Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2677: Closed ‘training’

"The Holy Grail of Heaven." Xiao Ran nodded lightly and said with a sigh: "You can take it first, and consider it with whomever you want."

Luo said: "I have found information about the Holy Grail of Heaven. The Holy Grail of Heaven is very special. Therefore, I don't recommend people other than the one to go to the Holy Grail of Heaven, because the Holy Grail of Heaven has the ability to manage all other different blades. At the same time, as the owner of the Holy Grail of Heaven, he also has the authority to call each core blade."

"The Holy Grail of Heaven is actually very capable of you. It is described in the data that the Holy Grail of this day was transformed into a special control processor core before it was transformed into a special blade. It is specially used to manage a thing called a door. Part of the power, the specific statement is that you can turn the hope into a reality, which is similar to the λ drive, but also affects the control of certain particles. Once you link, you can borrow her ability. Maybe she can also borrow it. Your ability, and the motivation for you, the gn particle control will definitely bring positive benefits."

Xiao Ran blinked his eyes, as if to distinguish Luo from saying that he was arbitrarily harming him. Is this guy who followed Kruze with too much contact with him?

After a pause, Xiao Ran did not directly agree to the same thing as the Holy Grail of Heaven. Instead, he asked: "How much do you know about the core of the blade?"

"So many work piles up what I can understand now are the things on the data." Luo spreads the hand and said: "But I have arranged three research institutes to specialize in the research of the different blade. Now there is a research direction that will be The body is differently bladed. If it is not good, after a d-class pilot can adjust the s-class blade body, it can also have the combat capability of level a or above directly with the assistance of the bladed body."

"Good thoughts." Xiao Ran nodded and asked: "About Ether, how much have you studied this thing?"

Luo said: "Ether is strictly an energy in fantasy, an imaginary material concept, spread throughout the world, but gradually there are many substances or energy that can be called ether, dark matter, Dark energy, antimatter energy, even the fold wave can be used to describe it too much, but the energy used by the core blade is more like the combination of dark energy, antimatter energy, and even the part of the dimension force, so the ether can be seen completely. It is a cluster name for some kind of energy."

Xiao Ran said: "Dimensional force, when it comes to this, I have heard about the four great powers, the power of the dimension, the power of the mind, the power of infinity, the power of eternal power constitute the basic composition of the whole world. The power of the dimension is divided into the force of existence and the power of destruction. The power of eternal power represents balance and stability. The power of infinity should be the power of the gods we have contacted. The power of the mind is the power of the soul and the spirit."

"But whether this statement is correct or not is not verified. The only certainty is that the dimension power is indeed the most advanced force in creating the world and destroying the world."

If the person present is thoughtful, Luo said: "If the secondary force is the main material, the power of the soul is the main soul and life, the infinite power represents growth, and the eternal power represents existence and balance. It is indeed indispensable. In fact, these things can all be called ethers, because the whole world is full of such power, but these four forces should belong to each other."

"I also felt that I could feel this when I was assimilated." Xiao Ran nodded and waved his hand and said, "Well, this is a bit far away. If you are confused, you will not be able to play because of the change of the world." Power is good."

"No." Luo said: "To use your argument, the existence of these forces is what every universe must have. Anyway, because of the experimentally co-ordinated different blades, you can use your abilities normally. The reason may be even you. The door that has not been touched is likely to be the material manifestation of power. Let the different blades that appear because of the door also have the authority to borrow the power of the dimension."

"But these strange blades can indeed mobilize antimatter. For them, maybe that is instinct, it is too."

Luo said that he paused here, and then said: "In short, things have to come a little bit. The current priority is the battleship and the body."

Xiao Ran nodded. "Oh, the battleships have probably been determined and the rest of you will discuss it."

Next, Xiao Ran was not inserted into the study room and other people discussed the battleship. The big direction is now certain, but the small direction and details do have a lot of places to discuss. Until the evening, the talents leave.

After everyone left, Xiao Ran stopped Luo: "I have one more thing here, call all the core members, the real core staff to prepare a quiet place, at least one month, the work arrangement on your hand. it is good."

Luo is a bit stunned: "So urgent? Can't wait until the end of the battleship?"

"It is best not to. This is very likely to be phased. After the first batch of people have passed, I need to discuss with you the second batch of personnel. You are here to contact these people."

Malang asked: "What is the scope and time?"

Xiao Ran sighed softly: "This time it is only for the core members of the participants. Just let them arrange the work in their hands within three days."

There are many cores in the legion, and the participants are all non-participants. The followers of Xiao Ran will definitely not have to say more, and the entire team is at the core level.

Others, the Nazi and deputy heads of the Overlord Corps, Keji and others in the super district, Zengga, Youzes, Kyliam, Xia and so on.

It is still very easy to find a place from many worlds that can hold these people. In the end, it is very simple to arrange directly in the Dyson ball in the home next to the boat group. The core members are also very strange and puzzled. I made such a move, but when I arrived, I saw Xiao Ran, and a lot of messy things behind Xiaoran, what game consoles, cassettes, cd players or something.

Before Xiao Ran, I have been hesitating to release these things, because the impact will be a bit big, although Xiao Ran does not feel that they are themselves in recognition of the people in these works. After all, all the contacts that are touched now. Everything is real and it doesn't feel like a fictional character.

