Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 389: Meeting with the president

“Hey, random task triggers.”

"Ensure that Shirley Lum Nom, Orchid. Lee is safe, does not fall into the hands of the Earth and Army headquarters; protects the twenty-five ship regiment and resists the offensive of the Earth and Army headquarters; protects the Vajra Empress from the Earth and the Army Control; destroy the earth system and the military against the twenty-five ship regiment, vajra's conspiracy."

“The mission succeeded in obtaining an unknown reward, earning a reward of 80,000 points for the meritorious service and obtaining a quota of assignable followers.”

"The mission failed to deduct all the combat points, cut off the relationship between Shirley and the followers, and was jointly pursued by the Earth and the army, vajra, for three months, and three months later, the mission returned to Prometheus."

“Call...” Xiao Ran gently spit out a sigh of relief and licked some of his painful heads. The random task was as he thought, triggering different tasks according to the different areas, but now the random tasks received. It is quite a headache, which is simply the rhythm of the earth and the army.

The Earth and the Army want to control the Zerg Queen, gain the power of the worm, and it is impossible to circumvent the twenty-five squad that has begun to live with the worm. Now, among the twenty-five corps, there are already quite a few people. After being tested, the virus infected with the insects was cured, and basically gained some ability to communicate with the insects, and more and more people joined the ranks.

These people who have been infected and cured by the virus have all adopted a young worm that is their own partner. Under the sputum of the bacterium that grows in the body, these v-bacteria are cured. It is absolutely impossible to give up your partner, just like a bug will never give up on them.

Even the citizens who have not been infected with the v-bacteria have also raised a certain attitude towards the insects after the previous general changes. They are also waiting for the government's v-bacteria infection arrangement, not to mention the current twenty-five regiments. Under the protection of insects, do not continue to wander in the unknown universe. For the entire twenty-five ship regiment, it was a hard-won happiness and security.

Among the owners of the fleet, the power of orchids and Shirley is the most indispensable, and only two of them can directly influence the actions of the worms. Among the two, the connection between orchids and worms is deeper. Even the information of the galay squad can be used to control the princes of the worms. Therefore, the earth and the army are also inevitable for them.

If the earth system and the army want to achieve their goals, then they must drive away the twenty-five ship regiments, deprive the entire fleet of happiness and deprive them of their sense of security. Even depriving them of relatives and friends who have been infected with v-bacteria and adopting bugs. These things are floating in the universe for many years, and more basically no fleets that have a sense of recognition on the earth. That is simply An absolute hatred, so when the orders of the Earth and the army were passed to the fleet, the entire regiment was clearly in a state of alert.

Xiao Ran’s mission is a comprehensive and global army warfare regardless of where it is viewed. Although the mission does not limit the way to complete the mission, even if Xiaoran drops an mde on the earth, as long as he can complete the task, it counts. It is not advisable and not very likely. But at least it is also an option.

The task standard given by Prometheus can be done in different ways, but the current task does not give Xiao Ran more choices at all, because Shirley Lu Xiao is impossible to hand over, and the task fails. Will also lose Shirley. This has led to Xiao Ran even if he is willing to hand over the orchids to the Earth and the army.

When Xiao Ran felt a headache, Shirley Lu was leaning on her waist and looked at her face. In the bridge of the Lord Angel, Basque suddenly frowned. Graham, Nalo, and Malang are sinking in the heart. There was a hint of dignity on his face, especially Graham and Nalo. They all saw a firmness that could not fail from the other's eyes.

Tightly tightened the headscarf on the tight head and patted the little eight placed next to him and stood up: "Small eight, the operation of the battleship is temporarily handed over to you, I have to start working."

Kruze’s face did not have the light and mysterious smile. The expressionless glass passed through the transparent glass of the bridge and looked at the distant spacecraft that was not known to be the surface of the water or the sea. It was also a huge city. .

The small plane that Xiao Ran took directly fell on the lawn in front of the presidential palace. Xiao Ran just got off the plane, and the plane behind him took off again under Shi Lilu’s ‘command’: “Moses, take me to s.s.”

