Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2700: All come to the pot

One day later, the office of the new Burning Legion Xiaoran had already crowded a lot of people. The commanders of the four major fleets of Malang, Jeffrey, Youzes and Rebir were indispensable. The army’s crowds of Kruze Xia, etc. also came several times, all listening to the situation of Rebir’s report.

Xiaoran listened for a long time or I felt that it was a little too sudden. Nnd, I set up the stage and wait for you to perform. As a result, you performed a wave of opening flowers, and then...there is no more?

Xiao Ran once again asked: "I really surrendered, no accidents, no moths?"

"No." Rebir slowly nodded with a pipe: "The surrendered warships have all been checked. All of their bodies have been sealed. The warships have all been sealed, and the heads of the various regiments have been detained separately. The pilots were all detained, and the weapons of the warships were all destroyed by physical means."

"The whole process is very cooperative, and no problems have been found."

Xiaoran’s virtual screen on the table saw a small log cabin surrounded by countless beetles and the body. Rebir’s solitary confinement was indeed held incommunicado, and was directly put into the log cabin and then thrown into the universe.

"I can't figure it out." Xiaoran shook his head and said: "This surrender is too sudden."

Kruze smiled and said: "Not at all, surrender is their only choice, and it is their inevitable choice."

"Their twenty-five corps have never really been linked together and have no identical goals. Most of the corps are only used as tools in them, but the tools are also brained. It can be seen that the large army is trying to find Weakening their power is only the opportunity for the Lord to be weak and weak, and they have no choice but to put all the targets that can be vented and plundered on us and the Gera Empire."

"At the same time, all the defects of the harvest will also be placed on us, thinking that the current loss is deliberately completely recovered through this army battle."

"Of course we are weak if we are weak, but our strength is far beyond their imagination. The first wave of fireworks has already made them feel guilty. It is also a slap in the face to break their fantasies and let them return to reality. Willing to die, unwilling to continue to be the tool of the giant army, and able to use our hands to get rid of the giant army to survive on them, they will of course choose to surrender, and as long as one person proposes to surrender, this idea will It can't be stopped and spread like a virus."

Kruze said: "Now, even if you don't know their conversation and decide to discuss the compensation for their army battle, they will actively take the initiative to ask us to discuss this, even if it is more expensive than the normal settlement failure. Many people will choose to accept compensation, because once they have settled, they will have no worries, and they will be eager to eat and drink until the end of the mission."

Everyone listened to Kruze's analysis and also pointed their heads. I felt that Kruze's analysis really pointed out the key points.

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded gently and said: "Since the other party surrendered anyway and avoided the next trouble, then the matter about talking to these regiments was handed over to Kruze, and the general direction was Let them join us to become subordinate legions. As for other benefits, we can ask for less, or not at all."

Kruze nodded. "I know what to do."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "The next step is to take charge of these fleets by Kruze. The fleet of Malang is responsible for assistance. Youzes, Geoffrey, Leibia, the fleet of the three of you are at the end of the rest. After that, he began to cooperate with the Ironclad fleet to annihilate the Gera Empire."

"After the opening of the Battle of the Gera Empire, it is necessary to pay attention to what is worth exploring in various places, magic, technology, legends, and so on. There are many things that the world can dig, no matter how it has come. This world, how to stay in a year or two, Kruze you have to pay attention to this when negotiating with the other side, it is best to let them take the initiative to cooperate."

"In addition, I would like to inform the home of the fortress to come and join us, Kruze. You agreed to the Princess of Artia before letting Dylandal arrange it. After making a photocopy, the memory of the other party will be transmitted."

"There is to inform Hades that the enemy has surrendered all the time. He has to pay some time to do what he wants."

Xia asked: "You don't need to turn this into a camp territory. The core is probably the five lions."

Xiao Ran knocked on the table and said: "The core is that the possibility of the five lions is really great. So, build a territory group, Xia, Kruze, you all join in. This territory group is responsible for this piece. thing."

According to the normal situation, the arrangement for the acquisition of the territory should be carried out by Xiao Ran personally. However, the current Burning Legion is not a normal situation, but an abnormal situation beyond any legion. Which legion can have a Burning Legion? Information sources for each world? Which army can have an unusual understanding of each mission world?

The entire Prometheus has only one Burning Legion. It is not only that he knows it alone, but the entire top level knows it. So in this case, even if Xiaoran does not intervene, you can do it. Good about this.

The possibility that the five lions are the core is very high, but the core is not necessarily the five lions. After all, the five lions have been inspected for a long time in the hands of the Burning Legion, although it is not a real acquisition. Instead of borrowing research, you can see what happens after you actually acquire the ownership of the five lions.

If the core road does not work, then you can only go the other way, get the territory in the normal way. There are many hidden things in the world. It is not necessary to say how high the value is. After all, it is not hidden. Before the thing, there is no way to judge how much value there is. Turning the world into a territory is just a matter of facilitating the future excavation of the world. It is really not important to change the world into a territorial degree.

