Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2666: I don't know what ghosts will come out.

Xiao Ran accompanied Situ Yaoyao to start a trip that said to go, but before he left, he still couldn’t do so free and easy. He went back to the real world and handled a lot of things. From the original every morning to become a week to go to a day, there is a problem, Xiaoran will also be concentrated on that day.

This trip doesn't know how much time it will take, but there is a difference in flow rate between the real world and the real world. From time to time, it is about one to five to one to six. It is barely acceptable. Compare the differences.

The outside world told other people that he and Situ Yaoyao had a trip, but only a few people knew that they were going to enter the area, but there was no clue as to what to do.

The two of them dealt with their own affairs outside. As a companion, Kona went to prepare a series of things for the two to travel. After taking away Xiaoran and Situ Yaoyao, Kona returned to the Alliance headquarters. Once I met the old man, I was answered a lot of doubts in my heart, such as why I chose her.

As the representative of the highest force of the Kanto Federation, there are only four people. It can be said that there are a few people who can know the information. As for the following Taoist owners, there is no such qualification. The reason why she chose her is very simple. The dragon in the four kings is responsible. Kanto’s inspection is still a man. An old woman is old, and a fighting madman is not a big man. She is the only one who chooses to go, and the level of the elf is not low. When you meet something, you also have the power to cope with it.

Some things represent those who provoke Xiaoran, and also refer to Xiaoran himself. Anyway, the order that Cohen got is to solve all the troubles that Xiaoran met, let Xiaoran and Situ Yaoyao have fun and have fun, then meet any danger. All must avoid Xiaoran personally to avoid irreparable consequences.

Wait until Xiaoran and Situ Yaoyao return to the Pokemon world, and travel is officially started. Xiao Ran is just holding the attitude of entertainment and relaxation, that is, playing with Situ Yaoyao. After all, it is rare to leave the world. Have the opportunity to accompany her to cultivate their feelings, Xiao Ran must also do this.

Situ Yaoyao’s thoughts are somewhat different from Xiao Ran’s. Xiao Ran feels good with her, but she wants to seriously take a trainer’s trip. The simple one is the same as Xiao Zhi’s. Use your feet to walk and cultivate with your heart.

The trip of the trio started from Changyi City, and did not make a boring trip back to Zhenxin Town. The first stop was the famous Changpan Forest.

The elves gathered in the Changchun forest are not so friendly to the Jenny turtle chosen by Situ Yaoyao. There are many elves who can restrain the Jenny turtle in terms of attributes. However, the Jenny turtle brought by Kona should be specially cultivated by the early stage. It is definitely more experienced and capable than the ordinary Royal Three. The potential is also extremely high. Some common weak elves, even those who are restrained by walking grass, can be easily hit by Jenny. It is the head slap to defeat.

After each battle, Situ Yaoyao will throw out the Elf ball with a smile that is not easy to see, or treat the defeated Elf. No matter how you look, it can reflect Situ Yaoyao to the elf. A special favorite.

As for Xiao Ran, there is also a small fire dragon commanding. His little fire dragon seems to be particularly belligerent, especially lively. Although he is obedient but hands-on, he is very decisive and direct. Even some of them are too hard and can shoot. I have to kill, of course, this is just a metaphor. This kind of practice that does not give other elves any chance is very appreciative. It can still be problematic from the perspective of Xiao Ran. This is just a little soft, only just Soft and harmonious is the right path.

As a 'newcomer' trainer, Xiao Ran is interested in directing the small fire dragon to deal with the wild elves. This is simply too bullying. It is simply that the children fight the adults and there is no interest in the command. Xiao Ran only teaches. Do not conduct any command.

Until after meeting a flying scorpion, Xiao Ran looked at the flying scorpion with his eyes and spoke a little bit of a small fire dragon. It was like a prophet that made the small fire dragon avoid all the attacks of the flying scorpion, and then a flame was sprayed on it. On the wings of the flying scorpion, a tail stunned the flying scorpion, and Xiaoran only threw this genie ball through the entire Changchun forest.

