Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 612: The choice of Amada Shiro

Xiao Ran organized this meeting. In addition to telling these pilots to obey his orders, the bigger reason is to meet this Tian Tian Shi Lang. After saying something, after mobilizing it, he announced that it was dissolved. After letting it dissolve, Xiao Ran said to the microphone: "After Tian Tian Shi Lang, stay a little."

Tian Tianshi, who was preparing to leave with other people, heard the sound of Xiao Ran in the loudspeaker. He turned around and looked at Xiaoran with a glance. He ran to the other people's various eyes. In front of the table and chairs where Xiao Ran was sitting, he bowed a military ceremony toward Xiao Ran: "Sir."

"After Tian Tian Shi Lang?" Xiao Ran looked up and down at Tian Tian Shi Lang, but it was also known.

Tian Tian Shi Lang replied loudly: "Yes, sir."

"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded slightly and looked at the tablet on the table. The tablet showed the information of Tian Tian Shi Lang. Xiao Ran asked: "Can you tell me the real reason for being tried by a military court? It seems to me that this reason is just nonsense. I want to know what happened at the time. I don’t want to hear the lie, for the real reason."

"What you say in your mouth will be an important basis for your participation in this action, and it will also affect my own views on you."

After Xiaoran finished, he looked at Tiantian Shilang so faintly. Although he was separated by a mask, Tiantian Shilang still felt the gaze from the mask.

Tian Tian Shi Lang slightly lowered his head and licked his mouth for a long time without speaking, but Xiao Ran just looked at each other faintly and gave Tian Tian Shi Lang enough time to think.

About a few minutes later, Tian Tian Shi Lang looked helpless and opened his mouth with some bitterness: "Like what I said in the military court, even if it is Ji Weng, even if it is an enemy, there will be communication with us. People, that's it."

"Is it?" Xiaoran nodded faintly. Said: "I know, you should know the attitude of our heretical MS brigade to Ji Wenjun, and your recognition is also supported, but I think you are still hiding what is not said. Today's mission you and your team No need to participate, stay at the base stationed."

"Sir!" Tian Tian Shi Lang raised his head in amazement. Some excited said: "Sir, I want to join this action!"

Xiao Ran saw Tian Tian Shi Lang: "You must remember that you are still carrying the suspicion of spies and traitors. In such an important battle, I don't have to let you participate in the action. I don't know the truth." Under the premise, I can't analyze the credibility of this person."

Tian Tian Shi Lang bit his teeth, holding his fist firmly and looking at Xiao Ran: "I applied to participate in this mission."

"You are very good. After reading your information, I wanted you to join my army, but your information made me hesitate." Xiaoran looked at Tiantian Shilang and said faintly: "You can tell me what happened. If you are sure that you have no suspicion of betrayal, determine your credibility, I will let you join this team and let you join the heresy MS brigade. I will also deal with you and Ji Dongjun. Don't bear this charge, but first, you want me to think that you are trustworthy."

Tian Tian Shi Lang clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes were staring straight at Xiao Ran. The emotions in these eyes were very complicated, tangled, unbelievable, hesitant, and embarrassing. Too many emotions are included in it. The heresy MS team treats Giovanni's preferential treatment, which is well-known throughout the federation, so Tiantian Shilang is also struggling to tell the truth.

But how do you say that he fell in love with a Jiwenjun pilot. An enemy who killed them and did not know how many comrades?

Tian Tian Shi Lang could not speak. If he said this, he felt that more and more possibilities would be arrested by Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran may have thought of this matter too. He couldn't help but smile. He shook his head and said: "You don't have to worry that you can tell me the real situation, which will cause me to arrest you. Let me join the heresy MS team. I also have another purpose. Need to gather one. The elite mechanics with common ambitions, in my knowledge, I am not equal to the Earth Federation, so the federal rules can not limit me, I have my own rules."

Tian Tianshi Lang looked at Xiaoran who said this. He didn't quite understand what Xiaoran said. Xiaoran just smiled at Tiantian Shilang and said, "You don't understand what I mean, it doesn't matter, but I can tell you that even if you really have a relationship with someone in Gijon, I will turn a blind eye and maybe choose to help you."

"My goal is to make this world not have a real peace of war, so for me, whether it is Gijon or the Federation, there is no difference between human beings. If your position is higher, then you will know me and the past. Gion's red comet, now New Gionia is a good friend."

Tian Tian Shi Lang looked at Xiao Ran with amazement. Both eyes were full of unbelief. A senior military officer of the Federation was a good friend with the enemy. Even if Xia Ya came out to form Xin Ji Weng, it would be a threat to the Federation. That is to say, this person in front of him can still occupy a high position and lead the strongest MS force in the Federation.

“Really?” asked Tian Tian Shi Lang in an incredible way.

"Of course." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "I can assure you, then tell me now, what is the relationship between you and Ji Wenjun?"

Although Xiao Ran knows the situation of Tian Tian Shi Lang, he also wants Tian Tian Shi Lang to say something out. Otherwise, Xiao Ran explains how he knows these things. He wants Tian Tian Shi Lang to join his own resistance army camp. Naturally, I hope that the other party will join us with enthusiasm and thanks to the addition of Dade, so that we can use it with confidence.

And Xiao Ran’s goal is not only one of Tian Tian Shi Lang, but the woman named ** Na Sakhalin is not ready to let go. It has the potential to become a ace pilot. It’s a pity that it’s a shame. In Xiao Ran’s view, love Na Sakhalin’s strength is still stronger than the current Tiantian Shilang.

"I... I also have a friend over there..." After a moment of silence, Tiantian Shilang said intermittently: "But...but she and I don't want to treat each other as an enemy, even if it is an enemy." There is also the possibility of communication. War is not everything. We are all human beings, and human beings have the possibility of communication. If we can understand each other, then we can make the world no longer cruel."

