Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2782: Execute

"why why!"

Todd's elegant appearance could no longer be maintained. He simply couldn't control his expression and nerves, enough to devour all his intellectual anger and raging in his body. He couldn't stand everything that happened now, this time in the army. Why did the war become what it is today.

What is the cause of all this? He couldn't understand why it did n’t proceed as he envisioned, why it gradually developed into what it is today, why they faced this situation without even fighting the Burning Legion directly. failure.

Even the real enemies did not meet, and even the real enemies did not break through. This was the end of the legion battle that they thought they would win. Now they finally saw the fleet of the Burning Legion, but that was enough. More than their huge fleet, and that fleet even ran out of the galaxy, and did not have any direct contact with them at all.

Shameless, vicious, tormenting them with ultra-long-range attacks in an extremely humiliating manner. They want to escape but it is useless. The surrounding space doesn't even know when it will be blocked. Any hyperspace jumping method None of them can be used, but if you choose to force a breakthrough, there will be a lot of s pilots blocking their path, storming and then disappearing quickly.

The ability to detonate the virus has left them unconcerned, and they are unable to cope internally and externally. Life and death have completely fallen into the hands of the Burning Legion.

This kind of torture made more people choose to surrender and give up resistance. In the end, it can be said that only one of his widows was left. Even Zhou and Liyan were targeted and killed in the battle.

Shameless, too shameless, vicious, it's too vicious, so that there is no bottom line to describe the overwhelming legion with 10,000 vicious words why Prometheus appeared!

The more a person like Todd becomes, the more crazy he becomes when this situation of completely escaping from his grasp occurs, thinking that he can control everything but suddenly finds himself so weak, the original pride is here He was worthless for a moment.

His glasses had been broken into several petals, his hair was messy, his eyes were red and blue, and this was what Todd looked like now, a typical incompetent rage.

He has fallen into despair but none have the straw that can save him. There is no one, and some are just more down the road, from a landscape leader to a mess, waste that everyone shouts.

Until the end, he was brought to Xiao Ran, with handcuffs on his hands, feet, and neck. Several bomb rings were still restraining him, and several needles were fixed and pierced into his body. It hurts and it hurts, but I can't move when I want to move.

He could not wait to tear Xiao Ran in front of him, and bite the vicious devil bite by bite, but he could only kneel in front of Xiao Ran, kneeling in front of his enemies, waiting for his hair to fall.

Xiao Ran didn't sit on the high seat and looked down at Todd, but he also stood in front of Todd and looked down at the other side. Well, this is Xiao Ran's best respect for Todd, the former powerful legionnaire. Way, the most expressible way.

"Recalling the appearance of the Todd Army Commander that day, in contrast to you now, the development of the world is so unexpected and so difficult to grasp. What a beautiful scenery you were then at that time is how embarrassing you are now."

"I think we need to meet each other, because we almost became friends, at least we couldn't cooperate and at least we should be able to get along with each other, but you chose a path that was deliberately aimed at the Burning Legion. I think the two legions can be united together. Overwhelmed me, but was it different than you thought? "

"I didn't lose one person, one battleship, one body in this legion battle, but you all fell into my hands. Did you ever think that this scene will appear today, at that time, I have clearly given you Cooperating hands, I don't know if you regret your decision now, regret that you didn't catch the olive branch I threw at you. "

"Zhou is dead, limestone is dead, the others are either dead or surrendered, you lost and lost everything. From now on you can only continue to live in humiliation as my slave, or It was dead before me, but I did n’t have that much mercy on the enemy. I chose to kill you and kill you in front of all the captives and captives. "

"I don't worry about angering them. I just want to anger them. I want to know how many people in your legion are willing to die with you. Then test your character, charm, and your legion. The time has come, and I hope you can cooperate well with our performance. "

"Roar, ah, ah, roar!" Todd's eyes went red with madness, and his teeth grinned to bite Xiao Ran, but was caught by the Aiba Shinno behind him, and he was completely lost like a beast. Be sane.

Xiao Ran looked at this pair of Todd and also sighed softly, not to sigh for Todd's current situation, but to sigh that the fool had chosen the worst game with a good hand. In such a situation, it really deserves it I can't deserve it, but what's more sighing is another thing.

"He's gone and turned into a lunatic." Xiao Ran looked at Xiang Yu Xinye with some doubts: "Isn't this guy's mentality and upbringing very good, why aren't other people who have suffered the same treatment crazy? This guy is crazy. What about psychological ability? "

Xiangyu Xinye gave an innocent glance at Xiao Ran, saying that he didn't know what was going on, and then pointed at Tod with another finger, and asked, "What shall we do next?"

"Send it to Cruzer." Xiao Ran glanced at Todd and said, "Whether he is crazy or pretending to be crazy, kill him, let him be removed from the club, and tell the Cruzers Enlightenment team that they are willing to accompany him. Everyone sent them to see ... to see Hades, even if I die, I want Hades to treat their souls as playthings. "

When Xiao Ran finished speaking, he did n’t look at Todd, but said to Xiang Yu Xinye: "The enemy is not terrible. The more boney the more enemies are, the less terrible it is. You can use your best to kill the opponent in battle. Respect, but benevolence can be given after the battle. This is also respect, but such people are not worthy of the respect of the Burning Legion. "

"Calculate me, want to pit me, but also want to subdue me, with a set of insidious villains with a set on his back. This kind of **** is dead. Don't make him feel better."

