Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2735: Casually come fourth

I do n’t know how I got out of the Burning Legion ’s shop, and I did n’t know how long I stood outside the shop door after I walked out of the shop.

"Just now ... what happened?"

It was a teaser, a teaser in the real sense. When he turned around and glanced at the rather low-key shop door of the Burning Legion, Xiao Ran's voice and shadow appeared again in front of him.

At this moment, I felt my eyes took a bit. The shop in front of me was not a shop, but a huge mouth opened by a huge and intimidating dragon, waiting for anyone who dared to go in and swallow it, not just Provocative people, that should be everyone who dares to stand in front of this huge mouth will inevitably be swallowed by this huge mouth.

As soon as the screen turned, what giant dragon and giant mouth disappeared without a trace, and changed back to the ordinary shop door. If it was said that it was a low-profile shop, but now it is low-key and ordinary. But I don't know why it seems quite scary.

He didn't know if he had a thigh or a veil covered by a dragon in front of him this time. It was even harder to figure out what the dragon thought and thought. He had a superb power but chose a low-key Shenyin. It is enough to say that the power of the world is unknown, but what is the picture?

Suddenly there was another chill, nearly fifty, and one or two hundred words of these two groups of words bounced back and forth in his mind, turning around and disappearing quickly in the crowd.

Xiao Ran didn't come out in the back room until Xiao Ran came in slowly until the cat-eared girl came in: "The silly boy is gone?"

The cat earmother answered with a smile on her face: "I'm gone, I'm walking with a look of fear. You are scared by the chief of the army, when you go out, you look stupid."

Xiao Ran shrugged helplessly: "That's because his ability to bear is too poor, it's nothing to do with me. I just told him how many s-class pilots the Legion can draw, and there wasn't enough time to tell him anything else. . "

Xiao Ran waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I'll go back first."

The cat earmother pulled back from the door and pouted and laughed, "Legislator, walk slowly."

Regarding how powerful the Burning Legion is, although the cat-girls are aboriginals of Prometheus, they are also a member of the Legion, an important manager of the Legion's external channels, and a commercial representative. Their two sisters can also make money for the Legion. With a lot of money, of course, it is also very clear what the current legion is like. That is far more powerful than other legions.

Even as aboriginals, they will be shocked by the strength and development of the Burning Legion, let alone those who do not know the situation at all. One hundred participants stood up and knew that the Burning Legion turned out to be such a huge one. If it was a giant, those hundred would be scared by the situation of the Burning Legion.

Nearly fifty s-class pilots are not afraid, of course, very afraid. These fifty people are enough to support a legion war and then win.

Xiao Ran stopped just as he was about to take a step: "By the way, the Legion will take two territories out to open to the outside world, and it will be charged here, and you will take care of the quota."

The cat ears asked, "Which two territories are they?"

Xiao Ran said: "Muv and the newly acquired Liushen fit, the one behind is the super-system world."

The cat-ears-girl's eyes rolled and said, "I see."

Xiao Ran left and gave the cat-ears to the two territories to open to the outside world. I also believe that the two cat-ears who take turns to rest can handle this matter very well, and these two people are now the Burning Legion's external business. The person in charge of the company, although the so-called business is just this one shop, but the problem of the number of open places in the two territories is only a trivial matter. It is not troublesome and does not add too much work.

All the way back to the world of the ship group, the whole process did not occur Xiao Ran ’s magical achievement of the wild dog going out of the road to block the road, such a **** road blocking event, calmly returned to the territory of the world, even on the road, no one can look at Xiao Ran more, After all, aside from the identity of the Legion of the Burning Legion, the s-class pilots will not become their own light source in the crowd. How can it be so easy to attract the attention of others, there are more extraordinary temperament participants, and handsome and perfect participants There are a lot of them, but Xiao Ran is just one of them.

After returning to the territory, Xiao Ran called Cruzer, Nazi and Fades, the deputy leader of the Overlord Army.

Four people were sitting in the office of the presidential palace of Xiao Ran. Xiao Ran opened his mouth after all three had arrived: "I just met the representatives of the two legions, one of the Bercia Legion and the other of the Shadowblade Legion. of."

Cruzer narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly, Nazi looked at Fades, and then looked at Nazi with a helpless look and said, "Bercia, the third highest in the army. The legion has seven s-class pilots on the surface. The strength of the legion is unknown. Although it is a legion, it adopts a division structure internally, divided into five departments. The core legion and Fenglin volcano are equivalent to five legions. As long as you become an s-class pilot, you can get a creation branch. A single branch should have no less than some large corps. Although there are only seven s-class external members, there should be hidden power. "

"And it's not a low-level s-class, at least the one that is much stronger than the former Nazi."

"The Shadowblade Corps is ranked 33rd overall. There are four s-class pilots on the surface. This army has little information but its strength should be good. I have never heard of any problems from this army. I have not heard of it. I said that what kind of loss this legion has, it belongs to the legion that is high or low, but very stable. "

Xiao Ran nodded gently: "Third and thirty-third, it ’s a coincidence. I heard that the Burning Legion was ranked in the top 20 or the top 10?"