But, there are a lot of things in the plot that will make them look too embarrassing, too second, if everyone comes to see the same thing, will you feel more embarrassed, more secondary? It’s just to expose the other side of your face to everyone’s attention.

"All come, sit down first."

Everyone sat down, Xiaoran was silent for a while before he looked up and said to everyone: "These things you saw later are all things that I want to bring out but have been hesitating to ask for it. You guess why I want to call you all, but it is because of these things behind me."

"The things inside cover most of the information related to the Prometheus mission. They are very confidential information. The meaning of this secret is not just not circulated. The secret representatives also refer to the majority of people present. Because the information in it is also related to you, or your original, and the road that should have been taken."

"If you take it out, the people present must be one person per person. You may find yourself in the intelligence and you can find other people present. Then other people can find you in the intelligence. There will definitely be many things. It makes you feel embarrassed, because the above information will completely expose your nature, and the original nature is also a shameful place."

"Public or not open, or semi-open, through me to sort out and then hand over the information to you, decide for yourself."

The following people are a bit embarrassed, but there are also a few thoughtful thoughts on the things behind Xiao Ran, Kruze took the lead: "Don't be open, you can sort out what you think is useful to us and give it to us. Everyone can be the same and the best is the same. You also said that a lot of intelligence refers to our past, but it is already gone. Our destiny has been completely different since I met you. If you want to know yourself. It’s good to ask someone who is destined to be alone."

"Oh, anyway, I also guessed the fate that should have gone. Isn’t it death? Since I am already dead in the past, I am already another me. I am not willing to entangle those things, but also very Pay attention to the mission information you said."

Xiao Ran nodded and looked at other people: "The opinions of other people."

Xia smiled: "I am not interested in knowing what other people are saying. I only know that these people in front of me are just my partners. It is enough, as Kruze said, you will sort out the information that you find useful. Come and give it to us, know too much. If it's not a good thing, then don't know it. It's true that you should be more painful than us."

The two consecutive people said that the people behind did not say anything to agree, Xiaoran nodded and stood up to take back most of the things behind the space to accommodate the device, but still left a small part.

"Luo, these things are sent to you later. This is followed by most of the world information in my diverse world, especially the special worlds I have experienced. I first contacted me to deal with it. Your intelligence question."

Xiao Ran said that he stood up and left, and the expressions on the faces of most of the rest were a bit weird. Look at me, I will see that you have revealed a sly and self-aware smile. Everything is in the air. .

Juzes had a small green head on his head, a green caterpillar on his left shoulder, a horned worm on his right, and a pikachu in his arms. He did not join everyone in the opposite direction, but licked his mouth. Dao: "This is a big deal, Zeng Jia, Kiliam, Ingram, Xia, Amro, Kruzer, Hey, most of the people you are present, I have never seen it, I have not seen it. I have also traveled the world, but you don't know that I don't bother to say that it is not one time to be overthrown by these guys. I don't think it matters."

Ingram looked at Yuez's very special look, and his mouth twitched twice: "Yous, you have changed."

Luo took a lot of things and walked up to the front of everyone: "All of them are games and animations. Anyway, this time at least one month is closed. Everyone will watch together. I suggest to look at this first. It’s just the time to study the core things.”

Some people agree that some people are free, but Basque has stood up and came up with another set of things: "No, I want to see this, I want to wear holy clothes."

Leonard said lightly on the side: "Don't be stupid, Hades said that you can't wear real holy clothes for a lifetime. You can't feel the little universe, unless you are willing to die once, maybe you can wear it. Bucket."

Xia came over and patted Basque's shoulder: "Let's be together, hahaha, distraction is very simple for us."

Outside is busy watching the movie, Xiao Ran is a person in a room to organize intelligence information, these work is actually doing it all the time when returning to his own world, have time to do a little, do something when you have nothing, but There are too many works involved, and it takes a lot of time to play at four times speed. I have to sort out the analysis, but I have already done it almost twice in two years. This time, Xiao Ran is just checking it out and perfecting it.

After Xiao Ran saw the crowd again, the youngsters of these games and animation poisoning had all gone out of their own, each looking at their own, each playing their own, Bassack still remembered the Saints, the gold-colored armor he was too much, the boxing It feels so good to the flesh.

After seeing Xiaoran, Bassack rushed directly to Xiaoran: "You have a small universe!?"

"Yes." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "If you can reach the power of the mind, the mind, and the power of the dimension, you can formulate the small universe, but it is only justified, but it really plays a decisive role. Still your own strengths and weaknesses."

Basque's eyes lit up: "What level!"

Xiao Ran thought for a moment and said: "Probably the eighth sense."

Bassack looked up and down at Xiao Ran and suddenly said, "I want to be a changer! I want to be a new human! I want to be a power! I want to be a power! You and Ying Long God talk about the beads that are given by it. I play?"

Xiao Ran took a look at Bassac: "All the holy warriors are destined people. Don't think about the holy warriors you see. You can try the priests or the gladiators. Hades can be the gladiator. The magic star is assigned to you, and the words of the Taoist priests are cultivated by themselves."

"No, Hades said that I had to die once to get the atmosphere of the underworld to put on the cloak, the priests... What is that?"

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