Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 538: Legion, burning.

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After seeing the skills of other contact officers, I looked up at Winnie and said, "I am sure that I will establish a legion here. What else do I need to do?"

Xiao Ran’s words made Winnie’s smile even more pleasing, and stood up and bowed slightly to Xiao Ran’s smile. He smiled and said, “Please wait.”

Seeing the smile on Winnie's face, Xiao Ran's eyebrows picked up the pick and seemed to understand something. I saw Winnie pressing on his desk. The next moment Xiaoran only felt a flower in front of him, and then Xiaoran found that it should be in the hall. The self, but in a large independent room, whether he is still under the chair, or the table, or the opposite sitting Winnie is like being transferred here at the same time.

However, after reminiscent of the empty tables in the hall, Xiao Ran understood that the only thing that was transmitted was himself and Winnie. The tables and chairs were just exactly the same things as the outside hall.

Xiao Ran hasn't asked where he is. Winnie has already smiled and explained: "This is the closed door in the hall outside. If there is something about the Legion in the future, you can go directly to the free reception. Room, if I don't have a job, it will appear in the first place."

"Know." Xiaoran nodded and looked at Winnie and asked, "What should I do now?"

Winnie kept the seemingly cute smile, her eyes narrowed and said: "You have completed the mission of the Legion and obtained the qualification to establish the Legion. The hardest part has been completed by you. The next steps It is very simple."

"First of all, you have to prepare a warfare point as the establishment cost of the union, and you will get a station belonging to your own legion in the base area as a gathering place for the legion members. You can also build in the legion's station. Develop."

With the voice of Winnie, Xiao Ran also popped up several screens in front of him, showing the introduction of the Legion's territory, and Winnie's point of a specific combat point is also detailed in these screens.

At least 500,000 battle points are set. You can get a small army station. As for how small, probably the current hangar of Xiao Ran is about four to five times. This is the battleship parking area, which is in the current team arsenal of Xiao Ran. At the same time park a warship, but in this small army station, you can park two boats at the same time. If you want to build something else elsewhere, it will be very, very crowded.

Next is a million battle points. This should be a standard type of resident. It has a size of about ten times that of the current Xiaoran hangar, and then a large station of 1.5 million combat points. It has fifteen times the size and A giant station with two million battle points. It has twenty times the size.

Of course, even if the giant station is twenty times larger, it is really a huge one. It is only a station with zero everything. Even if it is a small station of 500,000, it can consume the military power in the future. The size is expanded, of course, the giant station is the same.

In addition to size, the functions of the station are similar. There are not many different places. The only thing is that the more the initial investment, the more convenient it is to plan. And want to upgrade from a small station to a giant station. Each upgrade requires a total of 600,000 battle points, which means it costs 300,000 more points than the direct purchase of the giant station.

In addition, the larger the station, the more the Legion building can be accommodated. The size of the station will also have a certain relationship with the number of legion members that can be recruited.

The size of the station can be said to be relatively cheap. However, for the construction of the resident, it is necessary to invest in at least a period of time to see the income of the investment. It is horrible to think that the two sets of mechanic equipment purchased by Xiaoran at that time can be used. Making a missile production line also used a lot of combat points, not to mention the other production line drawings that Xiao Ran still held in his hand. In addition to the factory, there are other things that need to be built, which means that the door is easy to develop. difficult.

However, the size of the resident actually has no effect on Xiaoran. Xiao Ran only needs to choose a suitable size as the facade in Prometheus. After all, he holds an exclusive territory and is still developing. The completed exclusive territory, a territory that can be put into use as soon as the legion is built. This territory can be used as a resident. It can be regarded as a resident development. It is also the station of the legion, but not in Promi. The station inside Xiusi is gone. Once the legion is built, it is also a matter of going from Prometheus to there.

The existence of the exclusive territory does not know how much time, experience, and merits have been saved for Xiao Ran, and Xiao Ran does not know how much trouble there is.

