Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2723: Xia Ya reincarnation

Bled’s eyes widened and his face turned pale and sluggish: “Do you want to... overthrow the federation?”

Xiao Ran asked: "Is it difficult?"

"This...this..." Bradton felt that Xiaoran was another conspiror who wanted to undermine world peace. He shook his head and said: "This is not a difficult problem. It is impossible. The Federation will never be because of these. The reason is disintegrated, and you have not disintegrated the power of the federation, but if the original constitution is as threatening as it is to the current federation, it is replaced by a new federation, just like it used to be. Same time."

"The federation has become a behemoth to this day. No matter how the world can never change, and today's peace has been experienced through so many wars, whether it will want to win thousands of wars." Tens of thousands of people stand up to protect this peace."

Xiao Ran suddenly looked at Bled with a gaze-like look, and there was a little more care in his eyes: "You don't know how much the colonial residents in the universe have any resentment against the Federation? Or do you not know the current universe? How deep is the hatred of the inhabitants of the earth? Or do you know that the federal government has crushed the colonies of the universe to make them miserable?"

"The reason why the current federation can still exist is because there is a fool like you who willingly become the running dog of the federation, and because the Bicester family did not take the original constitution at the most appropriate time, also because of the previous Zabi. The family wants to unite the cosmic colony, but they have to make a persecution of the colony. There are many, if the middle has changed, the federation will not be a federation."

"The Earth Circle can now maintain peace, purely because the Union has used force to suppress all the colonies, but if anyone is willing to provide weapons and equipment to all the colonies, provide ms and warships, and completely abolish all the EFF powers." How many people will you still be able to maintain your current opinion? Earth people?"

"But if I am implementing a few policies that make the cosmic residents and the inhabitants of the earth get married, so that those who can't find a wife can get a wife, they are more willing to make up for all the poor people in the earth, give them a house and give them a car to work for them. To their wives, how many earth people are you willing to trust in the universe?"

"As for the inside of the federation, I think I should still have some influence. Anaheim is still somewhat influential. The Bicester family also has some influence. It is pulling a few small family small consortiums to destroy those big families. Big consortium, as long as these small family small consortiums agree to rely on the universe, they will become a new big family big consortium in the future. You said that there will be many families and consortia who will worry about the threat of death and rely on me because of their interests. ?"

"Brad, shouldn't you be a fool? The way to overthrow the federation is too much for me, and the force is also a trick. I can't use the month to split the federation. You shouldn't. I know, just before you came, just one person suppressed the entire moon base of the federation. Now two-thirds of the tops of the lunar base have signed a surrender book for me, and the remaining one-third is determined. The rebellion has all been solved. You said that if I have such power, can I start another war."

"Oh." Xiaoran smiled and clicked on Vr. Volento: "Xia, you should be familiar too, the princess of Gion is also in my hands, the two of them are united together with Jupiter and Mars. Will Weng’s Remnant Party not rely on it?”

"If you add Amro, plus Kathy, or even Rebir, what do you say, how many EFF soldiers will vote for us?"

Suddenly, Bled frowned. "You want to clone them!"

"Clone?" Xiao Ran grinned. "Don't say that there is no technical content, so you are not a new human being. You can't understand what kind of existence a new person is. I just need to copy their body and their soul. And the spirit can naturally return to the body. As for Rebir, he is also a potential new human."

Xiao Ran said that he suddenly smiled here and casually pointed to a person who said: "Even if I say that he is Rebil, he is a federal president. As long as I have the power, everyone must admit it. The key to all this is strength. I can suppress the entire federal lunar base with the next person, what can the federal take against me? You?"

"I don't want to say anything extra, keep you because you can still use it. You use the position of the card to exchange the life of your entire Lundbel, and whether you can exchange your freedom depends on your own." Choosing, at least your position and the sign of Lundberg can still be a bit of a effect on the subsequent disintegration of the Union."

"Tell me, where is the card?"

Bled bit his teeth gently: "You are going to let the child who has experienced so much suffering go to the battlefield!"

Xiao Ran looked at Bled: "I need to explain to you so much?"

The most important reason for Cathy’s whereabouts is that Brad has completely hidden all the whereabouts of Cathy after the card is sick. Perhaps even the name has been replaced by the name, so the entire circle of the earth In addition to Bled, no one else can know the whereabouts of Cathy.

Taking a deep breath, Bled did not know how to make a choice. He gave up himself and gave up all his subordinates to protect his whereabouts, or leaked his whereabouts in exchange for more lives. This problem seems to be Not too difficult.

After a brief silence for a while, Bled said: "Moon-faced city von Brown, Central Hospital."

Xiao Ran nodded: "El Elf, go pick up the card."

Swinging his hand, Xiao Ran said: "Cadias, let people take them down and hold them up."

After the people of Lundberg, such as Blyde, were taken away, Xiao Ran looked at Vr. Volento: "Let's go, deal with your problem first."

Since I came here, Vr. Volento seems to be very silent. The spirit is completely out of focus. Most of the time, it is obviously in a state of distraction. After hearing Xiaoran’s words, it is also followed by a silent and unconcerned one. Behind.

Until Xiao Ran took him to a closed room that had been prepared in advance, this time, Fur-Volento came back.

"Returning to God?" Xiao Ran sat down and looked at the other side. Ful Fran pushed the state of the gods to think that it was obvious that Xiaoran could see it at a glance: "Is not prepared?"

