Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2616: Tianke

Numerous beams appear, and the sound is huge and the picture is so thick that it is impossible to avoid. It is a devastating disaster for the sub-beasts that appear from the dimension channel. Covering attacks without any evasion may only be hard-resistant. If the five beams hit the same part of the enemy at the same time, unless special techniques or special materials are used, even if the a-class body will break in armor under such circumstances, the attack of Xiaoran will be hit at the same time, for these dimensions. For the beast, even if you have a body with extraordinary strength, you can't resist all the attacks of Xiaoran. Even the amateur with a-level combat power, the frontal attack can be blocked with the hardest part, but There is no other way to go. Once the outcome is hit, it can only be annihilated in this countless light.

This kind of attack can be a problem for some s-class bodies. For many s-class bodies, it is not a big problem. Although there are threats, some special abilities can make the body unscathed and avoid Xiaoran. All attacks, such as avatars, are also the power of the dimension that the next dimension will be able to use.

Therefore, such a wave of attacks is only to cover the dozens of dimensions, but it does not bring any threats to those dimensions. After all the attacks, the light is not distorted and flies away or calmly disappears. Or simply do not hit the target as if passing through the air.

The dimension of the power used by the dimension will be clear to everyone in the Burning Legion. It is nothing more than distorting the surface of the body to form a shield, distorting its own dodge attack, or pouring the dimension energy into a point-inducing dimension. It is also distorted, but there is not much valuable information to carry out specific calculations and speculations, but at least the other party is able to take advantage of the power of the Dimensions that the Burning Legion can't really use now.

If something that is similar to the power of the Dimension exists in the Burning Legion, and there are still many, such as Zhilei Ma, such as Gulansen, the technical nature of the space aspect is also related to the technology of the dimension. However, there are also great differences among them. It is of course unclear how the specifics are different.

The ability of the second dimension is special in this place, but if you break the opponent's secondary shield and let the opponent's secondary energy stagnant in an instant, then for Xiaoran, these dimensions will also become instantly. Wipe the defeated enemy.

The dimension of the ontology's defensive power is at least s-class. It is not a superiority, but can only be said to be ordinary, and in terms of Xiaoran's current ability, it will indeed be able to achieve a direct attack on the dimension. Unless the other party has the skills to flash or not to succumb to the iron wall, under the explosive attack, for example, when a soul heats up the blood, it is also possible to drop a second dimension in one stroke, which will fight from the last time and the second dimension. It has already been implemented.

Before the East could not solve the enemy, it was not impossible to solve the problem. But if it was done, the consequences would be a little too serious. It would completely break the distortion of the dimension with absolute power and then hit the enemy. It can be in Xiaoran’s hands. It is so simple that the teacher who can only end up in a draw will be so unscathed.

But the hit and direct hits for the masters, the effect is a bit different from Xiao Ran, although the master has been able to achieve the degree of the combination of the heavens and the human beings, but once influenced by the dimension barrier, the division is locked by the division. However, it is only a representation of the second dimension. It can be transformed into a vain appearance at any time. A root that is tangible but can be cut off at any time by the influence of space and dimension, more or less for the masters who dare not do their best. Some influence, so the ultimate choice of the teacher is to entangle the other party in order to avoid a bigger disaster.

Xiaoran is because of the power of thinking, a special ability that cannot be based on the theory of the Tao, the ability to change the physical properties, the ability to be powerful and even affect the root cause. If the spirit and gn particles are locked, Xiaoran will certainly meet and the master. In the same situation, as to whether or not this situation will change after entering the quantum space, I don’t know it. Xiaoran relies on the power of the mind and the lock of the spirit and gn particles to achieve such an effect. Must be directly hit.

With Xiao Ran suppressing the secondary channel, the other s-class and near-s-class of the legion will be much easier to deal with those s. The dimensions of these dimensions will be almost exactly the same, but at most only five percent. The difference between the left and the right, the biggest difference is the ability. There is not much difference in this point. This dimension will have the ability to fight both remotely and melee. The release of the beam looks nothing but the wave of effort, but with More is the kind of attack that makes countless energy bombs out of thin air.

The different places are in the shape, the appearance of the head, the distribution of the colorful crystals, the appearance of the flying wings are more or less different, perhaps the kind of revolving knife-like flying wing, also has a similar triangle There is no difference in the shape of the flying wing. At least in Xiao Ran’s perception, there is no other difference.

But let Xiao Ran feel that something weird is something else that is felt from these bodies. Although these battles are flexible and changeable, the ability to apply that dimension is rarely appropriate, but it is felt from the inside of the body. It is a kind of dullness, and it is full of negative emotions. There is nothing like fighting and destruction. It is almost exactly the same as those felt by those crazy meta-beasts.

In addition, Xiao Ran did not feel the presence of the pilot from these dimensions as clearly as other bodies, but rather a certain fluctuation and volatility in the cockpit that would have emerged from the cockpit. In the same sense, in Xiao Ran's perception, the dimension will be the same individual with both the pilots who should be sitting inside, but the pattern of this individual is somewhat strange.

Exclude the strong thoughts, high spirits, nt and other pilots, these pilots can fully control the body and mind to cover the entire body to transform the body into a part of their body and extend, and normal The situation is that the 'light spot' represented by the pilot itself is in the center of the body, but now this dimension will obviously not belong to any of the above exclusions, but the exception is the same, the whole body is A 'light spot'.

