Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2759: This is the real brother

After leaving Kane, let's not mention it, Xiao Ran relaxed and completely relaxed before and after only a small amount of time ... one day.

It was only one day before and after the departure of the people who returned to the mission, Prometheus appeared in front of Xiao Ran.

Everyone seemed to feel a little bit dusty, but the overall mental condition was very good and relaxed.

Xiao Ran can imagine that these people should have been in the task for a while, but for him it was only a day apart. This sense of gap between understanding and reality made Xiao Ran who did not perform the task feel a bit for the first time. Weird, weird.

However, everyone has become so used to this situation, it's just that Xiao Ran ran from the habit on the other side to the first feeling on this side, so there will be a little bit of weirdness, but this will not bring a little bit to these people. influences.

Xiao Ran didn't ask anything, didn't ask them which mission they went to, and what happened during the mission, but just smiled with everyone: "Old rules, everyone rests for a day."

It's just a gap of one day, and Xiao Ran feels that the legion's technical library may have something more. This time, Xiao Ran seems to be standing on the side of the territory, standing on the side of the technical department, and standing on the side of Luo. Started with a little idea.

Nima, the development of the legion is too fast. Today, there are normal technical tasks. Nima will have a few more projects tomorrow. This is to treat them as cattle and malay slaves.

Fortunately, Xiao Ran purchases a certain retention time for each mission to alleviate this absurdity and contradiction, so that each technology acquired by the legion has enough time to integrate into the legion's existing technology system and realize it. Applying it and using it in the most suitable place will only allow the army to achieve leapfrog growth.

But even if there is time to ease the contradictions and abruptness, this rhythm is too terrible for the Ministry of Technology. It will face an overall technological improvement and adjustment almost every two or three years, and it will almost always face new technology once a year. The integration of mastery, not to mention there are many, many technical optimization tasks, independent technology development tasks, airframe manufacturing, battleship manufacturing, weapon manufacturing, targeted body prop manufacturing, and so on.

This and so on also include many, many aspects, territorial technology integration, territorial technology drive, adjustments, leading transformation of military forces, laying of various networks, too many, too many words that are unclear at all. The technical department takes the lead and takes charge of the arrangement. The task list of the technical department is full and there is no gap at all.


Xiao Ran suddenly wanted to understand this for a moment, and suddenly a cry of surprise burst into his heart. Wow, the technical department was so busy. No wonder those guys like to be lazy.

For the technical department, every change is not a step by step, but a very sudden evolution and improvement, each technician will sharpen his head and delve into various technologies, the technical department has not sustained for so long Xiao Ran finally felt a little too incredible at this moment.

Luo had paid so many things. No wonder he stayed in the technical department every day and often settled in the technical department, not because there were too many things and heavy tasks in the technical department, but because there were too many things and too many tasks. Too heavy, as the first leader, Luo could not leave the technical department at all.

"It turned out that they were so fortunate. I never thought of this before ... until it was used to it?"

Xiao Ran was deeply sighed, and at the same time, he began to seriously condemn those who like to be lazy, led by Uzes, from the heart, hateful. This is really abominable. It is because of your laziness that the technical department has accumulated How many things, how much work pressure fell on Luo's body.

"How can this be? Since it is of course difficult for brothers to share the burden, I severely condemn this extremely irresponsible behavior. You must repent, you must change, you must join the work of the technical department and you cannot be lazy."

Xiao Ran decided that he would have to raise this matter at tomorrow ’s meeting. When he thought of the help he might bring to the technical department after he raised this matter, Xiao Ran's mood calmed down a lot, he felt very satisfied and happy, and even more Youzes rejoiced in their self-remorse.

At the same time, many people in the entire Burning Legion felt inexplicably a scalp, a hemp vest, and a cool one. After careful observation, nothing was found.

On the second day, Xiao Ran sent a message to the members of the entire army in the name of the legion leader, and everyone must participate in order to start the legion meeting.

Then the entire Burning Legion, whether it is the real area or the super area, or the overlord legion, or all the affiliated legions over the super area, and even the Cuimeng Legion and Shadowblade Legion sent representatives to attend the meeting.

Many, many people rushed into the Legion Conference Center from all directions, and after the representatives of the two legions of Cuimeng and Shadowblade came to the side table, watching the crowded participants in the conference center also felt scalp and burned the legion. The number of participants was far more than they expected.

Although they have reached an all-round strategic alliance with the Burning Legion, and the alliance camp mainly based on Xiao Ran and the Burning Legion, the level of understanding of the Burning Legion is really not completely mastered. After all, the territory is so large and so large, even Someone came to the Burning Legion to take part in the class, and it was impossible to reach all the participants in the Burning Legion camp, and there was no chance to see the scene of the Burning Legion at all.

But now for the first time to participate in the Burning Legion's meeting, the representatives on both sides saw the dense figure in the Burning Legion, and then once again felt the crowd of Burning Legion.

The representative of the Cuimeng Army was trembling with liver, my mother-in-law, the courage to engage in a virtual confrontation with us before is not all your strength.