"There is such a statement." Fades nodded and said, "But there is only such a statement. For the outside world, our legion is still too mysterious. The main exposed things are the conflicts when the shops and missions meet. The evaluation of the real area is actually not much better than that of the super area, mainly because it is not so deliberately targeted at anyone who is not so reckless as the other side of the super area, so no one is thinking about us, or that is No one is thinking of us for now, after all, they dare not confirm our strength. "

"The order of ranking is just a way of saying that we have not been recognized whether it is the top ten or the top twenty. It is just a gossip. Compared with the top ten legions and the top twenty legions, the Burning Legion is probably ranked Wherever you have the top ten and top 20 strengths is just that. "

Xiao Ran asked, "What's going on with this ranking?"

Faders shook his head: "I don't know who ranked it. This ranking has existed a long time ago. Anyway, this ranking is still well recognized in the real area, but not every legion will be in this ranking. Up, but the legions that can be ranked are still a bit strong. "

Xiao Ran shook his head: "I thought it was the ranking from Prometheus."

Fades smiled: "Although the rankings spontaneously made by the participants and the legion, the legion area is still advancing with the times. Now this ranking can be seen in many places in the legion area. It is very official. It seems that there is a special joint organization among these legions, but I don't know if it is a rumor. "

Xiao Ran tapped on the table and looked at Cruze: "You said if we wanted to get a formal ranking, we would like to get in touch with the outside world first, not the first three, but the fourth place, I think it is quite good."

"It's neither high nor low," Cruze said with a slight smile. "But to do it, make others dare not resist. Don't make people feel that we are fighting for the fourth and earn a lot of money. It's simple, to show strength that can really sit in the fourth position. "

Xiao Ran thought for a while and said, "You, Zenga, Elsam, Shirakawa, Uzes, Amro, Xia, Ozma, Eshe, plus ten of me, exposed ten s. The first-class pilot went out, ten people were enough, and they showed these powers to the outside world. Faders went to inquire about how to become the fourth and tell me after he returned. "

Faders nodded. He and Nazi were not selected as public S-class forces. He is not surprised. One is that he is only a new S-class. The other is that they belong to the Burning Legion but are under the overlord army. It belongs to the structure of another legion.

"Well, let's continue to talk about business." Xiao Ran led the topic back and said: "Bercia and the Shadowblade want to make friends with us and want to cooperate with us, Cang of the Bercia Legion, this man Fades do you know?"

Fades reminisced, saying: "Should be the controller of the forest."

"Well, no matter what he is, he said that he is willing to enter into a friendly and cooperative relationship with our Burning Legion on behalf of Bercia. As for how to cooperate, you can communicate and let Cruze take charge of this matter. Assistance. If you find it inconvenient, ask other people to form a group to talk to them. "

"The Shadowblade side is willing to reach a comprehensive strategic alliance with us, so I asked the representatives they came to sign a contract to tell him some information about the army. At present, it is only limited to the s-class pilots and mythological ones we have. The number of pilots, the two fools didn't estimate what they said later, but they should also contact us soon, and you will also be responsible for it.

"If this Shadowblade Legion is sensible next time, we can support them a bit. The Burning Legion is now powerful, but it is not enough. Next, we will draw more people to our side. It is impossible. Each time you use the legion battle to subdue these legions in an aggressive way. You can use another method to cooperate with the alliance or slowly pull more legions to our chariot and turn them into subsidiary legions. In short, if you want to get benefits, you have to be obedient, or you must reach ordinary cooperation. "

Cruze fully understood Xiao Ran's meaning and thoughts. After all, they have known each other for such a long time, and smiled slightly and nodded, "I know what to do, but since they are already planning to disclose ten people, that's better. Just let them play. Uzes, Xia, and Shirakawa can also be used as starting points. At least the deterrence is enough. "

Xiao Ran shook his hands and let Cruze arrange it himself. Anyway, as the army got bigger and bigger, he had to deal with fewer and fewer things. When he threw the shopkeeper, he became more and more skilled, but Xiao Ran really appeared. What needs to be dealt with, it must be important and important.

What can Cruzer who was arrested do? The fate of him and Xiao Ran is completely tied together. Xiao Ran throws him not only because he is best suited to handle these things, but also because he must deal with these things, but It is also the beginning to deal with. After confirming the direction and scope of cooperation, there will be more people to deal with it.

This situation is like Xiao Ran counted the simplest one, then Kluze counted 234, and then there were 56789 and more.

Cruzer took the task, and thoughtfully looked at a calm Xiao Ran, if he thought of a gentle nod, he said to himself: "Free time It seems less and less. It seems that I have to train a few assistants. In this way, I will be exposed to more and more legions. If I do n’t get it, I will be placed in the position of a diplomat. What's the difference? Who's right? "

Cruzer's mind was moving quickly, and the faces belonging to the Legion participants quickly passed in his mind, and eventually several faces appeared. Cruzer's expression also thought of these faces. A touch of unspoken smile appeared.

Xiao Ran didn't know at this time that Cruzer was thinking about being a shopkeeper like himself, but before that, he must train some people who can speak and have brains. In fact, the first choice in Cruzer's mind was Egypt. Hope, natural innate ability to charm, a few words can swell a person's blood, talk and seduce, and be impressed by the beauty of every move, this is definitely a talent very suitable for diplomatic relations.

Cruzer never thought of Eich, never, but this time he put it on Ech's head, but this idea is not that idea, and it seems rare for an old driver like Cruzer. The road was deviated, and I decided to train Esh to share his work, so that he could have more time to hang out and go to the real area to confront the beautiful female participants.

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