Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2621: Talk

Next, Xiao Ran left with Mr. Nakasuke to go to the Department of Genetics, and went there to confirm which kind of blood serum serotonin is suitable for him. As the protagonist of this world, there is also the potential of λ-driven talent. The aspect is certainly not weak. When the Legion did not come to the world, the invasion of the Diyuan Beast was basically solved by the Xiangliang Zongsuke.

Since Xiang Liangzong’s willingness to join Xiaoran will not be stingy, now is indeed a time when more powerful people are needed to join in. Xiangliang Zongsuke belongs to the kind of person who will inevitably grow into a strong person. How can Xiao Ran fall into the blood? The problem of serum and the body will throw aside the strong who will grow up.

Although the current Xiangliang Zongjie still has some weak chickens in the villain's view, these are all minor problems. Once the blood serum is strengthened, the targeted guidance and training are added, and a super strong λ-driven body is added. The power that can erupt in time will certainly not be too bad, especially as the true son of the world, the speed of growing up is not too afraid of people, and it can play an important role in the key time.

As for the Thousand Birds, they were left in Xiaoran’s office. Looking at the look of the Thousand Birds, Xiao Ran suddenly said: “In fact, you should have been able to communicate with Sophia some time ago?”

"Ah?" Thousands of birds stunned, and they wanted to refuse. But after seeing Xiao Ran’s gaze, they gently lowered their heads: "Well, following the undefeated teachers in the East, they have studied for a while, I have already I can feel her existence, and her influence on me is not as big as before, and sometimes she can hear her voice communicating normally."

"She has been telling me that only by resetting the world can the world return to normal, but I did not pay attention to her, because Mr. Xiao Ran and you said to me that the world after resetting is no longer the present world."

Xiao Ran nodded. In fact, Xiao Ran had already seen it when he met the last time. However, he also saw that the state of the Thousand Birds had been affected, so he only made some normal arrangements and did not go too far. put one's oar in.

Xiao Ran asked: "Can you still contact her now?"

Thousands of birds nodded: "Yes."

Xiao Ran smiled slightly: "Don't be nervous, I will use another way to let you really meet."

Saying, Xiaoran’s body suddenly showed a layer of green light, and the hair gradually changed from a solid to a green light band. The whole body exuded with green light spots, and soon filled in a huge office. The hand of Xiao Ran gently swayed toward the direction of the thousand birds, and the thousand birds that had been wrongly changed in the blink of an eye suddenly felt that the world in front of them had suddenly changed greatly.

“This is a spiritual space, a place dedicated to spiritual exchanges. It is a place where people and people and other races can directly reach a complete understanding, thus quelling disputes. Here you can see things that are invisible with your eyes. Learn more about your own spirit and ideas."

Thousands of birds quickly turned around and saw the figure standing behind in the void: "Mr. Xiao Ran?"

"It's me, this is my special ability. One regards this as a place where only the soul can come in. This will be better understood, so you can really see her here." Xiao Ran smiled at the thousand birds. Looking at the back of the Thousand Birds, a figure that is emerging, is similar to the Thousand Birds but the color of the hair is completely different: "Sophia, you want, this should not be the first time we meet."

Sophia didn't seem to hear Xiaoran's words. He held his hand down and looked at his body.

Thousands of birds came back and saw the third person who appeared in this mysterious space. At the moment of seeing each other, a special feeling rushed into the heart of the Thousand Birds. "You...is Sophia."

Sophia slowly lowered her hand and looked up. Her eyes were calm and filled with a cold look at Xiao Ran: "In countless times of resetting the world, you and the fleet have never existed for this world. For example, what is the difference between you and the universe."

"The second beast is aggression and destruction, the help we bring and the future, this is the biggest difference." Xiao Ran floated to the front of Sophia and said: "I want to save the world to save this planet, so I need you. Help, if you choose to join us, then you will know everything."

Sophia did not care: "I have no interest in your secrets, and I will not help you."

"No, you will." Xiaoran said: "This world may have been created by you, but by now the world is completely different from what you planned, because the world will never be in the reincarnation of resettlement. And helping us actually means helping yourself."

"For the real one, the world now, no matter how many years it has been reset, how many times it is reset, it is an instant for you, and in this moment, the situation that your body is encountering now seems not so. Ok, you have been resetting the world many times, and the goal is to be able to get change and redemption. I can do what you want."

"As long as you are willing to help us, then we can jump to the world you are in, save you from that infinite suffering, and all the disasters you have suffered will be completely changed by our strength. Although you are the creator of the present world, you are not a god."

"You can think of this as a deal. You can help us join us. We will do our best to help you. Even if you want to destroy another world, you don't need to doubt. Since you already know our origins, Then you should be clear that it is not difficult for us to cross a world."

"And you really thought that resetting the world would definitely make the second beast never come, it is impossible, you may be able to reset the world, but you have absolutely no way to change the coordinates of this world, and the dimension Since the beast has already determined the coordinates of the present world, as long as it is not destroyed from the source, it will still be invaded by the sub-beasts, no matter how many times it is reset, because in essence, even the countless worlds you created are actually They are all just behind the same door."

