Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 338: Fog Thunder

The name of the librarian seems to be particularly inexplicable, but it is one of the most powerful hidden organizations in the ce century. In terms of various technical aspects, even the Shuguangshe and the plant are some kind of To a lesser extent, but because of the mysterious relationship, Xiao Ran is not sure what the organization is all about.

Even in the original world of Xiao Ran, the library librarians have very few introductions on the Internet, and only some of them have just pointed out that some of the organizations have beyond this world. The degree of black technology. And there are also improved models such as Thunder, the fog is fast, the Savior is up to the improved, the Cyclone Savior is up to the series.

And this organization has a technology that can resurrect the dead, a black technology called photocopying.

Through this photocopying technique, you can use the saved personal data and memory to directly copy almost exactly the same person. If a person saves his or her data and memory before dying, use this after the body is 'broken'. Resurrection in a variety of ways, it can be said that to some extent, it is not dead.

Compared to cloning, it takes more than a decade or more to train clones to grow, learn, and achieve the ultimate goal, compared to clones. Differently, using this technology can create a body from childhood to adulthood, and even to all ages, and copy the corresponding data and memory like a disk, and then directly put it into use.

Such technology has far surpassed the numerous streets of cloning technology in terms of effectiveness. As long as you can get a strong soldier who is mature in the short time, energetic, and all the fighting skills that can be obtained without training at all, it can be said that this technology is simply a complete black technology.

of course. There is a strong point, this technology also has the shortcomings of the print, after all, is the product of manufacture, the materials and memory used are not personal experience. Therefore, although the photocopies produced are infinitely close to the ontology in terms of data, they are essentially different from the ontology.

Especially in terms of memory and personality, even if the same data and memory are used, some physiology differences in manufacturing will lead to different changes in personality, but some basic things are still the same.

For example, this organization created the photocopy of Kira. Even if there are some different places in the personality, the insistence on not killing will remain the same in the battle.

In Xiao Ran’s memory, the librarian of the library has also produced a number of photocopies, and the most familiar to everyone is the photocopy of the cloud, ndhe, and even the death of the lieutenant. Lund Gina Sahaq is also resurrected in this organization. And driving the heresy purple illusion machine to fight with Luo many times in the original plot.

In this world, Xiao Ran is really the taboo of this organization. The most feared is the unscientific black technology of the photocopying people. If the librarians get the flesh of the participants in the world before, even It is now that he has the cells of any person, such as Xiao Ran, Graham, Nalo or Shirley, which will definitely become a disaster for the world.

The photocopies created by their cells, even without their memory and copying the memories of others, will only make some ordinary people in the world. Even the zaft elite level pilots can't compete with the monsters.

Xiao Ran thought about the situation in which he would fight himself. When you think about it, you feel quite terrible. Both sides have an incomprehensible understanding of themselves, the use of various skills, and experience. What is the body's parameters is no longer a secret, once fighting. Even if the other party does not have a solar oven, the other party can be enhanced when the gn particles are released from the body. There is no advantage or disadvantage at all. It is a nightmare to think about it.

Looking at the archangel in front of him, Xiao Ran bit his teeth: "Hey, you know that the ultimate mission is not so simple. It’s really a librarian. Now you have to pay attention not only to new opponents, but also to always pay attention. Everything on my own body, clothes and hair, mother's, is not to pay attention to the toilet, I rely on, this is not scientific!"

"But the purpose of allowing them to cooperate with the Earth Corps is that Kira’s current performance is not enough to enter the other’s line of sight. There is no need to expose it for Kira’s cells and information, and there are few people who know the power of Kira. They are basically on the Archangel, and now they can only see the solar cooker."

Xiao Ran’s mouth twitched, and the heart said: “Don’t be rushing to me... oh, even if it’s for the solar oven, it’s not the mysterious organization that puts itself on the bright side and cooperates with the Earth’s army. Is it wrong to guess the style of doing things? In fact, it is not a librarian at all. Is it a experimental body made by the Earth Army?"

Xiao Ran stunned his head. In short, no matter what the matter is, from now on, he must be more careful. The librarian of the library is too mysterious. He has his own data center all over the world. In the universe, there is a large base. It is even more incredible that the ms that this organization has can be described as a wide variety, and what ms are. It can be said that as long as the body has appeared, it can be found in this organization. Whether it is information or physical.

On the two sides of the Archangel, the ejection port door slowly opened, and a UAV as a striker quickly popped up from the launching address of the Archangel. The sudden brow suddenly disappeared, and several of them suddenly appeared in the radar. Or there is no sign in the screen, a turning head directly operating the lightning shield to raise the energy beam gun in the hand, a bombardment of the mk-ii up to catch up.

When the energy beam gun shot a yellow light speed from the lightning shield to the universe, flying to the mk-ii up to, mk-ii up to the cockpit of Naluo listening to the alarm sound in the cockpit is also a glimpse Can hold the trust of Xiaoran. There is also the strictest team rule of Prometheus, and Nalo is still calm and unstoppable, keeping the current forward speed and ignoring the beam from the bolt of Lightning.

"Accelerate, shoot backwards!" Xiaoran's voice just fell in the cockpit of mk-ii, and Nalo immediately pushed his left hand forward. The beam of light that just stepped out and the sound of Xiao Ran passed by, the gn-forced t on both sides of the waist also popped out instantly, and then shot eight beams toward the symptom side.

The eight beams launched by gn-forced t-light and the lightning-launched attack by the lightning shield immediately blocked the space behind the mk-ii up to the front, and a red body flashed in such a situation in Naluo and Xiaoran. In the eyes. Behind him, something similar to the shape of two crescent knives is blocked in front of the body. The shield system on the right arm is also on the side of the body. The eye part of the head flashes a scarlet color.

