Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2669: Same return

A group of three people arrived at the huge building in the new island. Under the leadership of Miss Joy, who was controlled by Super Dream, they entered a hall. Then nothing happened, because they had to wait for other trainers to come, but There are hospitality for both good and good, and Xiao Ran is the one who comes to the place, and is quite leisurely waiting for the emergence of the super dream.

Xiao Ran came at the earliest. After a long break, a second trainer came over. The trainer was also stunned when he saw Xiao Ran. It seemed that he did not even think that someone would come earlier than him.

But unlike the original, Xiaozhi and his entourage, when they came here with the help of the Koelic elf, were not so embarrassed. The three people sat on the back of the dragon. Although they experienced some wind and rain, they were considered as no danger. It appeared in the eyes of Xiao Ran.

In addition, Xiaoran three, Xiaozhi three, the trainers who arrived in New Island before and after, but only five teams, and three of them are independent trainers.

What happened next is not much different from the original plot. The super dream comes down in a beam of light, and then begins to provoke to everyone present, proclaiming that the strongest elf is also the strongest trainer, and I learned a little about the impulsive trainer, saying that the elf didn't need to train anything at all, until Pikachu stood out of the rebuttal of Picakaka.

This process Xiaoran did not speak all the time, Situ Yaoyao just looked at it, and it was Cohen who was ready to save the other trainers at any time.

When Super Dream was ready to work on Pikachu, Xiao Ran slowly stood up from the chair and stepped toward the Super Dream.

"Super dream, I agree with what you said, very much agree." Xiao Ran went to a place where the dream was about five or six meters with a faint smile, and then said: "The powerful elf does not need weak training. Home, because the elf's own play will be stronger than the weak trainer."

"But can I understand this? If the trainer is stronger than you, then you will be willing to become the trainer's elf. Unfortunately, you said that you are the strongest and strongest in the elf. Trainer, I happen to be the strongest and strongest trainer in mankind."

Super dreams looked at Xiao Ran, his eyes lit up with blue light and Li Bo, but he directly covered the past with the big talker, and with anger, he was ready to completely lick the guy who wanted to be his master.

The minds swept over and blew a violent airflow. The trainers next to them saw a panicking look on the face. The only girl in the three personal training homes also had goodwill in mind, and no one else responded. Then shouted: "Be careful!"

But let everyone, let the super dreams feel that the powerful force is sweeping into the face of Xiao Ran, but let everyone clearly see the layer of invisible circular shield suddenly emerged in front of Xiao Ran, will be super The attack of the dream was easy to resolve, and Xiao Ran’s hair did not move.

"Why, do you want to try to see if I am not enough?" Xiaoran looked at the super dream, his eyes were sharp, his hands slowly lifted the ground and began to violently shake with Xiaoran's hand. All the furnishings in the hall included the pool. The water seems to float away from gravity, and there is some distortion in the surrounding space under the influence of certain forces.

"Since you are talking about the weak meat, the powerful elf does not need a weak trainer, but what if you meet a stronger trainer than you? Proactively become his elf?"

"Oh." Xiao Ran smiled, the sharpness in the eyes dissipated instantly, and everything floating in the air fell on the ground: "I give you a chance, we come to a 7v7, six elves to six elves, then I am against you."

In the eyes of the ultra-dream, the blue light skyrocketed, and the strange face appeared to have a horrified expression. It has always been confident in his ability. Human beings are just a group of weak chickens that have no value at all, but now its super power is actually one. Human beings are ineffective, and the attack of its super dreams in the looming confrontation has been blocked by the wind and the light. Is this a person? This is the elf in the human skin.

"You lost, from today you become my elf." Xiao Ran said here, left and right looked: "It is here, or change places."

The pride of the ultra-dream does not allow him to reject Xiao Ran’s invitation. The voice formed by the mindfulness reflects its current emotions very well: “Hey, come with me.”

In addition to the people of Situ Yaoyao and Kona, the three people in the vicinity are a little more aggressive in the other three trainers. The story that happened in this moment is too fast, so people don’t understand what it is. What happened, I didn’t understand what happened.

However, Xiaozhi first reacted. It was not because he understood what it was because of the next battle. The battle against this has a natural gravity for Xiaozhi. He dragged Xiaogang Xiaoxia directly. "Come, let's go. Look."

Other people saw the movements of Xiaozhi's three people, and they quickly took back their elves and followed them quickly.

Situ Yaoyao and Kona took the support of the controlled and de-controlled Miss Joy, who did not worry and did not worry in the end.

Outside the hall, Super Dream built a huge battlefield. Xiaoran and Chao Meng were on one side, and Xiaoran’s first elf ball was thrown out.

When the flying red sky appeared with the red light, Xiao Ran looked at the super dream and said: "I don't take advantage of you. Since it is my invitation, then I will come first."

Super dreams are snoring, dozens of elf **** don't know where to fly out and stop around the super dreams, waiting for the super dream to lift the round small claws, except for the six elf **** that continue to circle around the super dream In addition, the other Elf **** all flew farther.

Super dreams are a little bit, a genie ball flies into the field, and a smoldering dragon with a marking on it appears suddenly. When it appears, it shows the violent breath. The wings show it directly toward the flying scorpion.

Xiao Ran smiled and said casually: "Lighter, flying."

The worm system is a completely restrained attribute to the fire system, but the flying scorpion is facing the fire-breathing dragon after the incident but it is disdainful, and then the whole figure is turned into a shadow and disappeared completely into the field. This is not the general The flying scorpion, but the super flying scorpion that got the inheritance of the Warcraft profession, suddenly let the fire-breathing dragon lose the target and suddenly stopped to look around.