"Oh, no." Ful Volanto smiled and said: "Just thinking about what you will do next."

Xiao Ran nodded: "In essence, you actually recognize you as the identity of Xia, but now you are more like pure obsession. What you have to do now is to integrate your spirit and soul inside and outside. I am responsible, and there will be others in the soul."

After waiting for a while, Hades pushed the door and came in. He glanced at Xia and gently raised his hand, and a visible ball of light appeared in his hand.

After Vr. Volento saw the ball of light, the whole person was stunned, and there was a hard-nosed impulse in his heart that he wanted to swallow the ball of light. That was the part he missed. It is his good thoughts and his soul.

Xiao Ran stood up and slowly closed his eyes. The roots of the hair gradually turned into a light belt, and once again turned into a light that radiated a dazzling light to cover the entire room.

The soul of Hades's soul, the sudden change of Xiao Ran, made Ful Volanto in a state of dreams. It was not just pure stunned and shocked, but could not understand the picture that he saw before.

With Xiaoran's eyes open and his hand lifted, Ful Volento found that his body suddenly lost control and floated. Hades went to the front of Vr. Volento, understatement. The light ball in his hand was shot into his body. In the next second, Ful Fran pushed as if he was in another world, a world made up entirely of light.

He was not wearing a mask, and he was wearing a 79-style uniform with a mask to face him, while standing next to him was Xiaoran, who was full of warmth like a god.

Vr. Volento suddenly smiled: "This feeling is really wonderful, it is obviously a person but they look at each other."

Xiaya nodded gently, but just walked over to Vr. Volento and patted him on the shoulder. The two belonged to one and everything was all in the air.

Xiao Ran looked at the two spiritual bodies and there was no strange place. He said calmly: "I offer you a suitable space. The integration does not require me to intervene. After the integration, Ful Volento will Become a real Xia, then Amro, Larasin will be resurrected, use your own hands to turn this world into the world you want, this is the purpose of my resurrection."

Xia, Ful Volanto turned to look at Xiao Ran at the same time, using the same voice, the same tone, the same frequency said: "Thank you, Xiaoran."

After finishing this sentence, Xia, Ful Volunto suddenly became the red light in this world of light and began to rush to a higher place, rotating and mixing to finally become a wing. Gao Fei’s phoenix fire was born again.

A few minutes later, in the real world, the vacant Xia slowly opened his eyes, and slowly fell from the air to the ground to stand still, as if waking up from a long sleep, revealing a moment of sorrow Slowly restored to normal appearance.

And Xiao Ran and Hades are also observing the current Xia, until the two men regained their minds after Shaya completely nodded.

Hades said: "There is a very special soul, the degree of fusion of the soul is very high."

"The spirit is also normal." Xiaoran smiled and walked over to Xia's body and extended his hand: "Formally welcome you back, Xia."

Xia's mouth slowly emerged with a smile, holding Xiaoran's hand and said sincerely: "Thank you, you brought me back from the endless darkness."

"You're welcome." Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "The next step is to copy Amro, Larasin's body, and I want something you bring."

"Yeah." Xia nodded and said: "But those things that need to be preserved, Amro and Larasin's hair, skin, blood samples, all frozen on the cargo ship."

Xiao Ran said: "I will let people take it later. I have already known your purpose. That is to overthrow the colonies in the current united universe to create a new world. How to maintain the balance between the new world and the universe. We have a lot of experience, but it also takes a lot of energy and time to deal with it."

"Now what we have to do is split the federation, thoroughly bid farewell to a dark day with a war, use this war to destroy all the decay of the current system, and clean up those who cannot keep up with the changes in the world. Volto is gone, and when Shah is on the scene again, Gijon, Mars, and Jupiter will also need you to deal with the sire that will return them to you."

Xia nodded. "This will be the last war. I hope you won't let me down."

Xiao Ran smiled and said: "No."

Vr. Volento disappeared, and the dead Xia returned to the world with complete posture, but then Xia did not continue to stay here for too long, leaving the moon after a few hours. Go and prepare for a real battle for change.

Although Xia left, she left a contract signed in the name of the armband and Ji Weng, ordered a large number of ms and weapons from Anaheim, and Xiao Ran completed his previous agreement. A new batch of body will be provided for the armband.

After Xia’s departure, Xiao Ran called Yao Yao in front of himself: “Notify Malang that they came to join us, there is no need to hide the traces, and some people find it irrelevant.”

Xiao Ran is not ready to wait at this time, although it is normal for the participants to temporarily not choose the right camp if they do not have the task requirements in a week or two, but Xiao Ran is not willing to Waiting for this continues.

Next, Xia will gather all the Gion Disability Party and give the present Gion a complete income. The federal side will also have a series of actions and arrangements, which will draw some people and clean up some people. Although the trend has not yet formed but the small trend has been fixed, Xiao Ran needs to have a specific goal and direction in the impact and arrangement of the next trend. If there is a task, his goal and direction will generally not appear in the choice. In the case of a deviation from the task, there is still a chance of change before the general trend is completed, but if the task comes too late, the situation is already fixed, and it is also a troublesome thing for Xiao Ran.

Now that these participants are still squatting, Xiao Ran is not ready to give them a chance. Then the Burning Legion will officially debut in this world, forcing those who have not chosen the camp to join the camp to start the mission.

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