Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2752: Spread bait

Xiao Ran and Todd met again in the same place, and the meeting between the two was only a different time period on the same day.

But this time there was one more person besides Todd. Xiao Ran took a look and then greeted Todd with a mild smile.

Todd stretched out his hand and said apologetically to Xiao Ran, "The leader of Xiao Ran's army is very sorry, but please run again."

Xiao Ran knew the purpose of Todd and himself, and just smiled and nodded: "It doesn't matter, I have already said that the two inherited after-sales services will be responsible for me."

Xiao Ran did not deliberately make a pair. I do n’t know why you look for me. Instead, he told Todd frankly in euphemism that he knew the reason for the meeting, and he told Todd that he knew the two so-called Problems of inheritance.

The woman standing behind Todd narrowed her eyes and said with a smile, "Why didn't the head of the Xiao Ran Army tell us about the two inheritance issues in advance, and deliberately concealing these two inheritance issues can be with us?" Certain terms are different. "

"This is it?" Xiao Ran asked Todd with a smile.

Before Todd spoke, the woman introduced herself: "Deputy Chief of the Enlightened, Rhys."

"Hello there."

Todd said: "Sorry, she is my sister. She has been used to being a little impolite since she was a child, and she hopes that Captain Xiao Ran will not mind."

"It's okay." Xiao Ran shook his head, and Xiao Ran said after the three sat down. "Miss Ruis, I have explained from the beginning. The two inheritances are very different from the traditions. So it's not concealing me, nor is there any concealment. "

"To be more direct, the transaction we made is only between inheritance and technology. I have explained all the things that should be explained. A defense heritage and a spiritual heritage are just that, so at least I have fully satisfied your requirements in terms of transactions. As for others that are not in the transaction category, it does not matter how I use them. "

Reese still wanted to speak, but Todd shook his head at Reese and said, "The leader of Xiao Ran's army is right. Our transaction involves only two inheritances. The others are not in the transaction area. These two There is no problem with inheritance. "

Reese tilted her head away and ignored the two, while Todd asked: "The leader of the Xiao Ran army is really very special about these two inheritances. I have a lot of things that I don't understand. I hope the leader of the Ran army team can give us some confusion. "

"Yes." Xiao Ran chuckled and said, "I understand the problems of the two inheritances, but there is no problem in the inheritance itself. To a certain extent, you can exert an extremely powerful force without driving the body. I don't know to what extent this power will ultimately be achieved. "

"But ... I want to practice to the extreme. Although it is not enough to fight the s-class body, the a-class body should be okay. I mean using the physical body to fight the s-class body without driving the body."

"As for how to upgrade, I believe you have also seen a different personal panel carried by the lineage. This lineage is more clear and detailed than other conventional lineages. Your current level is one but it should also be Mastered the basic skills that come with it. "

Todd nodded: "Yes, those skills I've tested feel very special, but pure power mastery is another case. With the skills, I can make a fist-sized arcane attack, but cohesion Strength can only hold the size of a marble. "

"Insufficient level is a reason, and inadequate mastery is also a reason." Xiao Ran said to Todd. "When the level is sufficient or there is more understanding and inheritance of inheritance, the situation will change. Skills can use standards. Template and increase the power of attack, but what can be used to turn this inheritance into the final look is yourself. "

Todd said: "Then upgrade?"

Xiao Ran also said without concealing: "The two methods, the first is cultivation, including meditation and training, and the second is fighting. Find a suitable place to fight by yourself."

If Tod nodded interestingly, he poured a glass of wine for Xiao Ran and then raised the glass: "Thank Xiao Ran's leader for your confusion. This inheritance is really special. I am really surprised."

Xiao Ran raised his glass with a smile and raised it: "I'm sorry to sell it to you if it's not special. If it's not strong, I won't take it out, otherwise it's too bad for me to burn the Legion."

"I don't know how many people in your army have such a heritage?" Todd asked the question before he realized the apology and smiled. "Sorry, I shouldn't ask such a question."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter to tell you." Xiao Ran didn't care too much, or he just wanted to tell Todd: "Many but not many. The same inheritance and different templates are also considered precious in our army. Ordinary members can learn, and most of the members who can obtain this heritage have their own heritage and ideas, and they don't care much about this inheritance. "

Todd nodded, not knowing what was in his mind at this moment. After a moment of silence, Todd asked: "Captain Xiao Ran, I still have a question that is not clear about this inheritance. These two Inheritance is not yet reflected in us, but what can I do to really apply it in battle after the future is strong, I feel that this and the pilot are completely different concepts, and there does not seem to be a suitable method. To connect them. "

"Of course there is a way, but this is not the content of our transaction." Xiao Ran said with a smile. "It doesn't matter to tell the two. I have complete literature on hand to allow you to further master and learn more ability of inheritance. In addition, In addition, the Burning Legion also masters the modification of the body, which can make your body perfectly fit your current abilities as well as assembly. You can also use the magic of the mage and the various abilities of the Paladin when driving the body. "

Xiao Ran looked at Todd, and Todd also looked at Xiao Ran. The smiles on the two faces were similar but different, and Todd eventually just raised his glass towards Xiao Ran and said, "Head of Xiao Ran Army, you really did A good business. "

"You're welcome." Xiao Ran smiled and said, "But the inheritance itself is not a problem. If the Todd Regiment leader has any concerns, he can naturally master the various abilities of the inheritance by himself. This inheritance will surely bring it to two people. Corresponding attribute changes and special skills unique to Prometheus. "

"But if you want to achieve a one plus one greater than two, then of course we can't get around our Burning Legion."

