Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 797: Trusted body

The two were recommended by Director Simons, and they knew that they were recommended to do something, and Xiaoran’s formation of the trump card was also rumored in the Orb army, so I probably knew that I was recommended to join the trump card. This time, the ace trumpets formed by Xiao Ran are also announced to strengthen the high-end strength of the company and enhance the combat strength of the entire army. It can be said that after the development of the main force of the war, the first set up such a unit. Whether it is in zaft or in the United, there has already been an independent ace of troops, and Obu has only the first one, the importance can be imagined.

However, Simons should not directly tell the two people that they will be assigned a cutting-edge body. After all, whether or not they are assigned to the two people will have to look at Xiaoran. It is also wise for Director Simons not to say more in the middle, so they will be two in Xiaoran. After the materials were handed to them, both Billy and Mayu were stunned. They took the documents handed to them by Xiao Ran and opened them directly.

It’s been a long time since the last battle of the sea surface. The blush forbidden captured from the joint fleet has already been repaired and replaced with the system of Abu, and it has become the current Abu, except for justice. Dawn, the savior, the fifth b-class body after the four-night machine, as the true red shield of the human stick, the captured black intruder was repaired in the Shuguang Society, while other bodies, such as the azure duel, Black and black Thunder, green storms and other bodies that were also captured in battle, also stopped at the Shuguangshe warehouse for the time being.

At this time, Billy and Mayu took them in their hands. They were blushing forbidden and the data of the midnight, and after the two had finished reading the information, they also looked up one after the other, with some surprises in their eyes. Xiaoran, especially Mayu, did not even think that Xiao Ran would hand over the information of the midnight to her, and this means that letting her go to drive the plane has a special meaning in Aubu, which is widely spread for the sake of Xiao. Prepared body.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Xiao Ran also nodded lightly. It seems that he answered the questions in the hearts of the two people affirmatively: "The blush is forbidden, and it was originally one of the three special installations of the joint army Aktay. Captured by our army in the previous battles, with the ability to fly in the atmosphere, equipped with beam energy biased armor can resist most beam weapons, and vps armor can resist live ammunition weapons, it can be said that the defense is extremely powerful, and Firepower and maneuverability have also been strengthened. It is considered to be a containment fighting body used in close range. If it falls in the hands of the right person, it is believed that it can also explode considerable combat power. In addition, the energy used by this body is Nuclear power engines, there is no shortage of energy in general combat."

"Midnight is up, this I don't think I don't have to introduce too much. It was originally prepared for me. It has an eight-foot mirror armor that reflects all the beams. It is also the highest secret of our military's technical skills, unlike Dawn. Midnight is more focused on high-speed assault ability, powerful firepower and dodge ability. Although there is no threat of beam weapon, there is not much defense ability for live ammunition and fighting, beam saber, and big sword. Positioning is a medium-distance fire-pressing body."

With the words of Xiao Ran, the original expression of Bally became slightly moved, and Mayou was completely in a surprise. He only listened to Xiao Ran and continued: "The two bodies, I am going to deliver it to you, you can also I ask the Shuguang Society to make specific changes to the two bodies delivered to you. You as a pilot believe that you also have your own ideas, and then I will not do any mandatory requirements here."

Bally and Mayu stood up directly from the sofa and lifted their right hand toward Xiaoran. They respected a military ceremony: "Yes, thank the adults for their trust in us. We will not let the adults down, and swear to death." Will let the body be shot down in our hands."

"Sit down and sit down." Xiaoran smiled and pressed his hand, indicating that the two sat down, but after sitting down, Billy and Mayou were still a little excited, they did not expect Xiaoran to actually deliver the two bodies. To them, one is a nuclear power machine with outstanding performance, which belongs to the top performance of the current Abu body, while the other uses a new type of high-energy battery, but the same performance is not bad, but also has a special symbolic meaning. For Mayou, it is a great honor to be able to drive a midnight that represents Xiao Ran.

Looking at the two people's excitement and a firm look, Xiao Ran also knows the seriousness of the two people's hearts. It is indeed prepared to use their own lives to protect the body that Xiao Ran delivered to them. Of course, they are not sent because of the current emotions of the two. The thoughts of the two people, but at least their feelings are sincere in the present, but for Xiao Ran, the value of a body can not match the value of a good pilot, no matter what the pilot is. In the case of great potential.

