Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 336: I am only his subordinate now, isn't it?

Perhaps it was too late for Luo to find the warship. He had no time to remind the people in the satellite that there were enemies. When a red light beam was sprayed from the warship with the color of the archangel and the bridge antenna. Out, Luo didn't even have time to drive the lightning shield. There was more reflection. He could only watch the cold sweat and watch the Daoyang electronic gun rushing to the satellite port.

"It's over, it's too late!" Luo was shocked and wondered why the enemy appeared in this place.

The red light beam is directed at the port of the satellite. The purpose is to create the greatest killing effect. Even if it can't hit the warship parked in the port, as long as the port is broken, the collapsed port will let the warships It became the shackles of the shackles, and finally became the garbage in the universe along with this abandoned satellite.

If the Lord Angel’s attack is on the battleship of Baki, it will definitely put the attack on the outer wall of the satellite, so that the warships and personnel have time to reflect it. But now Baki Lulu has It became the captain of the same name of the squadron of the squadron, and it is impossible to be on the main angel.

Just as the red light beam is about to rush into the port, on the occasion of this millennium, two bodies with green light flashing, with a white and green mixed trail, are like two meteors that are instantly pierced from both sides of the satellite. It turned into a green light, and a smaller number of green light spots flew out of the two bodies.

In the screen of the lightning shield of Luo driving, Luo saw the dark black heres that was given to Xiao Ran a long time ago, but now the black and white heresy has changed quite a bit with that time, Luo saw the outbreak of the black and white heresy. The green gn particle shield turned red in an instant, and the six gn-bit shield units that flew out from the black shoulders of the black end also turned red.

"Is this the state after the gn particle burst, but why does it turn red? No. It's not just pure red..." Luo Yan stared at the picture on the screen, his heart was shocking: "Gn-bit can Can even the Yang electronic gun be blocked?"

The red beam is like a lightning bolt, directly hitting the black end of the black and the gn-bit released by the mk-ii. Suddenly the spattered light shone, like the torrent was blocked and bounced off. The scattered rays suddenly brought several consecutive explosions around the port, and the gn-bit was pushed back by the Yang electronic gun.

Graham, who was sitting in the black and white here, looked at the light that was blocked by gn-bit and the main ship dissipated. He was relieved: "It’s finally catching up, but how can there be enemies in this place, and it’s not chasing us. Zaft, but the Earth Army, Hey, the guy who is driving the lightning shield. What are you doing, the level of attack, the Lightning shield can be more relaxed than I am."

"Sorry, sorry." Luo quickly connected the newsletter and looked at the stranger who was covered in the black mechanic's uniform. He grabbed the hair and shook his hair: "I am not familiar with this body. Fortunately, there are you, but then the result is serious. It is."

Nalo glanced at the two people appearing on the screen, directly operating the mk-ii up to the sniper rifle hanging from the right arm, aiming at the direction of the main angel, but saw several streams of light ejected from the main angel. Out, and behind the main angel. There have also been more battleships.

Looking at those attacking ms quickly flew to their direction, and the main guns behind the main angels began to shine, Nalo frowned and quickly reminded: "The enemy ms attack. That More battleships appeared behind the battleship like the Archangel."

"Received." Graham looked at the screen and looked at the Luo in the screen: "We will cover you and bring the body back to the general. You can't fully play the full performance of this body."

After that, Graham hangs up the communication directly. Luo looks at the black communication screen and bites his teeth. He thinks: "Hey, I dare to look down on me, just give me some time. I am sure. I can understand the level of this body, and it is just like the level. How can it compare with me?"

But even so, Luo is still pulling the lever. At the foot of the step, the Lightning shield turned and rushed to the satellite. It is one thing to have confidence and blood, and Luo knows that he is completely unfamiliar with the operation of this body. Naturally, he will not drive this body to the enemy. He not only has to return the body to Xiaoran, but also Will drive the body belonging to him, the red heresy attack.

He wants to let the guy take a good look. Even if the red heresy has no solar oven, no gn-bit, no nuclear power, it will not be worse than that guy.

Among the satellites, everyone in the bridge of the Archangels discovered that when the beam of the electronic gun was blocked, the strong energy reflected that if the internal system of the warship did not give an alarm, then it could not be said.