Xiao Ran nodded slightly, but shook his head again: "The idea is good, but it is too naive. You said she should be the one you love, can meet and fall in love on the battlefield, it is a kind of happiness and a cruelty. ""

"Today's Federation and Gijon are already crazy. Why is this war fighting? Is it because Gijon wants to be? No. In Gijon's opinion, it is because the federal is harsh and oppressive to them, but The real reason is only because of the two words, the interest."

"Some people at the top of the federal government, the interests of certain groups, the interests of the family, the war broke out because of conflicts of interest." Xiao Ran looked at Tian Tian Shi Lang and said: "As long as these interests exist, the war will last forever." If you continue, you can calm down for a year or two. But it will always appear again."

"And those who dominate the war, but are related to certain interests, they will continue to promote the war for their own interests, so as to obtain greater benefits in the war, if these people do not disappear, but also the federal controller Then the war will not disappear."

"You have thought about the wars that have not been launched because of the interests of these people. Those who really benefit from these people are these people, and the ordinary soldiers and civilians who have suffered the pain and sacrifice are not at all profitable. This is The most real cruelty in this world."

Xiao Ran slowly said, the expression of Tian Tian Shi Lang began to become horrified, and changed from horror to silence, and finally frowned.

"It’s sad. As a victim of cruelty, but I don’t know why I am fighting, for whom to sacrifice, is my loved one? Is it a friend? Or is that inexplicable hatred? No, everyone is treated as a chess piece. This is the case with the soldiers of the EFF. The same is true of the soldiers of the Jiongjun army. This is also the case for civilians. Because the interests of the interests conflict, they are guided by the hatred on the wrong person. Even the death does not know. The real reason for your death."

"Jiong let the satellites fall on the earth. Isn't there a little bit of the earth's federation? They know that this will happen, and the top executives ran away, but concealed the news and let billions of people die. Really Who are the sinners? Those soldiers of Gijon?"

"No, it is the top of the federal government. It is the Zabi family who made this decision. They are the real sins of this world." Xiao Ran looked at Tian Tian Shi Lang and said: "The soldiers are innocent, at least most of the soldiers are like this." They obey their vocation and make cruel things without knowing or being blinded. Just like the things of SIDE2, the Geeong soldiers who did this did not even know what tasks they were performing. Knowing that every day is living in guilt and pain, do you say that these people are kind or evil?"

Tian Tian Shi Lang shook his head stunnedly: "I don't know."

"Oh, you don't know, I don't know, but I know that those who live in jealousy and pain are willing to stand up and vow to bring back the real peace of the world. They will put their own guns right. The Zabi family, which led to the brutal war in the world, is aimed at the top of the Earth Federation that caused all these reasons, and is ready to sacrifice their lives for the true understanding of the world and forever peace."

"Some people want to work together to create peace for the future."

Xiao Ran said that he stood up and looked at Tian Tian Shi Lang, who had a table in front of him. He said slowly: "So, if it is you, when you get a chance to change the world and restore the world to true peace." , what would you choose to do?"

"But there may be a lot of difficulties in this process. There will also be wars, there will be sacrifices, what choices will you make?"

"Real peace?" Tian Tian Shi Lang is a bit stunned.

"Yes, true peace, the earth will not be in a war, all human beings will move toward a goal, and in the future, real communication between people can be made. If you are willing, you will be able to perceive your Mind."

Tian Tian Shi Lang slammed his head with enthusiasm: "Is this true? Is there such a thing?"

Xiao Ran smiled slightly: "Of course, human evolution should be like this, communicate and understand each other. When humans evolve, they will acquire the ability to communicate with the mind, but only because some selfish people are for their own The interests have forcibly changed the true direction of the world, embarked on a wrong path, and people become full of contradictions and doubts."

Tian Tian Shi Lang has some rumors: "Human evolution?"

"Oh, don't say this, if you make the right choice, sooner or later you will see such a person." Xiao Ran smiled again and asked: "Can you tell me your choice? If it really appears, it will make the world change." As in my mouth, true peace, if you understand each other, how would you choose to continue to be like this, continue to be a chess piece for some people, or to be the pioneer of the road to peace."

"Of course it is peace!" Tian Tian Shi Lang said loudly: "If this world can really become like this, I certainly hope that the world can be peaceful, there is no war, no sacrifice, everyone must live happily, don't be Make the world so cruel."

"Then welcome you... Tiantian Shilang." Xiao Ran extended his hand to Tian Tian Shi Lang and smiled and said: "Welcome to join the heresy MS brigade. From now on, you are a member of the heresy MS brigade. If your team members pass you The recommendation, they can also join the heresy MS brigade."

Tian Tian Shi Lang suddenly opened his eyes and was incredibly surprised: "The Heresy MS Brigade? Can I join?"

"Yes." Xiao Ran nodded, still keeping a smile: "She, Ji Wenjun, if she is also holding the same thoughts as you, willing to work hard for peace in this world, she is also welcome to join, as long as She joins the heresy MS team, and even if she doesn't want to fight, I will do my best to protect her from anyone's threat."

Tian Tian Shi Lang opened his mouth incredulously, but it didn't react until a minute later. He suddenly jumped up happily and held Xiaoran's hand with both hands: "Thank you, thank you, sir. I joined, I want to join the heresy MS team, I also Will let her join!"

"Oh." Xiao Ran smiled again, but his expression became very serious, saying: "But you have to remember that you are not only joining the heresy MS team, you must also bear the responsibility of the heresy MS brigade, one day we will Declaring war on the federal, no, it is like declaring war on those who have brought the wrong path to the world." (To be continued.)

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