After Xiao Ran sat in the chair of the meeting, the entire conference center suddenly quieted down without any sound, all focusing on Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran also looked up at the intensive figure and tapped the table gently and said, "It was not necessary to hold this meeting, but it hasn't happened in a while. It just happened to me. Need to announce so everyone is notified. "

"First of all, I would like to introduce to you the representatives who came to this meeting. They are representatives of the Cuimeng Army and the Shadowblade from the Strategic Alliance of the Legion. They will also be members of the Burning Legion Alliance in the future. I have been informed, and I will repeat it here. If there are members of the two legions in the mission, everyone must cooperate actively and kindly. "

The uniform voice sounded suddenly: "Yes."

Such a loud voice also made the representatives of the two foreign legions happy and excited.

Xiao Ran nodded with satisfaction and said, "Many of the people who have been here since the beginning have joined the team from the beginning, but there are also many who have joined since the beginning of the establishment of the Burning Legion. Those who came in should have felt the power of the Legion, and those who joined since the beginning have watched with their own eyes the extent to which the Legion has gone from weak to present. "

"Now, the size of the Legion has become too large. We have a total of more than a dozen camp territories, with the Burning Legion as the core and a lot of subsidiary legions. There are two more Confederate Legions. I can confidently believe that we have become the number one for Prometheus, the undisputed number one, and so is our strength. "

"But because of this, the less we can take it lightly, we need to become stronger and greater, we can not fight but always keep people in awe, and we have the ability to have problems in any part of such a huge body To make up and have the ability to handle. "

"But why do we have problems in some links? Why can't we avoid them from the beginning?"

"Although we have unified planning and unified management today, this is not enough. It is not enough. The core management system we have adopted is very good, but there are still places that can be supplemented. So I need to The legion made some minor adjustments and arrangements. "

"Cruzer, from now on as the first deputy regiment, is responsible for external development and training of internal participants."

"Luo, from now on, he will serve as the deputy commander of the Second Army, chief technical task, and development of the Corps."

"Xia Ya, as the third deputy regiment leader, is responsible for the strategy and arrangement of the regiment."

"This is only a preliminary arrangement, specific arrangements and plans, and the assignment of tasks will be communicated to you through a formal announcement. At the same time, most of the core members present will assume specific task responsibilities, rather than acting as external task holders as before. , Temporarily accepting tasks assigned by me and core members. "

"Of course, the situation of the participants cannot be referenced according to the conventional force between the territories, so this situation also needs to refer to different situations to implement. The core system remains unchanged, but you must also take more responsibility. Preparation. "

"At the same time, I also hope that everyone can improve their strength faster and more steadily. To this end, I will also reorganize a new assessment rule to specifically measure the improvement of each person's strength with the increase in combat power index. To the extent that even higher-ranking people will be given more resources and privileges, even small-ranking people will be punished. "

"Everyone is the same, even the core members are no exception, and punishment will be very interesting and definitely fun, and you should believe that the punishment measures of the Legion will definitely be more interesting than anyone, so I hope you Let me see your growth every time, and I trust you, because no one of you has let me down by touching the fish. "

"The Legion will also have a series of huge moves and arrangements. You must keep up with the Legion ’s actions so that your forces can really help the Legion. Our goal is to be a member of the s level. The Legion has blood and resources. With the ability and heritage, to become an s-class pilot and a myth-class pilot, all the resources are available, so that you can't grow up, then you can try the taste of being bitten by a dog, understand? "


"It's better to do that, anyway, there are so many interesting things in the Legion now, you can deliberately touch the fish and feel the feeling, or each person can give you a geass, I believe you will be very conscious."

Many people's throats couldn't help moving up and down after Xiao Ran had spoken. It was terrible, terrible. The training tasks and curriculum tasks of the Legion were already terrible, although they were used to training courses. But Xiao Ran now clearly tells everyone that he is dissatisfied with the speed at which everyone's strength is increasing, so they will be required to be stricter next.

They are participants, are participants, are participants, the important thing is to say three times, not students or members of the military academy, ohh, no, it seems appropriate to use 嘤 嘤 嘤 here.

Xiao Ran with a smile, looking at the scalp of the countless members sitting in the conference center feels very comfortable, you group of slag, I have struggled with your group of **** for so long I personally became an s-class. Now Lao Tzu has been spotted by Prometheus. Everyone is a brother. I can only touch fish here, so you can only work hard.

The representatives of the Cuimeng Army and the Shadowblade Army once again felt Xiao Ran's horror, and they also felt the strange atmosphere in the Burning Legion and the fierce fighting spirit of the fighting. Up.

"Another thing, the Legion will now start to increase the training of members to the technology. I can tell you that the treatment will be better, and the requirements in other areas will be appropriately reduced. After the meeting, members with technical qualifications will themselves Sign up at the technical department. "

"At the same time, I requested the technical department to double in size within three years, and all staff in the technical department were treated better. We must ensure that all technical personnel have weekly relaxation and rest periods. One or two relaxation trips must be arranged each year. Everyone cooperates. "

Xiao Ran's gaze swept away from Uzes, Ingram, Shirakawa and others at this time. Suddenly these people thought about the feeling of scalp tingling and vest cooling the day before, and then each expression was deep. Nodded.

Cruze originally wanted to laugh, but when he thought of what Xiao Ran said at the beginning, he arranged the position of the first deputy commander directly, and a cool voice sounded in his heart. Both began to rush, and then the two looked at the other core members, the look, the expression, green and greedy.

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