On the night before leaving the Tokiwa Forest, all the elves were released, and Kona cooked on a table. Situ Yaoyao personally prepared food for all the elves, while Xiao Ran sat in the chair. On the left side is a small dragon, and on the right is a flying dragonfly.

Suddenly, Xiao Ran thought of something, directly took out a terminal and sat up straight: "You two come over and see if you don't know."

Xiaohuolong and Feitianqi quickly stood up and ran to Xiaoran, watching Xiaoran’s face holding something in his face.

"If you don't know the word, you can't do anything. You can do anything but you can't be illiterate."

Xiao Ran sighed and shook his head and placed his hands on the heads of the two elves. The spiritual link was launched instantly, and then passed some of his knowledge to the two elves, such as literacy, such as how to operate the terminal. For example, the Eastern unbeaten martial arts that he knows, shows the current sword.

This process only lasted for a little while, then Xiaoran thought about it, and took out two cards and tried it on the two elves. For the flying scorpion is a stalker career from World of Warcraft. Card, for the small fire dragon is a Master professional card, the other world's professional card Xiaoran also bought some, but for a time still feel that these two are more suitable for them.

The two professional cards were turned into the light of the two elves in the past, so that the elf who just recovered and looked like a ghost expression once again fell into a face of arrogance, and Xiao Ran looked at the empty hands. Picking up an eyebrow, and screaming and took out a large bucket of blood and a large piece of meat, from the flesh of the Super Black Dragon Destruction Wing.

Xiao Ran looked at Kona and asked: "Kona, you will do bloody!"

"Ah?" Kona looked around with some doubts. When she saw Xiao Ran, she didn't know when the extra bucket came out and a big piece of stuff that didn't know what it was. He walked to Xiaoran's side and his nose suddenly smelled. Somewhat surprised: "It’s a strange smell."

Xiao Ran’s pendulum is indifferent: “The flesh and blood of other world dragons, and the elves of this world are not a thing, to the elves to eat and make up.”

Situ Yaoyao came over and looked at what Xiao Ran had brought out and shook his head slightly toward Xiao Ran: "Don't give them something they don't know."

"It should be no problem, anyway, people can also eat, so I will not come out later." Xiaoran smiled and patted the head of Xiaohuolong and Feitianhao: "You are already a mature elf." I have to exercise myself, fight myself, and study by myself. I am looking forward to the day when you grow up. When you come to the house, I will show you the door to protect your other younger brothers. I will listen to you and give them up."

The two elves may have digested the things in their heads. The blind eyes nodded toward Xiaoran, and then they walked to the other side. They said the language that humans could not understand, but Xiaoran probably understood. More than 80% of their words mean that they are barely able to understand the elf's speech.

Xiao Ran even took out these things, but he felt that the flesh and blood problem of eating the wing of death is not big. Anyway, people can eat and see no problems. Some flesh and blood are not so exaggerated to eat. It will become a monster, Xiaoran himself has eaten roast pork, and there is nothing else except some energy.

However, the two things of inheritance and professional cards are thrown at them. I really don’t know what kind of elves will be cultivated in the end. Anyway, Xiao Ran is really ready to let these two elves give their doors to the world. I will train a few more out. In the fire system, the war mage and the assassin, then a warrior, a knight, a nurse, a control, and it doesn’t matter if the door is more secure. Anyway, Xiao Ran is not prepared and Situ. Yaoyao grabs the champion of the quartz contest. By the way, it is better to get a team to participate. The elf is still used as a pet. The collection of what is being swept away is all thrown to the league to arrange, and then there is no need for the ability. Let go of the self-satisfaction of the end of the wave, like the collection, do not like it.