Watching the plane take off again, Xiao Ran also looked at the presidential palace in front of him. He raised a kind of thought that if he had chosen the target before the earth, then he would turn into a boat group. However, this kind of thought only came up with a thought, and it was suppressed by Xiao Ran. He nodded to the butler who came to meet, and then walked into the presidential palace with the housekeeper.

President Grasse’s president is still like that. I don’t know if it’s the reason why the heart is wide and fat, so the body is a bit blessed, but perhaps because of the order of the earth and the army, the look is not good.

After seeing Xiaoran enter the study, Grasse was very happy to stand up from the chair, walked around the table and walked to Xiaoran, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Where did you go during this time? Don't give us a voice, sit down, take care of the house, and go to tea."

The butler nodded and retired. Xiao Ran was sitting on the sofa in the study room by Grasse and said, "Let you worry about it. During this time, I took Shirley to the border planet adventure and made a few friends. Just came back and found that it was not quite right."

"Oh." President Grasse sighed deeply and said in a helpless tone with a hint of hate: "You have been away for a year, everything is fine at the beginning, the life of humans and bugs begins. Convergence, everything goes according to the plan you set before."

"But just over a month ago, the Queen fell into a deep sleep, and most of the worms left here, leaving only a part of it to protect us and the larvae. From the orchids, the worms went far away. And the worms of other galaxies are multiplied, and the Queen’s consciousness has left with them."

"This news was originally top secret, but I didn't know how to be dug out. The earth system and the army that had been watching the power of the insects, after knowing the news, gave us orders at the first time, let us surrender. Orchid and Shirley, handing over all those infected with v bacteria, surrendering the military power of the defense and the army to continue sailing, how can we agree with such a thing, so we are very nervous about the situation with the Earth and the army. ”

"If it is the case that the worm is still there, the earth is so dare to do this to us, hateful!"

Speaking of this, President Grasse also looked at Xiao Ran and said: "And you, because you took Shirley, did not return to Earth after the mission was completed, but was officially wanted by the earth and the army in the name of defection. You are now coming back. It’s really not the time.”

"I am wanted by the earth? The insect king is falling asleep?" Xiao Ran only felt a little bit of a brow, and smiled a bit: "This is really worse. So ss and other fleets, even the border group to this command of the Earth Army." Anything?"

President Grasse shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "There are some border groups and some border planet forces who are willing to support us. They have also officially made a voice. Ss is also willing to provide some support to us in secret. Because of this, the Earth Army Although the order was issued, it is still because of the tension between the two sides, and it is afraid that it will cause more disputes and temporarily take no action against us."

"In fact, many fleets are still neutral at this point, because the power of insects really makes the Earth Army and these fleets feel fearful. The Earth wants to get this power, but it also has the willingness to let the Earth get this power. Existence, these groups are more concerned about who gets this power without threatening them, and can bring them more benefits without making any comments."

"That is to say, these fleets that have not yet sounded, at least part of it is that we can draw together." Xiao Ran breathed a sigh of relief, Prometheus will not release unfinished tasks, if only 25 On the earth side of the ship group, there is basically no possibility of victory. Even if there is some insect protection on the planet, the twenty-five ship groups do not have so much resources and population that can be consumed in the war with the earth. in.

As long as the people of the twenty-five regiments died almost the same, then the earth also reached its own goal, and Xiaoran’s mission still failed.

The support of the border fleet and the border planet, the support of s.s, and the fleets that have not issued any opinions for the time being will become the key help for Xiaoran to complete the mission, and the mission will be completed with a little more protection.

Fortunately, there is still no movement in the earth system and the military, so Xiaoran still has some time to prepare.

President Grasse nodded and said: "Yes, I also sent people to the autonomous boat groups to contact, I believe that it will take a long time to get a reply, but I am willing to support our fleet, maybe not too much. ""

"But if we can get in touch with the Seventh Fleet and get their support, maybe this time things will be gone."

"The Seventh Fleet?" Xiao Ran frowned and said: "You mean the ship that experienced the war with the original devil?" (To be continued...)

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