Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2749: Spectacular horror fantasy zone

Both sides of the transaction returned with satisfaction. Todd got the inheritance he needed. Although it was only one-time and can only be used by two people, a technology that was not good for Todd could be exchanged for two copies. Improving the legacy of hard power is already a very good thing.

The infinite inheritance of technology is priceless. Prometheus is still a place to look at strength in the end. The stronger the strength, the more you can get. If you can't improve the strength, how many things you have now will eventually become someone else. Two inheritances are worth it, is it expensive? Of course it's expensive, but Todd's technology is not cheap. It can only be said that he got what he was satisfied with, and Xiao Ran got what he needed.

For Xiao Ran, the two professional cards are precious but not unique. There are still many professional cards in the Burning Legion, but they are not just the professional cards of World of Warcraft, but the professional cards of World of Warcraft are In terms of more than that.

Like Xiao Ran's thought at the beginning, Todd's trading technology was a system. It was barely complete. At that time, it was thrown to the technical department to study and simplify the application in the space containing device. You can't configure everyone with how much they can play in actual combat.

But Xiao Ran feels that this is not a real gain. The real gain is to successfully meet the Enlightened Legion and let them enter the suit. It is just that two professional cards are exchanged for the opponent ’s suit. In the future, they may be tied to the chariot. It may be worth it.

After leaving Todd, Xiao Ran immediately returned to the ship's territory without delay. Xiao Ran felt that no rest period would feel as busy and complicated as this rest period.

Hades and Xiao Ran didn't bother to leave when they went back together, closed their eyes in Xiao Ran's study, and looked at Xiao Ran's appearance. Hades knew that he might be called back even if he left now. .

Xiao Ran paced back and forth in the study room without worrying about Hardis. He kept thinking about the information that had previously been sold to him anonymously. There was a lot of hidden content in that information, and he had to carefully comb it to dig out more accurate and detailed information. Just come out.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Ran made people call Uzes, Kiliam, Cruze, Bai Hechou, and Luo.

When people come, you will see me when you are sitting. I do n’t know what Xiao Ran is going to do.

Xiao Ran first threw the transaction technology to Luo: "This new technology transaction came over. You look at it."

"Um." Luo didn't think there was anything. He took the technology and put it away.

Xiao Ran said, "This time I called you because of some circumstances, and Cruze should probably guess what it is."

Cruzer nodded, after all, it was he who pushed Xiao Ran to buy the information in Fantasy Zone. Xiao Ran must have gathered these people now because of something wrong with the information he bought.

Xiao Ran said, "Today I bought a piece of intelligence worth 100 million battle points, about the fantasy district."

The crowd was a little more serious. Xiao Ran's call for them would definitely not be because of the purchase of this hundred million battle points, and the purchased information would certainly be simple, so Xiao Ran needed to hand them over to discuss rather than at a collective meeting. The direct public discussion also shows that this intelligence of 100 million battle points may be very special or shocking. In short, there must be a problem.

Everyone did not interrupt Xiao Ran, even Hades opened his glasses and looked at Xiao Ran.

"It is well known that Prometheus is composed of a real zone, a super zone and a fantasy zone, but we have never known anything about the fantasy zone, and even failed to go to the fantasy zone even with the cross-zone mission card, and the reason is that now the fantasy zone It's long gone, it's gone. "

"The person who sold the information to me was the No. 1 legion leader. The content is that the fantasy zone has disappeared. The fantasy zone and the super zone, the real zone are completely different. That is a huge and complete independent world, and it is also extremely chaotic. In the world, there are no tasks that must be performed, and what you need to obtain depends on your own hands. There is a huge hunting ground where countless participants hunt everything to improve themselves. "

"There was a future and another beginning there, but the fantasy district was lost forever because of a revolt and defeat."

Xiao Ran said that he paused here and said, "This is the other party's original words. Just a few hundred million points of military skill in these words. I personally think that there are many and many hidden things in these words, but in fact, they have not given everything Speaking out, calling you over is for you to analyze it first, and then to inform all the core members of this matter. "

Cruzer's face was contemplative, Shirakawa was frowning slightly, and Kiriam was also thinking. Only Uzes' eyes rolled around and said: "It's interesting, there are a lot of news revealed, the simplest is You can understand that the fantasy zone and the real zone now, the super zone is a completely different mechanism. "

Kiliam said: "A huge and complete independent world, this sentence is well understood, maybe an infinite and vast giant universe, extremely chaotic means that the fantasy zone is not safe and there are many dangers, even participants and participants. There are also infinite conflicts. "

Bai Hechou said: "I pay more attention to another sentence, where the future was another start, and whose future is what another start is, will it be the participants, such as us?"

"I always thought that the current level of pilots could be so leisurely, it should not be just that Prometheus was protecting the level pilots. We should have the ability to grow infinitely, but now we have lost a more direct ascent channel. No, this channel is the fantasy zone. Because the fantasy zone is lost, the absence of this channel also causes the pilot to become a bit idle. "

"Is it possible to get access to the fantasy zone after reaching the level?"

Cruzer looked up and said, "Share territory."

Xiao Ran raised his finger and said, "It's this, it's a bit like this. My first feeling is a bit like a common territory, a huge chaotic universe, and then there are countless civilizations and aboriginal people. Division-to-level pilots exist in that huge universe, but there should be a home field for the participants. "

"It is a real chaos in the chaos of the big universe, and powerful players can also become one of the hegemons, a super-mega strategic world where all forces fight for hegemony."

