Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2745: Party invitation

The one-year stay time hastily passed by. With the huge amount of battle points to buy all the core-level members for one year's stay time, this is a drizzle. The problem is not that big. Only a portion of the subsidy was received, but most people only chose one to three months before returning to Prometheus.

This year's detention time is enough for the Legion to do a lot of things, to be able to prepare the goods ordered by the Shadow Legs and Cuimeng Legions, and to make the newly upgraded s-class pilots of the Legion fully familiar with the upgraded selves. Those who want to rest also get adequate rest.

The most important thing is that the two new department research departments and basic science research institutes have entered the formality. On the side of the research department, more than one thousand logic research projects have been newly built, and nearly 300,000 people have been selected from all the territories to join. It's just that logicians, program experts, and people from all walks of life have included them, calculating and deriving Prometheus' logic with different thinking and different ways.

The basic science department has also begun to enter normal research work. However, it is located in the world of the ship, but it has arranged a huge research institution on another uninhabitable habitable planet. Many of the required research equipment have been added. , But the star-level collider has not yet been completed, how useful the star-level collider can not be determined by the people in the Ministry of Science, but it must be useful and must be built, and it is true today It is estimated that it will take a year or two to put a lot of resources into it.

Regardless of the self-development of the Legion, Shadow Blade and the Depei personnel sent by the Cuimeng Legion also spent some time in the regiment's territory and received the formal education of the Burning Legion for a whole month, of which there were two legions. Deputy Corps Commander.

For the corps of the two legions, it was really difficult to understand what the Burning Legion's corps course looked like at first. After signing a confidentiality clause, it became a student. A series of different courses will They have a full schedule every day, acting classes, task classes, various messy courses, and they never imagined that the participants would one day have to submit their homework and write essays like students.

This operation of the Burning Legion is simply stunned, but after several days in a row, the people in the two Legions suddenly felt aware of themselves, and also felt that the Burning Legion became more terrible, because the more they contacted, the more Know what these courses mean for participants.

These courses may not allow your combat ability to show how much you have grown up with direct effects, but they teach you how to gain more advantages in the task, how to get the highest reward in the task, how to get the indigenous people in the task The biggest support, as well as the targeted guidance of s-level pilots, allows you to change your own shortcomings and magnify your own advantages during the mentoring process. This is just the basic course they learn in a month. In this course, Participants of the Burning Legion have been leading everyone from the beginning of the mission under the guidance of the., And according to certain routines, they will be able to gain a lot of money and then leave safely.

And according to the members of the Burning Legion, there are many more things to learn in the junior course. It is impossible to complete all of them in one month. Even after finishing the exam, you must pass the exam to learn the next course. The Burning Legion Everyone must be involved in the learning of the course. In addition to the newly joined members still hovering in the elementary course, then most of the legions who can let other participants in the real area meet in the task basically pass the elementary Course people, they also master more.

This makes the two legions of Cuimeng and Shadowblade feel terrible. With this training, the Burning Legion is really not so scary to a few people, but everyone is so terrible, every team and every person They are all cultivated through the same course. The lower limit alone is higher than most outside participants, and the upper limit is even more difficult to guess based on the different abilities and personality of each person.

Wide fear wide fear.

He Cuimeng's deputy commander felt that this daipei must persist, even if only taking the junior course, you can learn a lot, if anyone can rush into the intermediate advanced course, then it is absolutely necessary to focus on training the key arrangements. It is necessary to arrange it into the true core of his army.

Those who attended the class were reluctantly forced to leave after only staying for one month, because they only purchased a one-month stay and were allowed by the Burning Legion, but there was still an exception that was sufficient in the territory. Stayed for a whole year.

A female participant from the Cuimeng Legion, a participant with a good appearance, a sense of sound and a **** voice, did not go with the others to the normal course training of the Secret Department after arriving in the territory, but went to another place Singer Academy.

Originally, the Daidai Academy should also leave the regiment's territory for only one month. The Daidai training was only a tentative understanding, but because the deputy chiefs of the two regiments and even the participant who accepted the Daidai After experiencing the unusual changes that Song Ji can bring to the entire army, the deputy commander of the Cuimeng Army found Xiao Ran and asked Xiao Ran to let that participant stay for a year for more training.

The price of daiji daipei is completely different from other courses, and the price is quite high. If it was just ordinary daipi, of course, there would be no difference in price. Can you be a guiji, you can see your luck, even if you can become What level of singer can be a singer depends on talent and qualifications.

But the Burning Legion actually has a way to make a person with a certain spirituality and talent become a real singer. Even if this person has only spiritual talents and does not have the qualifications to become a true singer, there are ways in the legion to change this person to become a real singer. Ji, you can pass the blood, you can pass the virus. In short, there are ways.

In the end, Xiao Ran agreed to the request of the deputy commander of the Cuimeng Army and told him that the conventional method is to keep the price of training courses unchanged, but there is another way to give people to the Burning Legion and give him a singer. Finally, Xiao Ran Two fingers were raised to indicate the price of the other party.

20 million battle points is definitely impossible, so the price can only be 200 million. A Geji is a strategic weapon, which is definitely worth compared to a battleship worth 200 million battle points. If not, A comprehensive strategic alliance cooperation agreement has been signed, and it is still an agreement mainly based on the Burning Legion. It is absolutely impossible for the training of the singer to help other legions.

Two hundred million battle points are worth it, which is much more suitable than buying a battleship. This is a true strategic existence. It can improve one's own side and weaken the other side. It can also continue to restore mental strength. All members of the entire army can get buffs. It's more worthwhile than a battleship. With Geji in a large-scale battle, the effect of Geji's appearance on the entire army was terrible.