After all the work arrangements were completed, the entire Burning Legion began to work like a precision machine. After a short break, the fleet of Yuz, Geoffrey and Rebir left and began the expedition of the Gera Empire. Kruze also began negotiations with the legions after the arrival of the homestead fortress.

There are really bad luck in the twenty-five legions that have been completely destroyed, but there is only one such thing as bad luck. After subsequent statistics, the losses of the various legions are quite large, but the total participants The proportion of the number of people who sacrificed was not so high. Most of the hostile participants who participated in the mission survived and survived in various ways. The proportion of people who finally lost the missing is about one-third. The average loss is also considered to be heavy.

The representatives of the twenty-four legions were all brought into the fortress of the home. The original alliance has now been completely broken up and only one league title is hung, but there is no essence of alliance.

The first negotiation, Kruze, brought together all the people of the twenty-four legions. Although there were only twenty-four legions, there were still dozens of people who came together by one or two legions. People Kruze were all arranged in a large conference room.

Some of these dozens of people have a heavy face on their faces. Some people are full of ease, some are numb, and some are ready to be beaten. In short, the expressions on dozens of faces reflect their various idea.

Kruzer sat in the forefront of the conference room, and after everyone looked at it one by one, he began his speech: "The representatives of the legions, you should have no objections to your surrender. ”

When everyone nodded, Kruze smiled and said: "You should be very clear about the situation of the Legion. The result of the twenty-five match is almost equal to the fact that you are all destroyed. I am afraid that we have gotten very much on the various weights. High evaluation results, accept your surrender and even finish the task in a normal way."

"The compensation for the defeat of all the regiments that will be present will also drain all the corps of all your corps. Even if the formation of the corps will continue to exist, you may not be different from 乞丐."

The people nodded heavily.

"Everything in the entire legion has fallen into our hands as a compensation. It is not enough to put all of you on the top of the body. Once you have been circulated in the super zone, there is no resource. Point, all the contents of the entire legion are gone, you have to add your body, hey, the consequences will certainly become more miserable."

The people nodded sadly.

"But our legion can give you a chance to choose." Kruze's mouth curled up and said: "A reduction of your compensation, or even a chance for you to compensate."

Many people’s eyes suddenly lit up.

"The Burning Legion is willing to accept you as a subsidiary legion. Everyone is, as long as you are willing to become a subsidiary leg of the Burning Legion, then we can reduce or completely waive the compensation according to your current situation, but if you do not want to be affiliated The army, I am very sorry, this time we accept your surrender, but next time we will take the initiative to declare war on you."

"I am willing!"

"I am willing too!"

"I disbanded the current army, and all of my people joined the Burning Legion!"

Kruze listened to the positive response in his ear and smiled gently. He said: "It seems that everyone has a good impression of the Burning Legion. I just heard someone want to disband the entire army and merge it. This is not possible for the time being. The Burning Legion is now missing the affiliated legion, but it is not a problem if you do it if you do well."

"Then I will first explain to you that the situation of the Burning Legion has been treated by members. The Burning Legion is not the local army of the Super Zone. We are from the Real Zone, and the Super District Legion is just a divisional group. The important main members are also Not in the legion."

"Now the Legion has a class equal to the number of mythical pilots. You should probably know about it. In addition to what you saw before, this number needs to increase by a quarter."

"The body is the most concerned about us as a participant. The Burning Legion has a variety of system technologies. There are many systems in the Super Zone. The mythical body can also be manufactured. The super system of various systems. There is always something for you."

"Blood veins, people who join the Burning Legion can get blood, but whether it is appropriate depends on the user's personal choice. If there is no legion, the Legion will try to get it from other places and deliver it to the people who need it. Of course this is not Completely free of charge."

"The inside of the legion uses the privilege system. The privilege is the level. Different levels of privilege can be treated differently. Points can be exchanged for martial arts points, but the amount of exchange is not high. Special props, body and technology can also be used to exchange points. At the same time, you can earn points for anything you have inside the Legion, as long as your points are enough."

"For the people of this legion, the usefulness of the merits is not as high as the points. In fact, everyone in the legion is not lacking in combat points, but it will not use the military to blindly strengthen themselves."

"All the participants need, the Legion is fully self-sufficient, and the only usefulness of the battle points is to strengthen the attributes and buy something special."

"The body and the warships are all tailor-made standard ratios, but if you need special modifications, you need to exchange points for the same. Even so, our standard ratio of the body and the battleship is enough. If you want to be stronger, you need more. Try hard to get points and take each task more seriously."

"The welfare of the Burning Legion is not as good as you think, but if you join, all the treatments and grades will be lowered by one level. The points model will also be implemented in your army. The exchange of stocks is shared by the whole army. We also There are specialized senior pilots for the courses of junior pilots, and you can enjoy these aspects of treatment."

Kruze said here, deliberately paused, and said: "The Burning Legion emphasizes how much it pays, so it will not force you to go to war, hand in special props, turn in technology, but think This is also the easiest way to get points. In order to exchange for better things and support, you will naturally be actively involved."

"It’s almost something that can be said to you. The legion that wants to join can now come to sign the agreement. After the signing of the agreement is completed, someone will explain more to you more specifically."

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