Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2755: Candidate

Todd's embarrassment and torment Xiao Ran didn't know, but he knew that it was just a smile and he wouldn't care. Anyway, Jiang Taigong hooked the fishing wisher, and put the bait and spread the net. If you cooperate, you will cooperate. If you don't cooperate, Xiao Ran will not lose anything.

It ’s okay that the Enlightenment Corps ca n’t reach cooperation. The top 50 legions are now willing to cooperate with the Burning Legion. Even though these armies and the Burning Legion have not reached a comprehensive strategic alliance, it is enough for Xiao Ran to make a fortune, not to mention In order to enlighten and Bercia, as long as it is arbitrarily drawn to one of Enlightenment and Bercia, it is enough to ensure that the Burning Legion has the highest voice in the Legion Parliament and even the five-member Parliament.

He is not in a hurry to get everything done during this rest period, and to maintain the relationship will sooner or later achieve the goal.

As for Anonymous and his Legion, the world says that the Burning Legion is mysterious, but Xiao Ran feels that Anonymous is even more mysterious. Maybe the guy may have moved from the fantasy area to the real area, without understanding the nameless side completely Before the situation, Xiao Ran thought that it was best to maintain the relationship between the unknown as much as possible. Basic cooperation can be established, but it should not be too close.

And in order to thank the anonymous for the intelligence support, even if it was a fee, Xiao Ran still sent his sincere agreement to the anonymous, a pair of portable armor and a blood serum set that just crossed the s-class boundary. Contact relationship.

The relationship between the nameless side must also be maintained, and the distance must also be maintained. Xiao Ran is also ready to pull out a little bit of news about the fantasy zone at any time from the nameless mouth.

After knocking out these Cruzers and warning them, Xiao Ran kicked out all but Basac, leaving Cruz and Uzes.

"I haven't had a chance to tell you just now. I did contact Prometheus before."

When Cruze and Uzes heard it, the expressions on their faces became serious. The look of joke just now disappeared, and they looked at Xiao Ran at the same time.

Uzes asked, "Would you like to call someone else?"

Xiao Ran waved his hand: "Forget it, you go and communicate with yourself. Some changes in the situation are not suitable for spreading the situation for the time being, and we must tell them that we must not continue to spread and spread about the fantasy zone. thing."

Cruzer said: "What agreement have you reached with Prometheus?"

"Um." Xiao Ran nodded and said, "It will not continue to spread information about the fantasy zone, but it can be circulated to a limited extent within the Legion and no one else in the Legion will continue to obtain it from Prometheus for the same reason. Compensation, and at the same time Prometheus gave a certain amount of compensation, but the intensity of the compensation was not too great and did not get anything very special, because I specified a requirement. "

Cruzer said, "Going to the fantasy zone, it seems that it agreed, and also confirmed that the fantasy zone is indeed out of control."

"Um." Xiao Ran nodded gently and said, "Yes, and I haven't noticed a problem before. Prometheus claims to be the real area Prometheus, so this time I also confirmed Prometheus. There are actually three of them. "

"The three Prometheus control the real zone, the super zone and the fantasy zone respectively. I don't know the difference between the three Prometheus and the functionality. But I think the three Prometheus should all belong to one subject, which is equivalent to the three subsystems under one main system, which is itself one, or in other words, but the one in the fantasy zone has also been lost. "

The eyes of Uzes and Cruze blinked instantly.

"We need to find the missing part and control it," Uzes said directly.

Kluze added: "This will be very beneficial to us and will be the biggest benefit against it."

Xiao Ran said: "After I confirmed that part was missing, my thoughts were exactly the same as you, so I asked for an active right to get to the fantasy zone."

"But the results are a little different than I expected." Xiao Ran frowned slightly. "It is only responsible for sending it in but not picking it up, and it has to complete the tasks it has arranged."

Cruzer narrowed his eyes. "You promised."

Xiao Ran responded, "I promised, but I didn't say that the person going to Prometheus would be me."

Cruzer was puzzled: "If it is a mission, in this case, it can be roughly determined to find the location of the missing part, confirm the information of the missing part, etc., but only give unilateral transmission. Confirm the transmission of information gathered by people in the past. "

Uzes thought about it and shook his head: "It doesn't have to be intelligence gathering, is it possible that the people in the past are actually sending information over?"

Xiao Ran and Cruze looked at Uzes at the same time, both nodded: "It's not impossible."

"But it doesn't have to be us, it can be something else." Uzes chuckled and said, "For example, super ai, such as the core, then you don't need to bother about the task it gives, but it must be There is still a lot of space to arrange how to operate. "

"There is a lot of space to operate, but we also need to prepare well, and we can't be in a hurry. We must be prepared properly."

Xiao Ran nodded and said, "I said the conversation at that time in its entirety, and then you will analyze it. There is a trip to the research department to tell Kiliam to let him arrange it."

After speaking, Xiao Ran explained the complete dialogue with Prometheus. After listening to both Uzes and Cruze, they did not express any opinions, but they also analyzed in their hearts the current Prometheus Condition.

After speaking, Xiao Ran also added: "And I am very concerned about the guardian mentioned by Prometheus, guarding everything. I have heard this sentence twice, but every time I return Guard, guard everything, but have no idea what everything here means, nor what kind of enemy Prometheus is. "

Cruze groaned: "So you are worried that after controlling Prometheus, that guardianship will be passed on to us, and then to deal with some enemies that we do not understand at all, maybe this enemy will be very strong and difficult Fuck. "

Xiao Ran nodded: "I have concerns in this regard, but I can't worry about making myself a chess piece again. The best result is to control the inferior result is to get rid of it. No matter how bad it is, we need to reach an agreement with Prometheus."

