Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2649: What are you doing?

Watching my parents busy in the kitchen, my eyes are a little red, my heart is both apologetic and happy, but also a little helpless.

Leaving the world in Prometheus, I don’t know how to explain to the old man. It will be more troublesome to explain, but it’s always a normal reason to explain the previous things. I have to explain him. After leaving the question, although in this world and in the territorial world, you can consume more points to buy more stay time, which is known when Xiao Ran was prompted.

But Xiao Ran can stay here for one year, stay for two years, or even stay for ten years. He will have to go back to Prometheus to get back to everyone sooner or later, and Xiao Ran can’t stay for ten years, even if it’s Pro Mithus's time will not go away. I really have to wait until ten years. His thoughts will be very different from the present. It will also have a great impact on him, so he can stay for one year and not for two years. The problem, but at most it is two years.

This is not a question of warfare, but it does not allow one to truly integrate into the normal and ordinary life. The rhythm that Prometheus is used to is absolutely not to be disturbed. Otherwise, it is not that he alone becomes a waste. But the whole legion will be affected by his leader and eventually become salted fish. In the environment like Prometheus, salted fish is nothing to end, and now that it can come back once, it will definitely come back later. The second time, the third time and even more times.

The future of the second old man... I don’t know if he can bring the second old man back to the camp territory, even if he can’t do it, because Xiaoran doesn’t want the old man to worry about his situation, and they can’t cope with the current situation of the territory. Just because they are Xiaoran's parents, they have to face a lot of things, and there will be many problems.

If you can stay on the earth, Xiao Ran feels that this place is not so safe. Real games have appeared and there are players. Dimensional integration of these problems seems to be calm now. There are still a lot of protectors on Earth, but apart from Outside the real game system, those players simply don't know the identity of their protectors. They want to protect the world. They don't feel that they are better than relying on themselves. Those who are swaying players should not be able to rely on them. I hope that Yun Han and the little girl can protect the earth.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to let the two old people stay on the earth instead of returning with the old two. It is not appropriate for the left to be right and right. Xiao Ran is actually quite helpless, and Xiao Ran is sure that this time he can’t bring the old man back to Pro. Misus was then placed in the territory, so during this time of staying here, Xiao Ran had to do something to ensure the safety of the two old people.

Xiao Ran can't stay for a long time and want to ensure that the second old man can guarantee safety when he is absent. The only way is to find a collaborator. It is not necessary to talk about who to cooperate with, but how to cooperate to do it, you must measure it. However, excessive or not will become a bad thing, and Xiao Ran also has plans to feed back the world. At the same time, because of the relationship between the dimension and the real game, this kind of feedback is very important.

It is really necessary to have a small-scale and small-scale intrusion phenomenon. It is equivalent to the previous realization of the Devil City. The gamer may be able to solve the problem finally, but there will definitely be many sacrifices at the beginning. Xiaoran may be able to sit. Look at development, but if one day he is not there, this invasion will appear on the top of the old man's head? Therefore, Xiao Ran does not work, does not talk about what ability is greater, the greater the responsibility, just because the family is Xiaoran must be managed.

But now you don't have to worry about something, you can still come slowly. After two days, you are prepared to do nothing, so you can accompany them to let them enjoy the fun of family.

The family members are very happy. The second old man is so happy that he can’t always smile and keep his mouth open. There is only one family of three without outsiders. The dishes on the table are all things that Xiaoran liked to eat before. Xiao Dad is more happy. Drinking a few more cups, Xiao Mama is also happy to take the phone to friends and relatives to announce the good news of his son's return.

In the evening, Xiao Dad drank too much to rest under the care of Ms. Xiao’s mother. She also drank a lot of Xiao Ran but there was no reaction. Seeing the face of the second old man who had obviously gone with the age, Xiao Ran’s heart was full of 愧疚I want to change the physical condition of the two old people at once, but I also understand that this matter can't be so anxious for the time being, otherwise he will have such a big change when he returns to the old age, although he will know that there will be problems here.

Going back to my room and looking at the room without any change in the layout, Xiao Ran feels familiar and feels strange, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching this familiar room for a long time, finally rested on the edge of the bed.

The curtains are automatically closed, and the personal terminal is also in the hands of Xiao Ran. This special personal terminal does not need Xiaoran’s personal operation. It has a higher level of intelligence than Haro, and only needs Xiaoran’s instructions to automatically find Xiaoran. Any information needed, beyond the world's generations of super technology after entering the network has no disadvantage, and finally integrated a data presented in the eyes of Xiaoran.

Xiao Ran read all the information, and his brow slightly wrinkled his heart: "It’s just too far from this. Aviation technology is just taking the first step. The benefits and pay are obviously not up to the analogy. Technology can't reach, the fault of communication technology, the limitation of human life and learning ability, and the factors that restrict the development of science and technology are too many. If you want to change, you must overthrow a lot of things. This huge investment will make every powerer Feeling chills can even cause huge shocks. The number of real high-end talents is insufficient. Although many generations of technology have been developed, they can only be stopped in the laboratory and cannot be used on a large scale. The possibility of improvement."

"Basic science is very developed in the eyes of this world, but it is still too far from my point of view. Many theories have not been confirmed or even proposed at all. The genetic aspect is limited, and the basic physics is not. Can you go further, even if I give me two years, how much can I do?"

"If you want to improve quickly, you can't follow the steps. You need to upgrade materials, energy, space navigation, energy weapons, artificial intelligence, and you can set foot in the universe and have some fighting power to say other things. You can't step into the universe. In vain, the technological bias of the seed world is already very exaggerated, but at the very least, it has already entered the universe and has not been dropped too much. This can really only make the world go first. First, break through from one point and then drive the whole surface together. As long as materials, energy, weapon navigation, energy use, and artificial intelligence can make a breakthrough, it is easy to bring other aspects together."

