Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2764: I don't know how long my face is

"Oh." Xiao Ran laughed suddenly, raised her hand and shook her finger: "Barsac, sometimes you suddenly feel really alert, even though the thing you just said should be like I thought before That matter has nothing to do with it, but it's also unclear whether there will be any relationship here. "

"After all, there are so many precedents for this matter." Xiao Ran narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "But I think at least what happened to me is not the case, at least the moment it should have not changed. Past my memory. "

Xiao Ran put his hands on the table, his expression gradually became serious: "But the thing that Basak just said is a problem that we always know but we always ignore again. It can affect our memory."

"I do n’t know why we ignore it. We never care about it, or we are already accustomed to it. I think this is normal for confidentiality, or because it instills the thoughts and ideas we have to get used to. That is terrible, because it can implant a thought into our hearts, it only needs a simple thought, and that thought will sooner or later grow into the devil inside us. "

No one had noticed this problem the moment before, but Basak suddenly said such a word, like a flash of lightning, which broke into everyone's heart. The quick-responders have already thought of what Xiao Ran said, and they also think of it. Many more things.

If Prometheus does have an idea, if it is to make them feel a little dissatisfied with Xiao Ran, it can be dissatisfaction in various situations and meanings, then can these people control this idea again? Restraint himself and never hurt Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran sighed softly: "In fact, the so-called designated follower is not because of a thought."

"Barsac." Cruzer looked at Barsac and nodded at him: "It's rare that you're a bit special."

Basak was aggressive, but when he saw everyone expressing sighs and praises on his face, he nodded and smiled rather stubbornly, saying, "I am still so nb."

Cruzer said to everyone: "We have to deal with this problem, and we must not let this be a self-detonating bomb inside us."

"But there are problems," Uzes said. "As a high minder, uh, a high minder with some special abilities, I may not be the best at the soul, but I also know enough, but I We don't realize what kind of method Prometheus used to affect our memories. "

"Unable to confirm this method and method, then we cannot find a corresponding method for defense. What I want to say is that if the Prometheus method is so universal, it is very likely that it will become a bomb for us, even if It may have rules that do not allow biased thoughts to be implanted in the participants' brains, but we cannot help but beware that it will do so suddenly one day. "

"The more things get into this kind of time," Xiao Ran exhaled softly and laughed, "but fortunately at this time, the more problems that erupt at this time, the better it is for us, because we There is more time to deal with all these outbreaks slowly, until one by one. "

Cruzer said: "The most important question now is how do we check, how do we check whether we are affected, how to guard against this means, the soul or the memory, or the heart, things like thoughts and thoughts exist It doesn't exist, it's a bit too dark, it's hard to defend. "

Uzes sighed: "This is a big trouble, our thoughts can influence and control that there are traces that we can do, but it is really difficult to get confirmation by implanting only one thought. Today we can confirm the solution once, but I can't find a way to do that, and it will always be affected. "

"And we should be in a state of unconsciousness every time we enter and leave the mission, and we really can't be sure if it has done anything to us."

Xiao Ran said, "Trouble is found, but a solution to the problem can also be found. The previous arrangements have continued without change. In short, there is nothing to say about improving strength. Experts looking for memory in the territory, experts in the soul, Psychologists, and so on, form a research group to determine this. "

"There should be a lot of people in the territory of psychologists and memory experts. We have more soul experts. Do n’t worry, come slowly. At this time, you ca n’t be anxious. Besides what ’s already scheduled, , Tell everyone to keep a low profile for a while. "

After speaking, Xiao Ran looked at Uzes and tapped the table gently.

"You are in charge of this research group. You can look for anyone you want. Hardis and Kane can also help you."

Uzes did not shirk, nodded and took the initiative.

"Okay, that's it for today." Xiao Ran suddenly felt a little lacking, and waved to the crowd at will: "If you have any new ideas come to me at any time, you can discuss them after you go down."

Everyone nodded. People who were okay stood up and left, and there are quite a few situations today. Everyone needs some time to think about it and analyze it.

But there are still a few people who stayed there. They were looking for Xiao Ran. There are other things to report and discuss. There are not many things and they are not particularly big things. After spending some time talking with the people who stayed, It's almost clean.

Kluze chose to stay in the end, then handed several directories to Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran opened it and looked at it. One of the several catalogs was sent by the Cuimeng Army, and one was from the Shadowblade Corps. The technical catalog and product catalog contained the technical and product information of the two legions. Xiao Ran looked at two He closed his eyes behind him and looked aside at the rest.

The rest of the catalogue was the procurement catalogue. After reading it, Xiao Ran slowly looked at Kruse: "Burcia and the Enlightenment Procurement?"

"Well." Kruse nodded and said, "They are going to buy a batch of things with us, but they hope to do it at a better price, mainly warships, dimensional devourers, special equipment and blood."

Xiao Ran clicked on the procurement catalog at hand: "Battleships, Devourers of Dimensions, and special equipment are easy to understand. We originally started with this. Although the level of procurement is a bit high, but how did they find us on bloodlines? How do they know that we have a lot of blood in our hands and can even produce it by ourselves? "

"I don't know." Cruze shook his head and said, "But it may also be speculated. The bloodline purchase is estimated to be a tentative test. After all, the two legions of Cuimeng and Shadowblade are also in parliament, and they will change with us in the future. Obviously, there should be no one to talk to outsiders. "

"If some changes are carefully observed, it can still be seen. The strength of Cuimeng and Shadowblade has risen so much that we can't hide it. We also delivered the new warship to the two legions. Maybe we met."

