Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 636: return

The war has continued to the point where it is today. In fact, many wise men have the idea of ​​stopping the war. No matter what kind of way to end the war, if you beat Ji Weng, you can talk to Ji Weng. Compared with the endless battles between the two sides, in fact, General Rebiel did not think about the end of the war that has lasted for a year and the world population is halved by peace talks.

In the original plot, when the Dhabi family had not yet fallen, Rebir was willing to negotiate with Dekin, although the final result was not very good but at least it also explained Rebir’s own ideas. Now the initiators of the war are countless for the Federation. The Zabi family, a rebel against the high officials, has already fallen, and General Rebiel’s resistance to the peace talks has been reduced.

In addition to the support of more supporters than in the original plot, it can be said that even if Rebir does not agree to negotiate, it is impossible. The downfall of the Zabi family can be said that the main warring faction of Gijon is no longer there, and the agreement signed by Xia and the federal private fund is also very beneficial to the federation itself. For example, one of them, Xia Ya promised to send the Federation to New Gion. The aided people helped the new Gionon to carry out reforms. Of course, these people also have the task of monitoring the development of the new Gion. They must also join the new Gion in a hidden identity and become an important member of certain departments of the new Gion.

This alone has made it impossible for the federal executives to refuse. In addition, Xia Ya is willing to take the initiative to gradually reduce the size of the existing army, and gradually improve the public's view of the federal government within the new Gion, three years as the first. The completion of the phases is officially joined to the Federation in an autonomous mode.

All kinds of secrets all indicate that Xia’s eagerness to stop the war is true, although some people doubt whether Xia and Xinji Weng will hide any conspiracy under this secret, but for some people in the federation, it is also vague. From the combination of Xiaoran and Xia, what Kalma has grasped, perhaps Xia is the collaborator of Xiaoran on the side of Gijon, so he will actively promote the event of the armistice.

Under the impetus of some people, the formal peace talks were slowly opened in the negotiations between the two sides. Kelian Zabi was also secretly transported from the Jiwen to the Earth. The Federation received a dead Kelian. On the bright side, they can't accept their own failures and commit suicide on the road, but they actually died in the hands of these participants.

Negotiations between the Federation and Gijon have to last for at least a month and a month. There are also many things that need to be negotiated and negotiated. For example, Gijon’s current global evacuation of the Earth’s forces needs to be handled. Under the joint maintenance of the federal insiders and Xia Ya, there is almost no possibility of continuing the war, and Xiao Ran does not want to stay in this world while the two sides are maintaining stability. It is better to leave the task and leave. This two-month time buffer. Going back to the world again will not change much.

The death of Kelian also left the last step of the other half of the mission. Once again killing a member of the Zabi family, he can complete the mission and return to Prometheus, facing the next Zabi member. Dejin can't die for the time being. Xia didn't want him to die after that conversation with him. The same is true for the Deziru family. Kythelia ran to Axis, but Kalmar returned to Gijon. It is part of the El Elf deal and cannot be killed for the time being.

The only remaining is the member of the room that has been killed, an innocent woman. Kelian’s wife.

Many people in Ozma, Nalo, and Alte have maintained corresponding silence. They would rather waste more time in this world to attack the place called Axis to kill the Kythelia. Not willing to kill a woman who does not pose any threat to them.

It is obviously unrealistic to attack Axis. With the current power, there is no possibility of attacking Axis. Distance is one of the biggest problems, because Axis is away from Gijon. The scope is too far away, so the warships in this world now take a long and long time to arrive.

The second is risk. As the final retreat prepared by Gijon, Axis must not be underestimated in the combat power. In the current situation of the current team, the newcomers occupy the majority. Even if Xiaoran, a small team and so on can be involved in most of the combat power, but in the case of large-scale military encirclement, the loss of those newcomers is simply unavoidable.

And in the case of combat, there is no support force at all. It is also very embarrassing to add ammunition, plus enough power to protect the ship. Once the ship is broken, it is equivalent to announcing their failure.

The third is that the special meaning represented by the current Kythelia is also not an opportunity to start. There are still some people in Gijon who still hope that the Zabi family will have the opportunity to stand up again and make Kythelia a Kyrgyzstan. Weng’s last hope, although he has to succumb to Xia’s men because of the situation, these people will naturally follow the instructions of Xia when the two sides are in trouble, but what happens when there is something wrong with Kythelia? Too good to say.

But to deal with this problem, it takes a long time to slowly change, so from these aspects, choosing Kycilia is not a suitable choice.

Ozma they can't start, and El Elf and Brera don't have the slightest sympathy for the woman. They are indifferent people, at least they are indifferent to people who have nothing to do with them, especially their own tasks. The goal is to be indifferent to the extreme. Killing an innocent person will not have any psychological pressure on them at all, but in fact, it is Xiaoran who is not so good.

From entering the world to the present, Xiao Ran tries to avoid harming innocent people in the course of each mission, or to personally harm these innocent people. Let him start with someone who is not an enemy. It is still a bit embarrassing for Xiao Ran who is completely harmless to him.

After all, the task is a task. If you can't complete the task, you can't stay here safely. It's like a hidden reward. If you don't finish the task for a long time, you may have hidden punishment. In a situation that forces you to become stronger. The world wants to sway leisurely. In Xiaoran’s view, it is simply the rhythm of finding death. Maybe it is delaying, when an alien force emerges, or if it is forced to accept an impossible task, then there is really Have to play.