Sophia said calmly: "If you reset a hundred times, you will reset it a thousand times. If you don't do it for a thousand times, you will reset it 10,000 times. One day, even if you rely on the power of this world, you can destroy the second-born beast. ”

Xiao Ran shook his head: "It's useless, the node you have to go through to reset. Before all whispers have just been born but haven't grown up, before the countless times to reset the accumulated technology, the next beast can Infer the truth of the world, and then turn countless human swept into a sub-beast, and reset it again and again, but only let the sub-beast grow up again and again. At that time, you will never have a way to achieve the goal. The world will only Under the deliberate persecution of the sub-beasts, they will always be their material factories."

"We have the premise of cooperation, our strength can be lend to you, and your strength can also be lend to us. This is a win-win situation. The first can change your current situation. The second can make the world The normal track continues to develop, and the third will destroy all the sub-beasts. As long as there is cooperation, no one will lose because of this cooperation, and they can get what they want."

Sophia sneered: "Oh, you are like those people, but just fancy my strength, I will not promise you."

Xiao Ran was silent, and it was vaguely remembered that Sophia was experimented by someone in her world as a kind of guinea pig. The heart was full of hatred, so Xiao Ran did not expect to say a few words to Sophia. Promise to cooperate with myself, at least now I have not been able to come up with some to make her tempted, some decisive things come out.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Ran asked: "You have determined that we are actually from another world, then you want to see what another world is like?"

Xiao Ran did not wait for Sophia to refuse, and directly linked himself to the spirit of Sophia, but as the leader, as the highest level of change, Xiao Ran had the ability to shield the information he was unwilling to disclose. Will not be discovered by the other party.

Xiao Ran shielded all the information about Prometheus and made appropriate modifications to show Sophia the existence of a powerful force that spans multiple worlds, namely the Burning Legion, and also shows the different experiences of different worlds. , the post-destruction of the muv world, the peace after the chaos of the revolutionary machine world, the common development of the seed world, the great and advanced world of the fleet world, the alien war of the og world...

And Xiao Ran also saw a lot. The world has reset the technical materials accumulated by the whispers, including all kinds of aspects, and also saw the happiness, joy, and sorrow and pain of Sophia.

For Thousand Birds, she only saw Xiao Ran’s hand directly on Sophia’s forehead, and then Sophia’s whole person seemed to be sluggish without any movement, and Xiao Ran’s brow was gently wrinkled. I don’t know what happened to these two people.

The outside time only passed less than ten seconds. Xiaoran’s hand left Sophia’s forehead. After waiting for Sophia to return to God, Xiao Ran said: “That’s my world, and it’s my place. The power of mastery, in my world, we have been striving for development and peace, seeking more ways of communion, and exploring a more prosperous future. I sincerely invite you to become a member of us. I hope that you can join the technical department of the Burning Legion."

"Besides, there won't be anyone going to do anything to hurt you. I can even promise that you won't force someone to do what you don't want to do."

Sophia looked at Xiaoran and his eyes were complicated: "I don't understand, what does it mean for you, this is just an endless battle."

What Sophia saw was that Xiao Ran and the Burning Legion fought in various worlds and stopped the war to protect the earth. This information is quite a lot. It is a kind of protector who is willing to sacrifice himself to turn things around in a pluralistic world. The image is very positive. Although it eventually became the ruler of those worlds, what is brought to the world is not just a notice, but an order and a future.

Xiao Ran said: "Of course it makes sense. There are different characteristics in different worlds and different technical systems. This is of great significance to our development. Moreover, it can greatly enhance our own strength. And protection is not a bad thing. It is also a good thing for us. It allows us to get more resources and get more talents to join. What we choose is not to destroy, not to plunder, but to unite and develop together."

"I don't know if this will allow you to change some ideas a bit, but now you are really important to me, your ability, your role is the same, at least we will not treat you as a test, nor have you ever Think of any innocent person and kind soul as a test piece. I hope that you can truly join us and become a part of our family and become the leader of the technical department."

The authenticity of spiritual communication is unquestionable. At the moment of contact, Sophia can feel that all of Xiao Ran’s watches are true, but they don’t feel Xiao Yan’s deliberate concealment, but at least it’s not deception. It is the inevitable choice that Sophia can't know at the moment. This is not a completely pure exchange, but merely a transfer of information between each other.

Sophia shook her head and did not give Xiaoran a definite answer, but she did not decisively refuse it as before. At least she saw a lot of world's beauty, really beautiful things from Xiaoran, fighting for the future of the world, together for The world is better and harder.

Sophia's appearance makes Xiao Ran reveal a faint smile. He has already seen the heart of Sophia. Perhaps this heartbeat is not aimed at joining the Burning Legion, but that the Burning Legion has the ability to make her suffer. Breaking out, but this is a good thing anyway.

And knowing that the world is no longer possible to enter the reset, her hopes that the world will come to her goal is to be broken, and now Xiaoran is showing her a new hope.

"You join us, we can locate the world where you are in the fastest speed, and then rescue you from the past. If you don't cooperate, it is difficult to determine which coordinates your world is in. Help us actually Helping yourself."

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