"There are still too many unknowns," said Uzes. "Now everything is guessing. I have to make all kinds of arrangements and preparations, but I can't find a real entry point. The fantasy area is definitely a place. The best entry point is also difficult to guarantee whether it will be the only opportunity. "

Xiao Ran aggravated his tone and said, "So this opportunity must not be missed."

Cruzer suddenly asked, "Who's there? What kind of scale to use and what preparations to make."

Xiao Ran looked at Cruze, and then at Uzes. In short, people with participant or follower status must not go.

After being silent for a while, Xiao Ran said: "Super Ai, at least have a regular s-class, preferably a super-ai with a hard power of s3, and a flexible and intelligent one."

Cruz raised an eyebrow: "Falcon."

"That guy?" Xiao Ran frowned, hesitantly: "A bit nervous."

Kluze swaggered: "But all the super ai have performed the most tasks, and the hands you taught yourself are very dark. Of course, one eagle is not enough, an entire beast squad or more super ai Because it is absolutely impossible for us to follow. "

Xiao Ran slowly nodded and said: "Also, and also, it is estimated that I have been completely followed by Prometheus. It cannot do things outside the rules, but if I have a little mistake, I think it must also I wo n’t let it go easily. "

"You are not saying that I am also preparing to remind you that your situation is a bit dangerous now, and it is not now, it will be more dangerous after you put the eagle over." Cruzer smiled slightly, "You threaten it , You can actually foresee this when you ask for something from it. "

Xiao Ran was helpless: "A bit awkward."

Cruze smiled: "Prometheus ca n’t take the initiative to calculate that you can only catch your fault. It ’s lucky. Its deliberate targeting should be limited to such a degree, not to mention that there may be s-class pilots. The big protection measure is that the tasks you meet in the future will be slightly more difficult, but I suggest that you better avoid the limelight recently. "

"Anyway in the team, I, Barsack, Graham, Ronaldo have become s-class pilots, and Hades is in a team with four s-class pilots plus so many s-class security. It's enough to guarantee that you stay and disappear for a while. "

Although Hades' attitude towards others is not so good, not everyone can shout Hades to do things, but Hades is not the kind of person who will not do anything, and Cruze and Hadith's relationship is also very good, will not watch the team meet danger and do not shoot.

Xiao Ran nodded gently, "Yes."

Cruzer said: "If it doesn't work, you can also strengthen the combat power by transferring two s-class pilots to the squad."

Xiao Ran exhaled a long breath and said, "Stop the task, oh, this is the first time that is unprecedented. When I think of not having to perform the task, how does it feel a little uncomfortable and a bit empty."

Cruzer can understand Xiao Ran's inner thoughts at this time: "After all, I have experienced so much along the way, and I have struggled from nothing to the present."

"Okay, then I won't go for this task. Since I have this right, I should enjoy it once." Xiao Ran looked at Cruze seriously and said, "It's up to you."

Kruse smiled slightly. "Rest assured, I don't say much else."

Youzes shook his head and said, "In fact, the situation is not much different if you participate in the task. We can all know what you know."

Xiao Ran grinned: "This is also true, hehe."

Xiao Ran is not ready to participate in this mission. It is very likely that Prometheus will follow him. It is very likely that if the mission is carried out with everyone, it will be difficult to increase the difficulty of the mission. Necessary risk, and Prometheus is very principled, it is really very principled.

Xiao Ran ’s problem will only stare at Xiao but not others. Even Xiao Ran ’s follower Kluze is the same. From the core rules, it does not have the right to target any participant. The key is this Xiao Ran was indeed a bit arrogant. Threats to Prometheus have probably never occurred. Xiao Ran made a unprecedented move, and it was normal to be stared at.

This time when Xiao Ran didn't go and Cruze and they went to the mission themselves, it could be considered as a test of Prometheus. If there were no additional circumstances in the mission, Xiao Ran would naturally not have to worry too much. Xiao Ran disappeared now In fact, it can be regarded as a statement for a period of time.

After all, Prometheus is also wise and self-conscious. Xiao Ran disappeared. How could it not know? This is also when Xiao Ran expressed to Prometheus an attitude I am afraid of you. There is no need to go against Prometheus. After all, Xiao Ran is still a participant of Prometheus, and there is nothing wrong with advocacy. It is only him who is prosperous and prometheus and loses recklessly.

In the next time, Xiao Ran really completely relaxed, not caring about the task or other things, and often appeared in the technical department outside the people who accompanied the family every day.

In the technical department, Xiao Ran, Luo, Bai Hechou, Youzes, and some other technical leaders formed a new research team. The research direction of the team is to enhance the Flying Eagle and its beast team.

Now the strength of the Beast Squad is just that, and it is not very easy to handle. However, if it is enhanced, the Technology Department also has a way, but Xiao Ran wants not a normal enhancement, but a thorough and huge one for the Beast Squad. Makeover, everything is prepared to go to the fantasy district.

How to transform this is particularly important.

From the core to the structure, from the material to the performance, it almost pushed the entire Wild Beast Squad to reconstruction, and it is no different from developing a new machine from scratch.

The first is the core, which is the super-ai of the Beast Squad. It must be transformed very safely and very difficult to damage, and it must be transformed to the extent that no one can modify it. The entire transformation project not only uses technical means, magic, small universe, or charm What is messy? Anyway, as long as it is safe, how strong it is, what can be used.

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