Xiao Ran didn't know why he had such thoughts, but it was just a feeling. Otherwise, how did the low-level participants ensure their safety, where are the sources of the body, the source of the blood, etc., how to improve their ability, how to improve their skills, etc. It's hunting, but it can also be regarded as a task. It is like a mercenary who completes the task to get rewards and improve himself. In this case, there must be a home-like place that supports all participants in the fantasy zone.

Uzes said: "I'm afraid it's not just these. The speculation of joining Shirakawa is correct, then we can also give a meaning to this chaos. Super Department, Real Department, and Fantasy Department can all be found in the Fantasy Zone. If The aborigines that appeared in that universe are not just some races that we don't know yet, but all the forces we know? "

"For example, there are countless ship groups in the universe. For example, there is a King of War on a certain planet, or there is a certain area of ​​the universe. There are even dimensional beasts. There is Tiegaman. All the forces we know exist in What about that world? There are more powerful us, so that would be considered real chaos? "

Xiao Ran said: "A huge machine warfare world contains all the forces we know and may be calculated separately for each other. Maybe there is a demon gundam that has grown to the extreme. One may have destroyed the earth. Cruzer, a Kyriam who jumped back with the Holy Spirit system, a Uzes who became stronger with the ultimate weapon, and a destructor Shirakawa who broke through the underground and real world to become the master? "

"It's not over yet. The next step is Gata, which has evolved to infinity. The seven demon gods have all awakened the deities. They are completely violent. What else do I think about? The whole universe of bugs and queens, the complete army of dimension beasts? The dimension Will the Emperor of Dimensions? Countless demons mingle among the major forces? "

"And the gods from different dimensions have been staring at each other. What else is in the dark brain that is always preparing to destroy the world?"

Hades added flutteringly: "Maybe there is not only one earth in that world, but there may be many earths, maybe even you may have more than one, or an enhanced version of that chaotic world. "

Everyone in the office, except Hades, looked at each other and suddenly hit a chill, Nissi, it was really horrible. In the case of ten Char ’s, the fantasy area would not lose the satellite every day. ? Ten Uzes words, isn't that making artificial people every day?

"That's really confusing." Xiao Ran patted his head and sat down, and said to several people, "It's really impossible to play below the level. Various enhanced versions of you are active everywhere, a wave. Shooting a planet is simple, and it's really a future and a new beginning. "

The Burning Legion's posture at this time is already extremely horrible. So many protagonists and so many big men are enough to crush any legion in the real area or the super area, but if the fantasy area is really as chaotic as Xiao Ran said now, everyone thinks so. Horror. Even if the current Burning Legion ran to such a fantasy zone, it is estimated that it can only be partial, and it is impossible to have too much right to speak.

Cruzer asked: "Whether the participants fight or stand together in that world?"

"I ask." Xiao Ran sent a message to Anonymous through the Prometheus panel, and received an unknown response in less than a minute.

Xiao Ran looked at the reply and looked up at the crowd: "Generally united but also fighting each other."

Cruzer blew a whistle out of speech, and everyone in the room felt a little complicated.

Not long after, Xiao Ran received the unknown information again. This time, Nameless revealed to Xiao Ran more information about the fantasy zone.

"Although I do n’t know why you are so attached to the fantasy zone, it is not a good place and it has been completely lost. The whole world is full of dangers, all kinds of horror and extreme existence are everywhere, even if the pilots are alone Fighting is also full of unlimited risks. "

"In the fantasy zone, it is roughly divided into several stages. From the first stage to the fourth stage, only when the strength reaches the corresponding stage can it enter the corresponding stage of the domain. In the fourth stage, the master pilot or the mythical machine Divisions cannot guarantee their own safety in the case of one person. There is a huge chaotic and dangerous game field. The participants are only a group of mercenaries. There are countless places throughout the world filled with high-level Prometheus. Tower, it's not just the participants who can reach Prometheus. "

"Fantasy Zone is not just a fantasy zone. It is a place that encompasses all other departments. It is a **** and a paradise. It has countless forces, technology, magic, gods, super departments all over the world."

Xiao Ran's mind suddenly appeared a vague concept, a huge giant war world with all known and even unknown forces, there are countless forces, monsters, yes, there are participants, and Prometheus The towers that spread throughout the universe are also towns. Kill monsters to gain experience and lose money and equipment. You can buy what you need in town.

Each participant team or the formation of a legion challenges the copy and the group base, but it only challenges the success to obtain the reward, but the failure of the challenge may not have a chance of resurrection, and the world can also enter the town to buy what they need. Improve yourself.

Xiao Ran sent an unknown message to everyone to see. After seeing them, the expressions of these people became even more complicated. The fantasy area was really a bit outrageous.

But the nameless words also changed the direction to confirm that the direction you have speculated before is basically not too much, but the specific is whether there are so many Youzes or other people's existence, there really is an enhanced version The existence of various forces is just a bit hard to determine.

Cruze suddenly said a cold joke: "Uzes in the fantasy zone may not be called Uzes, maybe it is not a squid with a squid on its head, or Worzes?"

Uzes rolled his eyes and looked at Xiao Ran: "According to this person's supplement, there is nothing wrong with the east-west direction we guessed. As for the two sides who have suffered both losses, it can be determined that one side is Prometheus, but the other side It's not necessarily the participants. "

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