But before they arrived at Xiaoran, there was a huge change in the interior of Xinji Weng that Xiaoran did not think of. Kalmar escaped, or Xia Yan’s one eye closed his eyes and tolerated the dark currents inside the new Gion, allowing some people who were unwilling to accept the rule of Xia to rush into the capital star and save. A group of senior members of the original Gion, including Kalmar.

The departure of these people from Xia did not send anyone to pursue. Even refusing to add the request does not allow El Elf to pursue, which makes Al Elf understand that Kalmar’s departure is clearly another transaction between Xia and Dejin, with his own life. The life of Kelian. The whole stability of Gijon was exchanged for the departure of Kalmar, in exchange for Deziru, in exchange for a life of other members of the Zabi family.

Xia Ya promised the last request of Dejin, a late man. On a certain night, the silent shooting ended the life of De Jinxi’s life. Xiaoran and other participants finally heard the return of the Prometheus mission. prompt.

“Hey, the main line task is completed, the reward points are 1000 points, and the evaluation a. The regression conditions have been changed. The return task has been completed.”

"The Legion mission, help Xia to complete the revenge on the Zabi family, break through and occupy the Jiong and Lannada lunar base, complete the transfer of the Fanagan government organs, and kill the two Zabi family direct blood vessels."

"Get the Legion Reward, Legion Building: Perfection Strengthening Research Institute, can not be upgraded, can strengthen the members of the legion (limited once), consume 5000 points plus x, and x is the income of the legion's custom combat points. Ability (primary space recognition ability, mental stimulation, perceptual enhancement, cognitive enhancement). The number of acquired abilities according to the spirit of the intensified person varies. The construction requirements, the combat points are 500,000, and the legion materials measure 50,000."

"The army won a reward of 170,000 points and obtained a material measurement of 17,000."

"Hey, the mission of the Legion is completed, and the army's personal rewards are 5,000 points. Get the exclusive body x1, specify the body gn-x (change), get the contribution reward, the new human-specific linear cannon, c-class weapon parts."

“Army building? Strengthening people?” Xiaoran’s thought flashed through his mind, and he heard the contribution of Prometheus’ contribution. In the current world, the new human-only linear gun is indeed a kind of More advanced armed, and still a c-level weapon component, but for Xiao Ran, there are only two words to describe: "garbage."

"Hey, the main line task 1 to the main line task three is over, your exploration of the world is: 150%, completely change the normal trend of the world, you get a final mission card."

"Hey, you got an ultimate mission card. Complete the transformation of the world, and make the original constitution publicly overthrow the existing Earth's unified earth circle to establish a new order, break through the intruders, and the mission will be rewarded with 30,000 points." Get two gold treasure chests, get the world's mission places: 1, get random rewards. Mission failure: obliterate..."

"All tasks have been completed and you can choose to return after twenty-four hours."

Xiao Ran suddenly smashed up, and the appearance of the ultimate mission card was not unexpected. It was not surprising that the federal overthrow of the new order was also unexpected. What was really unexpected was the second request after the first mission request, breaking the world. Intruder, which made Xiao Ran rise a bad idea.

"Intruder, what is this?" Xiao Ran came up with this problem in his heart, but Prometheus did not give him any answer at all, but after an intruder, the task reward was also more For random reward projects, the emergence of random rewards often represents rich, and rich rewards cannot appear for no reason, so the reason for the increase in rewards is naturally the so-called intruder.

"Is it other participants? Isn’t the world intruder a participant like us, but this shouldn’t be, how could the ultimate mission have other participants, if not the participants, then What is it back?” Xiao Ran frowned and felt that there might be something unexpected unexpectedly in this ultimate mission.

There is only one ultimate mission card in the world. The ultimate task of the participants not being able to enter other participants is also a rule. If the world intruder suddenly appears to be a participant, then there will be something unexplained. What kinds of threats will be brought about are all unknown, and bring countless unnecessary troubles and dangers to Xiaoran’s tasks that must be carried out.

"The world intruder...the world...the intruder?!" Xiao Ran bounced slightly and said: "The ultimate mission is to be so simple, I am afraid it is not so easy, just hope that this world intruder Don't be a mess, just be more prepared."

Because in this mission, all the leaders are operated by Xiao Ran, and everyone in El Elf is only obeying the instructions of Xiao Ran, so the exploration of the world is naturally in the head of Xiao Ran. On the other hand, other people do not get the ultimate mission card, and naturally they will not know the so-called world intruders.

Shaking his head slightly, Xiaoran thought in his heart: "Return."

All the things and preparations to be done in this world have been done. If you can stay for twenty-four hours, you can't change anything. Xiao Ran directly chooses to return. As for whether others choose to stay for twenty-four hours, it is their respective The matter is, but no matter how you choose, the time to return to Prometheus is also unified.

When Xiao Ran opened his eyes, he saw the familiar environment. The beams of light came along, and there were also people who had been separated for a long time. Looking at those people who had not seen them for a long time, Xiao Ran also smiled.

The sound of Prometheus in the ear once again sounded and the final evaluation of the mission began. But Xiao Ran did not put his mind on it. After choosing the hungry according to the previous rewards, he again had two more Useless d-class weapon plug-ins and widgets, as well as extra ten-point attribute points rewards. (To be continued.)

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