At that time, everyone looked at the red Yang electronic gun all the cold sweat, Kira is like this, Lakesi is like this, Malang is tightly grasping Xiaoran's arm, and only Xiaoran, see The black-and-white heresy and mk-ii, which appeared in the front of the port and blocked the electronic gun, not only did not have a little panic, but also had a disdainful smile on his face.

"Although the duration is very short, it is just a masculine gun that wants to break through the gn shield unit that has turned on three red and dedicated to defense. It is whimsical."

Sure enough, in the red Yang electron gun beam scattered, Xiao Ran also said at the first time: "Ma Lan, pull the alarm, no work ms immediately attack, everyone back to their posts, Baki Lulu, command The right is given to you."

When Xiao Ran finished speaking, he turned and left. Baki Lulu nodded and pointed to Malang. Later, Kira, Diagor, Mu, Nikol and Eternal, everyone went directly to the elevator. Gennacu, who wanted to drive the Blackhawk attack, just saw Luo Zheng driving the lightning shield into Gennacu of the Archangel, and walked in the direction of the Lightning shield.

Diago, Nigel and Mu three quickly sat on their own ms, one by one into the attack sequence, and the eternal number plus the rushed Aslan sat on the transport plane before, Kesha The card and Cargill also sat on their own, and only Baki Lulu left the Archangel on a separate transport plane and flew towards their respective warships.

After jumping off the lightning shield, Luo nodded to Xiao Ran: "I already have some thoughts on this body, but now I don't say it, then I will drive the red machine to follow."

Xiao Ran nodded and said to Luo: "Be careful, maybe there will be zaft enemies."

"I know." After Luo finished, he slammed into the lightning shield, and flew directly to a single-person cosmic shuttle parked in Gennacu. After waving to Xiaoran, he drove. The shuttle directly rushed out of the launch port opened by the Archangel and flew to the yellow battleship of the recycling house.

Xiao Ran also bounced off the floor quickly, and gently entered the cockpit with a hand on the cockpit of Lightning St. Shield, pushing the lever directly, and gently stepping on the foot to manually control the way. Standing in the launch of the Archangel.

"Without ejection, I attacked manually." Xiaoran operated a deformation of the Lightning Shield, slowly flying out from the launch of the Archangel, until it completely flew out the launch of the Archangel, the green particle trail behind it and The thermonuclear energy propellers on both sides suddenly slammed, and the lightning shield was brought out of the shadows and flew out of the satellite.

A frame of ms flew out of the satellite and turned into a flickering meteor scattered in front of the satellite, and the battleship behind it was shielded from the satellite by a dense attack.

The Eternal No. had to be the first to attack because its position was the outermost, followed by the grass plaque, and later the Archangel, a warship flying out of the satellite port, except The four warships were successfully detached from the port, with the exception of the resilience transport ship and the tail of the serpent.

When these ships flew out of the port, the main angel appeared on the screens of all the warships, and many people were all smashed up, especially the people in the bridge of the Archangel, even more surprised. Come out: "The Archangel?"

"Is it the same type of ship, can it be produced in such a fast time?"

"No... how could such a short time be, the Archangel is now the most advanced battleship."

"Sure enough, from the time of meeting with the Eighth Fleet, we have been treated as abandoned."

Knocked the armrest of the chair and sighed deeply: "Baki Lulu, should you think of it?"

"Yes, I have already seen this battleship." On the big screen of the Archangel, Bakilulu took off his hat and lowered his head slightly: "At that time, I transferred Mu and Mu from the Archangel. Perhaps it is the same type of ship. Compared with the emergence of this warship, I am even more surprised that the guy actually thought of today at that time?"

"So we will do everything possible to tell us, we will become abandoned, always remind us, and even remind me at the end that I must not leave the Archangel." Baki Lulu re-raised his head and watched The black archangel, which appeared on the screen, said: "If I didn't listen to him at the time, maybe the captain of the ship should fall on my head."

"And this time, the people who fight with us will become you right?" Ma Wei looked at Baki Lulu deeply and asked: "Although I already have the answer in my heart, I still want to ask. You, if you are on that ship, will you really attack us?"

"I am a soldier." Bakilu said with a blank expression, but afterwards he showed a rare smile: "But I am not a soldier of the Earth Army, but his subordinates, isn't it?" to be continued)

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