Xiao Ran asked: "What discount do they want? I just looked at the catalogue, and some of the items have clear parameter requirements. To achieve that parameter, it is the latest generation of our legion, even if it is with our current There is not much difference between the new series of warships. "

Cruzer said: "Just like Cuimeng."


Cruzer nodded and said, "So it's up to you to decide whether these things are sold or not."

"They really have some faces." Xiao Ran smiled, and said with a sneer: "Many of this catalogue are non-sale items that exceed the level, and they will be rejected directly. If you do not sign a comprehensive strategic cooperation alliance and use the Burning Legion If you are the Lord, you do n’t want to get more than the level from us, and the discount is not possible. "

Cruzer asked, "Don't worry?"

"Worried, worried about their targeting?" Xiao Ran shook his head, and said, "I really want to be evil because of this. There are quite a lot of connections between the two legions. Originally, I thought that I could enlighten or Bercia. One of them is biased towards us because of our conditions. "

"Oh, I didn't expect these two legions to come together and dare to make these rude demands. If they are not satisfied, let them come directly, and they will be satisfied when they fight. I am afraid that the two legions will catch up and sign the terms of cooperation with us. "

Kruse smiled: "You didn't just say a low-key just now, you can't keep a low-key in this case."

Xiao Ran said: "The low-key is relative, the low-key I said is for Prometheus, but for these participants, if you dare to reach out and feel that you are powerful, then you have to fight against each other to make them feel. What does it mean to be true? Don't think that if you live in a dream for the first five days, you will be great. "

Cruze nodded with a smile, took back the two purchasing catalogs under Xiao Ran and stood up: "I'll reply to them now."

After Cruzeer left, the garden finally calmed down. Xiao Ran did not expect that the Enlightenment Corps handed out such a procurement catalog toward the Burning Legion at the end, and it was handed over with the Bercia Legion, two copies. The procurement catalogues are highly similar. If the two legions were not contacted, who would believe it.

However, when the two members of the Enlightened Legion came to the territory before, they did not really touch too much of the Burning Legion. They did not really understand the strength and ability of the Burning Legion, but Xiao Ran showed them to them. In fact, it is not easy, but the Enlightened Legion still did it. Is it too confident or do you think the Burning Legion is not powerful enough?

But this incident also proves that there must be other py deals or cooperation between the two armies of Bercia and Enlightenment. The relationship is definitely closer than the performance. It is not like the glasses men's institute of Enlightenment. That said is just a normal partnership.

"Would you like to do it?" Xiao Ran's brow suddenly raised. Although it was just an idea, it was also rooted in Xiao Ran's heart. If the two legions were dissatisfied, it would be a big deal. In the last game, the kind that even Cuimeng and Shadowblade don't need is to use the strength of the Burning Legion. Of course, it must also include the education and education of the affiliated legions. Maybe it is not just education. It should be done directly. Only kill the opponent thoroughly and get down.

As for the Cuimeng Legion, it is only necessary to destroy the sixth legion now, so as not to block the enemies after the enlightenment and Bercia.

However, the possibility of direct derivation into a legion warfare is actually not too high. The next step should be a tit-for-tat in the parliament, but after all, these two legions belong to that old legion. The number of supporters in the legion legislature should be There are quite a few, and if it is not possible, some means will be used to disgustingly burn the Legion.

But now thinking about these is not much use, what to do still have to wait for Cruzer to tell his original words to the two legions, the two legions have resumed.

Xiao Ran didn't feel that it was a bit rushing to let Cruzer reply to the past, nor did he feel a bit overwhelmed. In Prometheus, where strength is everything, the bigger the fist, the greater the right to speak and others must listen. Directly It's a bit straightforward, not euphemistic and really makes people angry.

Xiao Ran does not seem to be like this, but sometimes Xiao Ran is like this, especially now that because of a lot of mess in Prometheus, Xiao Ran is already a bit annoyed, trapped in the territory, not even the task The feeling of going was really annoying, and Xiao Ran went straight back.

The transaction proposed by Prometheus came first. Xiao Ran dragged the transaction without giving a reply. Even if Xiao Ran was spotted by Prometheus, there would not be too many measures against Xiao Ran. Strength Strong, of course, not afraid of anyone targeting.

It took two days before Cruzer and Esie appeared before Xiao Ran again.

When they saw Xiao Ran, they knew something and asked directly: "What reply?"

"There is no threat, no plea, and the attitude is very peaceful, but the one from the Enlightenment did not show up. It came from the side of Bercia, saying that I hope we can think about it carefully. As the top five members of the parliament, we still need to take a bit of responsibility. It can strengthen the ties between the legion parliament members, the friendly relationship between the five-member parliament, and so on. I hope to give some privileges to help each other. The full-scale strategic cooperation alliance is not signed, and it is impossible to focus on the burning legion. In short ... hehe. "

"Not a threat, but I think it's better than a threat."

Cruzer smiled, and laughed a little mockingly, but did not ask with a little enthusiasm: "So how do we reply?"

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