Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 418: mission rewards

With Xiao Ran’s order, although Moses and Billy did not do too much in arranging their own family, they were all arranged in one day, and even Xiao Ran gave a large sum of money to the two. It was easy to complete the tasks of two followers.

Xiaoran also gave a general comment on Prometheus. When Moses and Billy heard about Prometheus from the mouth of Xiaoran, they were shocked. It also seems calmer, especially knowing that after each task is completed, you can return to the group. The last hesitation in your heart is completely gone. After all, leaving the fleet to perform the task is a normal duty as a soldier.

Bobby is still in the dark from the beginning to the end. He only knows that he will go to a very dangerous place to perform a special task. What he is looking at is his operation technique on the macros level. He is proud of packing up his own things and Billy, Moses went to the small major-class warship that had been recycled.

The two small major-class warships purchased by Shirley Lu have already passed through Luo’s recycling operation and become a dedicated warship that can be carried back to Prometheus. Although the two warships consumed 160,000 combat points, The real price of the two small major-class warships is certainly far more than 160,000, just like the white ones.

However, although Luo is recycling the new warships, and still consumes the highest amount of combat points, but the integrity of the recovered warships is not 100%, where there are more or less damage, but broken The degree is not high, and it can be repaired when handed over to lai.

As for the large new major-class warship captured from the hands of the Earth system and the warships, 80% of the integrity is also in the storage of Xiaoran’s storage, and it is surrounded by countless engineering vessels. In the universe, overtime work is carried out for repairs. It can be said that all the goals that Xiao Ran came to this world have been completed.

The harvest of a total of five warships made Xiao Ran happy, only paying hundreds of thousands of battle points, if all five warships were sold. That is much faster than stealing money, but such a good thing can not be met at any time.

Because the number of new majors in this world is really not much, every fleet has only one major level, and there may be several ships on the earth. But it is not necessarily the new macros level, and the warships that can be used for recycling are either broken or abandoned, otherwise there is no possibility of recycling.

Xiao Ran has once recovered a broken majore class warship. However, the recovered warships are inferior in their integrity, and it takes a lot of martial arts to repair them, and Xiaoran has no way to repair them in the mission world because they cannot explain the source of the warships.

And if you want to recycle a warship that has not been broken, you must be given up the ownership by the original owner. This kind of thing is really something that can be met and not demanded. At least it was not at that time that Xiaoran took control of the highest command of George’s fleet. Then, Xiao Ran is also impossible to easily hold the new macros level in his hand.

Although it has gained so much, Xiao Ran has not planned to sell other warships other than Tianjin No. 4, because Xiao Ran has decided to make various ways to set up the Legion. And the twenty-five fleets will be converted into their own exclusive camps, and this new major-class warship will be used whenever it is left for the camp, or when it will enter the mission world a long time later, let alone twenty-five The fleet also did not have the ability to make new levels of the macrocross. If it was sold, it would not be worth the loss. Nowadays, unless it is fighting against other regiments and the Earth and the army, it is basically not possible to get the comprehensive level.

Small-scale major-class warships are similar. They are more than the large number of majors, but each s.m.s branch has only one ship. The s.m.s branches are more united than the earth and the army. In addition to sms is not for who will sell their main battleship, Xiao Ran can get two small macros level, really look at the face of Shi Lilu and twenty-five ships, sms headquarters will promise to sell two The ship came over. This gave Xiao Ran a chance to recycle at will.

Moreover, when the new major-class warship was recovered, the entire warship was accompanied by more than 20 vf-19s, more than a dozen heavy bombers and a full load of ammunition. Although it was a big surprise, it was actually Xiaoran. Just can see the display that can't be used.

Because of the manpower of Xiaoran’s current team, there is no possibility of opening this new major-class warship. Even if you bring back Prometheus, it is more of a mascot that cannot be used. After completing the establishment of the Legion, you can return to the world and throw the battleship to the camp.