This is not to let Xiao Ran begin to speculate that these dimensions combined with biotechnology and mechanical technology will not be transformed by human beings in a more special way than the sub-beasts. If this is the case, then these are not the dimensions. Will it also belong to the ranks of quantity products? If this thing is really a high-volume production body, it is not a good thing for the Legion. If the difficulty and requirements of manufacturing the Dimension are very high, this situation will be much better.

It should be known that although the Burning Legion now has the ability to manufacture s-class bodies, it is barely a mass production. However, this mass production is not a factory that can be manufactured like a production line, but a few have strength. The products that the department has carved out, even so, the pilot can not reach the level of mass production.

The last time Xiaoran did not pay attention, the dragon **** is really too powerful, an outbreak will turn that dimension into coke, but now carefully observe this to Xiaoran this dimension will seem somewhat similar The feeling of eva.

But now it is not what continues to let Xiao Ran study, continue to let those tactical armor kits, gn dragon cavalry continue to maintain the suppression of the next far channel, one of the mechanical arms of the tactical armor began to expand and deform, turned into a blink of an eye The extremely special giant blade, at the same time, emits a green light like a flame. The brilliance flashes into a green crystal that hangs over the weapon, making the weapon instantly become an internal Mechanically, the outside is wrapped in crystal, and the sword is still ejecting a powerful sword with powerful energy flow on both sides of the blade. The blade is full for hundreds of meters.

The light behind it flashed, the wings of the light fanned, and the light of the armor turned into a streamer, and it rushed to one of the many Dimensions. A beam of light from the front seemed to tear open the space and hit it directly in a very short time. The completely locked-up dimension will allow the second dimension to explode a ray of light in the second round of the siege that has not yet come to the other side of the legion, and it will make the dimension of the moment unbalanced.

The next second, the fast-moving dawn tactical armor turned into a light particle disappearing, compared to the direct rushing of the past, of course, the direct transmission of the past is more rapid, countless particles will be reorganized in the rear of the scorpion, in the dawn is not yet complete After the reorganization, the huge crystal giant sword was cut from the right shoulder of this Dimension. Once the hit was the end that the Dimension would be completely swallowed up.

However, the Dimension will also twist itself into a colorful light and set a distance of several hundred meters, making Xiaoran's attack not fully effective.

The way in which the dimension transforms this distortion into a red light escape is more like creating a passage by distorting the space in a dimension, just like a space jump from one point to another, just compared to the moment of jumping. Sexually, this method also has a process, at least the process that Xiao Ran can perceive.

A single blow only left a trace on the body, which is almost a seven-eight-meter-long scar less than one meter deep, but failed to penetrate more deeply or directly destroy the internal structure of the dimension. Also let Xiao Ran's brow suddenly wrinkled a bit.

On this attack, Xiao Ran felt the shortcomings of dawn, even if he had already included the other party in the best attack range, and still attacked in a locked manner, but in the end he still let the dimension escape. This is not because of Xiao Ran's reason, but because of the limitations of dawn.

How is it comparable to the s-class body, infinitely close to the s-class, and the ability to destroy can catch up with the s-class, but it still does not reach the level of the real s-class. Just now, Xiaoran is clearly aware of the dawning tactical armor in the flashing and The delay in the attack, even if he has limited the delay to a very small and insignificant range, but the special ability of the dimension will grasp this small delay, Then use your own special ability to escape instantly.

If the other party does not grasp this point, if the other party does not have such special ability, Xiao Ran's attack can be effective and swallow the sub-beast, and then make up a few attacks to completely destroy the other party, but the fact is not, if the master is a trick is a Breathing can determine the outcome.

Xiao Ran’s brows are soothing, his eyes are slightly stunned, he controls the body to disappear again, and then appears again in front of the dimension. He also completely locks the opponent, but this time he is not using the giant sword. The muzzle was all open, and hundreds of rays instantly shrouded the dimension. The huge explosion created a huge mushroom, and it stopped and turned away.

At the same time as the dawn turned around, it was very coincidental that a loud music and beautiful songs that sang together in the entire sky, sounded at the same time as the dawn turned, and the huge blast of the rear set off the darkness of the dawn, only those streamers Flowing in the eyes and lines, forming a special scene with a sense of picture and bgm.

Music is not only spread through sound, but also spreads through another invisible wave. The spread of a circle is swept away from each individual present. The good music can resonate with the soul, and the music is so explosive. It also allowed all the people in the field to rise to a stronger battle, and the nodes of the music also gave them a higher sense of operation.

On the contrary, those sub-beasts and the second-generation beasts, when the fluctuations of the songs spread on them, brought them the opposite effect, disturbing their emotions and affecting the energy they use. The singing voice of the singer The second-born beast has a weak weakening effect, and Shirley's singing voice can further promote this weakening to the extreme.

For the Dimension, after Shirley’s singing voice, all the movements of the Dimension will become a bit dull, and there will be a little pause from time to time. Xiao Ran even feels the power of the fold wave inspired by the singing voice. Those times when they were going to be, they also brought a burst of ripples and fluctuations in the dimension barriers that were covered by their physical appearance.

"The fold wave also has the nature of a space class, but I didn't expect it to affect these barriers that are obviously made up of the power of the dimension. This kind of weakening and interference, is this a kind of sky?"

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