Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2694: Fight

The Rebir fleet is confronting the army of the Gera empire, and the hidden Malang fleet, the Jeffrey Fleet, and the Yuss Fleet are also behind the Rebir fleet, and they are all ready to go to war at any time.

At this time, Xiao Ran was in the bridge of the New Burning Legion. He looked at the large-scale fleet in front and took a look at the report on his hand. He closed his eyes and began to think.

Malang looked at Xiao Ran and whispered: "Information feedback shows that the fleet of the Anti-Burning Legion Alliance is only 20,000 miles away from us. It can be reached after a jump."

"Looking at it." Xiao Ran opened his eyes and smiled and said: "The other side is now waiting for the fleet of Rebir and the Glacier fleet to fight, and then take advantage of the fisherman's interest to swallow all sides."

Malang said: "The number of warships is more than 2,200. It is already a small amount for the participants. When the battle between Rebir and the Gera Empire is mixed, it will indeed become a force to change the situation. I just don’t know the extent to which the fleet’s overall strength is.”

Xiao Ran laughed and expressed some disdain and asked: "What is the situation on the other side of the planet."

Malang took a look at the report and said: "According to the intelligence personnel's report, there are more than a thousand warships to keep hands, and most of them belong to warships without super long-distance navigation capability."

"Divisional?" Xiao Ran snorted and shook his head and said: "The courage is really big. Do you really want to eat us?"

"Let Jeffrey slowly retreat, then jump directly to the other side's planet to eat how much power the other party eats. If you can eat it all, you don't need to keep any hands, but wait until we fight with each other. At the beginning of action."

Xiao Ran stood up and nodded to Malang. "I am going to prepare. The big iron informs him that he can lift the silence and start attacking the Gera Empire according to the original route."

"As for the Gera Empire, if it doesn't work there, let Rebir handle it by himself. I authorize the use of the mde warhead, the singers."

Malang nodded. "I will inform them immediately."

"Go away." Xiao Ran waved his hand and turned away. Guangyanyao four girls also left the bridge with Xiaoran's pace.

Malang looked at the back of the five people and made a helpless look. He shook his head and told him: "Notify the commander of the big iron to start the operation according to the original plan. The fleet of Jeffrey Commander began to gradually retreat from the film. The area, then go directly to the stronghold of the Anti-Army League, wait for this order and launch an attack against the enemy's stronghold."

"Telling Commander Rebiel, the Gera Empire fleet will be faced by him alone, and Xiao Ran has authorized the use of all armies."


Xiaoran here, after leaving the bridge, went to his own dedicated hangar. Nowadays, the dragon **** has already made a big difference with the previous one. After getting the jade and completely controlling the jade, the ability has been once again. After the evolution, even the shape has undergone further changes.

The first is the color. After turning the jade into its own dragon jade, the dragon's appearance color will have a layer of black luster, and the dragon scales will become more detailed and closely attached to the body. The shroud has also become more shiny and full of luster. The characteristics of the super-humans like the Dragon Tiger King have become more obvious, and the flying wings have become larger.

But because of the special structure of the dragon itself, this body looks more like a giant wearing a dragon scale armor, rather than a beast that is completely transformed into a human form.

Xiao Ran’s hand touched the foot of Ying Long’s foot, and looked up at Ying Long, whose eyes suddenly lit up. He smiled and asked: “Is this time boring?”

"Adult, I can't wait to show my strength, all my strength."

Xiao Ran said with a smile: "I will be right away."

I looked at Xiao Ran aside, then turned and looked at my body. A special existence emerged from her new body like a soul and then flew to her, an elf incarnate as a blue bird from og The world's higher wind property magic elves.

It is also because of this elf relationship that the body is not the pure revolutionary machine of the past, but has become a magical machine **** with the characteristics of a revolutionary machine.

The change of the body in the appearance is also quite large. The weapon used is still a hot wheel. The rear foot of Camilla has become a special stretchable six-wing. The model is also more slender, because the high elves increase their holdings. The relationship becomes faster and the attack becomes more tearful.