According to Xiao Ran’s arrangement, Kona did not change anything. The next day, the elves did not change. If they had to say that, the green caterpillars and the one-horned worms that Situ Yaoyao received were inexplicable and evolved into the final form overnight. And even the color of the appearance is different from the normal one. The stripe is covered with a red flame, the body becomes a little darker, and the others have nothing to change, but Kona looks at the two. The elves faintly felt the energy fluctuations of the dragon and fire from these elves.

"Because of the flesh and blood?"

Corona can only find this explanation, but compared to the big butterfly and the big bee, the two elves of Charlotte are even more surprised. The spark of the small fire dragon turned into a fireball, and the flying blade has more The first layer is completely controlled by the green of its own, anyway, the various messy conditions have never been touched.

Xiao Ran is very satisfied with this. In his eyes, these weak elves are at least twice as strong as yesterday, and there is still a lot of potential that has not been tapped. Those flesh and blood are really greatly enhanced. The potential of the elves has played a reinforcing role. Those flesh and blood have a lot of dragons and there are still a lot of dragons. It’s okay to think a little bit. Think about the huge body shape of the Death Wing. The stuff is gone.

All the way to the mountains to play with water, after the special dress of Kona was not recognized by others, the hair changed clothes and changed glasses, like a small follower, no one wants to get this is actually the famous four-day king Taking the king, I also let Kona enjoy a completely different sense of calm than in the past.

Xiao Ran and Situ Yaoyao capture the elves all the way, and cultivate the elves, but they are not as chaotic as before, but they are cultivated according to the formal methods of the world. Where Situ Yaoyao does not understand, there is Koona teaching, and Xiao Ran does not need it. The little elf's bad place can be seen at a glance and then give pointers. As for what nutrients to eat and what to eat, of course, Ke Nalai is responsible.

The two mini dragons that were obtained from the beginning, but they are real group pets, they have never experienced any battles that have completely become mascots. They want to evolve into fast dragons and estimate this life as long as Situ Yaoyao It is not allowed to never have this possibility.

Fighting with the trainer, the challenge hall has become an important node of this trip. Xiaoran, who is often a man, is the first to be challenged. Whether it is a child or an adult, Xiao Ran is challenged a lot, and often Xiaoran Just throw the sprite ball out and the battle will end directly. No command is needed. No command is needed at all, because Xiao Ran said to his elf that since the other elf relies on commands to respond, then Similarly, the other party’s orders can be heard as well, so why can’t you react after knowing what the other party is going to do?

These elves can't be his real helpers and boosters if they need orders, even though Xiao Ran doesn't need them to do anything for themselves, unless they can do it a day. Help Xiaoran to be busy, otherwise they can only become the protectors of Xiaoran staying in the guardian gate of this world.

All the way to travel, Xiao Ran sometimes disappeared in the world for a few days, but this did not affect the stimulating Situ Yaoyao. Without Xiao Ran, he set off with Kona and then Xiao Ran found a place to meet with them. The journey was not fast but slow. I walked around and saw that all three had collected eight badges. For the world, time has passed for several months, but the reality is not a year. It is possible to go all the meetings, and the quartz conference is in sight.

To participate in the quartz conference, you need six elves. Xiao Ran has a fire-breathing dragon that has evolved. There are flying dragons, scorpions, tyrannosaurus, Hudi, and a dreamy elf frozen bird. This frozen bird is also a chance encounter. Then he was caught by the fire-breathing dragon and finally entered the Xiaoran's elf ball.

It turns out that in this world, many elves who are called beasts are not only one but a group of people. It is like a frozen bird. There may be many more in the whole world. It is quite rare and rare and powerful, but it can really There are fewer and fewer beasts. There may be only one in the entire community that can become a real beast and break through the limits of race. It is like a big frozen bird in a certain theater version, lightning. The same is true for the birds and the flamingos. The three are truly reaching out. As for the others, they can only be regarded as potential animals, but they are also called beasts and are widely circulated.

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