Xiang Yu Xinye nodded, dragging Todd directly and turned away. He has been with Xiao Ran for a long time, and he feels that Xiao Ran is a little embarrassed and angry at this time, otherwise he is very angry. Otherwise, Xiao Ran's usual behavioral pattern would not appear at all To ridicule each other so much in front of this Todd, not only to send Todd to death, but also to make Todd happy.

Todd is really the kind of person who stabs behind a friend. Xiao Ran also really hates this guy. At the beginning, he was kind and confident that Xiao Ran gave the other party a purchase list, but it turned out to be with Bercia. Let ’s choose to suppress the Burning Legion together, and also want to benefit from the Burning Legion.

And now that he has chosen to go to war, Xiao Ran did not plan to let Todd so easy. He wanted to enlighten everything with Bercia and even other legions, but he also wanted Tod, Zhou, and Greystone to die. They were immortal and Xiao Ran was uneasy. As for the rest of these legions, they were slowly reassuring.

If there is no way Xiao Ran has a way to deal with them, and Xiao Ran has every reason and experience to let the newly recruited people truly integrate into the increasingly large family of the Burning Legion in the shortest time.

At least, there is already a proper manager over the Bercia Legion. If anyone in the other legions sees that obedience to the Burning Legion can get more benefits, they will naturally obey their loyalty. Xiao Ran is not worried about these legions. No one will take the initiative to come over.

Aiba Shino sent Todd to Kruse, and after seeing Tod, who was almost a lunatic, Krze couldn't help looking at Aiba Shino.

"What's happening again, it wasn't normal not long ago, why are you crazy now?"

Xiangyu Xinye ran Todd, and said frankly, "Master Xiao Ranhe said something, saying he might be pretending to be crazy, but I don't think it looks like pretending."

Cruzer nodded plainly: "What do you want me to do?"

"Master Xiao Ran asked me to tell you, let you kill all those who are willing to accompany him to die, and let them go to see Hades, even if the soul is dead, they will become Hades's plaything. No one deserves the respect of the Burning Legion. "

"Hades, Grim Reaper," Kruse smiled, and said, "OK, I know what to do if you stay here."

Aiba Shino was curious what Cruzer would do, so he stayed and started watching.

Cruzer's job is very simple. Xiao Ran's purpose of sending Todd was clear. He borrowed Todd to find those potential rebels, and then found those who were really willing to follow the Burning Legion and let them come. Make choices rather than let Prometheus' rules limit them.

Cruzer did not engage in any moths, nor did he execute the trick of publicly killing the beasts, and simply conveyed to all the captives who had surrendered the words of Todd and then there was no movement.

But after this sentence was conveyed, it did not bring any waves. The surrendered people were calm, and the captives were also very calm. No one chose to stand up and say a word about Todd. There was no pleading and no anger. Some are just numb.

In the end, there was still one person who stood up. Todd's sister, Reese, was also a person who was unwilling to oppose the Burning Legion at first, but finally insisted with Todd.

Reese proposed to see Xiao Ran and was willing to exchange Todd's life with other things, but Xiao Ran did not have the idea of ​​meeting Reese, so Reese eventually saw Cruz.

Cruzer looked at the restrained Reese, with an inexplicable smile: "You want to protect him?"

"Yes," Reese nodded, and said, "He is my brother no matter what. He is not a qualified legion but he is definitely a qualified brother."

"I'm afraid you don't have enough weight alone." Cruzer stood up and pointed out, and said, "Now there are many people thinking about him dying, including our Burning Legion. We can only die if he is dead. To vent his anger, and at the same time, those who surrender will be at ease and those who are captured will give up. "

"Do you really think that the people who participated in this legion war with you don't hate him. If it wasn't for him and the dead Zhou, how could those legions participate in this legion, and how could they have themselves because of this legion war? Lost in. "

"Let him die is the common idea in all aspects now, and it is also the only way to resolve the contradiction between the two sides. Only by passing all the contradictions to him and letting him die, will the Burning Legion receive all the Legions more harmoniously, So he must die. "

"Similarly, we cannot tolerate that a bomb that will detonate at any time will continue to exist, whether he is crazy or not, or whether he will become our person. Only death is the only way out."

Cruzer smiled when he said here: "You should understand what I want to tell you about the execution of Todd, is to tell everyone that we only kill the evil, this is Levi also fishing, see How many people like you will stand up and intercede for him, and no one dares to do so, and you are the first and only one. "

Reese shook her head: "Even if I don't stand up, you don't worry about me, after all, he is my brother."

Cruzer glanced at Ruth and said, "Then you know that if you stand up, it will become a definitive bomb, but I can save your life as long as you name the other Todd's running dog and tell If any of me would threaten the Burning Legion, I could make you survive. "

Reese didn't speak but just shook her head.

Krüze smiled gently: "Okay, I understand your choice. We will execute all those who persist in resisting to the end and do not surrender. We will not leave you alone."

"I have thought of a most suitable method for you to take yourself to death. The beta of the solar system is almost cleared, but there are more betas on countless planets outside the solar system, and I will let people Catch you all on the boat, and then let those who surrender drag the boat to these planets with betas waiting to die, waiting to die. The stronger you are, the longer you persist, the longer you will be tortured. "

"Although you will be dead by then, no one will forget you. You are warriors, who have guided the consequences and directions of resistance to other people. Then I will throw Todd into the boat and see if Todd is the first. He died in the hands of others, but finally died under the protection of your loyalists. "

Reese's chest was undulating twice, and she looked at Cruzer, can't believe that Cruzer would say such a cruel way to kill them.

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