Super dream found that Fei Tianyi disappeared from the field of vision. The first reaction was to look for the traces of flying scorpion, but how could Xiao Ran allow the super dream to do this? The power of the moment completely covered the audience and began to compete with the super dream at another level. .

Two minutes later, the back of the fire-breathing dragon had a cruciform scar and was injured and lost its combat ability. It was only the main scar. The fire-breathing dragon didn’t know how much it was cut by the flying scorpion. The speed of the flying scorpion is extremely fast. In addition to the increase in the professional skills of the thieves, the growth of the elf skills of the thief, the speed is almost too fast, the fire-breathing dragon can not see and can not grasp, the grievances lost consciousness.

Next, Super Dream sent different elves, wonderful frog seeds, water arrow turtles, white sea lions, etc., and Xiao Ran also sent a fire-breathing dragon, frozen birds and violent dragons, and the four elves before and after solved. The Super Dream sent six elves to win the battle. The whole process was basically an order to give no elves to them. It was entirely on their own to fight.

When the last stunned elf is taken back, the blue light of the ultra-dream eyes becomes more dazzling, staring at Xiaoran: "You only rely on the elf's own battle to win, the trainer is small. The elf is simply useless."

"Who said that I didn't give them orders, didn't I let them start with a lighter one?" Xiaoran said with a smile, "But you are right, the battle orders I did not give, but cultivate them and teach them skills. It is still me who make them so powerful, and how can they play such a strength without me."

"And, when every elf is weak, the trainer will also have a strong day. The two are interdependent and help each other. How can the elf without the training room be changed step by step? More powerful, but if there is no help and reward from the elf's field, how can the trainer win again and again, the relationship between the trainer and the elf is not the master servant, not just the breeder, but also the companion and relatives Of course, you will not understand this."

"And my elves have had a weak stage, but now they are all mature, and as a mature elf, of course you can fight yourself to practice."

Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "Now the elf's battle ends with my victory, then now you are ready to win the game with my elf as an elf, or as a trainer to compare with me. More powerful?"

"I lost the trainer." Super dreams are sometimes very angry, but sometimes they are particularly eager to point at the corners. At this time, they are personally pointing to Xiaoran: "You are really strong, but I am the strongest elf. There is no doubt about it."

Xiao Ran waved his hand: "Fire Dragon, go, this time you don't need to be merciful."

"Hey!" The huge fire-breathing dragon swayed two wings and flew to the field again. He looked up and shone a ray of light on it, and then it was a jet of flame that flew directly to the super-dream. This simple attack was super The dream was only blocked by lifting the claws, but the power of the jet flame also pushed the dream beyond the distance.

The next moment, the tail of the fire-breathing dragon smashed two times, and suddenly there were some ripple-like things in the sky. The stones that were wrapped in flames by the size of the basketball were smashed from the sky and covered with a face. , fireball, blast, jet flame, flame vortex, big character burst, dragon anger, destruction of dead light, flame fist and so on all kinds of skills cover, completely transformed into a super spell turret, and still fly the kind of spell The turret has a skill and a skill to cover his face. He is wearing a super-dream. He still wears a messy attack that doesn’t know the skill at all. The key is that the power of these attacks is still great. The small battlefields have almost become ruins, and there are explosions and burning fires everywhere.

Sometimes there are some inexplicable tentacles on the ground that are rushing toward the super dreams. All kinds of saturated mad bombings can make the super dreams only evade and defend. Even if you sometimes counterattack, it is difficult to hit the fire dragon. Forcibly using the power of restraint is even more impossible. The fire-breathing dragon seems to have a kind of strength protection outside the body. In addition, the powerful power of the fire-breathing dragon can break free, and the super-dream feels a little wrong.


The super dream suddenly burst into anger, and the fire has been screamed by the fire-breathing dragon for two consecutive moments. The glare of the blast has exploded from the super-dream, pushing all the attacks of the fire-breathing dragon and the surrounding gravel and ruins. Grinding, on the ground created a large ball of light that drowned everything, until it lasted for six or seven seconds to slowly disappear.

When the fire-breathing dragon saw the counterattack of the super-dream, it also dismissed a sniffing nose. Two sparks of red and fascinating sparks emerged from the nostrils. The next moment, a black flame burst out and shrouded itself into a meteorite. I went to the place where the dream was.

This attacking fire-breathing dragon has already used another special kind of power. The black flame is used to make the power of the fire-breathing dragon attack different from that before, and the head is buried under the powerful energy package. The rocket sprinted, and the blink of an eye hit the hand and made a full effort to create a super dream of the impact of the shield.

Two powerful forces collide, and the black and blue rays are entangled together to swallow up the rapid spread of the entire site until the entire island is swallowed up. In Xiao Ran’s perception, the tail of the fire-breathing dragon is directly in the process. Entangled in the super dream, the flames and fists directly hit the head of the super dream again and again, and the dream ball of the super dream also slammed into the body of the fire-breathing dragon, killing the energy of the fire-breathing dragon body and then directly Hits, from the original battle to the rogue arrogance, and the transformation of this process is simply a bit of an incredible degree.

Anyway, after everything has settled, all the people and elves present have not suffered a little bit of damage because of the protection of Xiaoran, but in addition to the protection of Xiaoran, there is another force from the third party that will be all two. The damage of the elf's strongest impact is limited to a certain extent, although the mammoth but the truly destroyed place is only the part around the battlefield.

Among the venues, there is a picture of the super dream and the fire-breathing dragon entangled together and lose consciousness to the ground.

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