Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 756: Treatment history

When Kruze and Luo took them to the main angel, they also became more deserted. Apart from Xiao Ran, there were only three intensive people who were specially trained to fight, and Malang kept them secret in order to return to Xiao Ran. It may come to the Lord Angel every day, and it will be a waste of time to say it, and it is easy to expose this hidden secret port.

And Stella can say that they have almost broken the drug for more than a day, and some negative reactions have begun to appear on the three people. Although it still does not reach a serious degree, Xiao Ran can still see that Luo Heke was sent away. When Luze was a few people, the three Stellas appeared to be more silent or violent than usual, and Xiao Ran could even see the bloodshot eyes that had already appeared in the eyes of the three.

However, there is only one intensive treatment cabin. The extent to which the three can be treated without actual use is not guaranteed. However, the only thing that can be believed is the quality of the props produced by Prometheus, even the oo world. The production of the treatment cabin can achieve the reshaping of the living body, not to mention the Prometheus portable intensive treatment cabin. Generally speaking, as long as it is not an innate blood circulation problem, the genetic problem can be carried out as long as the disease caused by the day after tomorrow. deal with.

Prometheus has never let the participants worry about the disease. Even if he breaks his foot and just goes back to Prometheus, there are solutions. The problem of the three of them is the day after tomorrow. Drug-induced problems, even if they affect their original genetic structure, can completely eliminate the effects of drugs on them, clearing their dependence on drugs, and if the genetic structure really changes, then the treatment cabin will also The genetic structure that has been altered is solid, as it was in Kruzer.

However, there are some differences between Shi Laila and the three of them. Kruze's genetic problem is a negative effect. It will continue to deduct his physical condition, which is a complete negative effect. But the three small strong but not the same, they also cause physical changes due to the problem of drugs, on the one hand, positive physical strengthening, strengthening to the extent that even the general adjusters are not comparable, and on the other hand, the body itself is for drugs. Dependence.

Although the gene can't be changed, the treatment cabin can erase the body's dependence on the drug. Without the drug, the body will collapse. If you go to the body's dependence on the drug, you can keep them perfect without drugs. The state is so bad that it is removed on the one hand, and the good one is preserved.

Seeing this situation of the three people at this time, Xiao Ran did not dare to start treating the three people blindly. After all, their physical condition should be considered very empty now, even if they want to be treated, they should be restored to the best condition. get on.

After looking at the three people, Xiao Ran took out a box with only a big palm from his arms. When the three saw the box, his eyes lit up, staring at the box in Xiaoran’s hand with a eager eager eye. It feels like eating something from the box.

Xiao Ran also did not want to hang three people's appetite, slowly open under the eyes of the three people, revealing a whole number of capsules placed inside, the number of capsules is very small, but There are only five capsules, each of which is only a little bit small, but such a pill has become a must for the three of them to survive and maintain their normal body.

Before Xiaoran’s identity as a phantom pain, it’s not a hassle to get these medicines. These medicines are very valuable for strengthening people, but it’s not so important for Xiao Ran’s senior commander’s identity. It’s normal to have a few pills on him, but it’s not too convenient to make more of it. Three of these pills are insurance on him, and the other two are still fooling him. Come over.

Looking at the eyes of the three people, Xiao Ran also seriously said to the three people: "These medicines were originally placed on me just in case, the reason why I didn't take it out because I have a few in my hand. It’s gone, and these drugs must be used in the key place, that is, before you start treatment, your current situation is not suitable for starting treatment, but once the treatment is successful, it means that you will never Being in contact with this thing."

"You guys take one to eat first, Stella first, Oulu second, Sting you third."

After the three people finished speaking, Xiaoran nodded and hurriedly rushed to the front of Xiao Ran. He took a drop capsule and didn't drink it. He swallowed it directly, but the effect was not so fast, and Sting was full. The head sweating toward Xiaoran asked: "When do we start, who will come to treat us?"

"Nobody is coming, there is something on this ship that can heal you." Xiaoran shook his head and waited until the three men almost suffocated because of the efficacy of the drug. Xiaoran took the three to the infirmary.