"I know what you think, but for me, a good pilot has a meaning far greater than a good performance body. The body can't be manufactured again. It only takes some time to make more midnights. Up to and blush forbidden are all possible. From the national level, a good pilot is equivalent to a stable nuclear bomb. Even if you drive any one body, you can play with the strength, so you sacrifice because of protecting the body. Then there is no need for this, and as long as you can protect yourself in the battle, one day, one day, you will grow to the extent of one person fighting a whole fleet. That is the biggest for me, the country. help."

Xiao Ran didn't say that very emotional words. For example, you are very important and important. If you don't have us, we can't do anything. If you live, then everyone can work together to create a better tomorrow. It sounds soft and numb. It is also hypocritical. Although Xiaoran’s meaning is similar to these, it is very realistic.

Xiao Ran said that the importance of a good pilot to the country does not mean the importance of Mayo and Billy to the country. Mayo and Billy are not important. What is important is that they are currently Auberge and military. Identity, with this identity, makes Mayo and Billy seem important.

Xiao Ran’s words are very honest and realistic, but they don’t make Billy and Mayu feel uncomfortable. After all, Xiao Ran’s is the fact, and it also proves that Xiao Ran’s fancy of their abilities.

The two will not feel that Xiao Ran is just using them. Billy is mature, understands the meaning of Xiao Ran and is also convinced of Xiao Ran’s direct and sincere. Mayou is Xiao Ran’s brain powder, but he feels that Xiao Ran is not hypocritical. This is the attitude that a strong leader should really have. It is convincing to be respectful. It is based on his own personal charm and ability. It is not a word of mouth.

Seeing that the two should understand their own meaning, Xiao Ran turned his head to the side without a snoring. It seems that the director of Simons nodded and nodded: "Director Simons, the two bodies will be transferred to you." The modification of the two organisms should be carried out as far as they can. In addition, the repair work of several other bodies should be carried out. If you know that there is a suitable pilot, you can also recommend it."

Director Simons nodded and stood up. He smiled slightly at Xiao Ran: "Okay, I know, I will arrange for the Shuguang Society to hurry up to repair those bodies, and we will also dispatch personnel to cooperate with them to modify the body."

"Yeah." After Xiaoran nodded, he did not prevent Mayu and Billy from reminding Simons: "The techniques that I have given you, pay more attention, don't leak out."

"I understand that those who contact the information are the most trustworthy people in the Twilight Society." Simonds heard Xiao Ran’s reminder, but also a serious answer. Xiao Ran’s hand was given to Simons, but they were all from Luo. The powerful technology that comes out there, the small nuclear fusion engine like the thermonuclear energy engine, the red solar furnace that can be mass-produced, the gn-forced t, and the technology in many heresy series, also come from the world of 0079, super Some technical materials developed by the World of Space and Time Fortress.

Once these technologies are successfully copied in Aub, they can definitely increase the technical strength of Aubu by several levels, and if it is leaked out and obtained by zaft and joint, in the context of the two countries, it will definitely be copied than Aub. If you make more and faster, the consequences can become quite serious.

Simonds was also shocked when they got these technologies. If these technologies were developed to develop new types of ms, then this ms is definitely an epoch-making one. It has always been very careful about the storage of these technologies. Be more cautious, even if it is given to a trusted person, it will never let a person get the key parameters at the same time, unless the entire core development department is all rebellious or bought, otherwise you want to get those from a few people. Technology is simply an impossible thing.

The new type of machine that Shuguangshe is currently developing is to carry out research and development with these technologies as its core. Of course, no matter how it is done, it must meet the current conditions and the necessary conditions for mass production, cost, technical content and manufacturing difficulty. Strict control, so the development of the mass production machine will eventually use which technology, the current time is too short Simonds can not give Xiao Ran an accurate report.

Fortunately, for the development of the new machine, Aubu still has a chance to spend so much time. Whether it is the United or the zaft, the two sides are fighting at this time. The power that Aub’s previous display also makes these two forces unwilling. Now go and provoke Aobu, of course, if you wait until the joint new machine is developed and mass-produced, that is another matter. And zaft, before Dylandal did not have this control to control the situation, with his prudence even if it was developed a new machine will not easily turn to Aub. (To be continued.)

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