Therefore, after knowing the meaning of Ge Ji, the deputy legion leader himself decided that he must let the Burning Legion help the Cuimeng Army to cultivate a real Ge Ji. There are no problems with 200 million battle points, no problems with proper, 200 million It's worth it.

Also think about it, but first they did n’t arrange the right people to go to the Academy, and the second is that they ca n’t get 200 million battle points. Do n’t say that 200 million is probably 100 million. That ’s enough. Watching Dai Pei Ge Ji of the Cuimeng Army stay, all the people in his army left.

After the stay, the Burning Legion did deliver to a singer of the Cuimeng Army. The real singer, although not comparable to Shirley and Orchid, or even the Valkyrie, was at least reached. The minimum standard of the singer is already able to bring some increase and weakening with her singing voice. As for the future growth problem, it depends on herself, but she can continue to improve in the class of the singer, but no matter what kind Merit points are also essential.

But no matter what, the songji ’s feedback from the Cuimeng Army was very satisfied and worthwhile, and after all the orders were delivered, the two legions were so satisfied that they could n’t find even a little problem, sharpening the knife. Huo Huo is preparing for the next task to do a big one.

On the second day after the end of the stay, Xiao Ran originally brought her daughter in the garden. If it really counts, the daughter has been born for a long time. As the only princess of the Burning Legion is the pearl of the entire Legion, but for so many years In the past ... The little girl looked just like a baby around the age of three. Her growth rate was so slow that it was incredible, and her intellectual development also conformed to the appearance of her appearance. There was no young age. As far as the situation of the wise and demon is concerned, the learning ability and perception are very high.

Just like the mythical dragon needs hundreds of years to grow up, so is Artemis. The life level is surprisingly high and it has completely departed from the normal human category. Once born, it is equivalent to a near pioneer and a high spirit. For those who are motivated, there is also a perfect genetic structure. The lower limit can be said to be higher than Xiao Ran in the entire Burning Legion today. The upper limit is even more uncertain. The most perfect life is the life closest to God.

But precisely because of this, Al's life cycle has become extremely long, and bringing children has become Xiao Ran's main daily life, but there are many people who help Xiao Ran to take care of children. People in the presidential palace are helping to take care of children. There are also elves and other accompanying players who watch the children grow up day by day.

Now Al is lively and courteous. He laughs like a real angel, but there is only one point ... too wild, too playful, Xiao Ran feels that he is ten times as wild as he was when he was a kid. Basically, every day when I enter the garden, I can't see anyone, and I'm running into the wild with a lot of elves, and I'm super slippery in order to play instant movement.

There is a mini dragon on the left, a small fire dragon on the right, a little Casey on the top, and a Kabi beast below ... Of course, the elf bodyguards who follow Al are not just that.

Now Xiao Ran actually thinks that it's good to watch her daughter grow up every day, sometimes thinking about what her parents, wives and sons look like in another world.

Eshe suddenly appeared in the garden and found Xiao Ran who was smiling and playing with her daughter.

"Master Xiao Ran."

"Go play by yourself." Xiao Ran patted her daughter's butt. The little girl smiled and disappeared from Xiao Ran's presence in an instant. Then she saw several elves flying up into the sky as fast as their necks were lifted. disappear.

Seeing this scene, Eich was also surprised, saying, "Master Xiao Ran, Lord Xiao Ran was invited by the Legion Council to attend the party. The top five legion commanders will attend, and Lord Kruse asked me to come and inform the adults."

Xiao Ran didn't want to move: "Must go?"

"Well," Esh nodded. "I still hope that Master Xiao Ran will be able to take the initiative on this occasion."

"Okay, okay." Xiao Ran stood helplessly, beckoned to Eich and walked to the mansion: "What's the situation."

Eich said: "It should be some intelligence exchanges and common territories. In addition, Lord Cruzer probed some information about the fantasy zone, and confirmed that the person who knows the fantasy zone information today is the commander of the first corps. This needs to be confirmed by Lord Xiao Ran. "

"Fantasy zone." Xiao Ran squinted his eyes. The third zone of Prometheus is still shrouded in mystery. As for the fantasy department, Xiao Ran has certainly performed it, but never really entered it. I ’ve never been to the fantasy zone, and I do n’t even know what the fantasy zone looks like. Even with a 50% chance of using a cross-zone mission card, I have entered the super zone again and again. Xiao Ran has always been curious about the fantasy zone. Fantasy Zone intelligence is of course also important to the Legion.

Common territories are just like legion camp territories, except that the legion camp territories belong to the legion, and the common territories belong to the parliament. The common territories are a very special world, a vast and unmarked universe, and only the first fifty legions can The place of experience is a world that looks real and fantasy.

According to Cruzer's observation, the common territory is a completely unknown world, which means that there are no known plots, but there are countless local forces, strong and weak, and countless ms and warships. There are various messy biological weapons.

No one can get any technology from the common territory, because even if they get the stuff that is also common to the Legion Council, no one can bring any body out of the common territory. Even if it comes out, it still belongs to the Legion Council. If there is a goal, destroying a local power in a common territory will get a certain reward given by Prometheus, and part of this reward will become the harvest of that legion, some will belong to the Legion Council, and some will be allocated to the top five Seats.

Xiao Ran had known about common territories for a long time, but he has n’t really stepped into common territories until now. He did n’t really have much interest, but now Eich tells him that the meeting will discuss some common territories. Let Xiao Ran have some interest.

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