"The leader of Xiao Ran's army is very direct and frank." Todd said with a smile: "It is true that there is no problem in the transaction itself, and there is no problem in inheritance. It is really my personal choice to want to go further. What conditions do we need to pay to go further What about? "

"Of course, only true friends can go further. There are many things that I have opened for real allies and only for real allies." Xiao Ran took a sip of wine and put the cup down. "After all, these inheritances are special and also It is very powerful. Although we have concluded a deal and determined the terms of non-enemy, I am also responsible for all members of my army. "

Todd said, "Like the Cuimeng Army?"

Xiao Ran smiled: "They did arrange some people to study in my legion but it is something else. The legion of my legion is not only two or three. After they digested briefly, I believe they should get a lot Ascension, the Burning Legion is completely open to true friends. "

Rais asked, "I don't know how far it will be to become a true friend of the Burning Legion."

"Aren't we already friends?" Xiao Ran didn't answer, but asked back.

"Oh," Todd smiled. "We are indeed friends of the Burning Legion."

Xiao Ran stood up and said, "If you have time, I invite you to the Burning Legion as a guest. By the way, you can see what the future of your inheritance looks like."

"My pleasure."

Xiao Ran brought the two back to the ship regiment, and then took them directly to the secret army and called them out. There were many professional cards brought by Xiao Ran from another world, but related literature and books There are more. Although the professional cards have not been released on a large scale, the Secret Armed Forces has used some professional cards for reference for research. Today the Secret Armed Forces can already cultivate corresponding ones without using professional cards. Occupation, but not all.

Of course, the two people arranged by the Secret Military Department will be the two people who have made the most progress in their vocational studies. Although Xiao Ran didn't say what to call them, it is not difficult for them to guess Xiao Ran's purpose.

Two people, one with a robe holding a staff, and one with a full-body armor holding a one-handed sword and a shield. The equipment they wore on their eyes made them look unusual.

"Master Xiao Ran."

"Well, these two are guests of other legions, and they have mastered the inheritance of mages and paladins. You two will show them."

"Yes, Lord Xiao Ran."

The first display is the Paladin, which is to throw out all the skills he has mastered and then mainly show the invincible skill, and the mage's look is a bit of performing meaning in it, the ice and fire arcane non-stop Transformation, but the most used is still in the frost area, and it is quite special to use skills such as teleporting ice shields.

But this is not the whole of the performance. In the latter two people, they also drove the machine specially made for the Secret Armed Forces to learn and teach. The skills were used once and the adaptation of the body also played a role. After the level of ability, Todd and Reese can also be considered to have an understanding of their inheritance, especially Todd, is also very interested in the giant elemental giant who is summoned after driving the body, although the combat power is not high but It is already very good as a supplement.

After the people who came to perform left, Todd also yawned slightly towards Xiao Ran, covering his chest: "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome, this is part of the after-sales service." Xiao Ran waved his hand and didn't care, looking at Todd with a smile on his face.

The fishing bait has been sprinkled but has not been able to close the net. It is not Xiao Ran's purpose to simply let Todd and this girl named Reese enter the net, so that the entire Enlightenment Corps can enter the net.

"I'll show you around." Xiao Ran raised his hand to draw a guise, and took them deeper into the Secret Armed Forces and introduced them to them: "This is the Secret Armed Forces Department, the place where our legions inherit and teach. I don't come here often. But it's barely familiar. "

The Secret Military Department is not just a building, but it occupies a very large area. In fact, it is also responsible for the tasks of the participants' courses, but it is not necessary to introduce too much to Todd.

After bringing Todd and Swiss ribbon to a high ground with a good view, Xiao Ran raised his finger in one direction: "The places you see in front of you are the Secret Armed Forces. Different areas are different training sites of different traditions. There are in the Burning Legion. Qualified people can come to the Secret Armed Forces to study, not only the participants but also the indigenous people of our territory. "

"There is martial arts over there, Kendo over the other side, and then there is another type of magic."

Todd and Reese looked at where Xiao Ran's fingers did see a lot of people training. Even Todd and Reese saw someone using their fists or holding a big sword, or using magic to destroy them physically. Dropped a body with combat capabilities.

Reese looked around, and suddenly saw a somewhat different place, a tree, and many people around the tree.

Reese asked, "What's that place?"

Xiao Ran shook his head after seeing where Rith was pointing. "It's also a heritage, nothing special."

Reese naturally heard the coping in Xiao Ran's words. Compared to the lively scenes in other areas, she pointed to a place that was very quiet and gave a holy feeling.

"Rise." Todd glanced at Rice in a blame, and said apologetically to Xiao Ran, "Sorry Xiao Ran."

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Ran shook his head.

Todd asked, "Can the Cuimeng Army also study here?"

"Of course." Xiao Ran said, "I said before that we are completely open to our true friends. They can learn anything here and buy anything from the Burning Legion."

Todd asked, "Can all these inheritances have a correspondingly adapted body?"

Xiao Ran did not conceal: "Yes, all the Legacy of the Burning Legion have corresponding adapted bodies, and they have already met the requirements of the s-class pilot."

"I don't know what price we need to pay if we need a suitable body."

"All-round strategic cooperation alliance." Xiao Ran looked at Todd with a smile, and said, "The Burning Legion will only make corresponding adaptable bodies for friends of this level, and only such friends can learn the corresponding inheritance in the Burning Legion. "

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