This body is also not her own operation, but also can be regarded as the existence of the Trinity, the devil Puru and the elf are also the co-pilot of this body.

As for the three people of Guangyanyao, the bodies of the three of them can be said to be exactly the same except for the color. Even the weapons are exactly the same. The shape of the body is exactly the same as the one that they used to be in the world of the blade of the different degrees. The two can be deployed to use the defensive shield, which can be used as a cannon and a giant sword. Separate the weapons that can be used by the double sword and the beam rifle. The main arm of the hand held by Xiao Ran should be almost exactly the same, just some differences in the shape.

The system components inside the three people's body are basically built with reference to the dawn of Xiaoran's original pilot. In other words, the three shapes are the dawn of the scorpion, but the body of the flame strengthens the short-range combat capability. The body is enhanced by the long-range shooting ability, while Yao emphasizes the comprehensive maneuverability and command and control functions. It is also the only one of the three bodies that adds true super-ai, while the other two are just configured. New Haro.

To say that hard power, the strength of the three people of Guangyanyao actually did not reach the level of a, and the a-level pilot was just positive. It really needs three people to unite to do it, but they are able to drive a-class body, the main The reason is that the three people are different roles and the super-computing ability that used to be the holy grail of the sky, and they are different from the general pilots. They can drive not the same body, but can control countless units at the same time.

However, the three people really want to go to the battlefield. In fact, the real role is only to assist Xiaoran. Their task is not to fight, but to control the special type ma that is specially used for assistance. The scope of activities on the battlefield is only It will be near the new Burning Legion, and there is a strong self-protection ability, as long as they do not die on their own.

The battle outside was started when Xiao Ran and the five of them boarded the body. Only two or more of the Rebir fleets bravely launched an attack on the Gera Empire. The first wave of attacks was the main gun of the entire fleet. More than 2,000 warships, main ships, sub-main ships, plus gunships with more powerful offensive capabilities, wave props, beam guns, electromagnetic guns, black hole guns, etc. The dark universe was dyed with a colorful and colorful color in such a moment.

This wave for the Gera empire, the off-range attack made them a bit stunned, but they also made various responses in the first time. All the combat troops sent out of the entire formation were scattered, and the large defensive fortress was opened to the front barrier. Shield, all warships open protective shields gathered behind large fortresses.

However, the firearms with full firepower can be destroyed by a floating continent. Even if there are only more than 2,000 warships here, the firepower that broke out can be described as horror, even after the whole fleet was bombarded. The reaction force pushed back a lot.

In the next moment, countless explosions appeared in the huge fleet spread by the Gera Empire. When they attacked the defensive fortress of the Gera Empire, the first time they exploded a myriad of energy circles and brought up the ripples. The ripples of the ripples spread, and the top of the cannon was able to survive. The two cannons were able to survive, but the three guns and four cannons slammed into the past. The defensive fortress of the Gera Empire only lasted for a dozen seconds and the shield ruptured, letting those attacks Directly hit the shield shield on the fortress.

This shield baffle is very special, even if it is very special in terms of the technical level of the Burning Legion. It belongs to the second layer of the fortress defense. This shield has super heat resistance, that is, the general beam. Attacks can't have any effect on this shield, and the resistance to energy is very strong. It also has extraordinary resistance to electromagnetic waves and rays. It is a special material that can advance against the sun. However, the resistance to live ammunition is only slightly higher than the standard armor material, which is very weak compared to the standard.

This wave of attacks by the Rebir Fleet is not a harvest. The bombardment of two thousand warships has been blocked, but at least in this wave of attacks, more than 10,000 warships have been run through each other. The open battleship was like a fireworks fire that blew up in the Glacier fleet, and after a tumbling flame, it turned into black smoke and was blown away.

