Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2640: return

In a year of rushing, in the one-year stay, Xiao Ran spent a month to regain himself. In fact, in the first week, Xiao Ran was able to leave the wheelchair to move freely, even if it was There is no problem in using the motivation, but this time the overdraft is more serious than any previous one. There is a feeling of hurting the source. Some of the use of mental power is not as dry as before. It always seems to be working. Something is in the spirit that affects Xiaoran. It takes about a month to nurse, rest, and gradually recover, and let Xiaoran’s mental strength rise by about one tenth. Is it because of the loss of the horse, whether it is a blessing or a blessing after the disaster?

Xiao Ran used a year to reform the entire legion, not only for the participants, but the reform of the participants was the smallest, because the participants respected the rules of Prometheus, and the rules were quite The perfection is the external part of the legion.

The main reform is the internal reform of the Legion. It includes all aspects of the reform. The content of the reform is in all aspects. In short, Xiao Ran is a busy man, and the people whose transformation work plays a leading role are not entirely the Legion. Participants at the top, the real people are the non-participants of the world's legions, such as Rebir in the world of 0079, Kane in the world of revolutionary machines, Lax, in the seed world, Cargill, Catherine in the world of the ship these people.

There are only three pieces that Xiao Ran really pays attention to. The first technical department, the second genetic department, and the third military reform department only have these three departments that really need Xiaoran to worry about.

The technical department has a leading arrangement, integrating internal and external resources to carry out new model changes, which are divided into first to sixth major research institutes, then from the seventh to fifty major research institutes, and more peripheral research institutes. Each research institute has multiple departments, and there are also multiple research groups. Different departments, departments and teams are responsible for different tasks.

At the same time, each institute also has major specialties. The first institute is responsible for the real body research, the second institute is responsible for the super-system research, the third institute is mainly responsible for the warships, and the fourth institute is the multi-world research. Secondary research institutes can also be promoted to major research institutes if important projects are initiated.

The secondary research institute is mainly responsible for technical tasks that are not so urgent and important, such as material research, energy research, and work with major research institutes. This is also a complete regularization and segmentation of the entire technical department.

There are not many changes in the genetic department, but different project departments have been established internally, such as the Tieman project department, the blood serum project department, the Radham beast project department, etc., of course, there are other departments that do the same. A more subtle division of labor.

As for the military reform department, it is a specific reform and guidance research office of the military, investigating the reform direction of military military armaments, the recycling of new equipment and the recycling of old equipment, the orientation of excellent personnel, etc., but now most of the energy It was placed on the investigation of new warships, the establishment of new fortresses and the training of personnel.

It is absolutely impossible to complete the reform of the already very large legion today. Therefore, the current reform work can only be said to have made initial progress.

Subsequent Xiaoran will purchase more residence time to complete the reform of the Legion until the reform is completely completed. The world is estimated to be around three years.

During the year, Xiao Ran also went to the world of Lelouch many times, but it did not open up the development of the world of Lelouch. For the time being, the world of Lelouch was maintained as it was, but the necessary monitoring was always maintain.

And Leonard completely developed the all-metal world, not only the territorial card was bound, the whole world has become the real territory of the legion, and trained the former student president of the high school as the management deputy, but In the end, the student president will still become the main manager and actually enter the top of the legion.

Finally, in order to allow Xiao Ran to ensure safety when returning to the original world, Luo also made a lot of preparations for Xiao Ran. It is not too much time to do these preparations, but these preparations represent the most sophisticated of the Legion. technology.

At the end of the detention time, Luo came to Xiaoran's house with a big suitcase. On Xiaoran's desk, Luo opened the big suitcase, revealing the things that were placed in the box.

There are a lot of things in the box, which can be described as messy things. Xiao Ran can see some things inside, some of them are often used, or used, but there are also some Xiaoran It is a novelty.

Luo reached out and took out a few small computers from the opened box, which is the personal communicator that the Legion now routinely uses.

"This is a personal communicator, how do you know it?" Luo took out a special color from the personal communicator and said: "But this one is special, I installed a small ai chip inside, not up to super The degree of ai, but higher than the intelligence of Haro, is specially prepared for your return, maybe there will be time you need to use."

Xiao Ran nodded, and looked at Luo to take out a necklace that resembled the size of a beer bottle cap. It looked like a crystal material, and there were some special lines on the outside.

"Space containment props, the ultimate product of the current regiment technology, specially made for the dragon god, is limited to the load of the dragon god, when you use it, you need to rely on the power to control, have time to familiarize you, I let Youzes already I put the dragon in it."

Xiao Ran took the necklace and put it directly on his neck. Then he looked at Luo and took out a series of things like blood serum, some drugs, and a few crystals.

"Blood serum, currently we have a three-part blood serum, the drug is purchased by Prometheus, the longevity of treatment, and the number should be enough for you to use."

"Crystal is the new type of iron-German armor that has recently been produced. The performance is nothing, but the degree of structural fusion is higher than before. It is also a portable iron-man armor. The highest s-class can be used by you. Relying on anti-material energy, there is no solar furnace, but the reference to yourself is the solar furnace and there is also the dragon **** can use, at most, it is used just in case, a level to the level is also prepared for you, No binding, you can give it to other people."