At this time, there were four people on the main angel, and there was no other person in the infirmary. When the three saw the empty room where there was only one inexplicable thing, they also looked at Xiaoran with doubt. A glance. They thought that there would be something special in the infirmary, but nothing but a small egg-shaped cabin.

However, Xiao Ran did not explain too much to the three people. He said directly to Stella: "Go inside and take off the clothes and put on the clothes I put inside."

"Oh." Stella simply nodded, and then entered the back of the infirmary according to Xiao Ran's words. The three big men stood outside the curtain and listened to the movement but there was no reflection, Sting and Austria. Lu and Lu did not associate in a bad direction at all. The two completely regarded Shi Lang as their own sister, and Xiao Ran would not have any messy thoughts.

Until Stella took off the original clothes and put on the clothes that Xiao Ran had prepared, saying that it was better to say that the clothes were hanging on the body in front and behind, and the two pieces of cloth were not big. It can only block Stella from the roots of the thighs behind the chest, revealing the thighs and arms of the white flowers. If you look at the side, you can completely see the small body of Stella, but the body is good.

Oulu and Sting both saw that Stella did not feel that there was anything wrong with it. It seems that she had become accustomed to the general, but as a fortified person, it should not be unfamiliar to such a costume, in other words Oulu and Sting may have seen what.

Xiao Ran went to the front of the intensive treatment cabin to open the treatment cabin. Although Xiao Ran would not install it, this intensive treatment cabin is basically a fool-like operation, opening, entering, automatically scanning, and starting treatment. The whole process does not need Xiaoran to have too much. Operation, and after the door of the treatment cabin slowly opened, Xiao Ran gently nodded to Stella: "Go in, you will be better after you wake up."

"Yeah." Stella looked at Xiaoran and slowly entered the treatment cabin to lie down. When Xiaoran was ready to close the treatment cabin, Stella suddenly whispered and screamed like a mosquito. Neo?"

"Well? What happened?" Xiao Ran smiled and looked at Shi Lala. She saw her awkward expression on her face and couldn’t help but touch Shi's head. He said gently: "Relax, I will be I am here with you."

"Yeah." Stella nodded, and even her eyes laughed together. After a good look at Xiaoran, she gently closed her eyes, and after Xiaoran closed the portable intensive treatment cabin, a burst of green The light also began to appear in the treatment cabin, and Strobe's body was scanned all over from the top down, and on the operation panel of the treatment cabin, the whole body of Stella was also present, leaving Things don't need Xiaoran to worry about it, just wait for the treatment cabin to complete the treatment of Stella.

The portable intensive treatment cabin produced by Prometheus, in addition to blood-boosting, is similar to the treatment cabin called Xiaole Space in Xiaoran's memory, but compared to the treatment cabin, Prometheus This portable product produced by Xiusi still has some shortcomings. It can't achieve the degree of omnipotence. It also does not reach the level of treatment done in the same time, and it is also the mental problem and the gene itself. The problem is completely ineffective, but it is still very powerful in terms of treatment effect.

Xiao Ran looked at the time. The clear identification of Stella's treatment and treatment cabin took two hours to complete. The time was short and short, but if the participants encountered such a situation, the whole treatment time would be extended ten times. The more physically competitive the participants, the longer they will take.

For two hours, Xiao Ran was sitting in the infirmary waiting for Stella's treatment to be completed, and Olu and Sting seemed to be calm and worried, sitting on the other side waiting, so quietly passed two Hours, until the treatment cabin sounded a soft reminder that the door also opened automatically, Xiao Ran and Oulu, Sting also stood up and walked to the side of the treatment cabin.

It was not until this time that Stella opened her eyes slowly, and the eyes that revealed the simple look looked at Xiaoran with a glance at them. They blinked and slowly sat up with their arms. The whole person looks a little confused.

"How do you feel?" Xiao Ran took Shi Lala out of the treatment cabin. The latter buried his head in Xiaoran's chest until Xiao Ran put her on the bed of the infirmary to cover the quilt. The latter was stunned. Shaking his head: "Stilla doesn't know, Stella only thinks that she closes her eyes and then opens her eyes and sees Neo. Nio, is Stella's illness better?" (To be continued.) 8

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