Nine speeds of light hit the hook component and the shield system on the hook, and there are no more effects except for the numerous scattered light spots. After the body is showing its own shape, A wave of beam sabers instantly popped up, and the hooks retracted into a flying wing that quickly rushed to the mk-ii.

"When!" Nalo looked at the rear of the body and suddenly widened his eyes. At the high speed, one turned and turned straight to the suddenly appearing body. Naluo, who had no time to replace the weapon, could only change the release mode of gn particles quickly, and turned into a thick gn particle shield to protect himself. The eight gn-forced t-sports that have already flown out are constantly starting to move toward The red body shot a beam of light.

After Xiaoran saw the body, the lucky moment in his heart disappeared instantly, and his eyes blinked, and his face had a rare expression: "It is true. It is really a librarian." The body, but why are the library librarians **** with the Earth Army?"

This red body has exactly the same body as the Thunder, except for the slight difference between the chest and the front of the thigh, the rest are exactly the same. The different place is the backpack behind him. This red Thunder is used as a backpack for the disaster of the heresy golden honey machine, and the shield on the right arm has been improved. Improvements, but there are not many changes in performance.

Now, Nigel is driving a Thunder, although it also adds a backpack designed specifically for Thunder, but in terms of function, the Thunder's flying backpack just adds two beams of cannon. The main body is simply a pair of wings that fly against the Thunder in the atmosphere. It is completely incomparable with such a backpack with special abilities as the catastrophe.

This is also the body of the Thunderbolt, there is another name: the fog is lightning.

"And..." Xiao Ran’s eyes squinted and looked at the body of the screen that was hit by the light beam but nothing at all. He said: “Although it’s an attack that uses shields and disasters to block the sword. It’s nine attacks, after all. I can still block it so easily. I can't see any damage at all."

"General battery energy can't do this at all, unless... This machine is a nuclear energy source that uses anti-neutron jammers. With the superior energy output of nuclear energy, the resistance of ps armor to the beam is also greatly increased. ”

Many people think that ps armor is only invincible, but in fact ps armor is not weak against the beam, but if you want to resist the beam, the energy needed will be several times that of the live weapon, or even Ten times more. Just like Genesis, although it is only ps armor, because of the strong energy supply, Genesis will not suffer even damage even if it is subjected to the rifle of the warship.

This is also enough to show that ps armor has a strong resistance to the beam, but this resistance effect requires a strong energy supply to be realized.

Xiaoran was operating the lightning shield to blast all the gn-forces to the red fog and thunder, and gently closed his eyes. The body kept flashing in this space. Uninformed people seem to think that the action of the Lightning Shield is like going crazy, and it seems that there is no law at all.

"Call..." After a few seconds, Xiaoran, who opened his eyes, exhaled a sigh of relief, the numerous gn particles scattered through the body, and the huge perception brought by Xiaon in the range of gn particles, and let Xiao Ran discover this. There are other enemies hidden in the space.

"There are still four..." Xiao Ran’s eyes screamed with such radiant light that he had never had before, and his eyes swept a circle on the screen quickly, sweeping through the open cabin of the ejection bay opened by the Archangel. The door, mk-ii up to the vicinity, and his own rear, his face also turned into an expressionless look: "The body can not detect, can not use fast lock, then ..."

"Hand speed broke out." Xiao Ran used this skill that is not too high in frequency, because after getting the blood of the changer (pseudo), under the enhanced increase of gn particles, even if you don't use this skill, Xiao Ran's hand Speed ​​is fast enough to not use this skill, but now that the fast lock is not available, Xiao Ran can only use this skill again to enhance his ability to operate the body.

With the outbreak of skills, the hands that are already as fast as the phantom are a little faster in a moment. The entire operation panel of the Lightning Shield is full of hands and shadows, unable to lock quickly, and cannot be locked by the body. And Xiao Ran only uses the powerful perceptual power and the computing power that becomes extremely horrible under the increase to manually lock all the armed coordinates.

Each weapon must be individually locked and budgeted. Whether it is the consumption of brain power, the test of computing power, or the requirements of the opponent's speed are extremely huge. At the same time, Xiao Ran has to control the lightning shield to make various maneuvers. However, in just a few seconds, Xiao Ran has already left a drop of sweat on his forehead.

Gn-forced t also began to flip up and down under the operation of Xiaoran, aiming the muzzle one by one to the predetermined position, the beam launching port on the shield also began to adjust the angle, and the right hand will grab the beam energy gun. He lived behind the tactical composite uniforms and aimed at the foggy Thunder that was fighting with mk-ii Gundam.

Finally, Xiao Ran put his hands on the operating rod at the same time, and after exhaling a breath, his eyes and his hands were pressed at the same time.

At this moment, dozens of flying missiles flew out of the archery of the Archangel, and a fire snake mixed with two beams and live ammunition appeared on the other side. The left hand of Lightning shield had a tactical compound. The attire began to sweep across an empty place, and more than 20 gn-forces were scattered, and then re-combined into two huge beam emitters, one left and one right. A huge beam of light was ejected, and the yellow beam flew out of the beam at the same time. The armor of the Lightning shield was dyed with a bright luster. (To be continued.)

Ps: I was drunk today and finally moved. After I have been busy for so long, I can finally move over. The trouble in the middle is really too much to say. To decorate this kind of thing, we must be careful to avoid a lot of troubles. Ok, thank you for your bookmates. Always support, the last day of the National Day, the end of the long holiday is not a lot of people are not used to start work tomorrow, haha. To say so much, in fact, I want to say something to the book friends. Today, two days tomorrow, I can only update one chapter every day. There are a lot of guests in the house. There is really not much time code. After waiting for these few days, I will be drunk after the explosion, and I will not add it back. Anyway, I will update more.

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