"Weapons, although not very important, can also be kept, the miniaturized intensive treatment cabin, and the same space accommodation technology as Ying Long Shen, of course, you can also put it in your own inventory, things are almost these, Do you see if there is anything you need to prepare?"

“Yeah.” Xiao Ran sighed and said: “The versatile ms, the deformation fighters will prepare me one from the d level to the a level, and also the manufacturing technology of the organism, material technology, energy technology, warship technology, weapon technology military. , civilian, in short, all aspects of the technology you have prepared for me."

Luo nodded: "You are ready to use the technology in our hands to feed back your original world. This is OK. I don't know what your original world looks like, but are you sure they can have the ability to protect these technologies?"

"So you have to prepare for the blood serum, including low-grade to high-grade portable iron-man armor, training cabin technology and core programs, as well as the textbooks we have now, whether it is cultivation. It’s still technical, all for me.”

“ok.” Luo said: “I know what to do. I will be ready to bring it to you before tomorrow. You will have to leave for 48 hours after the end of the stay. I am not going to bring other people with you. Or El Elf should be able to help you."

Xiao Ran shook his head: "No, my world is just an ordinary world. I haven't had a war for a long time, and the level of technology is not high. Even the universe has not set foot. The weapons are limited to conventional weapons such as fighters and tanks. I will be enough to meet the situation."

Luo and Xiaoran said that they had to leave after a conversation to prepare for Xiaoran what he needed. The things that Xiaoran wanted the next day were all sent to Xiaoran’s hands. There were a lot of things, but they had space technology. Xiao Ran also has an inventory as a participant, so when he finally left the fleet world and returned to Prometheus, he still seemed to be empty-handed.

Seventy-two hours before the reminder, although the detention time in the territory was a year in the past year, it was a constant day for Prometheus, and when the last forty-eight hours after the time was over, Xiao Ran was sent as if It disappeared directly into Prometheus.

The process of transmission is like Xiaoran and does not feel. The simple closed eyes blinked and the transmission ended. Xiao Ran also found that he seemed to enter a space without any special space, just like a hard-working in a completely closed crystal. A strange space like a bubble is blown out. The repulsion between space and space is quite serious. One side squeezes as much as possible but the other side expands as much as possible, but in the end, the force of extrusion is greater than the strength of expansion. This makes the bubble space unable to expand and quickly solidifies, but also opens the link between the two spaces.

"This is a different space. It would be a strange thing to look like a castle. Because the restraining power between the walls is only a small part of the castle, and the other places are completely in the form of phantom. The way is not a dimension fusion, it is a very special dimension invasion, it is worth studying and researching, so now I have to go through this bubble space to open the door to another space to return to my own world."

"But when did my world become so weird? Dimensional invasion?"

Xiao Ran smashed his head and controlled himself to enter the castle. In the castle, there was a sinister atmosphere, and it also enveloped a feeling of evil blood, but in Xiao Ran’s perception. I didn’t find anything that would make him aware of the dangers. Based on the curiosity about this alien space, and the castle itself, Xiao Ran began to wander slowly in all places where he could wander, not at all. Leaving this space, compared to Xiaoran’s mastery and understanding of space is still very high, so I can clearly feel that the stability of this space is also quite high. Since this space will maintain the current situation, Xiao Ran naturally will not be anxious.

Although the place where the castle was materialized is a small area relative to the whole castle, it is not easy to spend an hour in the area alone. It’s not easy to stroll around with Xiaoran’s brow. As soon as the hand lifted a few shadows, it appeared in front of Xiao Ran.

A giant wolf about twice as tall as a normal human, wearing a tattered dress with black and black skin, a long clawed scorpion zombie, and a bird with a strange infrared bat, several different monsters in Xiaoran The fingers were tied together and brought to Xiaoran.

"Giant wolf, zombie, bat, ghost-like stuff, plus this castle?" Xiao Ran was a little surprised at once: "This is Devil City? How can this kind of thing appear in the real world? What happened in this world?"

The brow is wrinkled, and Xiao Ran is thinking about what these things mean for his own world, and whether it will bring danger to his own world. It is conceivable that these things will not run because they are bound by this space. What kind of sensation will the real world bring, and if it is not the Devil City, but the Resident Evil? I am afraid that the whole world will suffer a devastating disaster.

Suddenly, Xiao Ran's eyebrows moved and looked in a certain direction: "Someone? Maybe he will know what it is all about, but before that, let all the monsters in the castle disappear now." it is good."

Xiao Ran pinched his hand and the monster caught by him in the front turned into a meatloaf. After Xiao Ran’s frowning and smashing his hands, the meat cakes were thrown away, and Xiao Ran disappeared instantly. In the place where I stood, once again, I entered a huge hall, one person, two monsters.

The figure seems to be just in his twenties. Two monsters are holding a long gun and one is flying in the air. The attack between the two also brings the threat of the figure, and Xiao Ran temporarily silenced after thinking about it. Ready to see what kind of means the figure will use in the face of monsters.

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