"As for human beings, they can only start from genetic adjustment. Otherwise, the constraints imposed by life constraints and learning ability will be very large. This is the basic means, but it can also be temporarily used by means of drugs. Nowadays, genetic adjustment is not so good. Reality."

Shaking his head, Xiao Ran flipped the screen heart: "The weapon is not suitable for ms, as to be more realistic, the **** as the assault on the ground, the real cross-generation tank as the main force, with the deformation fighter, the small battleship is enough... There are too many aspects involved, so I should bring Luo to let him deal with these things. Ah, it is a headache."

"If you can't do it, you can get the **** and exoskeleton armor first. When you get some weapons back, you can get how much you can get in two years, use all the blood serum that you carry, and train a group of technicians and guards to come out. The rest are also Only the next time I return, I will arrange it."

Xiao Ran sighed and told the personal terminal: "The high-energy battery, the thermonuclear energy engine and the basic armor material technology of the deformation fighter are sorted out, but the engine is removed from the engine, so it is sent to this department, and at the same time Monitoring the data ensures that it will not be obtained by other forces."

The information was successfully sent out of Xiao Ran, and the personal terminal was placed on the side of peace of mind to rest. As for what kind of wave of information will bring about it, it will not be a matter of sorrow, no words until the next day, Xiaoran opened his eyes. It’s been a few hours, Xiao Xiao’s mother has already gotten up and sparsely, but she didn’t come in to bother Xiaoran.

Xiao Ran got up from the bed and asked while wearing clothes: "Is the information received?"

"The other party has received and responded. The other party hopes that the adult can identify and invite the adults to discuss the implementation of the technology, and is willing to pay a price in exchange for the ownership of the material."

"I don't need to reply for a while, let's talk about it later." Although Xiao Ran has plans to contact the official level, it is not the time. The most important thing is to accompany the parents first, and the technology of the other party is very straightforward. How to do it, you only need to step by step to make things.

Dressed up and opened the door, Xiaoran went out, and at a glance, I saw that the two old people were busy preparing breakfast. The door and footsteps also let Xiao Dad notice Xiaoran, and Xiaoran nodded with a smile: "Come and sit, your mother will immediately Just have breakfast."

"Yeah." Xiaoran responded with a smile and then sat down at the table. He didn't plan to take the initiative to help. His parents' heart was clear to him. Now they can make breakfast for themselves. They are also happy. Xiaoran is not willing to stir up this. For fun, to be filial is not bad for such a breakfast time, and Xiao Dad obviously has something to talk to him.

Xiao Dad also sat down and looked at Xiaoran’s expression with a serious look: “You didn’t ask us yesterday, but we didn’t ask, but what have you done in the past few years? You have to give me and your mother a Explain, you have grown up, what can be done, what can be done, you should have a number, now I want to know what you have done in these years, why did you suddenly leave without even notice?"

"Dad, I don't want to tell you that I really don't know how to say it. I have experienced a lot of complicated things. I really want to say that you may think that I am a neuropathy." Xiao Ran smiled and said: "The original departure was I am forced to control, and the development and experience behind it is beyond imagination. You only need to know that your son is very powerful, and that you have a lot of money and status."

Xiao Dao asked in a deep voice: "Are you breaking the law?"

"I can't talk." Xiao Ran shook his head and said with a sinking voice: "Dad, you were when I was kidnapped by aliens. In fact, the facts are similar to this."

Xiao Dad suddenly had some embarrassment: "Alien? Kidnapping?"

"Almost, there are too many things hidden in the world, too many mysterious things." Xiaoran looked at his father, sighed and took off the contact lenses in his eyes, and then let his pair not look like The human eye is in front of his father.

"This...this...this is!?" Xiao Dad shouted out, pointing at Xiaoran’s eyes and shouting: "What is going on, your eyes? How can it be like this?"

"An evolution." Xiao Ran is very calm, while calming his father with spirit and language, let him calm down quickly: "This is not a bad thing is a good thing, this is an evolutionary embodiment that makes me very special. The power, you don't have to worry."

"What are you doing, what is going on in the early morning, what scares my son?" Xiao Mama sticks her head out of the kitchen and screams Xiao Dad, but because of the distance and angle, she does not see her son’s special eyes. Head: "The son will wait for a while."

"Know it." Xiao Ran raised his voice and replied, and whispered to Xiao Dad: "Small dad, you don't want to scare your mother."

Xiao Dao did not realize that his emotions were very strange and calmed down. He asked: "What the **** is going on, son, really alien?"

"I saw a lot of aliens anyway, but how the aliens are not much different from humans, and there is no great difference. It is true that everyone is human, but it is human beings and alien human beings. The difference. "Xiao Ran has been affecting Xiao's father's emotions. He smiled and said: "Don't worry about Dad. My change is normal. It is also one of the many roads for mankind to develop in the future. If I don't know how to explain it." I don't want to lie to you. I don't want you to see this pair of eyes. I know that you will be scared."

Xiao Dao Zhang mouth wants to ask what, Xiao Ran raises his hand to stop: "Dad, you don't ask too much, I can say, but I need time, can't say, you can ask more, I can't tell you, alien. Also, what other things are good, are you so stylish and understandable?"

"Dad, you give me some time, I will give you an explanation. Also, I am going to put you in the capital. Of course, I am also worried that you will not get used to it, so my idea is to buy it there. A large piece of land has moved all the people."

Xiao Dao still has some blank heads, Xiao Ran said that Xiao Dad is nodding, and at this time, the knocking on the door suddenly sounded, Xiao Ran glanced in the direction of the door, and the brow slightly wrinkled and brought the contact lens: " Someone is coming outside, so don’t talk to you."

"Oh, oh."

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