own initiative. I took a small shuttle to the living module where Qiandao wanted to live with her friends.

Thousands of birds want a group of people to come to the fortress, life is still relatively free and very relaxed, but not every day to play, nothing to do, here Xiao Ran does not require them to learn the earth to learn in the school Things, but some basic courses are still arranged for them, and after completing these basic courses, they can get in touch with what they are interested in, even if it is the body driving, mechanical technology, military skills, Xiaoran has given a certain degree. The permission on the board, so that thousands of birds and other people still have to continue after class.

Otherwise, after returning to the earth and returning to the earth, nothing has been learned, but the results are still lagging behind. This is actually something that cannot be said.

When Xiao Ran came over, the thousand birds asked them to just be in class. The classroom was in a single-family building that was specially cleaned up for these people. There were also special independent courtyards around the building. The places where the students went to study and the places to rest. They are all in this building, and there are also special people who are responsible for caring and teaching them. After studying the basic courses here, they can lead other people who are responsible for them to contact them. Now these little guys are independent. Really driving over ms, but there is really no place to behave in the performance, no one has the qualification to become a ms pilot, even if the thousands of birds with excellent motor nerves are the same.

Xiao Ran stopped at the door of the classroom with only a few people. After knocking on the door, the classroom door was opened. The person who opened the door was a member of the legion who gave classes to several students. When I arrived at Xiaoran, I was also a bit stunned, and then I was standing up and saluting: "Xiao Ran adults."

"Yeah." Xiaoran smiled and nodded into the classroom. He glanced at the surprised students in the classroom and said to the teacher who was in class: "Come here today, I will find them something."

"Yes, Xiaoran adults."

After the teacher who went to class, Xiao Ran came to the following with a kind smile: "Thousands of birds, Xiang Liang Zongsuke, and classmates, how is life here during this time, what is the place that is not used to it?" ”

"No no."

“It’s just fun to be here.”

"Yeah, I can still touch my goddess every day. It’s just a happy explosion. I don’t want to go back when I go back."

"Goddess?" Xiaoran looked at the wind-speaking letter II with glasses. Thousands of birds and a slap of the hand photographed the head of the wind between the two. He explained to Xiaoran: "It is the body of your side."

"It turns out that, huh, huh." Xiao Ran smiled and said: "If you like, you can go to contact. I usually remember that you should have access to the general ms. If you feel that you don't have the qualification to drive, don't worry. Slowly, the general association will drive smoothly. If it is not possible, you can also think about the development of design and development of ms. Designing a ms carefully carved out by yourself is also very fulfilling. Here is ours. Very respectful to the technicians."

When Feng Shanxin heard Xiaoran’s words, his eyes were bright, and the thousand birds were really reluctant to see their friends continue to make ugliness in front of Xiaoran. The female’s face could not be said with a look of disappointment. At the foot of Xiao Ran, he became a leg hair and sighed and asked Xiao Ran: "Is there anything that Mr. Xiao Ran came over to find us?"

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