The anti-corps alliances in the far side of the battle are also concerned. They can say that the members of the Burning Legion who are participants have never been able to retreat in front of the Gera Empire, but they saw the attack between the two thousand warships. After the whole universe was painted with a layer of color, many people's eyes suddenly became cautious.

They rely on warships for long-range attacks, and they will fall into absolute disadvantages, so they are considering that the battlefield must be placed in the fleet of the Burning Legion. It is not too difficult to do this, as long as it is sent high. The body raid disrupted the plastics fleet's plastic surgery. If several warships were destroyed, the army would be able to intervene and then open a melee that they had the upper hand.

The people of the Anti-Combustion Legion Alliance think so, and the Bla Empire fleets that are fighting the Burning Legion think so too. A warship propeller behind the fortress is fully illuminated and used to take advantage of the world they have. The short-distance speeding of the voyage quickly turned itself into a lighter than the light. It pulled up a white light and appeared in front of the fleet of Rebir. Almost the battleship was facing the front of the battleship and the front of the battleship of the Rebir fleet. It’s up.

At the same time, there were countless fighters and robots, and they swarmed to the side of the Rebir fleet.

After Xiaoran sat in the cockpit, he could clearly see through the screen. For the nearly 100,000 warships of the Gera Empire, at least several million single-player units, suicide for only 2,000 warships and tens of thousands of bodies. The assault behavior is also a deep sigh, this is exactly a battle style that I can't beat but you also have to hang you to drag you down.

Rebir has been through the battlefield. It is no stranger to this style of combat. One command will let all the warships start to withdraw at full speed and all the missile pods of more than 2,000 warships will be fully opened. Thousands of thousands of consecutively launched forwards. More than 10,000 micro missiles, high-explosive bombs, jamming bombs, armor-piercing projectiles, and anti-beam bombings have all opened up the short-range firepower of all warships, forming an incomparably dense barrage to block and destroy the single-player units of the Gera Empire.

At the same time, the maross level of the team was built, and the sub-main class warships were all transformed. The whole body burst out of the dense beam, and the muzzle in the hand raised the mustle directly with the space-distorting maross gun. In the continuous response, the coordination of the pilots in the fleet, even a little chaos did not resist the other side's raids, but there are also many drones that are used directly as consumables to burst in the universe.

Xia, Amro and many other senior pilots are at the forefront. Many gn dragon cavalry are in the universe, and a huge beam barrier is scattered around countless warships. The power of the ship was quickly interspersed in the universe, and the artillery of the Gera Empire was bombarded with one shot.

Many people in the Anti-Combustion Legion Alliance suddenly became a little worried at this moment. They suddenly felt that something seemed a bit wrong, and it was quite wrong.

The dark-haired man frowned slightly: what the **** is, why the robotic movements of the Burning Legion are so terrible, what are the beam shields, beam guns, beam guns, this is the super robot Some things? Should the drill bit used in the universe be the standard for the super body? Not to mention the distance is so close, do you still use guns?

Until the head of one of the legions suddenly opened on the Fleet Communication Channel: "The bodies that the Burning Legion is now fighting mainly do not seem to be super-systems. How can it look like a real system? I said, it would not be this burning legion. In fact, it is the legion of the real area."

Another person said: "Isn't that the Burning Legion on the Super Zone is probably a division?"

"Wait a minute, who do you know the numerical comparison of the strength of our full-scale army battles on both sides?"

"Look at a wool."

"The situation seems to be a bit wrong. The number of the Gera empire seems to be less than the two thousand warships of the Burning Legion. When the fleet of the Burning Legion is completely stabilized, it is estimated that it will be the rhythm of harvesting. I definitely don’t want to do it now. Do you mess up with them?"

The black man frowned slightly and always felt that something was wrong. But when he heard the sound of his ear, he had to admit that these people still had quite reasonable words. After a while, The black-haired man said to the strong man around him: "The offense, jumping to the back of the Burning Legion to launch a raid on them, so that all the strongest pilots are all out, they must be destroyed at the beginning of their main combat."

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