Finally, when there were countless purple jumping channel exits on the periphery of the planet, a sound that had been waiting for a long time finally rang in Xiaoran’s mind:

"A random mission is completed, you get a reward of 80,000 points, you can get a follower quota of 1. You get a reward for the unhatched vajra mother, you get the space crystal navigation propeller drawing, you get the b-level parts, vocal Armed."

"vajra mother body: not hatched, can only be hatched in the territory of the legion, the camp territory is hatched, hatching is a child's life, need to be cultured until maturity, mature maternal body can breed vajra, the highest can not breed more than the head level vajra. ”

“Spatial Crystal Navigation Propeller Drawing: Space crystal navigation propeller can be made according to the drawings. It can completely ignore the spatial fault and the time difference for super space navigation. It can be used multiple times after charging.”

"Vozzle Armed: b-level armed parts, can convert music into pure energy attack, double the effect of pure energy body, no spirit body, soul missing target, according to the user's spirit, belief, singing ability, mood, etc. ""

"Vozzle armed ... space crystal navigation propeller, which is the enhanced version of the fold engine, vajra mother, can hatch the mother who can breed the worm, what are the rewards?" Xiao Ran was shocked, then another hi Then, it’s a shame, but the three rewards are actually quite good, just a little different from the technical drawings that Xiao Ran expected.

The vocal armament is only available to Shirley in the entire squad, and the enhanced version of the fold engine is said to be some of the current. It is not very useful for Xiaoran, but can hatch the mother of the worm, and can hatch the red worm at the head level. It’s not very useful for Xiao Ran, but it also limits the ability to find a nest for the mother to use, and what level of bugs are at the head level, at most c level, what is more useful for hatching, and Xiao Ran believes that every hatching of a worm will definitely consume a certain amount of resources.

I licked my head and made a voice again in my mind:

"Please specify an unlimited number of followers."

"Bobie Marg."

"The number of followers has been determined, and Bobby Marg has been converted to followers."

"You can choose to return to Prometheus immediately or return after twenty-four hours."

"Return after twenty-four hours."

When Xiao Ran heard this prompt, all the people of the Xiaoran team heard all the similar tips. Everyone began to pick up the things on their hands, but Bobby fainted directly under this voice. Moses and Billy, who had to look at Bobby’s responsibilities, breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo began to make a final record of lai's technology, not on paper, nor on storage media, no matter what method is used to record non-reward technology, when returning to Prometheus, these records will The disappearance of all, except one way, is completely understood and recorded in your own head.

And Luo used this method. After three months of study, the body strengthened by Prometheus has been greatly strengthened in memory and understanding. A technical control, as well as title skills, is not a general strong understanding of the current technical understanding of lai, fully mastered a dozen technical capabilities, for their own technical knowledge reserves and previously turned upside down.

On the last day, Xiao Ran visited the former President of Grasse, saying that he would go to the earth and go to another place to deal with one thing before he can come back. Please ask Grasse to take care of the boat for the time being.

Shirley was on the last day and walked away in the boat group...

Until the time was almost the same, Xiao Ran took all the people back to the main angel, waiting for the time of the final return.

When the 24-hour deadline came, all the people who were still squinting felt that they had completely lost consciousness in front of them, and Bobby’s sissy eyes were fainted from now to the present twenty-four hours. Did not open it.

When the main angel disappeared completely in this world, along with the main angel, there were two small major-class warships parked next to the main angel and the new major-class battleship in the universe. But the people of the entire fleet, including those bugs, did not feel that the warships of several warships suddenly disappeared, but there was no slight difference. It seems that in their cognition, Xiao Ran went to the earth with the warships.

When Xiao Ran opened his eyes again, he had already returned to Prometheus and looked at the familiar console in front of him. Xiao Ran was also slowly and loosely stabilized by the mysterious power of Prometheus. On the ground. When Xiao Ran turned and looked at his teammates, a voice that was obviously male but looked like a sissy voice shouted in amazement: "Scorpio, here is Prometheus! Magical, great!"

This voice suddenly made Xiaoran stunned. (To be continued.)

Ps: Seeking a monthly ticket, asking for a monthly ticket, today is two chapters.

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