The small ones are too small, the giants are too big, and with the idea of ​​temporarily saving the merits, Xiao Ran chooses to pull the standard-sized army station with millions of combat points.

Millions of wars flow out, Xiao Ran randomly chose a place, the entire base area is completely surrounded by the ring road of Prometheus, and formed a 90-degree right angle with other areas, there is no problem of geographical location, so choose what The location of the place is actually not important at all.

Perhaps because Xiaoran chose a station with a million battle points, Winnie will get some commissions, and the smile on her face will become more lovely: "The legion resident has chosen well, now I want to give your army a Name, and then develop your own emblem for your legion, the emblem can be temporarily not in a hurry, the name is needed now."

When Xiao Ran came, I didn’t think about the name. I thought about the name in my head. For example, what a dream, a lot of names like Bikachu and Snow Beer are not exercised. The child came out and thought for a few minutes, Xiaoran did not expect to give himself a name for this army.

For example, the names of many organizations in the animation are not bad, such as the angels, Gijon, zaft, Mithril, etc., but after thinking about it, these names are too much, and Xiao Ran does not want to be a name that is too domineering. It's a dull, not too sharp name, and it doesn't matter if it is mysterious.

Suddenly, Xiao Ran did not know how to do it. When the head was pumped, he directly said two words: "burning."

"Burn it?" Winnie nodded and confirmed the word consisting of two words into the name of the legion established by Xiao Ran.

Winnie looked at Xiao Ran and asked: "Well, the Burning Legion has already been determined. Is the emblem now decided or not?"

The name that Xiao Ran’s head has said is actually the famous Burning Legion in World of Warcraft. However, the name sounds like this, burning, and people who don’t know will feel very ordinary. Since even the name is fixed, Xiaoran’s words are simply not as good as all.

Under the guidance of Winnie, Xiao Ran put his hand on the table and thought in his mind that the same is the World of Warcraft, the league's lion head and the tribe's red emblem, the two emblems Xiaoran feel good, think I want to enlarge the tribal emblem as a background, and the two sides of the symmetrical color are replaced by black. When the lion's head is placed in the middle of the tribal emblem and the point is covered, it becomes the tribe surrounding the alliance, and the color is also changed to black. At first glance, I felt a little weird feeling. After changing the color to white, I felt much better, so I decided to make this pattern the emblem of the Burning Legion.

The emblem is just like this. What is the color is not so important, whether it is black or blue, it is also modified according to the painting of the body. Anyway, there is no requirement to get a banner. It is. I chose two skills, dark sight and look back, and there is nothing to think about at all.

The station was chosen, the name was there, the emblem was also there, the merits were also paid, and the skills were chosen. It can be said that everything that established the legion was all ok, and there was no need for formalities in Prometheus, waiting for Winnie to bow her head. After playing with it for a minute, he smiled and smiled at Xiao Ran.

At the same time, in the head of Xiaoran, there was also a mechanical prompt of Prometheus: "The legion was established successfully."

"The name of the legion: Burning Legion."

"The head of the army: No. 678, Xiao Ran, authority: Major."

"Resident number: 96."

"The number of legions: 1/50."

"Army Building: 0."

"The Legion Material Measurement: 0."

"The legion battle points: 0."

"The legion skills, dark sight, look back."

"You have your own army. As the head of the army, you can use all the materials in the legion. You can make rules for the legion. You can make the leg members' treatment. You can let the followers join the legion to enjoy the legion. You can Incorporate a warship owned by an individual into a legion..."

There was a series of voices in my mind. All the hints were telling a question to Xiao Ran. This army is his representative of the legion. He is also the most supreme person in the legion. He has the right. The biggest person, he can specify all the rules of the legion, so that all those who join the legion comply with the rules he has appointed.

However, if you really want to develop a legion, you must grasp a balance while ensuring your authority and rights. This is one of the things that Xiao Ran has experienced the most after experiencing so many worlds. (To be continued.)

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